111.Chapter 111 Blood Plague Infected Person

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  Chapter 111 The blood plague-infected person

  saw Yihua calmly moving at a speed of more than 20 meters per second in front of him. Sasan behind him was running at full speed and could only barely keep up with Yihua's footsteps.

  In fact, this is the result of the intricate underground pipelines and Yihua deliberately limiting his speed out of hiding his strength.

  If Yihua ran at full speed, he would be able to cross the hundred meters distance in an instant.

  A few seconds later, Yi and Hua successfully reunited with the Skinner.

  A pool of squirming and twisted flesh appeared in the passage ahead, fighting fiercely with two skinners.

  "What kind of monster is this?"

  Sasan frowned as she looked at the several heads faintly emerging from the flesh and blood, as well as the dozens of tentacles that extended outside the body and were used to whip the skinner.

  "Is this also affected by the blood epidemic?"

  Through the perception of the earth knight, Yihua saw the thick scarlet violent vitality in the flesh and blood monster in front of him, the scarlet giant mouth faintly emerging in the flesh and blood, and several human heads.

  He recalled the mixed soul fluctuations in the Skinner's perspective, frowned, and had a vague guess in his heart.

  The flesh-and-blood monster let out a terrifying roar. Feeling that the flesh-and-blood monster was close to the top knight level and that the two skinners were in a weak position, Yi Hua immediately pulled out the cross sword.

  After adding the power of death to the blade, Yihua rushed towards the flesh and blood monster and slashed at several human heads rising and falling on the flesh and blood.

  In the hands of Yi Hua, who showed the strength of the top knight, several heads were easily chopped off. The power of death instantly soaked the flesh and blood monster's body, leaving pieces of rotten wounds on its body that could not be healed.

  However, the flesh and blood monster did not show any sign of decline. It seemed that it was aware of Yihua's danger, or wanted to devour Yihua.

  The monster instantly spread out a dozen thick flesh and blood tentacles, trying to pull Yihua into its mouth.

  At this time, Sassan was standing behind, not yet successfully constructing a model of witchcraft.

  Yihua saw that the head did not seem to be the vital point of the flesh and blood monster. After instantly cutting off more than a dozen tentacles that were attacking him, he thrust the blade with the power of death into the monster's mouth.

  The power of death in the blade was continuously poured into the monster's body. The flesh-and-blood monster let out an inhuman roar, and the flesh and blood on its body was tumbling at extremely high speeds like water waves.

  Accompanied by a violent explosion, the bloated flesh and blood monster exploded instantly. Flesh and blood flew everywhere for a while, and the destructive power caused by the explosion was almost comparable to a second-class witchcraft.

  Yihua and Sasan's bodies flashed, and the defensive magic of the two people, one far away from the explosion and the other close to it, easily withstood the damage.

  At the same time, the second-level offensive witchcraft constructed by Sasan was also successfully cast.

  However, when she looked at the battle that was over in front of her and held the witchcraft in her hand, she suddenly felt at a loss. After thinking about it again and again, she finally had no choice but to disperse the witchcraft again.

  Judging from the time, the entire battle only took five or six seconds from start to finish.

  It wasn't that Sasan was too slow in performing witchcraft, but that Yihua ended the battle too quickly.

  "Keep walking."

  Yihua didn't pay attention to Sasan's movements, and then headed towards the shelter square with the Skinner as the vanguard.

  During the subsequent march, Yi and Hua were attacked several times by similar flesh-and-blood monsters of different shapes.

  Some are bloated, like a swollen corpse, and spit out corrosive scarlet flesh breath.

  Some are tall and thin, strange humanoid figures with sharp poisonous claws.

  Almost none of these monsters are lower than the second level in strength, and some are even considered stronger among the second level.

  Along the way, Yihua also encountered some death apprentices with broken bodies, as well as flesh-and-blood monsters that were eating and whose strength was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Fortunately, with Yi Hua's skill and the restraining effect of the power of death on monsters, these monsters were easily dealt with, and there were no dangers along the way.

  After going through the battle all the way, Sashan, who was following Yihua, also silently complained in his heart:

  "President, the target you asked me to protect is not only a second-class necromancer, but also has a physique at the level of a great knight. He really Do you need my protection?"

  After a while.

  Just after Yi Hua and his two men once again dealt with a flesh and blood monster, an orange fireball suddenly hit Yi Hua's body.

  The fireball hit the wall, shattering the entire brick wall.

  Yihua, who had dodged in time, looked in the direction of the fireball and saw a figure in a striking scarlet robe flashing past the end of the passage.

  "Are you okay?"

  Sashan looked at Yihua and saw that Yihua was safe and sound, then turned her attention to the previous attacker.

  "The attacker just now was wearing a scarlet robe. Could he be a blood-worshipping pagan?"

  After hearing Sasan's guess, Yihua's eyes flickered slightly as he already had the answer in his mind. However, he did not deny it, but said bluntly:
  " Maybe, since there are no other clues now, let's go and take a look."

  During this eradication process, the members of the blood-worshiping pagans and the previous flesh-and-blood monsters that were eliminated will be rewarded by Fabius for their military exploits afterwards.

  Therefore, although Sasan hesitated slightly out of concern about danger, she did not object to Yihua's suggestion in the end.

  Just as Yihua used the Skinner to open the way and follow the clues of the previous attacker, he soon came to a relatively open secret room.

  "Well, the clues disappeared?"

  When they came here, they saw nothing around them, and the clues left by the previous attackers also disappeared. Sassan immediately became more vigilant.

  However, just as the two were about to move forward, a large number of flesh and blood monsters suddenly appeared in the several passages connecting the secret rooms.

  Accompanied by bursts of roars, several horrifyingly twisted flesh and blood monsters sprang out of the passage and charged directly at Yihua and the two of them.


  Seeing that flesh and blood monsters were still pouring out of the passage, almost surrounding the two of them, Sasan frowned, feeling something was wrong, and quickly used witchcraft to try to fight back.

  Yihua pretended to be panicked and quickly summoned eight Skinners again.

  Including the two that have been summoned, this is already the limit of the number of undead that Yi Hua can summon on the surface.

  The ten skinners quickly fought against the flesh and blood monsters. With the trembling roars and Yihua's last-ditch blows from time to time, the battle quickly came to a stalemate.

  Soon, Sasan's soul witchcraft was successfully cast, and a crescent-like soul blade swept across the bodies of the two flesh and blood monsters.

  The body of the flesh-and-blood monster that was originally fighting the Skinner suddenly stiffened, and the tentacles that were about to be thrown out fell to the ground, completely turning into a puddle of carrion, and losing its soul fluctuations.

  After a few minutes, the battle finally subsided. At the cost of the death of two skinners, Yihua killed all the dozen or so flesh monsters that attacked.

  Due to the high-intensity battle, Sasan's magic power was excessively consumed, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her face was a little pale.

  On the other side, Yihua, who had the physique of an earth knight and could barely even warm up, also looked like he was exhausted.

  "It's finally over."

  (End of chapter)

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