Chapter 88 088 Preparation 2 (Xie LanZao is not the leader of the algae alliance)

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  Chapter 88 088 Preparation 2 (Xie Lanzao is not the leader of the algae alliance)

  Bringing out different categories of products three times in a row?

  Li Chengyi felt refreshed and finally found the core purpose of this time.

  Although it has not been verified to be true or false, at least it can have an idea and goal.

  But while he was happy, he noticed a line of small, slanted words below.

  'What is the essence of man? Li

  Chengyi looked at this line and felt something was wrong.

  He scanned and compared it for a moment, and immediately knew why he felt something was wrong.

  The handwriting and strokes of this line are completely different from Zhong Hui's calligraphy in front.

  The previous words were neat and orderly, giving people a strong sense of seriousness. But this line of small characters is really messy and scrawled, as if it
  was written by a child who just learned to write!
  In such an important notebook, there is a high probability that it would be impossible for others to write randomly.

  So, who wrote this line later? ? ?

  A trace of doubt flashed in Li Chengyi's mind.

  But now it's not his turn to think about anything else. After getting the escape method from the Silent Shop, he must make other preparations immediately.

  Preparations must be made as much as possible.

  Immediately, he did not continue reading, but quickly packed up his things. Early the next morning, he and Song Ran returned to Suiyang together.

  Song Ran kept sighing along the way. He thought that Li Chengyi had given up on this investigation and would force his way into the silent shop on his own.

  The company couldn't help in this regard, which made him feel helpless.

  The power mobilized by Utopia is too much and too strong, and it is impossible for them to fight against it.

  After all, the other party is an international terrorist organization.

  Li Chengyi didn't say anything all the way, and even comforted him a few words.

  It is impossible for a person to pin all his life-saving hopes on others.

  He couldn't expect Song Ran and other people in the company to work hard for him for that salary.

  He's not Syndra, that's unrealistic.

  And even for Syndra, the only ones who are really willing to follow him to investigate blind spots are blind spots like Song Ran and Sima Gui.

  Return to Suiyang.

  Li Chengyi immediately contacted Syndra to enhance the omnic's medicine.

  He must improve his strength as much as possible before entering a dead end.

  Judging from Zhong Hui's notes, the blood transfusion bottle brought out from the silent shop was obviously unreliable.

  There is nothing wrong with the subsequent information in the notebook, but the handwriting is a little different from before.

  Li Chengyi didn't know the reason for this, but he felt that the blood exchange might have had a huge impact on Zhong Hui.

  As for what this impact was, he didn't know, and he didn't write it down in his notebook.


  In a tea restaurant near the government office building in Suiyang City.

  Li Chengyi was wearing a gray sweatshirt with a huge owl logo printed on the chest. He strode into the restaurant, pulled out a chair and sat down at a table for two on the left side of the window.

  "Boss Sindra introduced me. Mr. Wilson?" He looked at the tall, thin white man who was already sitting on the chair opposite and stretched out his hand.

  "Yeah. Li Chengyi, right? Your boss has already paid for your customization fee. Do you want to take the pure-blood route of an omnic? It's not difficult. The pure-blood route is actually very simple." The white man stretched out his hand and shook his hand

  . , turned the black watch on his wrist.

  A small hole on the side of the watch suddenly projected a square light curtain.

  The light curtain began to play a series of colorful pictures on the desktop, all about the development route of genetic medicine and pure blood enhancement.

  In the animation, a colorful little man first received drug injections to make his muscles stronger and bones harder, and then put on an exoskeleton armor. The internal and external strengthening made him stronger when facing external attacks. defense power.

  "This route is very simple, but it is limited by the current limit of biochemical technology in various countries. The most advanced one at present is White Star's rapid response route. This is the most suitable special route for omnics. It can greatly improve the speed of nerve response, muscle The reaction speed can burn patterned muscle memory. But the side effect is that it will reduce your absolute muscle strength."

  The white man named Wilson introduced the direction of the pure-blood omnic in a very professional way.

  "Then there is Yi Country's traditional pure pharmacological enhancement, which is the so-called mixed enhancement route."

  He paused.

  "The culture of Yi Country emphasizes on not changing the body's physiology as much as possible. On this basis, it is combined with one's own training to complete the absorption of drugs and integrate them into the so-called schools and martial arts. They will according to the type of flying instrument they choose, Come and adjust your own training and drug-enhanced routes.

  As a result, there are many factions derived from it. Each of them has its own advantages. If you need such a route, I can help you introduce the way." Li Chengyi was slightly taken aback after hearing this


  Yiguo's way of strengthening was very similar to the martial arts sects he had seen in novels before.

  Different sects use different medicines and cooperate with exercises (training methods) to complete the route of strengthening themselves.

  "What can you tell me about the roads in Yiguo?" He was slightly moved.

  "First of all, you have to choose a suitable flying instrument. The way of Yiguo is to start training after selecting the flying instrument. It will be very troublesome to change it in the future." Wilson shook his head, "So I personally recommend that you choose the White Star's rapid response route. , this is the pure-blood path with the largest number of people in the world, the best adaptability, and the widest range of uses. It will also be convenient for you to change the flying instrument at any time in the future." "Ignore this for now, I want to ask, don't buy the flying instrument for the time being, and go alone first Is it okay to strengthen the body and wear exoskeleton armor?”

