Chapter 622 Xu Tianling

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  Chapter 622 Xu Tianling

  Chapter 621 Xu Tianling
  When the man who was filled with astonishing coldness and pressure appeared, the expressions of everyone present changed, because they did not care about the person in front of them. Not unfamiliar.

  Xu Tianling is the first of the three major enshrinements in Luolan Mansion.

  It's just that he has disappeared for two or three years, and no one expected that he would appear on this occasion at this time.

  Yuan Qing stared at Xu Tianling with somewhat gloomy eyes. The coercion of phase power emanating from the latter had obviously reached the level of the Great Heaven Phase, which was one level higher than his Small Heaven Phase. It seemed that In the past few years, the latter has had other encounters.

  This actually made Yuan Qing a little frightened. You must know that Xiangli cultivation was relatively simple in the Tianxiang realm before. As long as you have enough talent, you can practice bravely and diligently. For example, the elite students of Shengxuanxing Academy are in the Four Stars. In the hospital, it is possible to step into the Dzi Bead Realm, but if you want to break through from the Dzi Pearl Realm to the Celestial Phase Realm, this is an extremely difficult process. This can be seen from Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess. , they can be regarded as the top geniuses in the four-star academy, and they also have the background of Wang Ting, but even so, they may not be able to break through to the heavenly realm in four years of school.

  This is because the Heavenly Appearance Realm requires not only talent, but also accumulation and understanding. It is much more difficult for the Small Heavenly Appearance Realm to advance to the Great Heavenly Appearance Realm.

  It can be said that the Heavenly Phase Realm is the most difficult threshold before entering the Marquis Realm.

  It has been several years since Yuan Qing entered the Heavenly Phase Realm, but even so, he is still wandering in this realm and has failed to successfully enter the Great Heavenly Phase Realm.

  But Xu Tianling in front of him arrived before him.

  Facing Yuan Qing's question, Xu Tianling smiled slightly, then turned his eyes to Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, cupped his hands and said, "Young Master, Miss Qing'e, long time no see, how are you?" "I wonder how dare Pei Hao show up

  . It turns out that you, the worshiper who has broken through to the Great Heaven Realm, is supporting you." Jiang Qing'e said calmly.

  Li Luo was also sizing up the great minister of the Luo Lan Mansion and said, "It seems that Xu Gongfeng is also planning to support Pei Hao in splitting the Luo Lan Mansion?"

  Xu Tianling smiled and said, "What the Young Mansion Master said is a bit unpleasant. Luo Lan Mansion also has feelings, and naturally he doesn't want to see it fall apart, but after all, Pei Hao is also the registered disciple of the two palace masters, and the two palace masters made it clear at the beginning that if he has the right status and can get the support of the two worshipers, then He is qualified to compete for the palace master."

  "Pei Hao meets these two points, so he is indeed qualified."

  "Can he still compete with me in qualifications?" Li Luo said quietly.

  Xu Tianling looked at Li Luo and said with some emotion: "If the young palace master had not been troubled by Kong Xiang before, Luo Lan Mansion would not be in such a mess. But things have begun, and there is no turning back. Everything , I can only blame fate for tricking people."

  Li Luo is indeed the most justifiable person. He is more qualified to inherit the position of the head of Luo Lan Mansion than Jiang Qing'e. If he had not had the Kongxiang incident, then the Luo Lan Mansion would have Many people would support him, but unfortunately, the Kong Xiang incident had shaken those who were originally loyal to the Luo Lan Mansion, and Pei Hao took advantage of this to win people's hearts, thus causing a series of events that followed.

  Now that the situation has reached this point, even if Li Luo solves the problem of Kongxiang and shows his strong talent, can those who have followed Pei Hao still turn back?
  Even if you know it is a dark road, you can only go to the end to see if there is any other hope.

  Because they all understand that if they look back, do they really think that Li Luo will let them go in the future? Don't be naive.

  Li Luo shook his head, but he was too lazy to argue with the other party about such meaningless things. People who are truly rebellious will always find opportunities and excuses.

  "I really convinced my father and mother." Li Luo couldn't help but sigh.

  Then he looked at Pei Hao, Xu Tianling, Mo Chen and the other three pavilion masters in front of him, and said with complicated expressions: "They are obviously amazingly talented people, how can their vision be so bad? The entire Luo Are half of the people at the top of Lan Mansion like this?"

  "How on earth did they manage to gather so much rubbish into Luo Lan Mansion and promote them all to high-level positions?"

  Li Luo's words were so cruel that they made the smile on Xu Tianling's face fade away a little bit. Anger flashed in his eyes.

