Chapter 89 089 Preparation Three

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  Chapter 89 089 Preparation Three

  Suiyang Mental Calculation Center does not have a dedicated building headquarters, it is just a simple affiliated department of the First People's Hospital.

  When Li Chengyi arrived, he still doubted his eyes.

  He looked at the two-story building next to the First People's Hospital with the Children's Mental Retardation Rehabilitation and Health Center.

  I feel like the address Ding Ning gave me was wrong.

  "Brother Ding, are you sure this is here?" He looked to Ding Ning to one side.

  The predecessor of this place used to play here when he was a child. This small building belongs to the First People's Hospital, and there is also a vision test center next to it. Almost all primary school students in Suiyang City have come here to have their eyesight tested.

  "There are only a few newcomers here in the entire Suiyang City. It doesn't take much manpower and institutions to calculate the brainpower. Of course, it is impossible to spend a lot of money to maintain it forever." Ding Ning smiled, he was wearing a cool red T-shirt and white exposed knees

  . He was wearing jeans, an orange peel cap on his head, and his sunglasses reflected a faint light in the sun.

  He doesn't look like an omnic at all, but an ordinary rebellious young man.

  "This thing is just a formality for registering and getting a certificate. If you don't pass the test, you have to buy a flying instrument, but it can determine which category you are suitable for." He took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the small building


  Li Chengyi followed closely behind, still feeling a little hesitant.

  The two entered the gate, where there were several couples waiting in line with their children for pre-inspection.

  The fat nurse in front of the counter was patiently explaining to the visitor what to do first and what to do next.

  "Go here." Ding Ning was familiar with the road, bypassed the queue, and walked towards the corridor inside.

  Li Chengyi continued to follow.

  Soon, they walked down the corridor to the end, and in front of a small door near the toilet, the two of them pushed the door open and entered.

  "Old Zhao, we're here for business."

  Inside the door is a small room filled with a large number of storage hard drives.

  There is a set of tables and chairs in the middle of the room.

  A man with gray hair and a prim look, wearing tiger-skin glasses, was carefully wiping an old hard drive.

  Hearing the sound, the man raised his head and glanced at Ding Ning.

  "I thought the first order this month was brought by Xiao Xu, but I didn't expect it was You." "

  Xiao Xu has a backend, and his own group has all the equipment, so there is no need to come here to do calculations, right? "Ding Ning smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Li Chengyi forward.

  "This is my brother, you can quickly figure out the result."

  "Okay." The man with glasses looked at Li Chengyi. "Name."

  "Li Chengyi."




  "Bachelor's degree."

  "Don't be nervous about the so-called brain test. It's just a three-dimensional test of consciousness."

  The man with glasses softened his tone. .

  "It sounds complicated, but in fact, if you want to become an omnic, you need to test in three dimensions." "

  First: computing power, which is a test of complex operations." "

  Second: number of cores, that is, the ability to simultaneously Operate several targets."

  "Third: distance, that is, the maximum distance at which the target can be operated." "

  Okay, let's go straight to this." The man with glasses took out a black iron metal hat from the drawer and handed it to Li Chengyi.

  Li Chengyi put it on honestly, and then looked at him.

  "Then what?"

  "Look here, in my hand."

  The man with glasses took out a small silver ball from his pocket.

  It's really a small ball, only the size of a fingernail. The whole body is smooth and round, and seems to be no different from ordinary metal marbles.

  "Stare at it and imagine it floating gently on its own. Concentrate and don't get distracted!" the man with glasses warned.

  Li Chengyi understood immediately, and immediately stared at the little bead, motionless.

  One second.

  Two seconds.

  Three seconds.

  The beads floated up slowly, slowly but firmly and steadily.

  "Okay, not bad! Very good! Success in one go!" The man with glasses showed a smile, "Then, control it to draw a circle."

  Li Chengyi said nothing, staring at the bead, imagining it starting to draw a circle in mid-air.

  The beads were very obedient and accurately drew a circle.

  "Then write on this piece of paper here. Write it all." The man with glasses took out another newspaper and pointed to a line of text on it.

  This was obviously much more difficult. Li Chengyi tried hard to persevere and wrote word by word. He actually wrote ten words in less than two minutes.

  "Very good! The computing power score is 30, reaching 21." The man with glasses smiled.

  "Then hold this bead steady and get another one." He took out another silver bead from the drawer with his other hand.


  After being distracted for a moment, Li Chengyi lost control of the first bead. "Cannot operate in parallel, the core number is zero." The man with glasses was not surprised. It was natural. Obviously, everyone's calculation of core number was similar.

  "Then there's the distance. Try imagining the ball flying far away. Where is the farthest it can go?"

  He gestured, "Can it go to the wall behind me?"

  Li Chengyi regained control of the ball's trembling float. He got up, heard the words, and quickly controlled the flight towards the wall.

  But as soon as it flew a little farther, a few centimeters at most, the bead immediately lost control and fell down.

  "Distance: five minutes." The man with glasses quickly wrote it down with a pen.

  "It's a little strange. Your consciousness and calculation power are very good. Among newcomers, they are considered to be top-notch. But the number of cores and distance are very ordinary, or basically at the level of ordinary people without qualifications. It's like making more money out of thin air. The computing power is the same after one session."

  "What is the computing power generally determined by?" Li Chengyi asked curiously.

  "The stronger your spirit, the better your energy, the clearer your mind, and the higher your computing power. People with strong computing power generally have stronger persistence. To put it simply, they have more consciousness." The man with glasses explained.

  He knocked on the table.

