Chapter 91 091 Hope One

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  Chapter 91 091 Hope that an
  icy chill woke Li Chengyi up from his sleep.

  He struggled to move from his sleep and opened his eyes.

  He was still in the car.

  The taxi was still driving forward slowly, very slowly.

  But the female driver was missing, and the electronic screen next to the steering wheel showed the words "autonomous driving".

  "Where is the person?"

  Li Chengyi rubbed his painful temples and felt as if he had caught a cold.

  During these times, his nerves were too tense, and he had not gotten a good rest. Even his body, which had been strengthened by Hua Linyi, began to show signs of sub-health.

  Now I have a dull headache and my throat is itchy and dry, which is obviously a precursor to a cold.

  "Where is this?" Li Chengyi looked around the car window and found that it was dark outside.

  Only the car lights illuminated two tracks on the white road ahead.

  It was pitch black outside the side windows and nothing could be seen.

  The driver was gone, the car was still running, and I was alone.

  This special environment made Li Chengyi's heart sink.

  He reached for his phone.

  Display signal is zero, no service.

  'It's over. It's a blind spot again! A new dead end omen! ! 'Li Chengyi felt very excited.

  He didn't get past the dead end of his quiet little shop, and now he took a taxi to do this.

  It’s not over yet! ?
  He just wants to have a quiet life and rest!
  He suddenly understood why many people just couldn't survive for a long time, and even many people in blind spots became more and more insane as they got to the back.

  Now it seems that it is not without reason.

  Once you are caught in a blind spot, no matter what you do, you may enter a blind spot anytime and anywhere.

  Although it is just a sign, it is still life-threatening.

  This way your nerves are always on edge because you never know when you will go in.

  Just like now, he just took a nap in the car and entered a new blind spot.

  '.We must first grasp the situation. Can the car stop or open the door?

  He reached into the front driver’s seat and turned the steering wheel, but it didn’t work.

  The entire steering wheel seemed to be welded to death and did not move.

  Not only that, all the other buttons cannot be pressed, like painted decorations.

  'I knew it. Li

  Chengyi breathed out and tried to open the door again.

  The result is the same.

  The door didn't move.


  Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a white shadow flash past the window.

  'what? 'He quickly raised his head and stared at the right window.

  But there was only darkness passing by outside, and something could be faintly seen passing quickly in the darkness.

  Those things are like ocean waves, twisting, changing, undulating, and looming.

  In order to see more clearly, Li Chengyi moved his eyes closer, trying to see carefully what was happening outside the window.

  Suddenly, he saw the image inside the car reflected on the car window glass.

  In the reflection on the glass, the back of the car, beside him.

  Also sitting was a dark, fuzzy woman with long hair.

  She was sitting next to him, her pale face facing the car window, facing him, and her black hole-like eyes staring at him calmly.

  Li Chengyi suddenly turned his head and looked to his side.

  He was sitting in the back row on the right side.

  In the reflection, the woman was sitting in the back row on the left side.

  The two of them should be right next to each other.

  But when he turned around, he saw nothing.

  It was quiet in the car.

  There is also a small red flower cushion sewn with wool on the old leather cushion.

  There was no one there.

  Li Chengyi felt cold and looked at the car window again.

  In the image reflected on the car window, the woman had disappeared.


  He took a long breath.

  He almost wore flower scale clothes just now.


  Suddenly the car rushed out of the darkness, as if it had rushed out of a long tunnel. It was sunny outside.

  "Are you awake? We are about to reach our destination." An older female voice penetrated his ear.

  Li Chengyi's vision was blurred for a moment due to the strong contrast between light and darkness.

  When he adjusted back, the taxi was already different.

  The female driver who had just disappeared was still sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car calmly.

  There is no display of automatic driving on the electronic screen.

  Outside the car window were lush farmland and white roads, just in time to see a white flying car spreading its wings, retracting its wheels, rising from the ground, and flying into the distance.

  "Am I asleep?" Li Chengyi felt relaxed.

  He had already realized that it was probably a sign of his exit.

  Most of the dead zone signs do not last long and may break away at any time. Only a few of them last longer.

  It's normal for him to break away so quickly.

  "Well, you've been asleep for a while." The driver's aunt replied, "It's hard to go to work. My son is just like you. He looks tired when he comes home every day and snores when he falls on the bed. Many young people nowadays They are even more tired than us elderly people.”

  "Who says it's not?" Li Chengyi agreed with a wry smile. His blind spot was much scarier than working.

  The car also began to slow down slowly at this time.

  "We're almost there. I've issued you a bill in advance. Pay it before getting off the car." The driver's aunt reminded, "Our company has regulations." "

  Understood." Li Chengyi nodded, took out his mobile phone and checked the seat behind the driver's seat. Scan the QR code and click to pay.


  The sound of successful payment sounded crisply. The car also stopped completely at this time.

  "You've paid."

  "Okay, be careful not to pull anything down." The driver's aunt reminded her kindly.


  Li Chengyi took a nap and got another sign of a blind spot. He felt much better and his mood was much better.

  Coupled with the fact that he can absorb the mutant flower energy immediately, it is very likely to complete the second evolution of the wisteria flower, which makes him vaguely look forward to it.

  Pushing open the door, he got out of the car and put his feet on the ground.


