Chapter 836 Twelve phase force bubbles

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  Chapter 836: Twelve phase force bubbles,
  a huge female-like shadow, suppressed Li Luo inside, and at the same time, they continuously extracted the phase force from his body.

  Li Luo's expression also became extremely solemn at this time. Qin Yi was really troublesome, and this counterattack brought him a lot of trouble.

  Because he could feel that the phase force that had been withdrawn from him was being fed back to Qin Yi after being transformed by the phantom outside him.

  There is already a gap between the two sides in terms of strength of each other. Now if they continue to trade off each other, the gap between the two sides will become larger and larger. By then, this battle will inevitably end with his defeat.

  "The top genius of the ninth grade is really troublesome."

  Especially when this top genius still has a very high status and has top cultivation resources, the degree of difficulty is even more nerve-wracking.

  The Yanshen level body refining technique and many secret techniques comparable to the Nine Transformation Techniques!
  These methods combined with the power of the Fire Lotus Camp, Qin Yi at this time, even among the real first-class feudal warriors, can be regarded as the top one.

  Li Luo's eyes were focused, and the forces within his body merged to form dual-phase power. This high-level power would slow down the opponent's withdrawal speed, but in the end, it was only a delay and could not escape the trap.

  Qin Yi's counterattack this time was also planned for a long time. Perhaps she was preparing this secret technique when Li Luo launched that amazing offensive.

  As for Li Luo's explosive attack, she withstood it with her own "water jade flawless body", so next, it was Li Luo who had to bear her counterattack.

  "Leader Li Luo, the dual-phase power of the third realm is certainly extraordinary, but it only delays it for a while, so why bother doing these useless efforts? If you admit defeat at this time, you may still be more dignified. "Qin Yi's red lips parted slightly, and her voice was clear and sweet, like a mountain stream flowing through her heart.

  Li Luo smiled and said seriously: "I can't admit defeat to anyone, and I can't admit defeat to you. Otherwise, if my mother comes back one day, I will be beaten beyond recognition."

  Qin Yi said with a calm expression: "In that case, don't blame me for not holding back."

  She formed a seal with her slender jade hands, and she saw light patterns on the woman's shadow suddenly lit up, and she pulled away. The speed started to increase.

  Li Luo felt the loss of phase power in his body, and a look of panic appeared on his face, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a faint smile.

  "Do you like to draw people's phase energy so much?"

  Li Luo said to himself. With a thought in his mind, twelve phase energy bubbles slowly rose up somewhere in his body. This was the phase bubble technique he had practiced in the past. , can store some phase force, but with the substantial improvement in his strength now, the phase force bubble that once brought him some unexpected effects no longer has much effect.

  Because of the amount of them stored, Li Luo no longer liked them.

  So now Li Luo no longer uses these twelve phase force bubbles to store phase force, but instead stores other things,
  such as the "double abnormal poison" that was once in his body.

  This poison was left behind by Pei Hao when he plotted against him. It posed a great threat even to the Tiangang generals. However, Li Luo did not take the initiative to completely eliminate this hidden danger in his body. Otherwise, he would just ask Li Jingzhe to take action. , this so-called double abnormal poison should be easy to remove.

  As for why he didn't solve it,
  Li Luo looked at the twelve extremely dark Xiangli Bubbles in his body and smiled softly in his heart.

  Let Qin Yi try out the new gadgets that he has come up with during this period of boredom.

  When Li Luo was thinking like this, with a thought in his mind, the twelve phase force bubbles shattered, and the rich poisonous gas filled the air. Then he covered them with the power of dual phase and hid them, although the poisonous gas would also corrode Li Luo. His physical strength, but after a while, it's not a big deal.

  Then, Li Luo watched helplessly as the dual-phase power wrapped in poisonous gas was pulled out of the body, along the lines of light, and merged into the phantom of the woman. Finally, these phase forces that were pulled away and absorbed, in the After transformation, he entered Qin Yi's body again.

  Li Luo looked at it curiously, but he didn't know whether the poisonous gas of these double strange poisons would have any effect on Qin Yi.

  Qin Yi was also a little uncomfortable with the sudden gaze from Li Luo, and at the same time, he felt an inexplicable vigilance in his heart. This Li Luo was extremely cunning, so he had to be careful about what he did.

  And just when she was thinking like this, her beautiful face suddenly changed, and she finally noticed some changes in her body.

