Chapter 838 A narrow victory

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  Chapter 838: A narrow victory
  over Todoroki!
  The moment Li Luo fanned down the banana fan in his hand, thunder and strong winds sounded simultaneously in the sky and the earth. First, the green wind swept out overwhelmingly. The strong wind was so fierce that the crystal square under his feet was instantly torn out with countless deep cracks. trace.

  Among the cyan wind, there are also thunder balls. These thunder balls contain extremely violent thunder energy. Each one has the power to easily destroy a powerful person in the Great Sky Realm.

  As soon as the green wind thunder ball appeared, it collided with the dark blue water flowing through the void.

  In the first collision, the dark blue water flow suddenly showed extremely terrifying penetrating power, the strong wind was pierced, and the thunderball was shattered.

  However, the speed of the dark blue water flow was also slowed down, traveling through the wind belt in front, pointing directly at Li Luo.

  "Leader Li Luo, this should be the third nine-turn technique you have performed, right? It's really amazing. As far as I know, even Lord Li Qingfeng has only mastered two The art of nine revolutions."

  "You have only been back from Outer China for a few months, but you have achieved such results, which is really extraordinary." Qin Yi stared at the raging wind and thunder, and she could clearly feel the meaning contained in it. What a violent and astonishing power, and Li Luo was obviously only a next-level Hou, but he was able to delay her "Ten Thousand Lines of Water Killing" with this.

  You must know that she herself is someone who often surpasses her enemies and defeats her. But now, she is blocked by Li Luo, who is weaker than herself. This undoubtedly makes her feel quite complicated.

  However, the gap is there after all, and she is not one of those mediocre people. If you want to surpass her by leapfrogging, you may not be able to do it with Li Luo's nine-turn technique.

  Under Qin Yi's gaze, the dark blue water quickly penetrated Qingfeng and Thunderball and approached Li Luo.

  At this moment, a strange thunder ball appeared in front of the dark blue water. This thunder ball was surrounded by strong winds, and thunder was beating inside it. It was obviously a combination of two powers.

  This is even more powerful.

  The Gangfeng Thunderball directly collided with the dark blue water flow.

  And at the moment of impact, Qin Yi's calm face suddenly changed dramatically.

  There was also shock in her beautiful eyes, as cold as a lake.

  Because she saw that with this collision, the dark blue water flow she used seemed to have encountered some terrifying impact, and it actually broke directly from it.

  The high-speed rotating water lines were split, and then the boundless green wind surged up and tore directly into pieces.

  In just a few breaths, the dark blue water flow that was originally a bit destructive was crushed to pieces. At the same time, the thunderball, which was full of cracks and looked like the end of a powerful crossbow, broke through the air and blasted towards Qin who was behind. Ripples.

  Qin Yi quickly came to her senses. Even though she was so calm, she was a little stunned at this moment. She didn't understand why Li Luo could break her attack.

  She didn't even understand why her "Ten Thousand Lines of Water Killing" suddenly collapsed on its own. It felt as if she had encountered something terrible during contact.

  But at this time, it was useless to think about this. Qin Yi hurriedly raised her jade hand, and the majestic force roared in, forming a black turtle in front of her.

  The black turtle is entrenched like a black mountain, guarding the front.

  "Black Turtle Shield Mountain!"

  This is Qin Yi's defensive technique. The defensive power is extremely strong. After the attack of the Gangfeng Thunder Ball collided with the "Ten Thousand Lines of Water Killing", it was already full of cracks. I think the remaining power can be regarded as limited.

  While she was thinking this, the cracked Gangfeng Thunder Ball hit the back of the mountain-like black turtle.

  Then, the thunder ball shattered as expected and turned into countless lightning streams.

  But before Qin Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw cracks suddenly spreading at an extremely fast speed on the back of the black turtle.

  Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

  This time, she finally sensed a strange fluctuation.

