Chapter 837 Wind and Thunder Banana Fan

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  Chapter 837: Wind and Thunder Banana Fan

  While Li Luo was thinking about how to deal with Qin Yi, Qin Yi was the first to attack. It was obvious that she had no intention of continuing to fight with Li Luo.

  Only the majestic and vast light blue phase force burst out from his body. The phase force was like a vast ocean, with huge waves surging and shaking the void.

  Qin Yiyu pointed, and from the majestic force, countless sword-like water fishes were differentiated. These water fishes were all sharp and could be said to be fish, rather than countless water swords.

  These water fish broke out of the sky and swept towards Li Luo. As they crossed the void, shallow traces appeared in the void.

  There was a flash of lightning under Li Luo's feet, and in a flash, he appeared a hundred feet away, but those water fish followed immediately like gangrene attached to their bones.

  His expression remained unchanged, he held the Xuanxiang knife in his hand and slashed it down suddenly, only to see a bright knife wheel condense and appear. The knife wheel rotated at high speed, releasing extremely terrifying cutting power.

  At the edge of the knife wheel, even space shows signs of distortion.

  The knife wheel roared out, and wherever it passed, water fish were minced one after another.

  But the water fish continued continuously, as if endlessly. In the end, the light of the knife wheel dimmed, and countless water fish swarmed up and bit it into spots of light all over the sky.

  Then they chased after Li Luo like a school of fish.

  Li Luo kept retreating. In terms of strength, there was indeed a clear gap between the two sides. Qin Yi was at the peak of the first-level lord, but he was only a lower-level lord. If he hadn't possessed the third-level power, With the two-phase power, I am afraid that when the two sides collide, he will be defeated in an instant.

  Thanks to the unimaginable mysterious effect of the dual-phase power of the third realm, the opponent's ninth-grade phase power failed to achieve such a devastating effect.

  But even so, Li Luo did not have the upper hand in this fight.

  In the past, he was able to compete with his opponents by relying on his water element, but now that he met Qin Yi, who had the ninth grade water element, Li Luo lost his mind and decided to compete with her to see whose ability was longer and longer.

  As his figure continues to retreat, he is also preparing the next killing move that can determine the outcome.

  If this trick fails, Li Luo feels that he may have to use the power of the three-tailed wolf.

  On the Crystal Square, Qin Yi launched a continuous majestic offensive. The sound of rumbling water echoed, and countless penetrating water lines attacked Li Luo. Such a dense offensive also forced Li Luo to Somewhat embarrassed.

  Even physically, there were some injuries.

  But fortunately, he also possesses water phase, light phase, wood phase and other phase powers with strong recovery power, so he can alleviate the spread of injuries.

  But anyone can see that Qin Yi has the upper hand in the current situation.

  Perhaps, after a while, when Li Luo's strength is exhausted, Qin Yi can easily win.

  However, as time passed, Qin Yi noticed something was wrong. Although Li Luo was constantly avoiding him in embarrassment, the energy flowing around him began to become a little violent.

  "Have you not given up yet?"

  Qin Yi instantly understood Li Luo's plan. She stared at Li Luo's body. There were many wounds on the surface of his body. Although Li Luo was recovering from the wounds quickly, there was still blood seeping out. His clothes were wet, making him look a little miserable.

  This guy's resilience is beyond imagination.

  But in today's battle, there was no chance that she would let go.

  So Qin Yi no longer hesitated, closed his slender jade fingers, and the seals changed like butterflies flying. At the same time, he saw countless vortexes forming in the torrent of energy behind him, which was like a vast ocean.

  In the whirlpool, water lines shot out one after another, leaving faint traces of void wherever the water lines passed.

  These water lines are full of penetrating and cutting power, and are the most common attack method of the water element.

  However, Qin Yi's attack was naturally not ordinary. She closed her jade hands and saw that the countless water lines gathered together at this moment, forming a dark blue water flow about the size of a palm.

  This stream of water looked unusually calm, as if it were really a gurgling spring. But when this stream of water appeared, Li Luo was frightened and felt an extremely strong crisis in his heart.

  He glanced at the dark blue water. He felt that if this water passed through, his body would be pierced in an instant.

  Obviously, Qin Yi didn't intend to drag it out any longer.

  Qin Yi's beautiful face was filled with water, and her light blue pupils were filled with coldness.

  "Sealing Marquis Technique, Ten Thousand Lines of Water Killing." Her faint voice also sounded slowly at this time.

  As her voice fell, a stream of dark blue water suddenly shot out. The void was penetrated at this moment, and the sound of sonic boom sounded ear-piercingly.

  But this was not the end. Qin Yi pointed his jade finger in the air, and saw water mirrors suddenly appeared in mid-air. Every time the dark blue water flow passed through a water mirror, light refracted out. In a blink of an eye, There was an extra stream of dark blue water.

  After such refraction dozens of times, hundreds of dark blue water streams could be seen in the sky above the crystal square, majestically cutting through the void and directly covering Li Luo's location.

  Such a move made Li Luo's eyes shrink slightly. He knew that among the hundreds of dark blue water streams, only one was real, and the others were all illusions to confuse his vision.

  But it's very useful.

  In the past, when Li Luo fought with others, he would often use the power of the water element to do so.

  Li Luo raised his head and looked at the dark blue water that penetrated the void and attacked overwhelmingly. These water currents exuded monstrous murderous intent.


  He took a deep breath, and then formed the last seal in his hand. The killing move he had been preparing before was also used this time.

  Violent energy roared around him, attracting energy from heaven and earth to pour in.

  As more and more energy gathered, a phantom about ten feet in length gradually appeared in front of Li Luo. Looking carefully, it seemed to be a banana fan.

  However, this banana fan is wrapped with the light of wind and thunder.

  A murderous aura rose into the sky.

  Li Luo stretched out his palm and grasped the handle of the banana fan. The technique he was currently performing was the third nine-turn technique he had obtained from the Dragon Tablet.

  Wind and Thunder Banana Fan.

  This phase technique is a pure offensive technique.

  Li Luo's eyes were focused. He held the banana fan tightly, feeling the violent energy surging inside it, but he knew in his heart that even with this wind and thunder banana fan, he might not be able to seriously injure Qin Yi.

  So, with a thought in his mind, the sword intention entrenched in a palace in his body was activated.

  That trace of sword intent is not strong, but when this trace of sword intent is entrenched in the Prime Minister's Palace, all the earth evil lights circulating in it are far away from it, and they dare not mess with it at all.

  The sword intent flowed out, and was finally poured into the Fenglei Banana Fan in Li Luo's hand.

  At this time, dark blue water rushed across the sky.

  Li Luo also grasped the handle of the fan with all his strength, and then slapped the fan down with a serious look on his face.

  (End of chapter)

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