110. Chapter 110 Encountering the enemy!

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  Chapter 110 Encounter with the enemy!

  The beast tide is probably a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but the beast tide must be guarded against. The appearance of the beast tide is most likely to delay time.

  This caused the apprentices in the city to either postpone the siege or divide their troops into two groups.

  After this period of investigation, Fabius realized that the blood-worshiping pagans seemed to be plotting something, and they were about to succeed.

  Fabius subconsciously looked at Rey, who had been promoted to the third level, but recalled that his junior brother had just been promoted to the third level, and he was afraid that his strength was still insubstantial, so he rejected the plan to let him resist the beast tide with him.

  In the end, Fabius and Gray exchanged glances, and finally their hearts sank, and they chose to split their troops into two groups, with themselves and Gray leading a group of apprentices to resist the beast tide.

  Rey and Melkor commanded the other apprentices to go deep into the underground drainage pipes to encircle and suppress the blood worshiping pagan cult.

  According to the location provided by Yi Hua, nearly a hundred apprentices who chose to exterminate the blood-worshipping cult gathered at the garbage dump in the north of the city.

  "Is this here?"

  Looking at the damaged hole in the sewer in front of them, Rey and Melkor glanced down respectively.

  The underground pipes were pitch black, like a gnawing abyss.

  Rey tried throwing a stone into the ground.

  After nearly a second, the sound of pebbles falling was heard from the ground.

  Seeing that the underground pipe seemed quite deep, Rey frowned.

  "President Rey, this is a map of Camilla City's underground drainage pipes."

  Another unfamiliar vice-president of the Silver Star Society stepped forward and handed Rey a map.

  On the other side, the vice-president of the Freemasonry, Nok the Bloody Hand, also handed Melkor the same map.

  The other apprentices also received maps from the guards in charge of logistics, and Yi Hua also received a map.

  According to the map description, the underground drainage pipes of Camilla City were built a hundred years ago and were presided over by the previous city owner.

  It is divided into three main roads, interspersed with countless branch passages, but these passages all intersect with a wide underground shelter square a few kilometers away.

  The underground drainage pipes of Camilla City also served as shelters and underground fortifications.

  Nowadays, maintenance is neglected, and there have never been problems with the underground drainage pipes in the past, so Fabius usually sends guards to inspect the underground drainage pipes only once a year.

  Therefore, Camilla City is unaware of the current situation below. Now, as the headquarters of the blood worshiping pagan cult, it is very likely to breed danger.

  After a while, Rey took the lead to walk towards Melkor. In the open space a few meters away, he frowned and said with a look of reluctance: "Hey, Melkor, there are
  three main pipelines. You and I will lead the Silver Star Association and the How about the Freemasons each search a main pipeline, and the remaining apprentices are responsible for the last pipeline?" "

  I have no objection."

  A scarlet color flashed in Melkor's eyes, and he rarely mocked Rey, but agreed with the other party's View.

  Rey was a little surprised to hear Melkor's calm answer, but seeing that the other party agreed with his point of view, he didn't think much and started to act directly.

  Before taking action, Rey first glanced at Yihua who was observing the map not far away, then walked to Vice President Sashan and told her:

  "Sashan, you must stay with Yihua during this operation. Protect him, if something happens to him, don't come back!"

  Hearing the death order given to him by President Rey, Sassan Lake's blue eyes widened, recalling that Yihua seemed to be Rey In response to her brother's message, she finally solemnly agreed:


  Yi Hua also heard the whispers of Lei and Yi with the hearing of the earth knight level.

  He frowned when he learned that his brother had sent the vice-president of the Silver Star Society to protect him, and was planning to enter the pipeline to plot against the Freemasons.

  The existence of Sasan will make it impossible for Yihua to let go and display his strength when facing the Freemasons.

  "This is trouble."

  Afterwards, Melkor of the Freemasonry brought two vice-presidents, Bloodhand Lengfeng, and dozens of Freemasonry apprentices to take the lead in entering the underground pipeline along the ropes.

  After a while, Rey from the Silver Star Association followed closely with another vice president and dozens of Silver Star Association apprentices.

  "Shall we go down too?"

  Among Yi Hua and the remaining dozens of loose apprentices, a young second-class apprentice first suggested.

  "For the sake of safety, let's work in groups, shall we?"

  Another apprentice's suggestion was recognized by all the apprentices. The dozens of apprentices present were quickly divided into more than ten groups. Yihua did not join any As a group, several of the apprentices present chose to act alone.

  As the apprentices descended into the underground drainage pipes one after another, Yihua, who had already been among the crowd, also followed the crowd into the underground drainage pipes.

  The underground drainage pipes in Camilla City are about ten meters high and dozens of meters wide.

  Compared with underground drainage pipes, it looks more like an abandoned underground city.

  The surroundings were somewhat damp, with water on the ground touching the uppers of the shoes, and the surrounding passage walls were covered with a thin layer of moss.

  Seeing the three pipelines in front of him, Yi Hua followed the other apprentices who had just come down and entered the third main pipeline.

  After entering the pipe, in addition to the main pipe, several branch passages extended around it. Yihua chose an unmanned passage to enter it.

  "Why are you still following me?"

  Yihua looked at Sashan, the vice-president of the Silver Star Society, who was always beside him, and frowned.

  "The president sent me to protect you."

  Wearing a silver wizard robe, Sashan looked at Yihua indifferently with a pair of lake-blue pupils, vaguely seeming to be dissatisfied with protecting Yihua.

  "I don't need your protection, you should leave."

  Sashan did not respond to Yihua's persuasion to leave.

  Seemingly out of fear of President Rey, Yihua tried to force Sasan away many times, but the other party remained unmoved.

  "Forget it, there is a high probability that the Freemasons will find me anyway, and there will be an opportunity to take advantage of it."

  After that, Yihua ignored Sasan beside him and looked at the three passages several kilometers away. At the intersection, they most likely aimed at the sanctuary hall of the blood-worshiping pagan headquarters and marched through the passage.

  Not long after, bursts of exclamations and explosions suddenly came from a space hundreds of meters away.

  "It seems to be an explosion of elemental witchcraft. It should be that the apprentice in a certain passage ahead has encountered an enemy."

  Such a thought flashed through Yihua's mind, and Yihua and Sasan next to him were much more cautious in their subsequent march. .

  With a thought in his mind, two skinners distorted the space and appeared in front of the two of them. Under Yi Hua's command, the two skinners walked at the forefront to detect danger for Yi Hua.


  Only a hundred meters away, the sound of the Skinner's shuddering roar suddenly came from the distance.

  Yihua Yilin heard the sound, and felt a strange soul wave that was mixed together from the skinned person's soul connection. He immediately accelerated his pace to meet the skinned person.

  Sashan, who was assigned the task of protecting Yihua, saw that Yihua's speed had increased sharply, and quickly increased her speed to try to keep up with Yihua.

  "So fast!"

  (End of chapter)

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