Chapter 502: The Siege of Sanxingyuan

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  Chapter 502: The siege of Sanxingyuan
  "Li Luo was pulled into Lu Ming's illusion array."

  When Li Luo was in the illusion array of the sea of ​​flowers, in front of the tower, Qin Zhulu, Bai Doudou, Lu Qing'er and others were all there Looking up at the curtain of light emitted from the energy pool in front, within the curtain of light was the scene of Li Luo being pulled into the illusion formation.

  "Lu Ming is really serious. This is her truly powerful method. The combination of illusion and thunder forms an offensive illusion formation that can both confuse people and start an attack." Bai Doudou said with a solemn face. .

  Qin Zhulu, Lu Qing'er, Yu Lang and others also showed a hint of worry. They had seen how tricky Lu Ming's phantom formation was when they were in the Dragon Blood Fire Domain, and the phantom formation at that time was not really aggressive. But obviously the illusion array arranged by Lu Ming is different now.

  I don’t know if Li Luo can withstand it.

  In front of this tower, in addition to Qin Zhulu and Lu Qing'er, there were other people at the hospital level. However, appearing here at this time meant that they had all been eliminated.

  At this time, they were looking at several light curtains emitted from the energy pool. The light curtains not only showed the scene of Li Luo, but also the situations of the other three courtyards at this time.

  No, strictly speaking, there should be two hospital levels.

  Three-star hospital and four-star hospital.

  Because the Erxingyuan side has been completely eliminated.

  Just a minute ago, Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding, who looked pale, were thrown out of the energy pool.

  The Two-Star Academy Competition has entered the final round, and both Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding met strong enemies. After a bloody battle, the two were defeated as expected.

  At this point, all the two-star colleges of Shengxuanxing Academy have been eliminated.

  All the Zihui students from the Second Star Academy were standing together at this time. Their expressions were full of frustration and depression. After all, the Zihui students from the other three academy levels were looking at each other from time to time. Although those eyes were not ridiculing. It means, but it still makes the Zihui students of Erxing Academy feel quite embarrassed.

  After all, there are still cauldron bearers in other courtyards who are persisting, but only their two-star academy has been eliminated the fastest.

  Doesn't this mean that among the current class of Shengxuanxing Academy, their Erxing Academy will be the one with the best hips?
  Although this has been revealed in the previous ticket games, there is no need to slap him in the face again and again, right?

  Alas, other courtyards have their pillars supporting their reputations. Li Luo from the One-Star Academy, Jiang Qing'e from the Three-Star Academy, and even the Four-star Academy have masters like the clouds. Palace God Jun and the eldest princess are all unfathomable, but they are the only two-star ones.
  The eyes of some Zihui students in Erxing Academy glanced at the pale-faced Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding in front of them .

  It's not very useful at all. Why don't you just consider repeating the grade? Otherwise, the remaining two years of college life seem to be a bit embarrassing.

  Although their gazes were relatively obscure, Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding were at their most sensitive at this time. Naturally, they noticed the strange looks in the eyes of their former teammates, who were centered around them, and immediately felt a sense of shame and anger in their hearts. rise.

  But they could only pretend they had never felt it. They raised their heads and couldn't help but look at the screen of light for the One-Star Academy Competition.

  In that, is the fight between Li Luo and that bipolar person Lu Ming, right?
  If this guy also lost, then they wouldn't be so embarrassed, right?
  Although such thoughts are quite dark and selfish, at this time, who cares about these things.

  While they were having such selfish thoughts in their hearts, suddenly there was a commotion in front of the tower, and then there were exclamations: "Oh no, Sister Jiang is under siege! These guys are too despicable, they actually want to Four against one!"

  When everyone heard this, they were all shocked, and then their eyes hurriedly cast towards the light curtain of Sanxingyuan.

  Even Vice President Su Xin cast his gaze, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

  Three-Star Academy Competition, somewhere in the forest of the finals.

  "Do it!"

  Lu Jinci's expression was solemn. He looked at the beautiful figure leaning over the mountain stream and seemed to be washing her hands. A look of determination flashed in his eyes. In the next moment, an extremely powerful force burst out in his body. The force of phase flows like a torrent through the mountains and forests.

  At the same moment when Lu Jinci's phase force exploded, in the other three directions, there were also three powerful phase forces rising into the sky, causing the void to tremble.


  Without any temptation, the four of Lu Jinci immediately unleashed their strongest killing moves at this moment, because they understood how powerful Jiang Qing'e they were encircling and suppressing was. Since the beginning of the academy competition, Jiang Qing'e had swept all the way. He was so powerful that no one dared to stop him, but it was precisely because Jiang Qing'e was too strong that in the end Lu Jinci was able to more smoothly find these powerful collaborators who were no less powerful than him.

  Their purpose is the same, which is to eliminate the strongest Jiang Qing'e.

  Everyone understands that only if Jiang Qing'e is eliminated will they be qualified to compete for the title of the strongest.

  For this attack, they had been holding back for a long time, and there were originally five of them, but the fifth helper was currently entangled by Duze Honglian from Shengxuanxing Academy.

  Each of these people is a leader in their respective schools. In terms of strength, they will not be weaker than Zhao Huiyin who was in the previous ticket competition. Now the four of them are taking action with all their strength, and the momentum is even more majestic, as if all the mountains are covered. It was at this time that he trembled and whined.

  Four monstrous rainbow lights pierced the sky with murderous intent, and in that instant, they hit the slender figure beside the stream.

  The loud sound resounded and the mountains shook. With this blow, half of the mountain collapsed.


  A look of ecstasy appeared in Lu Jinci's eyes. Their attack must have hit the target, and under this level of joint attack, even Jiang Qing'e must have paid a heavy price, right?

  The figures of the four people flashed out from mid-air, their eyes fixed on the collapsed mountain.

  The smoke and dust there gradually dissipated.

  Lu Jinci's pupils shrank sharply.

  All four of them are discolored.

  Because they saw that in the smoke, there was a pair of bright wings of about several feet, slowly stretching out. The light on the wings seemed to be able to penetrate the endless darkness and illuminate the world.

  Every time the wings of light flap gently, the energy between heaven and earth is rolling.

  Jiang Qing'e's beautiful figure slowly rose into the sky, her bright wings gently fluttering behind her. She held a golden epee in her slender jade hands. Her flawless face showed no emotion at this time, and was calm and indifferent.

  But in those golden eyes, the golden light became more dazzling than ever before.

  At this time, she seemed to be an angel of light, exuding cleanliness and holiness, and at the same time, she also had infinite divine power that seemed to be able to judge the heaven and the earth.

  The four of them, Lu Jinci, looked at Jiang Qing'e's unprecedented state, with horror in their eyes, because at this moment, they felt an extremely dangerous aura from Jiang Qing'e's body.

  While the four people were horrified, Jiang Qing'e's indifferent golden eyes were focused on them, and at the same time, there was a cold and murderous voice, which ethereally resounded throughout the world.

  "A bunch of rats, have they finally come out?"

  (End of this chapter)

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