Chapter 621 Pei Hao’s intention

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  Chapter 621 Pei Hao intended to
  "meet the young master, Miss."

  At this time, Lu Qing and Lu Guan also stood up with a somewhat embarrassed look, then saluted to Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, and at the same time explained: "We also heard about Pei Manager Haoda invited you to come, that's why you came."

  After all, Li Luo is still the legitimate young master of the palace today. If it were a year ago, maybe they wouldn't be so polite to Li Luo, because at that time Li Luo is just an empty phase. Although he has an identity, his empty phase limits his future achievements, so there is no need to pay too much attention to him.

  But things are different now. The Young Master of the Kongxiang Palace has broken away from the shackles of the past and has begun to become dazzling.

  In just one year, they, the pavilion masters, know how much changes Li Luo has brought to the Luo Lan Mansion. Even in the hearts of some people in the Luo Lan Mansion, the importance of Li Luo, the young master of the mansion, even Starting to catch up with Jiang Qing'e.

  So when they faced Li Luo, they were a little uneasy. With the talents and potential shown by Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, they felt that if they could survive the crisis in Luo Lan Mansion, maybe Luo Lan Mansion It will be restored to glory and prosperity in their hands.

  Facing the two explanations, a gentle smile appeared on Li Luo's face, he waved his hand and said, "I believe in your loyalty to the Luo Lan Mansion."

  Although these words were not true thoughts, as a qualified As for the mature young palace master, Li Luo would certainly not be able to show his anger and reprimand the two of them at this time, as that would only push them to Pei Hao's side, so he seemed very gentle.

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at the two of them lightly and said, "Just sit aside. We are here to see Pei Hao for today's matter." "

  Yes, miss."

  The two agreed quickly. Jiang Qing'e was in Luo Lan's mansion. Her majesty is not small. After all, when Luo Lan Mansion was in turmoil, it was she who single-handedly stabilized Luo Lan Mansion, and the talents and potential she showed were enough to make all the pavilion masters in Luo Lan Mansion fear.

  "Since you two are here, why don't you listen to my thoughts this time?" At this time, Pei Hao suppressed his emotions and said with a smile.

  "You don't need to listen to your ideas, they must all be stinky." Li Luo sighed.

  "Young Master, there is no need to resist me like this. In fact, we all have the same purpose, which is to protect the Luo Lan Mansion. On the day of the Mansion Festival, the internal fighting between us will only give an advantage to outsiders." Pei Hao said with a faint smile.

  "Sorry, in my opinion, you are also an outsider." Li Luo shook his head and retorted.

  Pei Hao's smile finally sank, but before he could say anything, Li Luo waved his hand and said, "I'm here now, but I also want to hear what nonsense you can say." Pei Hao's eyelids drooped slightly

  . , said in a slow tone: "Young Mansion Master probably doesn't want us to be at odds during the Luo Lan Mansion Festival in a month's time, right? So I have a suggestion to avoid disputes between the two parties, so as not to be taken advantage of by outsiders. ."

  "The suggestion is very simple. From now on, Luo Lan Mansion will continue the position of the two palace masters of the previous generation, and it will become a tradition. You and I, the Young Pavilion Master, will each hold a seat and jointly control the Luo Lan Mansion. When the time comes, we will turn our hostility into friendship. With our combined efforts, we will definitely succeed. It will restore the Luo Lan Mansion to its former prosperity."

  "Young Pavilion Master, I have already given in to this suggestion, and I hope you can seriously consider it for the future of the Luo Lan Mansion."

  Li Luo looked thoughtful, and slowly He said slowly: "It is a good suggestion for two palace masters to stand side by side."

  When Pei Hao heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. Mo Chen and the three masters who had taken refuge with Pei Hao also laughed.

  Yuan Qing, Lei Zhang and others looked at Li Luo in astonishment. If Pei Hao really became the real master of the palace, he would have a legitimate reason to intervene in many affairs of Luo Lan Mansion, although this may indeed avoid the problem of the palace. The disputes above were sacrificed, but they laid the foundation for greater disasters in the future.

  How could the young master agree?