  There was a special force that raged inside her body, and wherever it passed, the flesh and blood showed signs of withering.

  "Poisonous gas?!"

  Qin Yi looked around slightly and saw the dark poisonous gas raging in her body. She couldn't help being startled. Then she seemed to understand something. She bit her silver teeth towards Li Luo and said: " You still use poison?!" Li Luo sighed: "Miss Qin Yi is such a good person. Do you know that I have been poisoned before, so you want to use drugs to heal my injuries?" "Come on, don't be polite, inhale vigorously

  . ! I won’t resist!”

  He spread his arms, his face full of anticipation.

  A wisp of black energy rose up on Qin Yi's beautiful face, and the poisonous energy entering her body was more domineering than she imagined. This made her shocked and angry, and she immediately used her own strength to dissolve the poisonous energy.

  As for the "return to fetus technique" that she maintained, after hesitating for a few breaths, she decisively cut it off.

  Because she didn't know how much of this poisonous gas was still in Li Luo's body. If she continued to absorb more poisonous gas into her body, it would indeed cause her great trouble.

  And as Qin Yi cut off the "Returning Fetus Technique", the phantom of the woman outside Li Luo's body gradually dissipated, and he escaped from the trap.

  Seeing this, Li Luo smiled and said: "Miss Qin Yi is too cautious. In fact, the poisonous gas in my body is only this little for the time being, and there is no more. If you persist a little longer, I will give in." Twelve

  Xiangli After running out of bubbles, Li Luo really couldn't use this to fight back, but he didn't mind using it to attack Qin Yi's heart.

  A faint frost appeared on Qin Yi's cheeks. She usually has a calm and calm personality, but when meeting this Li Luo, it always makes people feel inexplicably evil.

  She took a deep breath, the peaks of her chest rising and falling slightly, suppressing the emotions in her heart, and at the same time purifying the poisonous gas in her body with the ninth grade water element.

  This poisonous gas is quite overbearing. Even though her own water phase power has the effect of purifying the poison, she still needs to consume a lot of her own phase power to resolve it. As a result, her phase power is weakened.

  This "returning to the fetus" technique, in the end, she suffered even greater losses!

  Really. Infuriating!

  "Leader Li Luo, why bother struggling anymore? Your previous attacks with all your strength failed to break through my "Water Jade Flawless Body", so even if you break away from the "Returning to Fetus Technique", the outcome will be nothing. Change." Qin Yi regained his mood and said softly.

  Li Luo smiled. Qin Yi's "Water Jade Immaculate Body" was indeed very strong. He had never seen this kind of God-level body refining technique before, and the "Thunder Body" he had cultivated himself. , compared with the other party, there is also a huge gap.

  "He is worthy of being the top talent of a heavenly king-level force. He can also practice body refining techniques of this level."

  Li Luo thought to himself. In fact, he had seen the body refining technique of the Marquis in the "Dragon Tooth Cave" before, but he had not seen it before. There is no choice, after all, the thunder body can still be used for the time being.

  Moreover, practicing the body refining technique is more difficult and requires a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Li Luo does not have the financial resources now.

  Judging from the explosive attack that Qin Yi withstood before, this "Water Jade Immaculate Body" has extremely strong defense and recovery effects, so unless it can cause extremely serious damage to Qin Yi in an instant, she can With this recovery ability, injuries can be resolved quickly.

  On the other hand, it was impossible for him to continuously launch attacks of that level, and his own phase power could not be maintained.

  "Is it a serious injury in an instant?"

  Li Luo's eyes were deep and he glanced at the scarlet bracelet on his wrist. If he relied on the power of the three-tailed wolf and his own "Aiki" power, it shouldn't be difficult to severely injure Qin Yi, but now many eyes are focused on this place. There were several king-level experts, and Li Luo didn't know if using this kind of power was considered a violation.

  In addition to the three-tailed Sirius, there is another method that can be tried.

  Li Luo thought, and a sword intention in his body moved accordingly.

  It was the Galaxy Sword Intent collected during the previous practice of the "Public Phase Dragon Tooth Sword Formation".

  This technique is of a very high level and is a "unparalleled prototype". Even if it has not been deduced to completion, it is comparable to the destiny-level feudal technique. With the increase of sword intent, it is thought that it should be able to break Qin Yi's "Shuiyu Wuxia" "body" right?

  (End of chapter)

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