170. Chapter 168 Brother-in-law, I’m scared

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  Chapter 168 Brother-in-law, I'm afraid of

  the sudden footsteps outside.

  What Jiang Ran and Dao Wuming originally planned to say stopped right there.

  Immediately afterwards, he heard a voice:
  "A traveler is passing by here and wants to stay overnight. Is it convenient for the host's house?"

  Jiang Ran frowned slightly:

  "Did you see a ghost today? Why did you hear that? Does the same voice sound familiar to you?"

  Tang Huayi said thoughtfully:
  "It sounds familiar to me too..."

  Ruan Yuqing glanced at the two of them:
  "Why does this voice seem to me to be that of Cheng Tianyang, the chief escort of Tianyang Escort Bureau? ."

  After saying this, Jiang Ran and Tang Huayi were both stunned.

  At the same time, the rickety old man took a step forward and pushed open the door of the post:
  "Where are you officials from?"

  There was a group of people in the room who had not yet verified their identities, and now there were people coming from the courtyard. group.

  This made the rickety old man's attitude become obviously more irritable.

  Jiang Ran glanced at the old man with a strange expression, then looked past him to the group of people standing outside the door.

  This group of people was obviously stunned by the rickety old man's question.

  The leader stood in the raindrops that had just fallen with his hands clasped in fists, his eyes a little confused.

  It was Cheng Tianyang who had met once in Hongfeng Villa that day.

  After the Shi Pingzhang incident at Hongfeng Villa was over, Jiang Ran once entrusted him to go to Cangzhou Mansion to deliver the dowry that Liu Wenshan and Ye Konggu had prepared for their daughters.

  Farewell, we will meet again now.

  Only this time, Cheng Tianyang was not alone.

  There were carriages around, six in total.

  On each carriage, there were three or four large boxes. The boxes had seals on them and seemed to be sealed very tightly.

  Beside the carriage were all the bodyguards, bodyguards, and escorts from the Tianyang Escort Agency.

  Now I am setting up a pergola and looking into the house.

  Cheng Tianyang didn't know the basics or details and was about to speak.

  Then he heard a familiar voice coming from the room:

  "It turns out to be Mr. Cheng. Long time no see. Where are you planning to go on business this time?"

  Cheng Tianyang was stunned for a moment. He looked up and saw Jiang Ran pressing the knife with his hand and walking up slowly. forward.

  When their eyes met, she gave him a wink.

  Cheng Tianyang is the chief escort of the escort agency. He is experienced in the world and his experience is beyond comparison with ordinary people.

  Hearing this, he immediately thought deeply. Although he didn't know the specific details, Jiang Ran said this and asked himself to cooperate. He smiled and said, "

  Isn't this Brother Jiang? We really meet each other everywhere in life.

  " To be honest... I am going to Changqing Mansion on this trip to escort a group of... ordnance.

  "I didn't expect to meet Brother Jiang here."

  It was unexpected, but it was not unexpected at all.

  The news that Jiang Ran was going to hold a tea-tasting and piano-tasting conference in Sunset Ping had long been rumored in the world.

  Tianyang Escort Agency is not interested in such things.

  However, someone entrusted them with escorting escorts to Changqing Mansion, so of course they had to come.

  I didn't expect to meet Jiang Ran and the others in Qiuciyi.

  The rickety old man was surprised when he heard the exchange between the two people:
  "What? Is Changqing Mansion going to fight with someone?
  "Is Li Guo invading? Or is Qing Guo still evil? Oops, the War of the Five Kingdoms had just subsided a few years ago, why did the war break out again? "

  When he said this, he rubbed his hands vigorously, and seemed to be anxious, circling all over the floor.

  But in the end he sighed:

  "Put your things away first. Military things cannot be careless.

  "Come in, come in and talk."

  Cheng Tianyang glanced at Jiang Ran with an unclear look.

  Jiang Ran nodded slightly.

  Cheng Tianyang then waved his hand, and his men behind him began to dump things.

  Unloading the cart, unsaddling the horse, and tying up the horse are a set of procedures that are quite troublesome.

  After they were settled, the rickety old man forgot to tell Wuming and the others that their identities had not yet been verified.

  Later, the old man asked Cheng Tianyang what they wanted to eat, and he went to the kitchen to make a fool of himself.

  Cheng Tianyang was even more careful than Jiang Ran and directly stated that they had brought dry food and water, so they could just take a bite.

  The old man didn't worry too much and just nodded:
  "We raise some chickens and ducks in the back yard, and we also store some wine in the cellar.

  "If you like it, just go get it yourself.

  "When you go to bed at night, lock the doors and windows.

  "This world, I don't know since when, it has not been peaceful...

  "So, don't run around at night.