  However, just when they were shocked and doubtful, Li Luo spoke again leisurely and said: "But the two palace masters should be me and Sister Qing'e. Does it have anything to do with you, Pei Hao, a white-eyed wolf? "

  Pei Hao's smile suddenly stiffened, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes gradually became gloomy.

  Obviously, this Li Luo was deliberately teasing him just now.

  Sure enough, Li Luo looked at him and smiled contemptuously: "Pei Hao, Pei Hao, who are you? You also want to get involved in Luo Lan Mansion. Let me tell you, you don't need to threaten me with these words. I value Luo Lan Mansion." , just because this is a little effort of my parents, but that's it. In the eyes of our family, Luolan Mansion is really gone, so let it be gone. We will have plenty of time and ability to rebuild in the future. It." "Pei Hao, I know you value Luo Lan Mansion very much, but I'm sorry. In fact, we don't value it as much as you do. If you want to play, you can play whatever you want, and I will accompany you to the end." Li Luo shook his head gently

  . , looked at Pei Hao with some pity.

  The roof of the building became extremely quiet at this time, and the air seemed to have stopped flowing. Whether it was Yuan Qing, Lei Zhang, Mo Chen, Lu Qing, Lu Guan and others, they all looked at Li Luo in shock. They were really I didn't expect Li Luo to be able to say such sharp and stinging words.

  They all understood that each of these words was like a knife cutting into Pei Hao's most painful place.

  They looked at Pei Hao, and sure enough, they saw that the latter's face was distorted little by little at this time. His eyes were full of coldness like poisonous snakes, and he was staring at Li Luo, as if he was A terrifying aura that seemed to bite people rose from his body.

  There is nothing more heart-wrenching than being treated with contempt by someone who values ​​something very dear to you.

  However, facing Pei Hao's oppressive gaze, Li Luo smiled, calmly and without fear, and said calmly: "It seems that I said a little too harshly, which hurt your low self-esteem. .”

  Pei Hao slapped it down, and the table next to him exploded into pieces. The powerful phase force spurted out, directly crushing the pieces of the table into powder.

  However, just as he was about to speak, Jiang Qing'e, who was beside Li Luo, had already taken half a step forward. Her golden eyes stared at Pei Hao coldly and said, "Pei Hao, I don't like talking to others, so I just say one thing, I don't want to be in the house." I saw you on the altar, so I hope you die today."

  The moment he finished speaking, the majestic and astonishing power of light suddenly erupted from his body, and powerful pressure swept across the entire place.

  She raised her delicate hand, and a sword light burning with bright flames roared out, directly piercing the void with a fierce and fierce attitude, and slashed at Pei Hao.

  Jiang Qing'e's attack was so decisive that even Yuan Qing and others had not recovered before the domineering sword light was already falling towards Pei Hao.

  However, Pei Hao himself faced Jiang Qing'e's sudden attack, but his figure remained motionless and his face looked slightly gloomy.

  The sword light burning with bright flames suddenly solidified when it was still an inch away from Pei Hao's face, because everyone saw that in front of Pei Hao, there was an ice shield taking shape, exuding an extremely... As the cold air rose, it actually froze the bright flames burning on the sword light.

  The sword light finally turned into ice chips and shattered.

  Such a change made Jiang Qing'e narrow her eyes slightly, and then cast her gaze towards the screen behind Pei Hao.

  "Haha, I haven't seen you in a few years. Miss Qing'e's light power is really becoming more and more domineering."

  At the same time, a laugh came from behind the screen, and then, a figure walked out slowly.

  All eyes are cast away.

  The only person who came was a man with some gray hair. His face was thin, and there was frost spreading on his face, which made his whole body exude a terrible cold air. As he walked out, there was a The terrifying Xiangli pressure started from him and slowly spread.

  Everyone present changed their expressions slightly, and some people lost their voices in shock: "Heavenly Phase Realm?!"

  Yuan Qing also cast his gaze on the man, and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Xu Tianling?! Have you advanced to the Heavenly Phase Realm?!"

  Li Luo's eyes moved slightly when he heard the name.

  Because this Xu Tianling is the first of the three major enshrinements in Luolan Mansion.

  (End of chapter)

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