228. Chapter 228 A sudden turn of events

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  Chapter 228: A sudden turn of
  events. The Zerg's talent for digging holes is unparalleled.

  Not only the complex tunnels all over the planet, but also the big holes dug to kill oneself.

  This talent once harmed the entire super-civilized world, and now it is about to harm the Level 3 Zerg in this world that has been surviving for nearly a thousand years.

  Sandora's interest was interrupted, she couldn't help but became furious, and shouted in a cold voice: "You go and capture some alive, and I will use the 'Yun Ni' to annihilate them all." "Yes." The cold young man accepted the order, turned around and


  , Went to command the battle.

  He left two people on guard in place, and took three members of the combat team with him. He chose a direction at random, without sneaking, and marched openly.

  The reconnaissance range of the miniature wizard army is large.

  The Zerg were discovered 15 miles away in a straight line.

  It took ten minutes for the cold young man to rush on the road with three members of the combat team, less than a minute to catch a full 20 Zerg from different clans, and another ten minutes to rush back to the temporary resting place.

  This speed is already very slow.

  The main reason is that we have to take detours, take too many detours, and waste time.

  Otherwise, it can be done in three minutes at most.

  Shandora endured her anger, and when the four members who went out to fight returned, she immediately activated the protective shields and identifiers that had been prepared.

  Immediately, she contacted the tower spirit of the "Yun Ni" and issued an order: "Annihilation mode, full power, three rapid fires." The tower spirit's soft voice sounded: "

  Warning! Warning! The estimated damage is overflow! The estimated damage is overflow! Possible accidental injury. Legion! The legion may be accidentally injured! It is recommended to use half power and two rapid fires."

  Sandora took a deep breath, suppressed the increasingly fierce anger in her heart, and adopted the tower spirit's suggestion: "Agree. Half power, two rapid fires."

  It's not that Shandora can't manage her emotions.

  But bugs that she had never taken seriously disturbed her three times in a row, each time more disappointing than the last.

  In addition, even if she didn't want to admit it, the invisibility and concealment methods she carefully prepared were easily cracked by the Zerg, and she still didn't understand how the Zerg cracked it, which had a great impact on Sandora.

  This time he was so furious, and there was quite an element of embarrassment and anger in it.

  Link was busy presiding over various studies on the living Zerg, seeking stronger evidence to support his inferences.

  He didn't pay any attention to the commotion caused by the eight children from the big family of the main academy.

  Now that the division of labor is clear, let’s clear the door.

  Lest you overstep your authority and cause resentment.

  Fried took advantage of the break while changing hands and looked over there a few times.

  This made Tiffany a little dissatisfied, but it was difficult to say anything.

  After all, everyone is now a first-level wizard, and Tiffany can no longer command or criticize Freed at will like she did when she was the president of "Pure Blood Will".

  Therefore, Tiffany just signaled with her eyes instead of reprimanding.

  Fortunately, her prestige is still there, and in terms of talent, level, strength, wisdom and skills, she is the highest among the generations of pure-blooded families on the west coast.

  Fried still respected Tiffany very much and immediately calmed down his restless thoughts.

  In fact, he is a typical wizard who doesn't like special research and experiments, and only has to carry out research and experiments in order to improve his level and master witchcraft.

  After starting the mission, they were either sampling, testing, or dissecting.

  I have become very impatient and eager to try something new.

  He can also fight insects.

  Fried, who was keen on fighting, was thinking this, when a premonition of extreme danger suddenly came to his mind.

  A pressure greater than a mountain fell on the top of his head, making him almost breathless.

  There seemed to be a scene in front of him that could be called world-destroying.

  All the layers of soil covering their heads disappeared and were completely annihilated.

  A beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth slowly dissipated, taking away all the surface soil within a 15-mile radius, exposing dense tunnels and densely packed Zerg armies from all directions.

  Immediately afterwards, another beam of light descended from outer space.

  It is like a divine punishment, punishing disobedience.

  The Zerg that surrounded the miniature legion from all directions evaporated instantly, leaving not even ashes behind.

  "Is this the legendary Star Destroyer Cannon?"

  Fried muttered to himself, his eyes filled with envy.

  When will he be able to control an interstellar battleship that can fire a Star Destroyer Cannon?

  Link was also shocked by this scene and couldn't help but gasp in admiration.

  Then I felt like I was shooting mosquitoes with a cannon.

  What a trench.

  As far as Link knows, Sage Paro conquered the fairy world and launched three battles without using the Star Destroyer Cannon.

  Later, during the battle to ambush the Abyss Demon, at the last moment, the Light of Annihilation, which was a higher level than the Star Destroyer Cannon, was used.

  If Sage Paro knew that Sandora only used two Star Destroyer Cannons to deal with a group of level 3 world Zerg, even if it was only half power, he would think it was a waste.

  If you are poor, you will be interspersed with tactics, if you are good, you will be bombed by me. It is really an irrefutable truth.

  It is also common in all heavens and worlds.