  Suddenly a translucent light curtain appeared out of thin air in front of him.

  With a flicker of light, large patterns and text appeared on the light screen.

  "The calculation power is strong, but the other two are weak. You are suitable for controlling two kinds of flying instruments." "

  The first type is a single large flying instrument with heavy weight, strong lethality and short distance." "The

  second type is medium weight and lethal. A single medium-sized flying instrument with medium strength and short distance."

  "I'm ready here." Ding Ning on the side answered, "Old Zhao, I'll take out the few flying instruments you have here." "Yes

  . "Is it for this kid?" Old Zhao suddenly understood, turned around, and took out five boxes from a cardboard box on the ground in the corner.

  Each of the five boxes is only the size of a fist, with a silver-black metallic surface and a mark on the side: Made in Andu.

  "The adaptation direction is Andu's land transformation system. Choose one yourself." The man with glasses looked at Li Chengyi.

  "Is this a 20-million-dollar flying instrument??!" Li Chengyi looked at the casual attitude of the two people, the treatment of casually throwing them into a cardboard box worth a few yuan each.

  There is a strong sense of unreality.

  "Yes, that's it. Don't worry, you can't break this thing even if you hit it with a deadly knife. The flying instrument is not as easy to break as you think. Only after it is started, it can hit the alloy material at super high speed. Damaged." The man with glasses explained.

  "What are the shapes of these five? Can you tell me?" Li Chengyi looked at a loss. Just let him choose. He couldn't see anything and didn't understand anything.

  "You only have one core, which means you can only control one flying device, so get rid of these two first." Ding Ning stood aside and stretched out his hand to push the two boxes on both sides away.

  "Then, your distance is very short, so it is not suitable for flying too fast. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will not be able to see your flying instrument. Then, get rid of this." Ding Ning pushed another box away


  Then there were only two left.

  He picked up a box on the left.

  Toss lightly.


  There was a crisp sound.

  The box suddenly split from the middle, deformed and reorganized like building blocks.

  In just a few seconds, they formed a double-edged sword with a simple blue color.

  "A close-range weapon-like flying instrument - the Qingwu Sword, with medium weight, high sharpness, hand-held, automatic boost, explosive power, and cutting. It has three sets of Qingwu sword techniques built-in, which can be used in three situations of offense, defense and escape. "

  After Ding Ning finished speaking, he picked up another box and tossed it in the same way.

  The box cracked, deformed, and reorganized, and soon turned into a pure black double-edged crescent axe.

  There was a chain wrapped around the end of the axe. It was as wide as half a person and was suspended in mid-air. The blades on both sides almost extended to the end of the handle.

  "This is the Anxin Ax. It has high hardness and heavy weight. It can be used as a defensive shield. It has a long flight time and can carry many weapon modules. However, it consumes a lot of consciousness. The distance is short and it is very difficult to control. The advantage is that it can It is equipped with many modules, and the force field will be thicker and more durable in the later stage." Ding Ning introduced.

  "The Anxin Ax is still very useful. The leather is thick and thick. It is not easy to damage the module. It is also very cheap to repair if it is damaged. You can also replace it with the Soul-Severing Ax, the Giant Door Ax, etc. later, to achieve the ultimate in defense and attack." The man with glasses introduce.

  When Li Chengyi heard that the leather was solid and the repairs were cheap, he immediately understood that this was the flying instrument he wanted!
  "That's it!" He stretched out his hand and pointed directly in the direction of An Xin's axe.

  "By the way, is its name called Anxin Ax?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "Of course it's impossible. It's just that we habitually call such large-area door axes the Anxin Ax. Each flying instrument has its own name." Ding Ning touched his chin, "And this one, you have the initial name. You can pick it up yourself. After all, you have to do the optional modules yourself."

  "I'll pick it up myself." Li Chengyi thought for a moment, "Such a big one." He paused, "Let's call it Niutou."

  " It's best to be unique, otherwise it will be easily confused with other flying instruments. Although it also has voiceprint recognition, the response speed will be slower." Ding Ning reminded.

  "That's called Black Tornado Bull Head." Li Chengyi confirmed.

  "Why are you so obsessed with the bull head?" Ding Ning said silently.

  "It feels like it looks similar." Li Chengyi said.

  "It's up to you. The situation isn't very good recently. You'd better install modules quickly. Because your black whirlwind bullhead is big, there are five modules that can be installed. In addition to energy and instrument control, you can choose three. There is an empty slot, and the ax method input comes with it, but it only contains basic routines, so you need to solve it yourself."

  Ding Ning took out his phone and looked at the message.

  "You choose the outfit slowly. I'll take it one step in advance. The advance payment from your boss has already arrived. Finally, remember to record your voiceprint, pupils, fingerprints and so on." "Okay!"

  Li Chengyi nodded.

  Then watched him pick up his phone, dial a number, start talking on the phone, and walk out of the room.

  "For someone of Ding Ning's level to come to Suiyang just for this matter, you are really taken seriously." The man with glasses said at the side.

  "Brother Ding's level? I know it's very high, but how does it compare to our Suiyang omnics?" Li Chengyi recalled that the several omnics he met seemed to be no good at fighting. A few hits in close combat and he'll be dead.

  That guy from the Security Bureau was very difficult to deal with. He ran far away and was beaten.

  "The highest-ranking person in Suiyang is Ding Zaocheng, so he became the deputy director of the Security Department. Ding Zaocheng is an amateur omnic master of the ninth degree and has participated in many competitions. He is considered a very strong amateur character." The man with glasses answered. .

  (End of chapter)

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