109. Chapter 109 Unless he can summon third-class undead!

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  Chapter 109 Unless he can summon third-class undead!

  As the aura of fear unfolded, within a moment, in the perception of the shadow of fear, tens of meters underground, a group of soul fluctuations gradually amplified by fear suddenly appeared.

  According to the location, Yihua groped from the garbage dump to an underground drainage pipe that was covered with rags and had holes several meters in size.

  Yi Hua, who was about to enter it, noticed several large and small soul fluctuations from the perception of the fear shadow.

  "There seem to be a lot of people inside..."

  Yi Hua, who wanted to kill the real culprit directly, stopped and recalled that mentor Simon seemed to be a little afraid of the blood epidemic.

  Recalling the scene where the woman holding the Blood Plague Bead easily created a great knight through the power of the Blood Plague Bead.

  Out of caution, Yihua gave up his plan to enter the pipeline, took back the Shadow of Fear, and re-buried the pipeline.

  "The power of the blood plague caused thousands of ferocious beasts to attack Camilla City, and now they wantonly slaughter the wizard apprentices knowing that there are many third-class wizards in the city. To be on the safe side, it is better to report the matter to the senior brother first. Right."

  It seems that due to Yi Hua's pursuit or other reasons, the number of victims that night dropped significantly.

  Early the next morning, Yihua immediately went to the City Lord's Mansion to look for Brother Fabius, and made some modifications.

  He told his senior brother that the attackers were most likely from the Blood Worshiping Pagan Cult, and that their headquarters was likely to be located in the underground drainage pipes of Camilla City.

  Fabius and Brother Gray seemed to have expected that the attackers would come from a blood-worshiping pagan cult.

  But after learning from Yihua that the blood-worshiping pagan headquarters was located underground in Camilla City, the two of them showed unexpected but reasonable expressions.

  During these days, Fabius, who looked a little gloomy because of the murder of a large number of apprentices, rarely smiled because of the important information provided by Yihua.

  "Yi Hua, I believe your information. Without further ado, I will immediately launch an investigation into the underground pipelines in the city. As for the promised fifty thousand war merits, I will advance it to you in advance!" Fabius patted

  Yi Hua's hand. shoulder, and then took out five gold coins with a dazzling halo from his pocket, engraved with a value of ten thousand.

  If it were a witch crystal, these five gold coins for combat merit could be exchanged for 500 coins from Fabius!

  However, Yihua was not prepared to use these military exploits immediately. Instead, he temporarily returned to his residence and waited for the conclusion of Brother Fabius' investigation.
  few hours later, Fabius announced that he would summon all idle apprentices in the city to go deep into the underground drainage pipes and annihilate the blood-worshiping pagan cult.

  After receiving the information, in a small house in the north of the city, several apprentices wearing scarlet vertical pupil badges were plotting something.

  The apprentice headed by him is none other than the vice-president of the Freemasonry - "Leng Feng" Sasse, who has sent apprentices to assassinate Yi Hua several times.

  "When Jack failed to kill that guy before and died in Fangorn Forest instead, I thought there was something wrong with this guy. I didn't expect that guy was promoted to a second-class necromancer without knowing it. The position of Great Knight."

  Sass frowned. He had failed repeatedly in the tasks given by the guild leader Melkor. He recalled Melkor's terrifying methods and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

  "I don't know why that guy from Dis was so crazy. Not only did he not kill Yihua, he actually committed suicide in public. Fortunately, I saved a trick and didn't let that guy from Dis know our identities." Hearing Sasse's complaint, someone on the

  sidelines His subordinates asked:
  "Master Sass, in that case, how about we transfer the operation back to the hands of the Vice President of 'Blood Hand'? Anyway, dealing with Yihua was originally an order given to him by the President." Hearing the suggestions from his subordinates

  . , an arrow suddenly flew out of Sass's pocket.

  The arrow scratched the young apprentice's cheek, and narrowly missed the wall behind the young man.

  Seeing the young man touching the blood on his cheek and slumped on the spot, the eyes of several second-class apprentices around him suddenly became cautious. Sass said coldly:

  "Do you want me to be embarrassed in front of that guy? Or do you think the president will be merciful?" Do you want to forgive me for my failure? This time, to ensure nothing goes wrong, I will lead more than ten elite second-class apprentices in the association to do it myself!" After saying that, Sass pondered for a

  moment, recalling the previous failure experience and Yihua's own The record of killing hundreds of ferocious beasts with his own strength.

  After a moment, Sass gritted his teeth and spoke again:

  "To be on the safe side, increase the number of second-class apprentices to be ambushed to twenty! I will explain to the president, while you are going deep into the underground pipeline this time, you must We need to lead that guy into an arranged ambush."

  ​​Such a number of second-class apprentices already account for nearly half of the Freemasonry. Even as the vice-president, Sasse cannot be easily mobilized and needs to ask the president for instructions.

  Having said that, Sass continued:
  "As long as the plan succeeds, let alone a second-class necromancer, even if he has the strength of an ordinary third-class apprentice, he can only suffer under the hands of our Freemasons! Unless he is short In a few days, you can become an Earth Knight, and even summon third-class undead!"

  Upon hearing these words, a second-class Masonic apprentice in the corner flashed an inexplicable look in his eyes.

  After a while, a witchcraft pigeon flew through the open window on the second floor of Yihua's residence and landed on Yihua's desk.

  Yi Hua, who had just received the notice and was preparing to gather at the City Lord's Mansion, saw this. He stepped forward to open the envelope and looked at the letter from the second-class apprentice Nairn, a Sass henchman he had previously controlled through the Holy Light Technique. .

  "Sir, the latest actions of the Freemasons are as follows -"

  "Sure enough, the Freemasons will not change their ways. Unfortunately, even if Sass calculated it, it would not take just a few days. I really did what he said - promoted to the earth. Knight, and at the same time enslaved the third-class undead fear shadow."

  Seeing the report from the inner ghost Nairn to him about the general plan of the vice president of the Freemasonry "Leng Feng" Sass against him, as well as the number of participating apprentices, Yihua Leng Hum.

  "It's time to take advantage of the opportunity to be promoted to the Earth Knight and enslave the third-class undead, and give them a surprise when the time comes!"
  Not long after, hundreds of idle apprentices gathered in the city lord's palace, standing on the high platform. , none other than Fabius and Gray, two third-class apprentices.

  However, before the two of them could speak, something unexpected happened. A guard rushed into the hall of the city lord's palace and reported to Fabius and the two: "

  My lord, city lord, there is an emergency in the north of the city! A wave of third- and fifth-level beasts is about to arrive. We arrived in the north of the city half an hour later. After investigation, we found that there were nearly ten third-level ferocious beasts among them!" "


  After hearing the guard's report, Fabius and Gray's expressions changed greatly.

  Even when Mentor Simon came to support, when Camilla City was in the most critical situation, the enemies it faced were only three third-level ferocious beasts. Now, nearly ten of them suddenly appeared! Even if there is one, they are more powerful than Fabius
  . With Gray's assistance, the two of them could not say that they could resist ten third-level ferocious beasts.

  As soon as the two prepared to encircle and suppress the blood-worshiping pagan cult, they were suddenly attacked by a more powerful beast tide.

  The beast tide was affected by the blood epidemic, and the blood worshiping paganism was related to the blood epidemic. Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but feel that the two things were probably related.

  (End of chapter)

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