Chapter 136 The sharp-edged small arcane puppet

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  Chapter 136: Sharp-edged Small Arcane Puppet

  Listening to the rangers discussing the usefulness of the flying armor, Herad could only shake his head speechlessly.

  What is there to discuss about this equipment?

  The Flying Armor is for you to save your lives, why are you discussing it as a magic prop for showing off?

  But this is the nature of high elves.

  In fact, these rangers who are closer to nature already have a very low-key behavior.

  In order to better fight in the forest, the rangers gave up the gorgeous red and purple colors.

  Their leather armor and cloaks are all dyed green or other inconspicuous colors.

  This pair of high elves who are keen on dressing up as peacocks are definitely a rare change!
  But when conditions permit, the rangers are still very keen to show off.

  Of course, the premise is that they can fly smoothly.

  Otherwise, it would be purely embarrassing if it flew up and fell to the ground!
  On the terrace on the top of the cliff tower at night, the small arcane puppet flew smoothly under Herad's gaze.

  Then it quickly climbed up and shot toward the Blackstone Tower in the southwest.

  Blackrock Spire is the only access to Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.

  The scale of this giant fortress dug from the highest peak of the Blackstone Mountains cannot be described in words!

  Those crazy black iron dwarves who are entrenched here have hollowed out a huge mountain thousands of meters high just to satisfy their vanity.

  It's bigger than Ironforge, and it's taller than Ironforge. Anyway, it has to crush one end of Ironforge.

  They have all been enslaved by Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, and they don't know where they got the courage to compete with other dwarves.

  Herard didn't have a good impression of these bad-tempered and vicious black carbon heads at all.

  However, Herad was still very interested in the tug-of-war between the Black Iron Dwarves and the Blackstone Orcs.

  The Dark Iron Dwarves are backed by an army of fire elements, so they shouldn't be suppressed by the Blackstone Orcs.

  There are not dozens or hundreds of fire elemental creatures dormant at the bottom of Black Stone Tower.

  The number of the Fire Demon King's younger brothers brought over from the Fire Land is at least tens of thousands.

  If they were to be taken out for a walk, the tens of thousands of Blackstone Orcs would really not be enough to burn them!
  Therefore, Herard suspected that the Black Dragonflight had intervened in the battle.

  Only with the secret support of the Black Dragon Legion can the Blackstone Orcs gain a firm foothold.

  A small arcane puppet filled with arcane energy, its flying speed is getting faster and faster.

  If the speed hadn't increased to a certain level, the energy consumed would be a bit uneconomical, and it could even break through the atmosphere.

  Even if it maintained a relatively cost-effective speed, it still took less than three minutes to reach the Black Rock Tower, which was 500 kilometers away.

  Due to its powerful flight ability, the small arcane golem no longer cares about being discovered by the enemy.

  It drove straight in without any scruples and landed on the terrace at the top of the Black Stone Tower.

  In the game, it is here that Nefarian, the Black Dragon Prince, faces the player team and contributes his collection of magical weapons.

  The Black Dragon Legion in reality did not occupy the Black Stone Tower so unscrupulously.

  After all, the Black Dragon Legion has not completely fallen out with the other guardian dragons.

  Blatantly interfering in the war between mortals is not allowed by the rules of the dragon guardian.

  Therefore, the current uppermost area of ​​Blackstone Tower is not yet the Black Wing Lair where a large number of black dragons are entrenched.

  There are only a few black dragons and blackstone orcs stationed here.

  It's similar to the upper level copy of Blackrock Tower in the game.

  Seeing those huge black dragons patrolling with the black stone orcs that only reached their chests, Herad was speechless at the shamelessness of the black dragon army.

  Black dragons are transformed from mortals, and they don't have much value.

  Moreover, they are not included in the establishment of the Black Dragon Legion and are temporary workers who can be discarded at any time.

  Once the planned conspiracy is exposed, the Black Dragon Legion can declare to the outside world that this is a private action of the Black Dragon people and has nothing to do with the Black Dragon Legion.

  Among the five colors of guardian dragons, the black dragon is so insidious and cunning.

  Character flaws are the key factor that makes them easily seduced by the ancient gods.

  The small arcane puppet fell from the sky and walked unscrupulously down the terrace into the empty room on the lower floor.

