Chapter 500 The battle between bipolar people

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  Chapter 500 The battle between bipolar people
  is buzzing!
  The sparkling sword light, wrapped in the biting cold air, directly cut through Lu Ming's slender neck, but the moment the sword light passed by, Li Luo's expression changed slightly.

  Because the blade does not have the feeling of hitting a real object.


  Li Luo's heart froze. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Lu Ming's figure gradually dissipating. Obviously, this was not her real body.

  This woman is really cunning.

  And at the moment when Li Luo's sword missed, there was a sudden thunder on his right side, and a flash of thunder appeared. It was a golden rapier jumping with thunder. The rapier was faster than Li Luo's previous sword. The sneak attack will come even faster.

  As the thunder roared, it stabbed Li Luo's head extremely fiercely.

  The speed of Lei Xiang is extremely fast.

  But just when the golden rapier was about to stab Li Luo's head, an octagonal shield flashing with golden light suddenly appeared on his right side, and then collided with the rapier.

  The sound of gold and iron sounded, and at the same time, there was a violent impact of phase force.

  Li Luo retreated suddenly, and with a move of his hand, the octagonal golden shield fell back into his hand. He glanced at it and felt a chill in his heart. He saw a deep mark on the shield, which almost pierced the shield directly. .

  Although this octagonal golden shield is just a White-Eye Noble Phantasm, its defensive power is quite good. After Li Luo got it in the Golden Dragon Dojo, he has been repairing it. Unexpectedly, it almost came out as soon as it appeared. He was defeated by Lu Ming again with a sword.

  This woman is so fierce!

  It's also very difficult to deal with.

  One hand is full of illusions, and the other is a thunderous attack. From an offensive point of view, it is obviously more domineering than his water and wood aspects. If he didn't have two auxiliary elements to support him, he would have been completely suppressed by the opponent. .

  Li Luo raised his head, stared at Lu Ming, who exuded tyrannical strength, and said with a smile: "Classmate Lu Ming, your treatment of others is a bit insincere. It is really unkind to lie to others with illusions as soon as you show up."

  Lu Ming sneered, you, a person who is full of lies and prone to sneak attacks, still have the nerve to tell me the truth?
  She was too lazy to talk nonsense to Li Luo. Her black hair suddenly rose, and his figure was already rushing out. The golden thin sword in his hand was entangled with thunder. With the roar of thunder, it was already shrouding Li Luo's vital parts.

  Li Luo looked at the thunder sword shadow that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes, and his eyes became much more solemn. Lu Ming's attack speed was so fast that even he could only see the blurred sword shadow.

  Li Luo held the Xuanxiang Knife tightly in his palm. On one side of the blade, a sword shadow wrapped with lightning struck suddenly and hit the blade.

  The harsh sound of gold and iron sounded, and the two forces exploded.

  The ground beneath his feet cracked open.

  The ground on one side was scorched black, and on the other side, it became wet.

  Li Luo held the Xuanxiang Knife, his expression slightly condensed. He could feel an extremely violent phase force passing along the blade. This phase force was like thunder. When it invaded the body, it would actually make people paralyzed. It felt like the Xuanxiang Knife in my hand was about to fall if I couldn't hold it.

  And his steps were even shaken by the violent force, causing him to take several steps back.

  The soles of his feet hit the ground, and mud and water splashed everywhere.

  Obviously, Lu Ming had the absolute upper hand in this simple competition, but it was normal. After all, she had the strength of the third transformation of the phase transformation section, and she also had two phases. Although Li Luo's two phases were It was a primary and secondary attribute, but the opponent also had the advantage of a similar level, so in the first real confrontation, Li Luo was suppressed by her as expected.

  Li Luo, on the other hand, was unfazed by this. When the figure stepped back, the dual-phase power in his body surged like a torrent, quickly rushing towards the unfamiliar and violent dual-phase power that invaded the body.

  The phase forces of water, light, and wood and earth are constantly divided at this time, resolving the phase forces that invade the body.

  In this situation of invasion by foreign enemies, his two forces appeared to be extremely tenacious.

  After ten breaths, all the dual-phase power that invaded the body was finally resolved.

  Li Luo steadied his steps and looked solemnly.


  Lu Ming exclaimed at this moment. She could feel that the dual-phase power that had invaded Li Luo's body was resolved. The resolution was faster than she expected. "Your phase power is a bit weird." She stared at Li Luo closely and said slowly.

  Although both parties have bipolar powers, and her bipolar power is undoubtedly stronger, Li Luo's bipolar power, for some reason, gives her a strange feeling.

  It is more continuous and powerful, and also more difficult to deal with.

  However, Lu Ming obviously did not expect Li Luo's answer, because she directly launched the offensive again, only to see the roar of thunder, and her figure seemed to turn into a flash of lightning, and rushed towards Li Luo again.

  Li Luo's face was expressionless, his figure retreated, and he made seals with his palms.

  The wet ground in front suddenly turned into muddy hands, and then grabbed Lu Ming's bare feet.

  The speed of this deer crowing is too fast and needs to be restricted.

  But facing these grabbing hands of mud and water, Lu Ming smiled disdainfully. She tiptoed a little, and it was as if lightning suddenly exploded under her feet, dazzlingly bright.

  "Tiger General Technique, Thunder Shadow Step."

  At that moment, there seemed to be streaks of thunder light passing through the air. In just a few breaths, her figure appeared in front of Li Luo like a ghost. She looked down from a high position with her eyes looking down. Li Luo held the golden rapier tightly in his jade hands, and the lightning on it jumped wildly.

  At the tip of the sword, the lightning flashed uncertainly.

  An extremely dangerous wave of phase force emitted.

  Lu Ming made a sword seal with her hand, her long hair danced, and the thunder light moved, making her like a thunder general at this moment, fierce and valiant, exuding powerful oppression.

  Obviously, she wanted to defeat Luo Li directly at the speed of a blitzkrieg.

  "Tiger General's Technique, Golden Thunder Mysterious Sword!"

  As her cold shouts resounded, the sky and earth thundered loudly, and the thin sword in her hand shot out, as if it turned into a huge golden beam of more than ten feet. Thunder, with an unstoppable momentum, directly blasted towards Li Luo's position.

  On the ground, a deep black mark was torn out.

  The golden thunder whizzed over, and Li Luo's expression became extremely solemn at this time. He could feel the power of Lu Ming's blow. Even some people who had also entered the third stage of transformation were facing With this attack, she would definitely be defeated in a head-on collision.

  It seems that Lu Ming has no intention of fighting with him, but intends to fight quickly and then prepare for the final battle.

  "I was underestimated."

  Li Luo lowered his eyes slightly and slowly grasped the Xuanxiang knife in his palm.

  At this moment, all the phase force bubbles in the body, except for the two that were filled with poisonous gas, were all quietly broken.

  A large amount of Xiangli rushed out like a flood.

  This is not the end.

  Li Luo did not hesitate to activate the golden jade Xuanxiang knife in his hand.

  The first level is like divine power.

  Li Luo's arms swelled in a circle at this moment, and veins shuddered under the skin like small snakes. A majestic force rushed into his arms from the Xuanxiang Knife. Suddenly, the skin of both arms was torn, and there was blood. Flow down the arms.

  Feeling the surge of power in his body at this time, Li Luo grinned. He looked at the golden thunder sword light that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes. His body was slightly bent, like a liger about to pounce on food. The next moment, he stamped his feet. , the ground cracked.

  The simple straight knife in his hand cut through the air, causing a harsh sonic boom.

  It directly collided with the golden thunder sword light!
  (End of chapter)

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