  "You can't blame Master and Master."

  Jiang Qing'e shook her head and said seriously: "These two masters are playing in the world, and Luo Lan Mansion is just their whim. With their strength, do you think they will care about what else the people below have to do? Are you thinking? After all, if something happens, just shoot them to death." "

  They are confident that they can easily clean up the mess no matter how big it is, so it is not important to overestimate the choices of the people below. Haven't you seen how loyal the people in front of you were when Master and Master were here before?" Jiang Qing'e's serious answer immediately made Pei Hao, Xu Tianling, Mo Chen and others look even more unnatural, especially when mentioning When they saw the two palace masters, they had mixed emotions in their hearts, including awe, fear and joy at their disappearance.

  And from Jiang Qing'e's answer, they could also feel that the two palace masters were casual about them. They didn't care at all about their character and whether they were rebellious against Luo Lan Palace. After all, the lions cared about their territory. Falling for a group of foxes?

  "The two palace masters are naturally convincing. If they were here, how could we dare to have any different intentions." Xu Tianling suppressed the emotions in his heart and said calmly.

  "But the young palace master and Miss Qing'e don't have to live in the past. In the past, there were two palace masters who protected you. Naturally, you were aloof and did not understand our hardships. But now the situation is different after all. You two still have to recognize the reality. ."

  "So here, I still hope that the young palace master will consider Pei Hao's previous suggestion about the two palace masters coexisting." He stared at Li Luo with a sharp and compelling gaze.

  Facing his compelling gaze, Li Luo curled his lips and said lazily: "If you are deaf, I can repeat it to you again. Don't skimp on any means when it comes to government sacrifices. Just come, Luo Lan If the house is destroyed, don’t feel sorry for me.”

  The corners of Xu Tianling's eyes twitched slightly, and an evil fire surged in his heart. Why did Li Luo, as the young master of the mansion, feel less concerned about the future of Luo Lan mansion than they did?
  What a loser!

  "It seems that the young palace master still doesn't understand the reality." Xu Tianling said gloomily, and then he took a step forward, and the pressure of the Great Heaven Realm poured out like a torrent, directly covering Li Luo. go.

  The force of ice and cold permeated the air, and the entire Spring Lake Tower was covered with ice and frost.

  "In this case, let me, on behalf of the two palace masters, first teach the young palace master what reality is." Xu Tianling curled his five fingers together, and ice emerged, turning his palms into ice jade-like eagle claws, exuding an extremely cold with sharp fluctuations.

  Yuan Qing took a step forward and was about to yell, but was stopped by Li Luo.

  Li Luo looked at Xu Tianling with a half-smile, tilted his ear slightly, and said, "The Great Heaven Realm is really amazing, don't you hear it?"

  Xu Tianling narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed drastically, because at this moment, that Outside Chunhu Tower, a stream of light suddenly came through the sky. The stream of light seemed to directly penetrate the void. Wherever it passed, even the space was cut with dark traces.

  The energy of heaven and earth fled under that stream of light.

  "A powerful man with a title?!"

  Feeling the powerful pressure contained in the stream of light, Xu Tianling lost his voice in shock. At this time, he finally saw clearly that in the stream of light, there seemed to be a bright butcher's knife.

  But such a funny butcher's knife made him feel cold all over and filled with fear.

  Why would a powerful feudal lord take action against him? !

  However, at this time, he had no time to think about it. The pig-killing knife was heading straight towards him. The pervasive evil aura made Xu Tianling feel that death was approaching. He immediately roared, and only saw the ice claws on his eagle's claws. , a blood-red fist claw flashed out, and above the fist claw, there was a golden eye looming, which was a golden eye treasure.

  With the golden eye treasure in hand, Xu Tianling dared to take out the butchering knife with one palm.

  The moment the two came into contact, there was no earth-shattering sound, because everyone saw that the shining butcher's knife flicked slightly, and then the golden eye glove in Xu Tianling's hand was cut like tofu. When he opened it, half of his palm was cut at the same time.

  Blood poured out instantly along with the severed finger.

  Xu Tianling's body flew out, smashing many tables and chairs. His face instantly turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear and horror.

  After the butcher's knife cut off half of Xu Tianling's hand, it hovered on the roof for a while, and a sneer slowly came from inside.

  "Bitch, tell me, how are you going to teach the young palace master?!"

  (When Xu Tianling appeared at the end of yesterday's chapter, he should have been in the Great Heaven Realm, but one big character was missing, so I will add it today.) (End of this chapter

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