  Blackstone Tower, this magnificent giant rock fortress, is built in a very standard dwarven style.

  When dwarves build cities, they never consider construction costs and saving manpower.

  They only pursue bigness, and that’s it if it looks good.

  The city is divided into several areas from top to bottom.

  Each area has several levels. And the height of each floor is astonishing, none is less than one hundred meters.

  At this height, a building can be built inside.

  Dwarves are keen on building huge buildings. This should have been specially set up like this when the Titans created the earth spirits, the ancestors of the dwarves.

  Then the earth spirit was cursed with flesh and blood and degenerated into the dwarf it is now.

  This becomes the nature engraved in the bones of dwarves.

  In the huge and empty upper area of ​​the Black Stone Tower, small arcane puppets were strutting around.

  Along the way, he observed the differences in architectural styles between the Dark Iron dwarves and other dwarves.

  Although the intelligence of arcane puppets is not low, they are unlikely to be interested in things like architectural style.

  The ones who are really interested in the architectural style of the Dark Iron Dwarves are Herad and Alleria, who are hundreds of kilometers away.

  The transformed small arcane puppet can transmit the scene it sees back in real time.

  The draenei's crystal technology has a somewhat deformed development path.

  But it is really powerful in terms of interstellar navigation and communication!

  A small arcane golem that integrates anti-gravity and long-range communications, its usefulness has been greatly improved.

  In the past, Herad had told it to go somewhere and kill all enemies that fit the characteristics of the blacklist.

  What is the situation on the battlefield? Herard can only watch from a distance.

  If you want it to make certain changes, it must be close to a certain extent.

  Under normal circumstances, they would be released to perform tasks according to the predetermined plan, and then come back to report the situation to Herad.

  Small arcane golems can now transmit images and sounds, and accept new commands from their masters from afar.

  It has been upgraded from a pure war machine to an advanced mode that integrates detection and combat.

  Of course, it's not just these auxiliary types of features that have been improved.

  In terms of combat effectiveness, small arcane golems have also been greatly improved.

  The black dragons and blackstone orcs patrolling the upper area of ​​​​Blackstone Tower just discovered this uninvited guest who was covered in purple and black, and in the blink of an eye, his head (dragon head) fell to the ground.

  A small arcane puppet with anti-gravity means, its flying speed is as fast as bullets!
  The extremely sharp Ursalus can kill ordinary enemies with ease.

  The parallel imported dragon scales on the black dragon people are much harder than steel armor.

  However, in front of Usalus' blade, the black dragon man was still easily cut into two pieces.

  The indestructible artifact and lightning-fast flight speed create a terrifying hunter.

  The whole process from discovering the enemy to killing the enemy will not take more than one second.

  A patrol team composed of black dragons and black stone orcs turned into fragments in the blink of an eye.

  The small arcane puppet, whose hunting efficiency has been increased countless times, has transformed from an offensive war machine into a perfect special operations unit.

  As long as all witnesses are killed, this infiltration operation will be perfect.

  Seeing the scene of the small arcane puppet killing the patrol, Herard, the maker, was also a little confused.

  Rush into the patrol and kill the black dragons instantly, then wave your artifact sickle wildly to harvest the remaining black stone orc infantry.

  In the face of such a powerful offensive, the patrol team was all killed in the blink of an eye!

  Although Herard had expected the improvement in the strength of the small arcane puppet when he was transforming it.

  But this actual combat data is too exaggerated!
  The ultra-high flying speed, coupled with the extremely sharp weapons, multiplies the combat power exerted.

  Even if Ursalus is replaced by the Demon Sword of Apocalypse, or even an ordinary magic weapon that focuses on breaking armor, the killing effect will not be much different.

  After all, it was a super charge at two or three times the speed of sound!

  It only takes one charge to kill the enemy.

  Is there a better way to fight than this?

  The Draenei's anti-gravity methods are only used on spacecraft and city defense systems.

  Now it seems that they are definitely wronged!
  Horad silently intercepted a video and forwarded it to Prophet Velen.

  Although it's a bit of a slap in the face to the Draenei, the end result is for their own good.

  Quickly upgrade the arcane puppets that follow the crystal technology route. Wouldn't it be better to increase the combat effectiveness of those arcane puppets?

   I will post one more chapter today, thank you all for your support.

  (End of chapter)

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