108. Chapter 108 Ambush

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  Chapter 108: Ambush
  After the Lord Fabius set up an investigation team, the mastermind behind the scenes did not stop committing crimes, but became more and more rampant.

  Not only did he kill a dozen knights and wizard apprentices again, but he also attacked the mortals in the north of the city.

  In just one night, dozens of mortals died and hundreds of mortals disappeared, accounting for one thousandth of the city's population.

  Fabius was furious and once again raised the reward for providing important clues to the real culprit to 50,000 merit.

  At the same time, they intensified their search efforts and began to search around the city. For a time, even the defense against the beast tide was weakened a lot.

  And Yi Hua vaguely felt that the speed of the originally rapidly growing merit value suddenly slowed down.

  Just when he was doubting, Lucien, who was assigned by Yihua to be responsible for spreading the Illuminati, came to the door with an anxious look and urgently reported: "

  Lord Felsis, you have previously hindered the progress of our promotion of the Illuminati. , nearly a hundred members died or disappeared overnight yesterday!"

  After hearing Lucien's report, Yi Hua, who was planning to continue collecting information about the blood-worshipping cult, frowned.

  The total number of missing persons and dead persons yesterday was only three to four hundred, and those from the Illuminati accounted for nearly one-third of the total number.

  Among them, a considerable number are core members among mortals who have been affected by Yihua's Holy Light Technique.

  There are only a few hundred core members in this group, and they are loyal to Yihua. They are the main force responsible for spreading the Illuminati and providing merit to Yihua.

  "It seems that the Illuminati is being targeted by the other party..."

  Yihua has already targeted the blood-worshipping cult. After recalling that the blood-worshipping cult tried to spread in the Blackwater neighborhood, Yihua was eventually kicked out. experience.

  During these days, the Illuminati gradually grew in the north of the city, causing repeated setbacks in the blood-worshiping pagan missionary process. Yihua also roughly understood the other party's purpose of retaliating against him.

  "We can't let the other side continue, we must take the initiative to attack."

  Yihua's thoughts were swirling in his heart, and he finally found a way to find out the real culprit.

  On the surface, the blood-worshiping pagan religion seems to be normal, and no useful information can be found through investigation... In this case, Yihua takes the initiative.

  After being promoted to second class, he has not yet changed his second-class apprentice badge. On the surface, he is still a first-class apprentice.

  Then he would rely on the murderer's characteristic of selecting first-class apprentices to kill, and deliberately appear on the streets in the north of the city at night, and use fishing to enforce the law to lure out the real culprit behind the scenes.

  The sun sets, the last ray of light disappears on the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, it's midnight.

  Seeing that the time had come, Yihua also appeared on a street in the north of the city.

  Recently, due to the death of a large number of apprentices in the north of the city, most of the remaining apprentices moved out of the north of the city and went to the safer south of the city to avoid danger.

  This also makes the streets that should have some pedestrians almost deserted except for groups of patrolling and highly vigilant guards and apprentices.

  In order to increase the possibility of being attacked, Yihua deliberately walked to an area with few guards and close to the death scene.

  At the same time, he summoned a fearful shadow in the dark, following him quietly in the dark, always paying attention to the movements around him.

  On the surface, Yihua was carrying a bottle of strong liquor and was walking unsteadily, appearing to be in a state of confusion due to drunkenness.


  Seeing that there was no sign of the murderer showing up, Yihua, who was wandering around the death scene, burped and gradually adjusted his direction and walked away from the death scene.

  Just before Yihua was about to walk out of this neighborhood, in the sight of the fearful shadow, there were nearly a thousand soul waves within a radius of several hundred meters around Yihua.

  A group of soul waves suddenly dissipated, and around the dissipated soul waves, another group of slightly larger soul waves suddenly accelerated and moved straight towards Yihua's direction.

  "Here he comes!"

  With the help of Fear Shadow's perspective from a high place, Yihua sensed that the murderer was likely to appear in front of him, and he immediately became vigilant.

  On the surface, Yihua remained normal and did not change his course of action, but secretly his muscles were tense, his life armor was operating to the extreme, and he was ready to take action at any time.

  In the sight of the fearful shadow, the slightly larger soul wave finally stopped behind the corner of an alley that Yihua was about to pass. The murderer was extremely cautious, and seemed not to intend to kill by force, but to sneak attack on Yihua.

  Thirty meters, ten meters, five meters -

  just when Yihua was about to pass the corner of the alley, a strange suction force suddenly enveloped Yihua.

  Yihua, who was well prepared, instantly dropped the bottle of wine in his hand. Feeling the rapid passage of life energy on his body, he immediately pulled out the cross sword from his waist and slashed behind the corner.

  Yihua smashed the wall at the corner with a sword, forming a crack of several meters in the wall.

  However, Yihua, who swung the sword, felt that the flow of life energy was interrupted, but he was not happy. He frowned when he felt that the sword failed.

  The attacker was extremely cautious. It seemed that the moment he absorbed his life energy, he noticed Yihua's strong physique and immediately pulled away.

  But Yihua was not ready to let the other side go. He had already ordered the fearful shadow to lock on the attacker.

  The fearful shadow that had quietly lurked behind the attacker no longer concealed itself, and disappeared through the shadow. The next moment, it had appeared behind the attacker.

  The scythe in the hand of the fearful shadow tore through the air, and slashed horizontally at the attacker in front of him who was wearing a red robe and could not see his face.

  The attacker's iconic red robe basically confirmed his identity as a blood worshiping pagan.

  But at the critical moment, the attacker suddenly jumped forward and avoided the fatal blow of the fearful shadow.

  After doing all this, the attacker had no intention of turning back. He got up again and fled towards the sparsely populated suburbs in the distance.

  Yihua, who had planned to capture the attacker for questioning through the shadow of fear, suddenly had a plan in mind.

  He ordered the fearful shadow to pretend to be thrown away by the attacker, hanging far behind the attacker, trying to track the opponent and find out the attacker's hiding place, or in other words - the headquarters of the blood worshiping cult.

  The attacker didn't seem to notice the fearful shadow that was hundreds of meters away and locked onto him through soul fluctuations.

  While chasing and escaping like this, the attacker suddenly disappeared into a large pit blocked by mountains of garbage.


  A moment later, Yihua, who rushed to the garbage pit, looked at the empty garbage pit around him and frowned.

  Covered by the land and surrounding debris, the range of the fearful shadow's soul perception was greatly reduced.

  From the current perspective of the Shadow of Fear, there was no one around the garbage dump, as if the attacker had really disappeared out of thin air.

  But Yihua did not feel depressed because of this. He recalled the abilities he had mastered so far, and soon he focused his attention on the fearful shadow.

  In order to avoid causing riots, Yihua had already let the fear shadow block the fear aura that could radiate tens of meters around it.

  With the aura of fear, the fearful shadow causes others to fall into a state of fear and amplifies the perception of the terrified target.

  After that, you can shuttle through the shadow, instantly crossing hundreds of meters, and shuttle to the target who is in a state of fear.

  Thinking of this, Yihua immediately ordered the fear shadow to release the fear aura.

  (End of chapter)

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