  The car door closed, and there were specks of snowflakes caused by poor blood circulation in front of his eyes.

  Li Chengyi reached out and rubbed his eyes before looking up again.


  Just like that, he raised his head.

  Everything around him went dark.

  Directly in front of him, a small and bright convenience supermarket stood quietly.

  Ding dong.

  The glass door seemed to sense his arrival and opened automatically.

  Li Chengyi stood there, feeling extremely uncomfortable as if something was blocked in his heart.

  Just at the entrance of the Botanical Garden, just a little bit away, he was pulled into the Silent Shop again.

  He turned around and glanced behind him.

  There was darkness behind, and nothing could be seen. It seemed as if there was nothing, and there seemed to be countless black things hidden in the depths, rolling and surging, as if they were about to break out of the darkness and rush here at any time.

  Just looking at it, Li Chengyi felt a cold and deep feeling creeping up his body.

  Ever since Hualingyi strengthened his body perception, he has become quite confident in his five senses.

  The emergence of this feeling at this time means that the danger hidden in the darkness outside the quiet shop is likely to be far greater than inside the small shop.

  He looked around and found that where he was standing was a small rectangular space on the steps outside the glass door.

  On both sides of the open space are green belts planted by small shops.

  At this time, what Li Chengyi didn't expect was that there were actually a few scattered flowers on the green belt!

  flower! ?

  Seeing the flowers, he immediately felt no longer tired and became energetic.

  The products in this quiet little store are weird and weird. What kind of flower language can appear in the flowers planted at the door?
  Li Chengyi's heart suddenly rose with anticipation.

  For others, a blind spot may be one where the dangers far outweigh the opportunities.

  But for him, the opportunity in the blind spot is equal to the danger.

  In a dangerous and weird blind spot, the flowers you encounter may have some completely unimaginable special flower language abilities.

  This is what Li Chengyi is looking forward to most.

  Withdrawing his thoughts, he raised his eyes and looked at the shop in front, but did not go in. Instead, he slowly took a step back.

  But just as he took a step back, a chilling chill instantly touched his skin and spread from his heels.

  It seems that the further away from the quiet shop, the more danger you will encounter.

  Li Chengyi stopped.

  He looked around again.

  There was silence all around, and the darkness seemed to be completely enveloped by the tide. Only the light of the silent shop was the only source of light.

  Holding his breath, he turned around firmly and took another step towards the green belt.

  He chose the green belt on the left. There are a few small purple flowers blooming there.

  Black and green kelp-shaped leaves surround these small flowers, making them even more delicate and strange.

  It is a strange thing to see such a beautiful and vibrant flower appear in this darkness without any trace of life.

  Slowly, Li Chengyi walked to the green belt step by step.

  At this time, his feet had begun to feel a little stiff, and a biting chill continued to spread up from his legs.

  'Flower language: radiant force field. '

  His heart moved, and an invisible layer of light slowly released from his body, covering more than ten centimeters around him like a wave of water.

  The warmth is like a breeze, dispelling the coldness in your legs in a blink of an eye.

  Not only that, Li Chengyi clearly felt numbness and itching in many places on his body.

  He speculated that the radiant force field might be repairing some hidden injuries in the body.

  This feeling is very safe.

  He could sense that there was a thick invisible layer in the air around him, isolating him from the outside world.

  That layer was warm and comforting.

  Stand in front of the green belt.

  He lowered his head and looked carefully at the little flowers inside.

  The entire green belt is half a person's height and is surrounded by gray and white patterned stones.

  A large amount of black soil is placed in the center, and the black soil is dotted with tiny pebbles of various colors.

  The little flowers grow among these cobblestones, and they are so delicate and delicate. They reflect the lights of the shop and look as beautiful as crystal.

  There are three small flowers in total, scattered in a green belt of more than one meter.

  The flowers are like chrysanthemums, with many slender petals, which are like long purple needles. They are densely packed to protect the white stamen in the center.

  Li Chengyi took a deep breath, gently stretched out his hand, and touched the needle-like petals with his fingertips.

  Suddenly a trace of cool flower energy flowed into his fingers.

  'Jiemao Feilian (polluted): a perennial plant, often growing on hillsides, grasslands, valleys, and fields near water. It has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation and reducing swelling, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. The efficacy of contaminated plants may experience different deflections, which need to be determined after testing. '

  'Flower language: Inferior shadow dragon bloodline (the breath of some unknown individuals has infected this special flower, causing it to undergo some kind of mutation). '

  'Flower scale clothing collection rate: 0%, number of evolutions possible: 5.'

  Li Chengyi's heart was instantly shaken.

  Inferior shadow dragon bloodline! ? !
  Even if it is inferior, it is still a dragon!

  He didn't know what this shadow dragon was, but Huayu had almost never seen any negative effects. Therefore, this bloodline is definitely far safer than the previous so-called blood exchange bottle!
  His breathing suddenly became rapid.

  The flower language carried by the previous Shanli Hong is suspected to be different from Gao Wu's mental method.

  This blind spot, this quiet little shop, judging from Professor Zhong Hui’s handwriting, is of a permanent type!
  In other words, as long as he keeps guarding here, he will be able to reveal this mysterious flower language sooner or later!

  This is completely different from the uncertainty of Shan Lihong!

  This is a flower language that you can definitely get if you have enough time!
  (End of chapter)

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