226. Chapter 226 Discovered? Then destroy it

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  Chapter 226 Discovered? Then destroy it.
  Everything in the world has a reason.

  Why does Sandra want to train her own team?

  And also deliberately expanded the focus from the academy headquarters to the local pure-blood/half-blood families on the west coast, as well as the new blood of the Storm Sea?

  It's because the children of the big family in the academy have become more and more arrogant and no longer want to make progress.

  Each one of them learned the style and demeanor of their elders, showed a humble appearance, and recruited talented people.

  But I only learned one that is similar in appearance but not in spirit.

  He is arrogant on the inside, looks above his head, and despises or even ignores everyone outside the academy headquarters.

  It has been gradually lost, or it may not be so serious, but it has also greatly lowered its pursuit of truth, strength and wizard level.

  They are keen on fighting for family background, fighting for background, fighting for connections, and fighting for resources, rather than fighting for knowledge, strength, and wizard level.

  Under this situation.

  What's the use of shouting that great power is attributed to oneself?
  Apart from relying on the floating strength created by the accumulation of resources to barely hold up the scene, what else can you do?

  It can only be rampant for a while before the sage level.

  Take a look at the ratio of the number of sages produced in the academy’s headquarters and in the local area in the past fifty years.

  There are only 8 in the academy headquarters, but there are a full 24 in the local area, including pure blood, half blood and new blood.

  This is without taking into account the resource tilt ratio between the college headquarters and the local area.

  What would be the result if the numerous resources invested in the college headquarters were transferred locally?

  It is estimated that the difference in proportion will be so huge that it will make knowledgeable people shudder.

  Sandora is such a knowledgeable person.

  She vows to make the academy great again!
  So she rejected her mother's arrangement and took the initiative to seek a change.

  Looking for fresh blood, such as the integration of pure blood/half blood, new blood, and the excitement of the children of the big family.

  So, why did Sandora only find two pure bloods and two new bloods, but no half bloods?
  Because the half-blood families on the west coast of the country are too ambitious.

  Once there are outstanding children in the family, they will be recruited into their own army and trained more, hoping to become successful as soon as possible.

  Such as Iris Clark.

  Only some pure-blood families with a slightly rigid operating mechanism would have outstanding children sitting idle and not being nurtured in time.

  For example, Tiffany Colonna, Fred Percival.

  Only new blood with clean wealth and no ownership can be recruited at will.

  Such as Lanie Taylor.

  As for Link Grande, Shandora intercepted it from Sage Paro.

  Sandra had high hopes for purebloods like Tiffany Colonna and Fred Percival, as well as newbloods like Lanie Taylor and Link Grande.

  I hope they can perform well and show their style in this mission.

  I hope that their outstanding performance can stimulate the seven children of the big family who have been carefully selected by themselves.

  Let these seven children of the big family of the headquarters put aside their sense of superiority due to their prominent backgrounds, be more humble, and be more motivated.

  Shandora has never forgotten that her base has always been the children of the big family she grew up with since childhood.

  Rather than the native west coast pure blood and the new blood of the Storm Sea.

  For now, purebloods and newbloods can just be catfish.

  Want more support and reliance?

  Let’s talk about when we squeeze into the college headquarters!
  the other side.

  The brief exchange ends.

  Link and Tiffany exchanged their respective discoveries and inferences, barely meeting the standard of equivalent exchange.

  The two research teams dispersed and each went to search for Zerg corpses.

  Hard work always pays off.

  Not long after, Link and Lanie found a basically complete body in a half-collapsed cave.

  What do the Zerg look like?

  Zerg from different groups are actually very different.

  The Zerg in this Level 3 world are so beautiful that it’s hard to describe them in words.

  Link looked at the complete corpse that he finally found, and he felt like vomiting.

  There is nothing surprising about the body of an arthropod.

  Bugs, that's normal.

  However, having a human-like head is a bit too abstract.

  It's so ugly, so scary.

  "Carry it away."

  Link said after watching silently for a while to make sure that the body was still fresh and had certain anatomical value.


  Lani nodded in agreement.

  She was actually feeling a little uncomfortable, and she looked a little nauseous, but she just managed to endure it.

  Without doing anything herself, Lani took out an intelligent transporting machine from the space storage witchcraft and transported the Zerg corpse to the dissecting table that had been arranged before.

  She herself continued to work with Link to find more intact Zerg corpses.

  Just dissecting a corpse doesn't reveal much.

  No evidence is given in isolation.

  It took less than half an hour to finally collect three more complete corpses.