  Link suddenly didn't like his "Tissot" and "Hummingbird" class star battleship so much.

  I have made up my mind that once I have more money, I will save magic stones to buy an interstellar battleship like this and use it as a ride.

  It is indeed man's nature to like the new and dislike the old!

  I just don’t know how many magic stones it will cost and how long it will take to save.

  "I'm so poor."

  In his excitement, Link couldn't help but sigh inaudibly.

  "What? What did you say?"

  Lani was the closest and faintly heard the word "poor", but didn't hear it clearly, so she couldn't help asking.

  "It's nothing."

  Link didn't want to explain such a thing clearly, so he immediately changed the subject, "Let's do our thing."

  As he said that, Link sped up the movements of his hands.

  Fried also stopped paying attention to that side under Tiffany's gaze.

  Two research groups accelerated the progress of in vivo research.

  the other side.

  Shandora looked at the emptiness in front of her, feeling relaxed and no longer bored.

  Her seven friends are accustomed to this, and have long been accustomed to Shandora's style of using dimensionality reduction attacks when things don't go her way.

  In her words, things that can be solved with magic stones are not problems.

  The stern young man was about to say something.

  Suddenly he covered his ears, fell to the ground in pain, his body trembled, and then there was no sound.

  He was not dead, but he was not far from death and was in a dying state.

  It was the life-sustaining function of the protective life-sustaining suit that allowed him to enter suspended animation in time and draw his last breath.

  He was not suddenly attacked and died on the spot.

  The other three children of the academy's big family, who also had direct contact with the Zerg, developed the same symptoms at almost the same time and fell into the same suspended animation.

  When four people fell to the ground, they entered suspended animation and barely managed to save their lives.

  A shrill, piercing howl came from deep underground.

  The defensive barrier that Shandora had set up earlier was rippled by the impact of the howling sound wave. After a stalemate for a while, it was still not able to withstand it completely.

  Like tempered glass, it shattered into pieces.

  It just reduced most of the power of the howl.

  Breaking through the defense, the aftermath of the howl reached the ears of the others very smoothly.

  Even if the power is reduced again and again, it still causes a certain amount of damage.

  A few bangs.

  The knives in the hands of Lanie, Tiffany, and Fried dropped involuntarily.

  Fried's first reaction was to cover his ears, and then at Tiffany's reminder, he used mental power and magic to seal off his hearing.

  Blood overflowed from his ears, eyes, nose, and corners of his mouth, looking quite miserable.

  Even his internal organs were affected, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

  Link was not greatly affected. The hand holding the knife was steady, not even shaking. The battle armor completely wrapped him up, and Flandre added another natal witchcraft "war armor" in time, thus completely resisting the aftermath of this sonic attack.

  Shandora and the other three people did not have direct contact with the Zerg, and had a buffer. After promptly protecting their four fallen companions, they were able to securely prevent this sudden sonic attack without being affected.


  Shandora shouted loudly at the same time as she cast several rounds of healing witchcraft on the four companions who fell on the ground to keep them alive.

  The "Yun Ni" star battleship in outer space immediately responded and lowered 12 moving light beams, teleporting all the members of the miniature army back in time before the second wave of howling attacks arrived.

  The shuttle parked at the landing point automatically took off, left the planet, and flew towards the "Yun Ni".

  "Quickly, send them to the medical cabin."

  As soon as she stood firm, Shandora gave an order to the tower spirit.

  Ta Ling had already registered the action, controlled four ambulances with emergency life-support functions, and suspended the lives of four wizards in suspended animation.

  After receiving Shandora's instructions, there would be no delay and they would be immediately sent to the medical cabin with complete medical equipment.

  "What happened just now?"

  After handling the first aid matters, Shandora asked the tower spirit and legion members at the same time.

  His tone was serious and his expression was gloomy.

  She never thought that she would capsize in the gutter under the favorable wind and current.

  This made Shandora feel very unhappy.

  In particular, she couldn't figure out how the howling attack she had just suffered bypassed the defense, "killed" four of her companions first, and then attacked the defensive shield.

  Moreover, the defensive shield that could withstand a casual blow from the fourth-level sage actually shattered under the attack of that weird sound wave!

  This shocked Sandora.

  She vaguely felt that things were out of her control from just now.

  The mission that I thought was easy to get unexpectedly turned out to be a setback.

  The Level 3 Zerg world that you can hold in your hands actually hides amazing secrets.

  "I don't know."

  The round-faced young man looked quite scared, and his voice actually had a hint of trembling, "I just had time to defend myself against the attack, and I didn't bother to detect the source of the attack." "


  Sandora snorted in displeasure. , looked at the companion responsible for the main reconnaissance, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

  The companion responsible for the reconnaissance turned his head, with a look of disbelief on his face: "All reconnaissance magic weapons have lost contact!" "


  Shandora's The volume increases involuntarily.

  Having fought against the Zerg so many times in the wizarding world, he naturally knows the various characteristics of the Zerg.

