Chapter 90090 Preparation Four

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  Chapter 90 090 Preparation 4

  "Brother Ding?"

  "Ding Ning is a fifth-dan professional, serving a large national group, and there is a whole team behind him to serve him." As he said,

  he clicked on an option on the light screen to open a new Content.

  "How big is the gap between amateur ranks and professional ranks?" Li Chengyi didn't know much about this because there is no record of this information online.

  "Only amateur 9th-dan are eligible to apply for professional rank evaluation. Except for military literacy and flying instrument strength, the professional rank is almost the same as the military omnic. How big is the gap?" The man with glasses smiled.

  "Across the country, your brother Ding is considered a role. But someone like Ding Zaocheng can't go a single round in front of him. This is not just a decision of consciousness, the key lies in the equipment. The flying instrument and the supporting force field generator are also It has pharmacological enhancement and exoskeleton protection. When fully armed, Ding Ning can wipe out the entire Suiyang Security Department by himself. He may not be injured."

  Li Chengyi felt awe-inspiring.

  He didn't know how powerful the Suiyang Security Bureau was, but just looking at Ding Zaocheng at that time and being able to track him down from such a distance, he knew that it was definitely not weak.

  "Here, optional modules. What I have here are green, and what I don't have are gray. If you are sure you want it, you need to wait. By the way, you have to pay for the optional modules yourself." The man with glasses pushed the light curtain in front of him

  . He immediately turned it around and faced Li Chengyi head-on.

  On the square light curtain, there are a dozen modules to choose from.

  'Instrument control module', 'Fire control module', 'Anti-interference module', 'Distance enhancement module', 'Emergency treatment module', 'Range detection module', 'Temporary analysis module', 'Offensive and defensive mode analysis module'.
  10 The number of modules is not much, but the price behind it seems to be a lot.

  It can range from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Li Chengyi's eyelids jumped at the sight.

  This omnic is a waste of money!
  No wonder every omnic must be backed by an organization, otherwise he wouldn't be able to support himself.

  In addition to the necessary instrument control and energy modules, he can choose three others.

  He chose anti-interference to avoid being controlled by hackers.

  Then there is scope investigation and emergency treatment.

  "It's a good choice. Weapon modules are not allowed to be installed in the city, so the flying instrument usually relies on its own physical sprint power to kill the enemy. In this way, anti-interference and detection are very necessary. Of course, in the city, if you and It's better not to use the flying instrument if you use human hands, exoskeletons are more suitable." The man with glasses said with a smile.

  He hadn't smiled much before, but the optional modules put a smile on his face, and apparently this was where he really made his money.

  "In addition, what I have here are all standard modules. If you have higher needs, you have to go to an arms company or national department to customize them. Come on, young man, I hope to see you again in the future." Before leaving, after entering the fingerprint, iris and

  voiceprint , the man with glasses encouraged seriously.

  Li Chengyi could see that he was sincere, especially after scanning the QR code to pay.
  Picking up the somewhat heavy black whirlwind bull head, he walked out of the mental calculation center with great satisfaction.

  This was the first time in his life that he had his own flying instrument.

  Although according to the bespectacled man, he is not even an amateur, he can only be regarded as a beginner pilot.

  Pilots generally refer to those skilled in operating drones.

  Maybe he can't even compare to the flying hand, but it doesn't matter, as long as he can protect himself with the flying instrument, that's enough.

  "Then there are exoskeleton armors. Poor omnics all use exoskeletons. Force field generators can only be used by high-level and professional-level rich people. The maintenance cost is too high, the energy consumption is too fast, and there is no super-capacity battery and logistical maintenance. Super fast charging equipment is a one-time expensive thing. I can't afford it."

  Li Chengyi walked on the road carrying the flying instrument case and felt that people were peering into his case everywhere.

  More than 20 million yuan is condensed in such a small box. If it is robbed by someone.
  Only a few steps out of the calculation center, he was about to take a taxi to his botanical garden.

  Suddenly, a black and white police car slowly drove over from a short distance away and stopped beside him.

  The car window rolled down, revealing a serious face with Chinese characters.

  "Li Chengyi?" The man raised his hand and showed his police ID. "I'm Chen Qiaowen from the Control Division of the Security Bureau."

  "Officer Chen? Is there anything wrong?" Li Chengyi became alert. He has been doing a lot of work recently. Could it be that something happened and he came to his door? ?

  "It's nothing. You are a blind spot. Now you have a flying device and it has been registered. Be careful not to use the flying device in public places. Otherwise, you may be immediately controlled and locked by the Security Bureau." This person's surname is Chen. The police officer said solemnly.

  "Police officer, will all omnics be controlled?" Li Chengyi asked with a frown.

  "Yes, but some are controlled by us and some are controlled by the federation. As long as you use the flying instrument within the city limits and it is an officially registered flying instrument, records will be left in the archives. Therefore, the flying instrument is not just used casually. It can be used. It's almost like a firearm." Chen Qiaowen explained.

  "Here, leave your contact information." He took out his phone and scanned it.

  Li Chengyi cooperated by scanning the QR code and adding friends.

  "Officer Chen, don't worry. I bought the flying instrument just to save my life. You must be aware of our situation."

  Chen Qiaowen shook his head slightly.

  He knew the plight of those in the dead end, most of whom did not survive more than a year.

  Sighing, he added.