  Together with the previous one, it just covers the distribution of old, middle, young and young.

  In this way, the anatomy report produced can be considered relatively comprehensive.

  The dissection begins.

  Link performed the surgery and Lanie recorded.

  An autopsy lasted for more than three hours, from beginning to end, without stopping.

  The four Zerg corpses were decomposed to an extremely detailed level.

  And it wasn't just an autopsy.

  Liquids such as blood and tissue fluid were tested.

  All organs, muscles, nerves, bones, etc. were examined.

  What we pursue is a comprehensive and detailed approach.

  Don't miss any noteworthy detail.

  Just as Link was about to conduct further in-depth analysis, Sandora came over.

  "Hurry up and clean up. There is a Zerg team approaching and we need to move."

  After saying this, Sandora went to other places and issued instructions.

  Why not use "spiritual link"?
  When Link heard this, his first reaction was to doubt this.

  In fact, if you maintain high concentration for too long, your brain involuntarily wants to diverge and take a break.

  "Start tidying up."

  Link said to Lani after suppressing his distracting thoughts, and he took the lead in tidying up.

  The various parts of the four Zerg corpses were put into corresponding containers one by one.

  Just put it into the space storage wizard, no need to worry about it.

  Of course, Link uses a "small world" rather than a space storage wizard.

  What Link and Lanie have to do is mainly to sort out the equipment and remove many traces.

  It’s just a Zerg team from a level 3 world. Would Sandora be afraid?
  No matter how many come, I am confident that they will be eliminated.

  It is impossible to move back to the "Yunni".

  She just didn't want to be exposed so early.

  That's why we need to relocate urgently to avoid encounters.

  Soon, Link had just finished packing up, and Sandora called for a gathering.

  The 12-person mini-legion embarked on the journey again, avoiding the Zerg team and heading to the next destination.

  "Why not catch two living bodies?"

  On the way, the round-faced young man asked while re-establishing the "spiritual link".

  "It's not necessary."

  The person who answered the round-faced young man was a thin young man with a slightly stern face. "You can capture living bodies at any time. Now we focus on completing the task."

  Sandora scolded: "Keep silent, what do you want to say? , wait until we get to the next destination."

  After that, the team returned to silence. After marching in silence for nearly two hours and making hundreds of turns in winding potholes, the miniature army finally arrived at its second destination.

  This is the last destination that the Supreme Council emphasized the need for on-the-spot investigation when issuing the mission.

  This is a breeding pool for Zerg eggs.

  It's still running, but it's no longer guarded by the Zerg, which makes it look a little weird.

  The reproduction of Zerg is simple but not simple.

  Male Zerg mates with female Zerg, causing the female Zerg to become pregnant. After more than a month of gestation, she lays a large number of eggs.

  Some of these eggs are good and some are bad, some are full of vitality and some are depleted of vitality.

  The Zerg will transport all eggs to a breeding pool shared by each clan.

  Use bad, vitality-depleted insect eggs as raw materials to add supplies to the breeding tank and provide good, vitality-filled insect eggs.

  After being cultivated in the breeding tank, the Zerg born was strong and strong from birth, and was a good burrowing seedling.

  Therefore, the importance of the breeding pool to each Zerg clan is equivalent to the importance of the mother nest to each Zerg group.

  Unless a catastrophe is imminent and faced with a sudden crisis of extinction, the Zerg cannot abandon the breeding pool.

  However, the breeding pool in front of Link, which is as big as ten international standard swimming pools, has truly been abandoned by the Zerg.

  It was abandoned even though it was running extremely well in all aspects.

  "Reconnaissance, alert."

  Sandora ordered.

  Including her, the eight people responsible for reconnaissance and combat immediately took action in pairs.

  All potholes around the breeding pond should be inspected.

  The reconnaissance puppet was put into the breeding tank to make sure there were no Zerg hidden in the breeding fluid.

  After all dangers and traps were eliminated, Link, Lanie, Tiffany, and Freed entered the scene under the command of Sandora.

  Link took Lanny and first checked the overall situation of the breeding pool.

  Then they focused on a detailed investigation of the large number of insect eggs found in a pothole next to the breeding tank by the micro army.

  These eggs that were also abandoned and not put into the breeding tank were originally good and full of vitality, but now most of them are dead.

  The power of time cannot be resisted.

  There was only one insect egg, and after Flando's reminder, Link discovered that it had a ray of vitality that was extremely weak and could be cut off at any time.

  This discovery shocked the other 11 people.

  Especially Tiffany Colonna.