  When the thunder ball shattered, a trace of undetectable strange power penetrated into the black turtle. It was that force that easily penetrated the black turtle.

  That trace of power was extremely weak, but it seemed like nothing could stop it.

  "What on earth is that?!"

  Qin Yi's heart was filled with turmoil. The next moment, she felt a tingling sensation on her skin. This was a warning that the "Shuiyu Flawless Body" she had cultivated sensed some kind of crisis!

  But at this time, it's too late to do anything. Qin Yi could only watch helplessly as that strange force passed through the black black turtle, and then came into contact with the skin of her palm in the next moment.

  A subtle voice sounded, Qin Yi's Shuiyu Wuxia body was broken, and that trace of power directly invaded her body.

  Immediately afterwards, Qin Yi sensed a terrifying and sharp sword energy, which suddenly raged in her body.

  Faced with this terrifying sword energy damage, even if Qin Yi cultivated the "Water Jade Immaculate Body", he still suffered heavy damage in an instant. Even if the ninth-grade water element immediately launched its powerful repair ability, Qin Yi was still in trouble. At this time, I suffered enough.


  The energy around Qin Yi instantly became chaotic. Her originally delicate and rosy face became pale, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out from her small mouth.

  The blood fell to the ground and penetrated countless fine holes directly on the ground.

  There were also slight cracks on her jade-white skin, but they were quickly repaired.

  But no matter what, Qin Yi knew that at this time, she was completely defeated.

  The raging sword energy in her body, although not majestic, was extremely tenacious, and it was difficult to purify and dissolve it even with the strength of her ninth grade water phase.

  Li Luo looked at Qin Yi, who was suddenly stagnant and his body was in chaos, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the power of the "Galaxy Sword Intent" was stronger than he imagined.

  Qin Yi was caught off guard and had the sword intent invade her body. This should be an easier experience for her.

  In this confrontation, it seemed that he was slightly better in the end.

  But this did not make Li Luo feel proud, but instead made him feel a sense of increased pressure, because only after fighting Qin Yi could he know who the top genius among the king-level forces was. How tricky.

  If the two sides fight based on their own strength without using "Aiki" to increase their strength, Li Luo thinks that he may not be Qin Yi's opponent.

  Only after he completes the breakthrough and enters the evil body realm can he have the power to counterattack.

  And this time, Qin Yi was not in perfect condition. She also used her spare efforts to maintain this "water palace" to trap Li Qingfeng and others.

  Therefore, it is impossible for Li Luo to underestimate these top geniuses in Inner China just because he narrowly defeated Qin Yi by one point this time.

  Li Luo gradually calmed down and then looked at Qin Yi. The latter was in extremely bad condition at this time, but he was careful not to get close because he was afraid that Qin Yi would go crazy and use his last remaining strength to take him away and eliminate him.

  And he also wants to collect "dragon energy"!

  Li Luo smiled, and then he didn't talk nonsense with Qin Yi. Instead, he turned and walked directly to the door at the back of the hall. The door here had water light rippling, and light patterns swam through it.

  And here is the exit of the Water Palace.

  Without Qin Yi's obstruction, Li Luo was able to move freely here.

  He slashed out with his sword, and the door of the Water Palace suddenly shattered, and light seemed to pour in.

  Li Luo stood in the light, turned around and looked at Qin Yi, who was standing there unable to move, with a bright smile appearing on his face.

  "Miss Qin Yi, will your mother-in-law hit you when you go back?"

  Qin Yi clenched her jade hands tightly, and there seemed to be veins beating on the back of her smooth hands. There was also a sign of fire in her eyes as she stared at Li Luo.

  Li Luo laughed loudly, no longer irritating her, but turned around and stepped out of the door.

  His eyes were full of anticipation.

  Now that Li Qingfeng and the others have not left the Water Palace, wouldn't it be up to him to choose among the six coiled dragon pillars? !

  (End of chapter)

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