  "I've heard some things about you. It's really not easy."

  He paused, "Just a reminder, no one cares about the suburbs, the Silent Fortress only cares about the urban area. The dividing line between the urban and suburban areas is the charging station when you drive out. All There is a black line on the ground connecting the charging stations, and after that line, you will reach the suburbs."

  "Thank you Police Chen!" This was the first time Li Chengyi learned such details. Knowing that the other person was kindly reminding me, I immediately thanked him seriously. "Come on." Chen Qiaowen waved his hand, drove away, and merged into the traffic.

  Obviously he came specifically for Li Chengyi.

  The person in the blind spot is inherently unstable, and with the flying instrument in hand in case he goes crazy, he
  can't be too nervous.

  Watching the other party leave, Li Chengyi sighed and reached out to stop the car.

  Now, it's time for him to absorb the wisteria flower variant and complete the second evolution of the wisteria flower scale coat.

  Over at the Botanical Garden, a batch of wisteria flower varieties he ordered online have arrived. Before, he had no time to absorb them because he was in a hurry to find a way out of the dead end, but now that he has time, he just went over to deal with them.

  Soon, a taxi stopped. He quickly got in and sat down. He also took the time to take a look at the wisteria flowers in Flowers of Evil.

  'Wisteria Flower Scale Clothes: Second evolution degree 15%, evil thoughts: 0%. Flower Language: Hand of Intoxication (enhanced), can evolve 4 times. '

  'I hope that the wisteria flower variant that I ordered before can fill up the evolution level and the new sunflower. This kind of annual plant is the best to deal with now. '

  Sitting in the car, he kept touching the Feifei box next to him. He always felt like a man getting a new toy, and he couldn't help but want to take it out and try it out.

  Although the energy module is the most basic type, it can only be used for three hours at a time. Maximum one hour of intensive use.

  But this thing is strong.

  Don't look at it as if he was playing against the omnic. If he really had to fight someone else, he would be cut to pieces before he even got close.

  That is to say, his Hualin Yi is hard enough, and if he can't bear it even a little bit, he will be killed instantly.

  Sitting in the car, a somewhat excited Li Chengyi kept checking various information about Feiyi.

  Unconsciously, he felt sleepy and fell asleep leaning on the soft leather chair.

  In the past few days, his nerves were always in a state of tension, from looking for Zhong Hui, to looking for notebooks, fighting with people, and then rushing back overnight to complete the flight instrument certification and make full preparations.

  He was always in a state of high tension.

  Until now, Fei Yi was completed and most of the preparations were basically done. He could absorb the flower energy while waiting for the third blind spot to appear.

  Only then did he relax a little.

  The taxi driver was an elderly aunt, wearing sun protection gloves and listening to radio songs.

  Seeing Li Chengyi sleeping with his head tilted behind him, she carefully lowered the volume and drove the car as steadily as possible.

  A mountainous area thousands of kilometers away from Suiyang.

  Among the sea of ​​dark green trees, two tall figures in all-black combat uniforms were quietly leaning against the tree trunks, waiting for something.

  If it weren't for the crisp sound of the fallen leaves blown by the wind around them, the motionless two people could easily be regarded as a still picture.

  About fifteen minutes later.

  A man in metal armor, covered in black and gray, quickly approached from the depths of the jungle.

  The armored man has a backpack-like triangle on his back, and the joints all over his body are covered with thick metal plates. The helmet on his head is like a white skull mask, ferocious and terrifying.

  Every time he took a step, there would be a slight hissing sound, as if some kind of liquid was being squeezed, which was very weird.

  "Where's Zhou Yan from Part 11? Why aren't you here?"

  The armored man shook his white skull helmet and scanned other empty spaces around him, trying to find the third person.

  "His body was destroyed and he was transformed by a mysterious person. According to feedback, the experiments in Part 17 and Part 11 were all interfered with by this mysterious person. The source is probably a White Star company called Hongjin." A figure answered in a low voice, with a clear female voice that sounded young.

  "The Seventeenth Department suffered a loss in Suiyang before, and the minister failed to report it in time. Now the Eleventh Department has been affected again. This is caused by the untimely internal intelligence exchange." Another person answered. "Zhou Yan failed to recover the losses, and is now being closely pursued by the Security Bureau in Tongfeng City." "

  It's normal. You new members don't understand the situation. Each branch is an alliance. We are comrades with the same ambition. There is no Clear superiors and subordinates." The man in white skull armor replied calmly.

  "Then we should coordinate with each other. Operation Freeze is imminent and we can't make any mistakes." The female voice said in a low voice.

  "Forget it, after the action, all experiments can no longer continue." White Skull said, "I'm not here this time because of experiments." "Are

  you going to do something?" The female voice suddenly became nervous.

  "Well, the power of the association must be weakened. I am here to contain the power of several urban areas here in advance." White Skull nodded.

  "What do we need to do?"

  "I will raid several federations in Fengnan Province one by one. You will find out the whereabouts of the president and vice-president of the federation. OK, I will deal with it as soon as possible. No matter whether it is successful or not , Our purpose is to attract the attention of the Provincial General Administration and the Provincial Federation here." Bai Skull explained.

  "As for the experiment"

  "Ignore it for now, it's going to end anyway. If you have some spare time, deal with the mysterious reformer who is looking for trouble. Anyway, their company is here, so they can always follow the clues." (End of Chapter


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