Chapter 137 The coward Blackstone Orc

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  Chapter 137:
  In the huge cave at the bottom of the Tomb of Sargeras, the cowardly black stone orc, Velen outputted a gorgeous golden light beam, burning the corrupted incarnation with a sizzling sound.

  Although he was not the one who beat the fallen incarnation to death, whipping the corpse a hundred times a day was pretty good!

  Under the powerful purification by him and a large number of Holy Light professionals, part of the body of the fallen incarnation was completely purified, revealing its pure metal nature.

  Watching the pale green evil energy being purified is definitely a very relaxing scene.

  Just when Velen was looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction, a video made him feel a little depressed.

  The fallen incarnation with a piece of his head burnt bald could no longer bring him happiness.

  In that video, there was a purple-black figure fighting.

  The purple-black figure rushed into the patrol at extremely fast speeds, killing all the black dragons and black stone orcs, and then rushed towards the next patrol.

  In just a blink of an eye, both patrols were wiped out.

  Velen, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, quickly guessed the general situation.

  The warrior's charge skill is definitely not that fast.

  Moreover, the charging distance is only a few dozen meters, and will never exceed a hundred meters.

  The distance between the two patrols was more than three hundred meters, but the other party arrived in the blink of an eye.

  Such a fast charging speed and charging distance.

  No warrior can do it!
  The only ones that can reach this speed are the crystal pillars of the city's defense system.

  When needed on the battlefield, those crystal pillars can quickly focus on the area where the enemy is attacking, and shoot dense death rays at the enemy.

  Obviously, Herad, who had obtained the crystal technology information, had developed anti-gravity technology suitable for Azeroth's magic system.

  Velen never expected that the combination of anti-gravity technology and arcane puppets would be so effective!
  If we had developed such a combination earlier, perhaps the war with the orcs would have turned around.

  But now it's too late to think about it.

  Even in the magical world of magic, there is no regret about selling medicine.

  There are not many arcane puppets in the clan.

  After a long war, there are only a few left.

  The magic craftsmen have also suffered too many losses, and it is difficult to regain their former glory!

  After being depressed for a while, Wei Lun finally regained his composure.

  He did not directly release the video.

  Seeing the final effect directly is a bit shocking.

  Velen first brought the topic to the repair and manufacturing of arcane puppets.

  Then he made suggestions to the magic craftsmen and asked them to study the combination of anti-gravity and arcane puppets.

  Of course, magic craftsmen attach great importance to the prophet's advice.

  At the same time, they also feel that this combination is very reliable.

  It is natural for an omniscient and omnipotent prophet to come up with such a combination.

  When the draenei began to make amends, the small arcane golem, the ultimate anti-gravity creation, had already wiped out the uppermost area of ​​Blackrock Spire.

  In the entire uppermost area of ​​Black Rock Tower, no one can block its super charge.

  Seeing the small arcane puppets sweeping across the Blackstone Tower, Herard suddenly felt that he was sure of victory.

  If the Blackstone Tower hadn't been so large, the small arcane puppets would have already moved from the upper floor to the lower floor.

  But as long as you invest enough time, you can defeat this huge Black Stone Tower without any problem!

  Just when Herard was full of confidence, the screen was suddenly occupied by a fiery red color, and nothing else could be seen.

  The sudden change made Herard a little at a loss.

  He quickly reacted and ordered the small arcane puppet to rise vertically.

  When he saw the dark space illuminated by red light and the red magma beneath his feet, Herard finally determined what had happened.

  The small arcane puppets who were killing people on the upper level of Blackstone Tower obviously angered the Black Dragon Legion who were watching the situation secretly.

  Then a powerful mage from the Black Dragon Legion teleported it into the magma pool at the lower level of the Black Stone Tower.

  So what if you are stronger? Who confronts you?
  Teleported directly into the magma pool and burned alive.

  It's just that the powerful mage hiding in the dark didn't expect that such a powerful enemy was not a living person!

  Arcane puppets made of high-end magic metal are not afraid of being burned by flames.

