227. Chapter 227 Pit!

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  Chapter 227 Trap!
  Link was observing.

  From the moment you arrive at the rear camp.

  He is observing people, observing their demeanor, observing the way they think and do things.

  Observe objects, observe which high-end items you have heard of but never seen before, and which unknown items you have never heard of, let alone seen or heard of.

  Since starting the mission, Link has been paying close attention to Shandora's decision-making and command.

  He discovered that Shandora had a mysterious confidence.

  She believed that the micro-legion she led, with only 12 people, the most senior level 2 wizard, and four level 1 wizards were "holding back", could level the Zerg world with a limit of level 3 extraordinary life.

  The civilization level of the world is divided into four levels:
  a low-level civilized world, the upper limit of accommodation is level 3 extraordinary beings;
  a medium-level civilized world, the upper limit of accommodation is level 6 extraordinary beings;
  a high-level civilized world, the upper limit of accommodation is level 9 extraordinary beings;
  super The civilized world has unlimited accommodation.

  There are subtle differences in the classification standards of the wizarding world.

  That is, in a medium-civilized world, the difference between the fairy world, which can accommodate up to level 5 extraordinary beings, and the tree spirit world, which can accommodate up to level 5 sages.

  The fifth-level sage in the wizarding world is also the fifth-level extraordinary being in all the worlds. Why is he so special?

  Because the level 5 extraordinary life has only undergone two life essence transitions.

  As for the fifth-level sages, in addition to two leaps in the essence of life, they also understand the rules and resonate with the will of the world.

  The difference is the difference between "Tao" and "Skill".

  However, in the world of lower civilizations, there is not much difference between level 1 to level 3 extraordinary beings and level 1 to level 3 wizards.

  Shandora is only a senior level 2 wizard. No matter how powerful her background is, how rich her financial resources are, and how abundant her magic weapon reserves are, if she wants to bring 11 people to conquer a level 3 Zerg world, her superficial strength is not enough.

  No matter how the Zerg race declines, our ancestors were once richer.

  In the world of lower civilizations, the Zerg in this world can be called the overlord.

  They still have a certain level of strength, they are not a weak race that can be manipulated casually.

  The Zerg rely on sheer numbers, but they can't kill this miniature wizard army no matter what.

  Therefore, Link determined that Sandora must have someone else to rely on.

  Thinking about it, I think it's quite normal.

  How could the great-granddaughter of two great sages not be followed by one or several guardians behind her when she goes out on adventures and experiences?
  Perhaps, all the movements of the miniature army are being watched remotely by the big guys who care about Sandora.

  Regardless of the possibility, Link firmly believes that he will not encounter any real danger on this trip.

  At most, you need to take personal protection to deal with possible emergency tests.


  Shandora ordered during the "spiritual link".

  No matter how strong the wizard's physical strength is and how determined his willpower is, he cannot withstand a high-speed gallop that lasts too long.

  A combination of work and rest, proper rest, and recovery of physical strength will help you reach your destination quickly.

  After several trips, research, and transfers, the micro-legion has developed a certain tacit understanding.

  Seven children from the big family of the college headquarter consciously took on the task of guarding.

  The two research teams, Link and Tiffany, took the initiative to use their rest time to work overtime to analyze the data from the previous two experiments.

  These data are all derived from the first two survey locations.

  This mission has three original objectives and three additional objectives.

  The Supreme Council that issued the mission specified two locations that must be surveyed on the spot.

  There must be a certain relationship between the three original targets and the two survey locations.

  The answers to these three original goals of investigating ecological structure, abnormal changes, and causes of mutations lie in the data in the hands of Link and Tiffany.

  If there are any deficiencies, just search elsewhere to make up for it.

  Link took out his brain and started writing a report.

  The main content is to discuss that the ecological structure of the Zerg has not changed significantly through the testing and inspection results of various samples such as soil, water, air, humus, etc., which is consistent with the results of past routine monitoring by agencies under the Supreme Council; after that
  , Then starting from various details and arguments, he discusses his idea of ​​one or several external sources affecting the Zerg and promoting individual evolution; finally,

  based on the anatomical findings, physiological examination results, and the detection results of dead insect eggs, It is inferred that the unknown external source in the imagination is some kind of "illumination radiation".

  Yes, Link has initially found out the truth behind the abnormal changes and mutations of the Zerg.

  Even the "multi-threaded thinking" state is not turned on.

  As early as the first time they set foot in this level 3 Zerg world, Flandre and "Little World" simultaneously sent reminders to Link.

  The hint of "small world" is a hazy throb.