  If her and Link's conjectures were true, the cause of the abnormal changes in the Zerg was an external source that induced the Zerg to evolve.

  So, this insect egg that can persist to this day and still has a weak vitality has extremely high research value.

  Through it, it is very possible to detect the detailed information of the unknown external source.

  Unfortunately, the eggs cannot be tested on site.

  It must be presented as evidence to the Supreme Council that issued this mission.

  Shandora came over after hearing the news, took out a storage container, and carefully stored the only insect eggs in it.

  This container can slowly replenish the vitality of the insect eggs and maintain their vitality without changing their characteristics.

  Afterwards, Shandora teleported the container directly back to the "Yuni" star battleship.

  "You are very good, you have good eyesight, unlike some people who have eyes on the top of their head."

  After doing this, Shandora sincerely praised Link, and at the same time took this opportunity to knock some people.

  Tiffany knew that this was not directed at her, so she looked calm.

  Among the seven disciples of the big family, two of them had unnatural expressions on their faces.

  Among them was a round-faced young man.

  They were the first to inspect the pothole.

  Not to mention that the viable insect egg was not found, when Shandora asked, she swore that all the insect eggs were dead, and there could be no other situation.

  What he said before turned into a heavy slap.

  With a snap, his face was swollen.

  The round-faced young man and the other person were shocked and ashamed.

  Link silently accepted the compliment and did not get carried away. Instead, he calmly began to inspect the breeding pond.

  The first task is still to take samples.

  Samples of soil, water, air, etc. must all be retained and tested on-site.

  After that, the culture fluid in the culture tank is sampled and tested.

  Then there is the random inspection of eggs that have lost their vitality.

  What if you can find something out of it?

  In academic research, you often have to make various attempts.

  Don't let go of any possibility, and you might get lucky.

  However, the work has just begun, and various tests and inspections are being carried out, but not a single result has been produced yet.

  The legion member responsible for peripheral security issued a reminder: "There are Zerg approaching. According to observations, it is the same team as before."

  This situation must be taken seriously.

  Once was a coincidence, but twice, it couldn't be such a coincidence.

  This means that the Zerg in this level 3 world have discovered them.

  Under the premise that the micro-legion has done all the stealth and concealment against the Zerg detection capabilities.

  This situation is very abnormal!

  Shandora frowned slightly, her thoughts flashed, and she made a decision: "Annihilate this Zerg team, and fight quickly."

  After a pause, Shandora considered the task and emphasized: "Don't kill them all, leave a few. Living body."

  After giving the order, she watched the four of the seven members of the big family who were in charge of guarding attack the Zerg team. Sandora turned to look at Link and Tiffany.

  After thinking about it, Sandora said, "You continue your research, but be prepared to transfer at any time." "


  "No problem."

  Link and Tiffany responded one after another.

  Afterwards, both research groups sped up their hand movements.

  Lanny and Fried, as assistants, not only help carry out research, but also collect samples, collect results, and store equipment at any time.

  Link ignored the battle that was about to break out, suppressed Flandre's offer to watch the battle and "live broadcast" it, and went about his job with peace of mind.

  The four children from the big families of the academy showed outstanding performance.

  In less than twenty minutes, they rushed over, intercepted and annihilated the Zerg team, and captured four living bodies along with them.

  He was still unscathed.

  The four of them were not disgusted, and one of them was holding a living Zerg in his hand.

  "Transfer in ten minutes."

  Sandora visually inspected the work progress of Link and Tiffany and gave a timeline.

  Again, every wizard has done a lot of research and experiments to accumulate his own level and strength.

  It's just that many wizards only conduct research and experiments to learn witchcraft and improve their levels, and do not conduct special expansion.

  Sandora can become a senior second-level wizard and is about to be promoted to a third-level wizard. Her academic quality cannot be poor, or even very high.

  With just one glance, he could deduce how long it would take for the two research teams to complete the inspection of the breeding pond.

  The ten minutes given are still a slightly more generous result.

  Ten minutes passed quickly.

  Both research teams completed their work, tied up their hands and cleaned up the traces.

  Under the command of Shandora, the miniature army moved again.

  As he walked, Link noticed some changes.

  This time, the route Shandora chose no longer focused on concealment and did not take too many detours.

  After comparing the map in his mind, Link discovered that

  this route, if Sandora did not change her decision midway, would most likely lead directly to the mother nest.

  Now that it has been discovered, let's play it bright.

  Go straight to Huanglong!

   Thanks to my book friend for tipping me on my cute big breasts, thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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