  Therefore, Shandora consulted relevant information before taking over the task and forming a micro-legion.

  Customized reconnaissance witchcraft are special versions that resist Zerg interference.

  The magic stones required to purchase these reconnaissance witchcraft alone are enough to keep a pharmacist like Link Grande busy for three months.

  With such a huge investment, it was all gone without even a sound of water being heard.

  The secrets hidden in this Zerg world are really quite big.

  The attack power also far exceeds the upper limit of level 3 extraordinary!

  Sandora was quite lucky at this time. When faced with the sudden change, her first reaction was to call the "Yun Ni".

  Instead of fighting back on the spot.

  Otherwise, attrition will most likely have occurred at this time.

  Even annihilation of the entire army is not impossible.

  "Warning! Warning! The wounded are in an unknown situation! The wounded are in an unknown situation!"

  At this time, the red light turned on and Talling issued a warning.

  Sandora didn't think much and rushed to the medical cabin immediately.

  Four unconscious children from the academy's big family, three men and one woman, were all naked and soaked in the liquid in the transparent chamber, undergoing various examinations, treatment and life support in the medical cabin.

  However, the instruments monitoring the vital signs of the four wounded people kept sounding warnings.

  Even though the four wounded had huge vitality that could be replenished at any time, their vital signs were still disordered and death was possible at any time.

  However, the medical cabin with complete medical equipment and complete medical plans and all the means available could not find out the cause of this situation.

  There is no other way except to continuously increase vitality replenishment.

  The four wounded are on a critical line of life and death!

  At the critical moment, Link didn't care about hiding his secrets, and directly used his "Occlumency" with all his strength to activate the "multi-threaded thinking" state.

  Then he took a quick step and rushed to the glass cover of a transparent warehouse, carefully observing the physical condition and various monitoring data of the stern young man.

  In the "small world", Flando also mobilized her power to greatly increase her computing power.

  And transfer the enhanced computing power to Link through a special connection.

  Details appeared and fell one by one, data passed in front of his eyes, possibilities appeared and disappeared...

  Link started brainstorming, thinking quickly, to find out the reason for this strange situation.

  Suddenly, a small spot on the index finger of the stern young man's right hand came into Link's eyes.

  Although he didn't know what this small spot represented, in his brain's overclocked state, Link intuitively felt that this was the culprit that caused the four wounded people's vitality to continue to drain away, and they couldn't make up for it no matter how hard they tried.

  With a few sliding steps, Link quickly flashed past the other three transparent chambers and quickly observed the ten fingers, palms, backs of palms and wrists of the other three wounded people.

  Finally, it was discovered that the three injured people all had the same small spots on their hands, but the locations were different.

  The Thought Palace was activated, and the memory images of the four wounded people flashed frame by frame.

  Link discovered a blind spot that the four wounded men had in common.

  That is, the four wounded people directly grabbed the living Zerg with their hands with small spots.

  Even with three or even multiple defenses, he was still attacked.

  After thinking about this, Link said directly to Shandora: "Check the small spots on their hands to see if any problems can be found and if they can be eliminated." Shandora noticed

  this abnormality after Link reminded her , immediately issued an order to the tower spirit: "Detect these small spots, and if possible, remove them directly." "


  The tower spirit received the order and executed it immediately.

  Several beams of light scanned the small spots on the hands of the four wounded people and began detection.

  Link was still maintaining the overclocking state of his brain at this time, analyzing the origin and function of these small spots.

  As a result, the origin and function of the small spots were not analyzed.

  But there were other gains.

  With a flash of inspiration, Link combined the research on living Zerg bodies, many data on dead Zerg eggs, the autopsy results of four Zerg corpses, and the terrifying power of the weird howling sound waves, and came up with an unrelated guess.

  That is, what they are dealing with is not just the Zerg in this level 3 world.

  There are Zerg species from other worlds with higher limits, bypassing the monitoring of the Wizarding World and arriving at this level 3 world.

  Now it is no longer the original Zerg that is in charge of all affairs in this level 3 world.

  But a more advanced and powerful Zerg.

  Only in this way can we explain clearly why a group that has managed to survive for nearly a thousand years has to evolve to a higher level in just three years, even at the expense of a lot of sacrifices.

  Only then can we explain clearly that Shandora's various preparations for the Zerg in this level 3 world were all in vain.

  He was discovered as soon as he landed, and the person who was captured alive was plotted, and the defensive shield was ineffective.

  Turning off the "multi-threaded thinking" state, Link took a deep breath and suppressed the waves still rolling deep in his heart.

  He walked up to Shandora and said in a deep voice, "We are in big trouble."

  "What trouble?"

  Shandora asked.

  Link was about to tell his guess.

  The emergency light of the "Yunni" came on again.

  A holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

  In front of the "Yunni", the ferocious Zerg mother nest, which was as big as a comet, slowly appeared.

  Trouble has arrived!

   Thank you book friend for your reward, thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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