  Dropping it into a magma pool will not cause any damage to it. It's almost the same if it's replaced by dragon's breath which has a very high temperature!
  When the small arcane puppet flew upward, it saw a huge stone chamber hanging above the magma pool.

  The stone chamber is tied by several thick iron chains, which are fixed above the magma pool through this primitive physical method.

  The other ends of these chains are connected to the huge circular corridor dug into the wall of the pool.

  Judging from the scene here, it is similar to the lower area of ​​Blackrock Tower in the game.

  There is a large hole on the wall of the pool near the magma, and stairs leading to the circular corridor are built.

  Although it is a little different from the game, it should be the entrance to Blackstone Abyss.

  There is the last stronghold of the Dark Iron dwarves in Blackrock Spire.

  After confirming his location, Herard let the small arcane puppet fly to the circular corridor to find a way out of the Blackstone Tower.

  With a strong mage proficient in space magic guarding him, it would be difficult to continue hunting in Blackstone Tower.

  Since the other party can throw it out at any time, it is better to let it leave on its own initiative.

  When the small arcane golem was looking for a passage, the Blackstone Orcs along the way attacked it.

  Of course, the small arcane puppet would not be polite to these unsolicited dishes.

  Its artifact, the scythe Usalus, likes to harvest souls the most.

  Every soul taken in will make Ursales stronger!
  Although the soul of the orc is not worth mentioning.

  But if the quantity is large, it is also very considerable.

  There are a large number of Blackstone Orcs stationed in the lower area of ​​the Blackstone Tower.

  There are also many troops stationed in the huge circular corridor on the lowest level.

  The Blackstone Orcs who discovered the situation roared angrily and chased the enemies who were entering the passage.

  But Blackstone Tower is too big!
  By the time they arrived, the enemy had swept through the defenders in the passage and opened the huge and thick metal door.

  The metal gate is twenty meters high and nearly ten meters wide.

  Its thickness is more than one meter.

  Even the armor of a battleship is not so thick!

  It weighs hundreds of tons. Even if a flexible door shaft is installed, it will take dozens of strong men to work together to open the metal door.

  Seeing the enemy open the metal door, the pursuing Blackstone Orcs all took a step back.

  Damn, can we deal with such a powerful enemy?

  Orcs are a race that worships power.

  They measure whether the enemy is strong only by the opponent's strength.

  This kind of powerful man with astonishing power can scare the Blackstone Orcs!
  The Gronn in the Legend of Draenor may not have such great strength.

  Could this be the transformation of the legendary strongest Goron?
  The Blackstone Orcs were frightened by the enemy's power, and they no longer dared to take a step forward.

  After watching the enemy leave, these guys pretended to yell and vent their grievances.

  Then they slowly came to the gate to check the situation.

  Seeing that the powerful enemy was gone, they finally felt relieved.

  These dark-skinned Blackstone Orcs prefer to forge weapons and equipment.

  Therefore, their personalities are a little more timid than other orcs.

  Facing a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated, if there can be no conflict, then it is better not to have a conflict.

  As for their dead compatriots, they selectively ignored them.

  No matter what, surviving is the most important thing!
  Seeing the video transmitted by the small arcane puppet, Alleria was speechless towards these black-skinned orcs.

  One by one, they put themselves in steel armor and looked very powerful and sturdy.

  Unexpectedly, when facing a strong enemy, they didn't even have the courage to charge!
  "It's so shameful. I've never seen such a cowardly enemy!"

  Alleria sat on the sofa blowing the cool breeze and commented on the Blackstone Orcs' embarrassing performance.

  She has experienced the joyful feeling of those keyboard warriors on earth, sitting behind the computer and pointing out the world.

  Although this is a bit unethical, her evaluation is very objective.

  Seeing the heavy casualties of their compatriots, those bloody warriors had no idea whether the enemy was strong or not.

  Only revenge for the dead compatriots is the only thought in the minds of the soldiers!
  (End of chapter)

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