Chapter 620 Goodbye Pei Hao

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  Chapter 620 Goodbye Pei Hao,
  King of Ten Thousand Appearances
  Volume 1

  Chapter 619

  Chapter 619 Goodbye Pei Hao

  The fifth evil level "Three Transformation Dragon Breath Refining Technique" has been obtained, but Li Luo is still There is no time to practice, because there are more important things today, which is to go to Chunhu Tower and attend Pei Hao's banquet.

  There is no good feast.

  But Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e still planned to go. After all, Pei Hao dared to hold a banquet at Chunhu Tower outside the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion. This was already a provocation. If they didn't go, what would happen to Luo Lan Mansion? The reputation and prestige of the headquarters are both a big blow.

  Furthermore, Pei Hao also invited two neutral pavilion masters, Lu Qing and Lu Guan. This was obviously an attempt to win over each other. Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e could not just sit back and watch this happen.

  These pavilion masters are old people from the Luo Lan Mansion and have extremely senior qualifications. They control part of the power of the Luo Lan Mansion and can be regarded as the most powerful people in the Luo Lan Mansion. In the past, when Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan were still there, these pavilion masters Naturally, they were obedient and did not dare to have the slightest objection, but now that the two have been missing for many years, although Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e tried their best to save the situation, their prestige is naturally not as good as that of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan, so it is inevitable that these pavilion masters will also give birth to Some other thoughts.

  Li Luo actually didn't have much favorable impressions of these neutral pavilion masters, because although they didn't openly turn to Pei Hao, their attempts to separate themselves and establish themselves on their own made him a little angry.

  However, he still has to suppress his anger now. After all, his strength is not enough. When he enters the feudal realm and completely controls Luo Lan Mansion in the future, these past accounts will naturally be settled one by one.

  After Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e finished their breakfast, they went to the front hall, where Yuan Qingda and Master Lei Zhang had already arrived.

  "Young Master, Miss, all the forces from the Luolan Mansion headquarters have been assembled, and the defenses around Chunhu Tower have been completed. As long as they get the signal, they will rush in directly!" Lei Zhang reported.

  Li Luo nodded. Since Pei Hao dared to show up, he naturally had to be prepared. The best thing might be to deal with him directly at Chunhu Tower, so as to avoid causing any trouble at the Mansion Festival.

  "Young Master, Miss, Pei Hao is a cautious and cunning person. He has been lurking in Daxia City for many days. Now that he dares to show up and provoke, he must be relying on something and must be on guard." Yuan Qing said thoughtfully.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded and said, "Don't worry, Yuan Congfang, we will be careful."

  After hearing this, Yuan Qing said no more.

  Then the group of people got ready again, and when the time was almost up, they packed up and left the house.

  When Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e walked out of the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters, they immediately saw the luxurious pavilion at the end of the street. There was the Chunhu Tower, just across the street from the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters.

  "There are a lot of spies here."

  Li Luo glanced around the street. He could sense some Ruoyouruowu glances directed at the headquarters. Obviously, Pei Hao's invitation had spread throughout Daxia City in the past few days. , now all forces are staring at this.

  After all, this banquet should be regarded as a tentative confrontation between the two forces within Luo Lan Mansion before the Mansion Festival.

  Jiang Qing'e had a cold face and ignored the visiting eyes. Instead, she and Li Luo walked through the streets and soon arrived outside the Chunhu Tower.

  The door of the building was wide open, and there was no one inside. It was obvious that the entire building had been taken over by Pei Hao. Others also knew that this place was not a good place today, so no one came here to join in the fun.

  Yuan Qing, Lei Zhang and other elite guards from Luo Lan Mansion Headquarters, headed by Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, poured directly into the building. There was no one on the first floor, so Li Luo and others climbed up. When we arrived at the top floor, we had a wide view overlooking the nearby streets, and it was here that many figures sat down, all looking at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e who were going upstairs.

  Li Luo glanced over this place. In the middle position, Pei Hao was smiling. The golden sword hanging from his ear was shining, and his slightly sunken eyes exuded a sharp and cold aura.

  Next to Pei Hao was the big worshiper named Mo Chen.

  There were three familiar figures following the order, they were the three pavilion masters of Luo Lan Mansion who had taken refuge with Pei Hao.

  Going downstairs, there was a man and a woman sitting. At this time, the two people looked at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e who were going upstairs with slightly unnatural expressions. And these two people were Lu Qing and Lu Guan, who had always remained neutral. Two pavilion masters.

  The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense with the arrival of Li Luo and others, with undercurrents surging.

  "Haha, the Young Palace Master and Miss Jiang are really courageous. They knew it was a Hongmen Banquet, but they still dared to come." Pei Hao said with a smile.

  "I just want to see what kind of support you got from the master behind you, who has been hiding like a mouse for so long, and you dare to show up?" Li Luo looked at Pei Hao and smiled faintly.

  Pei Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Li Luo. He still remembered that when he saw Li Luo in that old house nearly a year ago, the latter was just an empty-faced waste in his eyes. However, now, for some reason, , he had begun to feel a little uncomfortable aura from Li Luo's body.

  In other words, it was a faint threat.

  This made Pei Hao feel gloomy, because he had heard too many things about Li Luo this year, especially the recent news that Li Luo had won the title of the strongest student of the Eastern China One Star Academy. .This title is not just a false name, it is also synonymous with strength and potential.

  Although Pei Hao has never entered the Holy Xuanxing Academy, he also understands the strength and foundation of these Holy Academy in the Eastern China.

  Being able to stand out from so many outstanding peers in the entire Eastern China and win the title is enough to prove Li Luo's current strength.

  After solving the problem of empty phase, the talent that Li Luo displayed was something that people could not help but envy.

  In the past, he could still comfort himself by saying that no matter how good Li Luo's background was, he was always just a useless waste. But now, this comfort is gone. With Li Luo's talent and amazing cultivation speed, Already fully worthy of the position of young master of Luo Lan Mansion.

  Today, Li Luo's reputation in Luo Lan's mansion is becoming more and more prosperous.

  "Can one person really take advantage of so many benefits?" Pei Hao's heart was full of murderous intent and jealousy, and he couldn't help but clenched his fingers slowly. Why was this Li Luo so good at birth? He could get everything, but all his efforts were not as good as what Li Luo got?
  He respected Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan so much. He worked for the Luolan Mansion through life and death, and everything he did was to win their approval. However, everything he did by Pei Hao, in their eyes, might not even affect the entire Luolan Mansion. None of them can compare to a single hair of Luo Li.

  There were veins pulsing on the back of Pei Hao's hands.

  He knew that he was jealous of Li Luo, extremely jealous, and it was this extreme jealousy that brought him to where he is today.

  But he has no regrets.

  Since you disdain the Luo Lan Mansion that I cherish so much, then don't blame me for destroying it!
  (End of chapter)

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