  Flandre shouted repeatedly: "Master, master, the light here is so strange. 'Small World' has a contradictory feeling of wanting to eat but not daring to eat." After receiving the prompt, Link began to seriously feel what Flandre was eating

  . Duo calls it a "strange" light.

  After sensing it, Link discovered that there was extremely subtle special "radiation" in the light.

  This kind of radiation is very weak and has been isolated by the protective biochemical suit, so others are not aware of it.

  Since then, Link has been carefully sensing the effects of this radiation during his actions.

  It wasn't until he dissected four Zerg corpses and examined the dead eggs next to the breeding tank that Link determined the role of this radiation:

  Inducing the Zerg to undergo genetic mutation and evolve towards a higher level of life form.

  Like the goblin's biochemical transformation and Christina's pregnancy, this process involving the evolution of life forms requires the replenishment of a large amount of vitality.

  Once one's own vitality is insufficient, distortion or death will occur.

  The Zerg have a strong ability to resist distortion. After all, they were a race that at its peak could carry out short-distance interstellar navigation with its physical body.

  There are so many rays in the universe, and the Zerg dare to expose them directly without fear of distortion.

  This shows how powerful the Zerg's ability to resist distortion is.

  The super anti-distortion ability actually deceived the Zerg this time.

  After receiving the mutagenesis of "light radiation", they will continue to carry the distortion and continue to evolve until their vitality is exhausted and they die completely.

  These are all reasonable inferences made by Link based on known answers.

  Link also figured out the reason why "Small World" was confused and throbbing, wanting to eat but not daring to eat.

  The previous stage of "small world" is "seed", and "seed" is the origin of the world of a broken world.

  The origin of that world was once parasitized by a god possessed by an insect for more than 1,600 years.

  Later, under the rules of a certain high-level wizard, the world origin of the broken world swallowed everything that could be swallowed, including insect gods, to make up for its consumption, and evolved into "seeds".

  The effects of forces are reciprocal.

  Some of the nature of the insect god was naturally inherited by the former "seed" and now the "small world".

  Wanting to eat this kind of light with special radiation is exactly the evil nature of the insect god.

  The reason for not daring to eat is due to ignorant but correct concepts of development preventing it.

  After thinking about this, Link wrote the report with peace of mind and asked Flandre, as a "spirit", to help the "small world" eliminate the bad qualities of the insect god.

  And check if there are any other hidden dangers.

  Shandora noticed Link's movements in the corner and walked over. The "spiritual link" transmitted the voice into the secret and asked: "Is there any result?" "I was about to

  report and apply to you."

  Link stopped. He used his mental power and brain link to output the actions he was thinking about, and replied to Sandora's question, "I have a preliminary inference, and there is relevant evidence to support this inference, but the strength is not enough. If possible, I would like to dissect a few Let's compare it with a living Zerg body."

  "Tell me about some preliminary inferences."

  Sandora did not directly agree to Link's request, but paid attention to his inferences.

  Link then told Sandora a series of inferences based on "illumination radiation" in concise language.

  "That's it."

  After listening to Link's story, Shandora thought thoughtfully.

  After thinking about it, she directly took out a handheld detection witchcraft device from the space storage witchcraft device.

  Conduct comprehensive and detailed inspection of light. The underground pits dug by the Zerg are famous among all the worlds.

  Their tunnels can absorb the light emitted by stars in a special way, so that the craters are fully illuminated and the changes in time can be sensed.

  In this way, the Zerg live underground, with alternating day and night, and a normal schedule.

  A few beeps.

  The handheld detector has completed the detection of light in potholes.

  "There is indeed very subtle radiation, and according to records, this radiation has been used extensively by the Zerg in the past to promote the evolution of Zerg individuals."

  Sandora said after reading the test results.

  As she said that, she frowned slightly and said to herself in confusion: "Why is such an obvious phenomenon not discovered by the Supreme Council's routine monitoring?"

  Since landing on this planet, Sandora has never considered launching detection on the surface. Is it true? reason.

  An agency under the Supreme Council conducts detailed long-distance monitoring of various Zerg worlds every year.

  It was discovered that there was an abnormality in this Level 3 Zerg world, and when the field survey mission was issued, it was accompanied by monitoring records for the past three years.

  This monitoring record concluded that everything on the surface was normal, including lighting.

  It was only the underground potholes that were problematic.

  So as soon as Sandora arrived, she led the team straight to the underground pit.

  "Is it because the distance is too far, so the monitoring is not sensitive enough?"

  Shandora subconsciously ruled out a guess and took the initiative to excuse the Supreme Council.


  let alone the great-granddaughter of two great sages, even the two great sages themselves did not dare to question the Supreme Council directly.

  Even if it is an agency under the Supreme Council.

