Chapter 501 Lu Ming’s Illusion Formation

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  Chapter 501 Lu Ming’s phantom formation

  An extremely violent and fierce Xiangli shock wave erupted in the open forest. The surrounding red trees were directly cut off at the waist, and then were crushed to pieces by the Xiangli torrent.

  Lu Ming's figure flashed back in mid-air and landed on the top of a big tree. Her cold eyes stared at the source of the shock wave below, and a deep crack appeared on the ground. The sword marks were scorched black all around, as if they were struck by thunder, and the sword marks spread forward until they were submerged in the smoke and dust.

  She didn't hold back the sword at all.

  Not only did she activate the dual-phase power of her unity realm, she even unleashed a sword like thunder. She knew the power of this sword very well, and even some people who had undergone the third transformation of the phase of transformation could not Can't take it.

  But Li Luo chose to take it hard.

  Normally, this sword should be able to determine the outcome.

  But Lu Ming did not relax her vigilance, her eyes were still staring sharply at the gradually dispersing smoke. After a few breaths, her eyes narrowed slightly because she saw a figure slowly walking out of the smoke.

  That's Lo Lee.

  At this time, Li Luo was holding a simple straight knife, and his arms seemed to be thicker. The skin on his arms was torn, and blood was flowing down, dripping down the blade, but Lu Ming did not see anything on him. Thunder sword mark.

  Apparently, her swift attack earlier was forcefully received by Li Luo.

  "You are indeed a little weird." Lu Ming said slowly.

  Li Luo's strength was beyond her expectation.

  This is not a phase force that can be possessed by the second transformation of a normal biphasic phase segment.

  "Did you practice some kind of physiognomy technique?" She thought, but she quickly guessed some clues. This kind of physiognomy technique is quite rare, and it can store some physiognomy power to temporarily enhance combat effectiveness, but as far as she knows, the physiognomy technique The phase power provided also has some limitations, but the strength of Li Luo's phase power is a bit beyond this limit.

  While Lu Ming was thinking about it, Li Luo didn't say anything nonsense. He stretched out his palm and gave Lu Ming a fierce squeeze.

  "Bound of Ten Thousand Trees!"

  Suddenly, the big tree under Lu Ming's feet shook, and those tree trunks seemed to have vitality, turning into big pythons and quickly wrapping around Lu Ming's feet.

  However, for these sweeping tree trunks, the deer croaked and the lightning flashed on its delicate body, and its toes pointed a little.

  As if thunder struck down, the entire tree was instantly blackened, and the tree trunks turned into black ashes and fell down.

  Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he continued to use the power of the wood phase, urging the surrounding trees to wrap around the deer. At the same time, the power of the water phase also performed another phase technique: "Heavy Water Technique!" Accompanied by the heavy water technique

  , After exerting it, a layer of dark blue water film suddenly appeared on the tree trunks extending towards Lu Ming. At the same time, its power was also enhanced. There was a sound of breaking wind when it was swung, and it hit Lu Ming fiercely.

  Thunder light jumped at Lu Ming's slender fingertips, and dozens of lightning bolts shot out, trying to destroy these tree trunks.

  However, in this collision, the power of thunder did not achieve the previous effect. Some tree trunks went straight through the lightning, appeared in front of Lu Ming, and shot at her limbs like tentacles.

  Obviously, Li Luo still wanted to limit Lu Ming's speed. After all, her thunder phase was too fast, which would also pose a great threat to Li Luo.

  "The combination of water and wood physiognomy is quite skillful."

  Lu Ming saw this and praised. Then the lightning flashed under her feet, and afterimages appeared in the air. She directly avoided the restraints of all the branches. With a leap of her delicate body, she was like Appeared in front of Li Luo like a teleport.

  Thunder light jumped on the golden sword in his hand. As the sword shook, several lightning sword shadows appeared in Li Luo's surprised eyes. The sword shadows drew at tricky angles and pierced Li Luo's vital parts.

  These lightning sword shadows are virtual and real, making it difficult for people to guard against them.

  Obviously, this is also the cooperation of Lu Ming using the power of illusion and the power of thunder.

  This counterattack came quite quickly.

  Li Luo couldn't tell which of the opponent's thunder sword lights was real and which was fake, so he simply ignored it, holding the Xuanxiang knife tightly in his palm, using the power of the dual phase and the power of the elephant god at the same time, and slashed it down with one blow.

  The power of that sword was so strong that even the void was cut with faint traces.

  A harsh sonic boom. boom!
  The sword light slashed down, and the lightning sword shadows continued to shatter, and finally collided with the real lightning. When the thunder rolled, the two figures were shocked.

  The next moment, they launched an extremely rapid offensive.

  I saw a crazy explosion of sword light and sword light, almost covering the two figures, and the surrounding ground was constantly being torn apart with deep marks. The two people seemed to have turned into a tornado, and everything they passed was , everything is destroyed.

  In just a few minutes, the two fought hundreds of rounds.

  Such a high-intensity collision made both of them gasp harder.

  After the last collision, Lu Ming's delicate body was the first to fly away. Her eyes were full of solemnity at this time, and the palm of her hand holding the golden rapier was trembling slightly.

  Li Luo's power was terrifyingly strong.

  "Is it because of the knife in his hand?"

  Lu Ming glanced at the Xuanxiang knife in Li Luo's hand. She could feel a huge surge of force coming from the knife every time the sword came into contact. The force, that force was so fierce, made her feel like she was wrestling with a ferocious beast.

  "Li Luo, you are really amazing." Lu Ming said seriously.

  Opposite Lu Ming, Li Luo stood with a knife in his hand, his expression indifferent, but his hair was standing on end at the moment. That was because during the fight just now, he was electrified by Lu Ming's thunderous power and was numb. .

  He opened his mouth and smiled and said, "I think so too."

  Then a puff of black smoke came out of his mouth, and he quickly closed his mouth, feeling annoyed that Lu Ming's thunderous power was really troublesome.

  Looking at Li Luo's embarrassed appearance, Lu Ming raised the corner of his lips slightly, and then said calmly: "But I won't lose to you in this battle." "

  Oh? Really?" Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Lu Ming smiled. She was always aloof and showed such a smile, which was a bit surprising, but Li Luo felt some dangerous atmosphere from her smile.

  But before he could make any move, Lu Ming slowly took a step back.

  After taking this step, Li Luo was surprised to find that Lu Ming's figure disappeared directly from his eyes.

  "Li Luo, this was originally a method to deal with Jing Taixu, but now, it has to be used on you first." Lu Ming's voice came from all directions.

  At the same time, Li Luo found that the surrounding environment began to change.

  The empty forest receded and was replaced by an endless sea of ​​flowers. The sea of ​​flowers spread, and he was in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.

  Li Luo looked stern.

  "Illusion array?"

  This so-called sea of ​​flowers must be an illusion. In other words, now he has fallen into Lu Ming's illusion array again.

  Boom boom.

  As the sea of ​​flowers appeared, dark clouds began to gather quickly above Li Luo, gradually covering the sky.

  In the dark clouds, lightning flashed, and loud rumbling sounds resounded.

  Li Luo's expression became more serious.

  This time, the magic array also added the power of thunder.

  The combination of the power of illusion and the power of thunder finally formed a phantom thunder array?
  This Lu Ming is really tricky beyond imagination.

  (End of chapter)

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