Chapter 623 Shock

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  Chapter 623: Shock
  When the voice full of ferocious aura and overwhelming pressure came out from the butcher knife, the entire rooftop was completely silent. Except for Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, everyone's eyes were fixed in horror. The butcher's knife came through the air and cut off half of the hand of Xu Tianling, a strong man in the Great Heaven Realm, with one strike.

  No one expected that a powerful feudal prince would suddenly intervene in the affairs here.

  Moreover, this powerful feudal lord obviously belongs to Li Luo's camp!
  When did Luo Lan's mansion have a mysterious powerful man guarding it? !

  Yuan Qing, Lu Qing, and Lu Guan, the ministers and masters of the Luolan Mansion, were all shocked, because even they didn't know that in addition to the two masters of the Luolan Mansion, there were other powerful feudal princes. .

  But why did this powerful feudal prince never show up to frighten the enemies inside and outside when Luolan Mansion was in turmoil? If there was a strong man who had a title to suppress the Luo Lan Mansion at that time, all the turmoil and chaos would not have happened.

  The hearts of the three people were full of doubts and confusion.

  But Yuan Qing was more surprised. Although he didn't know the origin of this powerful man, but since he would take action to protect the young master, he naturally belongs to the Luolan Mansion headquarters. This is definitely a big deal. good news.

  Different from his surprise, the faces of Pei Hao, Mo Chen and the other three pavilion masters became extremely ugly at this time, especially the latter three, whose eyes were frightened. They had already stood up in panic, and backed away. All trembling.

  That is a powerful man who has been granted a title!

  As long as his thoughts occur, I am afraid that the three of them will die on the spot.

  Damn it, why is there still a powerful man who has been granted a title in Luo Lan Mansion? !

  At this time, the three of them felt quite like a bereaved dog.

  Xu Tianling covered the broken palm, and the force of ice and cold surged, trying to stop the bleeding, but he soon discovered that this was in vain. There was an extremely terrifying force remaining in the broken part, and that force eroded the flesh and blood, making the It was difficult for his phase power to resolve it quickly, so he could only endure the severe pain.

  He understood that that power was the dual-phase power of the powerful feudal lord. Although he had now advanced to the Great Heaven Realm, the gap between him and the powerful feudal lord was still like a chasm.

  Xu Tianling raised his head, looked at the pig-killing knife suspended above Li Luo, and said in a hoarse voice: "Sure enough, there is a powerful man hiding in the Luo Lan Mansion." Although the other pavilion masters were completely unaware of the

  Luo Lan Mansion He had learned about the mysterious powerful man who had been granted a title, but even so, he had always had some doubts about it. After all, he had never seen him in Luolan Mansion for many years. In addition to the two palace masters, he is the third powerful man to be granted a title.

  But now, after experiencing it himself, he understood the authenticity of this information.

  Li Luo glanced at the hovering butcher's knife, stretched out his hand, and then the knife slowly fell down and was held in his palm. He stared at Xu Tianling with a smile and said, "Teach me how to be a human being, are you worthy of it?" Xu Tianling looked gloomy and said

  . : "It turns out that this is what the young master relies on, but I also heard that the mysterious and powerful man who made a lord cannot step out of the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion, otherwise he would not see anyone but his sword now." "Then do you want to try again

  ? Try?" Li Luo raised the butcher's knife. There were some dark red marks on the blade, and there was a faint and heart-stopping evil aura emanating from it. It felt as if the butcher's knife had come from a mountain of corpses. It's like being pulled out of a sea of ​​blood.

  Being pointed at the pig-killing knife, Xu Tianling's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. The severe pain in his broken palm made him finally fall silent.

  "It seems that the young master decided to start a war in Luolan Mansion on the day of the Mansion Festival." Xu Tianling said coldly.

  "The thief shouts to catch the thief."

  Li Luo shook his head and said: "There is no need to talk nonsense. I will be waiting for you on the day of the Mansion Festival. Just use whatever means you have at that time. It doesn't matter whether Luo Lan Mansion can be saved or not, but I I'm sure that even if the Luo Lan Mansion is destroyed, I won't let you guys take any advantage."

  After he finished speaking, he said no more and turned to leave with Jiang Qing'e. Upon seeing this, Yuan Qing and others quickly followed.

  Lu Qing and Lu Guan looked at each other in disbelief and did not dare to stay here any longer. The strength shown by the Luo Lan Mansion today frightened them. Therefore, they still dared to flirt with Pei Hao now. They should think about what might happen in the future. The master of the mansion really survived the mansion festival, what should they do?

  Pei Hao looked at the two people leaving with gloomy eyes, anger surging in his heart. Today's purpose was a complete failure.

  He originally hoped to use Xu Tianling, who had broken through to the Great Heaven Realm, to weaken the momentum of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, and at the same time frighten the two neutral pavilion masters Lu Qing and Lu Guan, and pull them to his side at the same time, but no one did Thinking that the mysterious powerful man from Luo Lan Mansion actually took action at this time.

  This time, it was their side that was shocked.

  Pei Hao glanced at the three pavilion masters who looked frightened, and said calmly: "You don't have to panic. For some reason, the powerful man who made the title of marquis in Luolan Mansion couldn't leave the scope of the headquarters at all, so he is not as bad as you think." It's scary. Besides, someone will stop him when the Rifu Festival is held that day." "

  But the action of the powerful man who sealed the title was a bit unexpected. I thought that he couldn't take action because he couldn't leave the headquarters, but it seems It's because I underestimated the methods of the strong man who made the title."

  Xu Tianling said gloomily: "Although his attack penetrated the headquarters, it was still severely weakened. Otherwise, the knife just now wouldn't have just cut off half of my hand. ."

  The sword strike just now was terrifying, but Xu Tianling understood that if a strong man from the feudal lord really made a move, he would definitely die.

  Pei Hao nodded silently and stared at the position of the stairs with gloomy eyes. However, this time it was not without gain. At least they detected the true existence and current status of the mysterious powerful man named Marquis in Luolan Mansion.

  "Li Luo."

  "Although you keep saying that you don't care about Luo Lan Mansion, I really want to see if you can still be so crazy when it really falls apart?!" "

  Young Master of the Mansion, that seal Mr. Hou, why don't you just kill Pei Hao and Xu Tianling, so that you won't have to worry about the palace sacrifice?" After walking out of Chunhu Tower, Yuan Qing couldn't help but ask.

  Li Luo glanced at the butcher's knife at his waist and curled his lips helplessly. Of course he wanted to, but Uncle Biao was subject to some restrictions. If he walked out of the Luolan Mansion headquarters, his strength would be sharply reduced. This time he drove the killer The arrival of the pig knife was considered a trick, but even so, the power of the pig knife was seriously weakened.

  Therefore, it wasn't that he didn't want to kill Pei Hao and Xu Tianling directly, but that he couldn't.

  When they came to the banquet this time, both Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e guessed that Pei Hao might have some back-up tactics, so they discussed with Niu Biaobiao. They only moved forward after confirming that his attack could cover the area of ​​Chunhu Tower. Come on, after all, there is no need for a gentleman to be reckless and dangerous if he does not stand behind a dangerous wall.

  Their lives are much more precious than Pei Hao's white-eyed wolf.

  "Don't worry, all grudges will be settled after the Mansion Festival."

  Li Luo waved his hand. He and Jiang Qing'e looked at each other, and then they looked at the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters across the street.

  In one month, the big storm that has been waiting for a year will come to Luo Lan Mansion.

  All grudges will have a result on that day.

  (End of chapter)

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