  Only when the two great sages have conclusive evidence, strong support behind them, and their actions will not offend the five saints of the Supreme Council, can they dare to question the agencies under the Supreme Council.

  It is an inquiry, not a questioning, questioning or accountability.

  Shaking her head, not thinking about these things that were beyond her ability, Sandora reached out to Link: "Let me see the report." "Wait a moment." It took a minute for


  's mental power to reconnect with the brain. After outputting the last paragraph, he handed the brain to Sandra.

  After reading the report from beginning to end, Shandora was very satisfied with the clear inferences, detailed data, and meticulous logic in the report.

  This time the recruitment of Link Grande did not waste a spot.

  Even if there is a possibility that he cannot be recruited in the end, the academy headquarters still has to consider Sage Paro’s wishes, and
  that doesn’t matter.

  There is still a long time to come, and there are plenty of opportunities to use it again.

  After all, no matter how fast or good Link Grande develops, he will always be a part of Riversoth Academy.

  They are all doing things for her family!

  "I'll give you one hour, is that enough?"

  Sandora returned the brain to Link and asked at the same time.

  "Okay, but I need Tiffany's help."

  Link replied.

  When Tiffany approached him, the two had a tacit understanding.

  At least during this mission, the distinction between pure blood and new blood and minor conflicts will be put aside.

  They do not need to form an alliance, but they must look after each other and work together to gain status and voice in the micro-legion.

  Tiffany had a similar idea to Lanie.

  Link's response was no different.

  So now, when Link takes the initiative to ask for Tiffany's help, he is really doing Tiffany a favor.

  "Smart approach."

  Sandora looked at Link with a half-smile, and said meaningfully, "Sage Paro didn't absorb you into his 'New Blood Mutual Aid Association' at the beginning. It was really a mistake." After saying that, he

  also No matter what Link had in mind, Sandora turned around and left: "I agree, hurry up."

  What could Link have in mind.

  I never thought that I could hide my motives from Shandora, I always played my cards right.

  "Let's get started."

  Frank responded to Tiffany and Fried's slightly complicated looks, and Link took the lead in starting work.

  He took out the dissecting table and dissecting tools from the "small world", and then took over four Zerg from a member of the academy's big family.

  A cruel and bloody living body research unfolded so peacefully.

  Under the silent witchcraft, the wail of the Zerg cannot be heard at all.

  the other side.

  Sandora walked up to the stern and thin young man who had previously refuted the round-faced youth, and ordered: "Be vigilant, we have to stay for one more hour." "


  The thin young man was the one commanding the combat team. He nodded in agreement and then asked, "What have you discovered?"

  Sandora did not hide anything: "The three original goals of this mission are about to be completed."

  "So. Fast?"

  The thin young man exclaimed, somewhat unbelievable.

  "It's that fast!"

  Sandora affirmed categorically, completely dispelling the skinny young man's suspicion.

  Then, Shandora looked directly into the eyes of the thin young man and said seriously: "Think about it carefully, if it were you, how long would it take to figure this out if you were doing the job that Link Grande did?" The thin young man thought for a moment

  , Then he said in a complicated tone: "I may need at least three days. I really don't know how he did it so quickly."

  Unless he is lucky, normal biochemical research has always been done in a few or a dozen people. There are even dozens of different directions. We first conduct rounds of screening, and then do detailed and in-depth research.

  There are so many great experts who can accurately find the research direction as soon as they come up and conduct targeted experiments.

  "Do you still think my idea is naive?"

  Sandra asked seriously.

  The thin young man pursed his lips a few times but did not reply.

  Sandora has always wanted to prove to her friends of the same age who grew up with her that the local wizards are becoming more and more outstanding than the wizards at home.

  Especially in the past fifty years, local development has become more and more dynamic than that of our headquarters.

  The skinny young man didn't believe it at first, but after reading some of the data presented by Sandora, he became doubtful and finally agreed to join this micro-legion and participate in this mission.

  As the great-granddaughter of two great sages, Sandora has more than 7 children from the big family who grew up with her?
  There are more than 70 people.

  But in the end, Sandora only selected 7 friends who she thought could more easily unify her thoughts.

  Now, taking Link Grande as an example, it is a great opportunity to provide some shocking education to our friends.

  Sandora used a "spiritual link" to pull 7 friends into group chat mode.

  "We found traces of the Zerg army, which is surrounding us from four directions."

  Unfortunately, as soon as the link was established, the reconnaissance partner reported bad news.

  The blind Zerg chose this time to disturb Shandora's enjoyment.

  Literally lighting a lantern in the toilet is seeking death.

   Thank you book friend for your reward, thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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