  "It's possible, but the price-performance ratio is very low. The two need to be compatible. With Feiyi, your explosive power will be much stronger." Wilson casually ordered a cup of milk coffee, noting that there was no sugar, and then looked at Li Chengyi.

  "Of course, you are the customer and you have the final say."

  "Is there any school in Yi State that can enhance my reaction speed, physical strength, and the strength of my skin, flesh and bones?" Li Chengyi asked seriously.

  "You are trying to learn the way of a semi-reformed person, but you are just a semi-reformed person on the reborn side." Wilson smiled, and when he saw Li Chengyi wanted to refute, he waved his hand.

  "Don't object. Changing people does not mean that metal modules must be implanted in the body. Biochemical transformation is also considered transformation. There are many such people. Many years ago, there were many such people in the Solidarity Association and Daniel Company. "

  He paused.

  "In this case, the range of choices you can choose is very narrow. There are only two relatively complete biochemical transformation methods for omnics that have survived." "Which two?" Li Chengyi can't control anything now, and there are blind spots at any time

  . It might happen, and he had to be ready for everything as soon as possible.

  "Legion, and the Earth." Wilson replied calmly, "These two paths are the separated parts of the route of imitating the fully modified human. It's just that compared to biochemical modification, the fully modified human will have a few additional offensive and defensive modules. They also The favorite choice of many pure-blood omnics."

  "Legion is a special route used by Yiguo police, and Dadi is a common route used by ordinary commercial and civilian users. I suggest you choose Dadi. There are abundant resources to choose from, and the medicines are safe and mature, and the ingredients are It won't be easily controlled."

  "Dadi." Li Chengyi frowned, "Then Dadi!"

  He didn't have time to think more.

  "Okay." Wilson seemed to be prepared. He picked up a silver suitcase from the side of the seat, placed it on the table, and opened it.

  He took out a delicate medicine tube as thick as a finger and handed it to Li Chengyi.

  "Aren't you allergic to asilostatin drugs?"

  "No." Li Chengyi answered.

  "Just open it and drink it. It will take two days to take effect. It will take one week to complete all the strengthening.

  After completion, your body's recovery ability and metabolic rate will increase by 15% to 20%. This is a temporary increase for subsequent follow-up. Strengthening is the foundation,” Wilson explained.

  "By the way, you have to remember that any strengthening route has side effects, and they are not small. Our body is naturally a complete and harmonious whole. Changing it rashly will inevitably cause damage, so the side effects are all Not small."

  "Understood." Li Chengyi nodded seriously.

  He took the medicine tube, looked at the label and production date on it, opened it immediately, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

  "Then, see you in a week." Wilson stood up, shook hands with Li Chengyi, and turned to leave without hesitation.

  Seeing him get up and leave readily, Li Chengyi sat down and thought about the preparations to be made next.

  'The second evolution of Wisteria must be completed as soon as possible. 'The second evolution will not increase the strength, but it will give the Hua Lin Yi one more function.

  That is, the Flower Scale Clothes can be made invisible and integrated into all external protective equipment.

  In this way, his safety factor will be greatly improved.

  At least he no longer had to worry about being shot and attacked when he wasn't wearing the flower-scaled clothes.

  Beep beep.
  Just as he was thinking about the details, his cell phone rang.

  Taking out his mobile phone, Li Chengyi was slightly startled. The caller ID read the word Ding Ning.

  Ding Ning?

  This senior omnic who had taught him a lot of common sense as an omnic was also a former subordinate of Boss Syndra. Now that he was calling, he knew without thinking that it must be the action given by his boss.

  Li Chengyi didn't dare to neglect and quickly connected.

  "Brother Ding? Why do you call me when you have time?" He said in a polite tone.

  "Your boss asked me to purchase a flying instrument for you. What type do you want?" Ding Ning's first sentence made Li Chengyi slightly shocked.


  "Of course, with a budget of 20 million, I suggest you choose a simpler one and don't bring a smart module, otherwise it may malfunction when you enter a blind corner." Ding Ning replied.

  In fact, when he received Syndra's call, he was also shocked.

  Syndra had only treated him like this when he was still weak, but later on, he, Ding Ning, lived up to his expectations and successfully surpassed the amateur rank and became a professional high-rank omnic.

  And now, he finally saw such treatment from a second person.

  "I want something that is not easy to break and easy to operate. It is powerful and does not require much speed." Li Chengyi quickly gave his needs.

  He has Hua Lin Yi to strengthen his foundation and can carry and fight. Fei Yi is just used as a cover. Therefore, reducing losses as much as possible is the way to go.

  Because losses cost money.

  And he has no money now.

  "Come to the Brain Power Calculation Center now and have your current mental power measured." Ding Ning ordered. "I brought over some ready-made flying instruments. Do you think you can pick one?" "

  Okay! I'll come right away!"

  Li Chengyi became energetic.

  (End of chapter)

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