Chapter 135 Flying Armor

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  Chapter 135: Flying Armor
  After testing the reliability of the anti-gravity rune, Herad began to use it to arm the ranger troops.

  There is no need to let the rangers fly, just let them fly over walls and come and go as freely as martial arts masters.

  Of course, it can also fly at critical moments.

  Just how far and high you can fly depends on how much mana the rangers have.

  However, the magic crystal embedded in the leather armor is obviously not strong.

  Most likely, the magic crystal flew away.

  Then the rangers can only experience the thrill of death airborne.

  If that kind of scene really happened, it would be terrifying just thinking about it!
  For the safety of the rangers, Herard changed the material carrying the magic crystal to mithril.

  Mithril Breastplate is strong and lightweight, but a little expensive.

  The silver scale breastplate is made of five hundred gold pieces, and the mithril breastplate is made of five hundred gold pieces.

  The price is not outrageous, it is just a hundred times more expensive.

  Even including the magic crystal and labor costs, the price is only about one thousand gold.

  The price seemed cheap to Herard, but the rangers found it difficult to accept it.

  This price can buy the Swift Chocobo with the best bloodline.

  The price of a Swift Chocobo is equivalent to that of a high-end luxury car on Earth.

  Such as Rolls-Royce and Bentley.

  Although high elves are generally very wealthy.

  But even if the financial conditions are good, it is impossible to easily come up with this huge sum of money.

  Except for some knights from big families who are decisively spending money, other middle class people are still waiting and watching.

  When the finished product was made, everyone was paying attention to this luxurious breastplate.

  The front and back of the mithril breastplate are each inlaid with eight flat and smooth magic crystals that are larger than a coin.

  The magic crystals on both the front and back are evenly arranged to obtain the most reasonable distribution of lift.

  Sixteen flat magic crystals are almost completely wrapped in mithril.

  Only sixteen purple dots as big as soybeans can be seen on the surface.

  In addition to making sure they never fall off, it's also important to be low-key.

  Sixteen magic crystals larger than coins would be embedded in the breastplate like this.

  Anyone with a bit of discernment will know that breastplates are definitely not simple.

  If it were the size of a soybean, it would look like a fake at first glance.

  When the rangers dressed in casual clothes jumped dozens of meters high and ran on the treetops, their enemies were stunned.

  Dealing with enemies without the ability to fly is the same as playing.

  Because this magical breastplate can make people fly, Herard named it the Flying Armor.

  However, if you want to be proficient in using the Feitian Armor, you need the rangers to practice hard.

  The rangers who wanted to soar into the sky and then fall down in embarrassment destroyed all the drought-tolerant plants near the pass.

  Every time he saw these guys who wanted to fly before they even learned how to run, Herard shook his head helplessly.

  Even Alleria, the strongest leader, is still in the running stage.

  Where do you get the courage to take off?
  Seeing Alleria jumping and climbing nimbly on the cliff, Herad was very satisfied with her control.

  She can already control the sixteen magic crystals of the Feitian Armor and skillfully adjust the output of magic energy.

  This is the practice path to success.

  The kind of guy who randomly outputs magic energy and makes himself fly up and down can only cause falling accidents.

  If Herad hadn't set up protective measures, it would have been normal for him to fall to death.

  Alleria's slender figure was active on the cliff on this side of the tower.

  She stepped on the raised rocks on the cliff and jumped thirty or forty meters high with a single leap.

  With just a few uses of strength, she came from the bottom of the pass to the top of the cliff.

  Her strong skills, coupled with the flying armor, are even more powerful!

  Even the blue sheep living on the cliffs would be willing to bow down to her when they encountered her.

  After all, no matter how blue sheep can jump, they can't jump dozens of meters high.

  Alleria, who had just finished her training, came to the recliner next to Herad and sat down.

  She took off the flying armor and put it aside, then lazily fell on the recliner.

  Although she was very tired, she thought highly of the Feitian Armor.

  "This armor is easy to use, but it's a bit difficult to control!" Seeing that she was covered in sweat, Herard took out a towel to help her wipe it up, and at the same time taught her the most important experience.

  "It's definitely easy to use! As for the difficulty of control, it depends on whether your mental strength is strong enough."

  After hearing the experience taught by Herad, Alleria rolled her eyes at him depressingly.

  "You're talking lightly! Apart from priests, which profession can compete with mages in mental strength?"

  Although rangers are half-casters, they don't pay attention to training mental strength.

  Temporary enchantment spells such as Arcane Shot do not consume much mana.

  Making magic traps doesn't cost much mana either.

  Without high requirements for mana, rangers would not pay attention to this aspect of practice.

  Anyway, you can't go very far on the path of becoming a mage, so why bother experiencing the boring spiritual training?

  Without a good atmosphere, the rangers would not even be diligent in martial arts and archery training.

  As for spiritual cultivation, this can only be done on the sidelines!
  Unless one day I have a sudden impulse, I will practice my mental power.

  Seeing Alleria's disapproval, Herard decided to show the true use of the Flying Armor.

  He stretched out his hand and the flying armor Alleria placed beside him flew up and landed smoothly on his hand.

  The Feitian Armor will recognize the master's mental power and cannot be controlled by outsiders.

  But Alleria's one is an exception.

  Herad can also control this flying armor.

  Of course, this was what the two of them had agreed upon in advance.

  Alleria was very reassured about Herad.

  Although he is not a biological brother, he is closer than a biological brother.

  After completing charging the flying armor, Herard controlled it to circle around the outside.

  Like satellites orbiting planets.

  This unsophisticated turning in circles may seem simple, but the rangers understand it deeply.

  They can't even control flying in a straight line, let alone flying in such a curve!
  However, if the mental power is strong enough, it can be done easily.

  This is like the difference between a top student and a bad student during an exam.

  The bad students scratched their heads, but the top students finished the test paper easily and left the examination room early.

  Moreover, the true strength of the academic masters has not yet been revealed.

  For example, the advanced flight demonstration that Herard is doing.

  Flying in circles is too easy, it’s more interesting to do some flying stunts!
  Flying stunts such as cobra maneuvers and falling leaves are difficult for a jet fighter to do.

  An anti-gravity aircraft like the Flying Armor is not afraid of crashing no matter how hard it goes.

  If you want to be high, go high, if you want to be low, go low, if you want to be fast, be fast, if you want to be slow, be slow.

  Anti-gravity aircraft completely break the rules of flight.

  As long as the passengers can bear it, it can play all kinds of tricks.

  The rangers who had been shown off came to their senses and expressed their determination to work hard to cultivate their spiritual power.

  There is no need to reach this level of manipulation from Herard.

  Being able to fly and turn without any awkwardness is enough for daily use.

  Seeing that his performance was effective, Herard took back the flying armor and handed it to Alleria.

  Alleria thought just now that as long as she practiced hard, she would definitely be able to make up for the gap in mental strength.

  Now she was completely convinced.

  Facts have proved that although hard practice has a certain effect, mental strength is absolute!
  Herad's mental strength is very high, so it will be very easy to control.

  The disadvantage of this very useful piece of individual flying equipment is that it also places high demands on its users.

  But this is not a big problem.

  The lifespan of high elves is very long, and they have plenty of time to cultivate their spiritual power.

  The timeless flying armor is the greatest motivation for rangers to cultivate their spiritual power!
  You can save your life during combat, or occupy a favorable position to attack the enemy.

  You can usually show off in crowded places.

  Well, this should be the most important!
  What could be more meaningful than being in the spotlight?
  The rangers who already had flying armor looked at each other warily.

  These guys are all potential threats.

  No, you must practice hard and try to beat them!
  (End of chapter)

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