  "You may encounter unclean people . s things. "

  He was already very good-looking. When he said this, he really frightened the few timid people present. Of

  course, the most unpromising one was Tang Huayi.

  She swallowed her saliva and forced herself to hold on. 'Li Tianxin''s mask didn't fall off, and he pretended to be proud and said:
  "You old man, don't talk nonsense. Where are the monsters and monsters in this world? "

  Li Tianyu nodded repeatedly:
  "What my brother said is true, not to mention that there is nothing. Even if it is true, my brother's sword skills are not simple. He should be used to slay ghosts and gods, and let them see what the blade of the right path in the world is! "

  Tang Huayi immediately glanced at Li Tianyu.

  She said in her heart that if I look at a place where no one is around, I will kill him with a knife.

  Jiang Ran was happy when he heard this. Seeing that the old man was still talking, he smiled and said:

  "Old man, let's go and rest first. , we all take note of your instructions and won’t run around at night.

  "We will leave early tomorrow morning."


  The old man nodded after hearing this:

  "Then eat early, and after eating, rest early... Hey, I'm getting old, and I feel sleepy at night. It starts to sing, so I can’t make a living anymore."

  He said, holding the oil lamp and going out.

  With my hands, I managed to protect myself from the wind and rain, and the bean-sized fire gradually faded away.

  "What's going on with this man?"

  After the old man left, Dao Wuming couldn't help but ask:
  "Qiuci Station has been abandoned for a long time. Where did this man come from?"

  "Ask me, I still want to ask you."

  Jiang Ran shook his head slightly: "Your identity is not simple. You probably travel in various inns. Have you ever met this person when you passed through this place in the past?" Dao Wuming shook his head decisively

  . :
  "Such an honor, if Xiaosheng has the opportunity to see it, how can he forget it?"

  "What's going on? Brother Jiang, isn't this old man from the inn?"

  Cheng Tianyang also took a step forward at this time:
  "Speaking of which, Qiu Ci Post Cheng had also heard about things that had been abandoned a long time ago. So, he just planned this route...

  "I didn't expect that when we came today, not only were you here, but there was also an old man asking us what kind of official we were.

  "It really surprises me."

  When Jiang Ran heard this, his expression was a little weird:
  "Everyone just heard about the situation in Qiuciyi?"

  Dao Wuming nodded:
  "I've never been here, so of course I just heard about it. ."

  "The escort travels around the world. Although there are familiar routes, there are also places that have never been... To be honest, this is really the first time for Cheng to come to this world."

  Cheng Tianyang also said that he had never been here before.

  Jiang Ran tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and glanced at Feng Wu and Ning Jiuyuan:
  "Where are you two?"

  Feng Wu snorted:
  "I have passed by this place before, but I didn't come in."

  Okay. Talk, why are you humming?

  The second 'Li Tianxin'?

  Jiang Ran was speechless for a moment.

  Ning Jiuyuan, on the other hand, said with a smile:

  "Young Master Jiang doesn't know something. The environment here is not good, and there have been some strange stories.


  "Although we travel around the world, we often don't pay attention to such strange things. , but we have to take precautions.

  "Therefore, few people stay here.

  "If it weren't for the bad weather tonight, we wouldn't come here."

  "Weird stories?"

  Tang Huayi fully expressed what it means to be less courageous and curious, and more addicted to food:

  "What are these strange stories?"

  "They're all just based on rumors. "Something happened."

  Ning Jiuyuan thought for a moment and said,
  "About seven or eight years ago, several murders occurred in Qiuciyi.

  "At that time, it was said that officials from the capital passed by and stayed overnight... When I woke up the next day, my head was missing, and a follower who was traveling with me was also missing.

  "This matter was quite a fuss. It is said that Long Yan was furious and immediately ordered Qiuci County to investigate the case thoroughly.

  "But since then, the police officers who came to investigate the case and the officials who passed through this place often encountered unexpected events.

  "Moreover, the death conditions were very miserable.

  "Most of them had their heads missing, and some just disappeared without a trace.

  "Some people even swore that when they lived in Qiuciyi, they saw a headless ghost floating outside Qiuciyi. When they saw people, they would ask, 'Have you ever seen my head?'." This word spread more and more

  . The more fierce it is, some people even say that if you answer 'I haven't seen it'.

  "He will say, 'My head is on your neck, isn't it?' and then forcefully take the head away. "

  If you answer, 'I've seen it,' he will ask you to take him to find his. head.

  "Then you just need to take him around in circles, and when the rooster crows and dawn, he will disappear...

  " However, these are mostly lies. Many people say they have seen him, but in fact they are spreading rumors. They are all unbelievable.

  "But troubles often happen here, which still makes people panic.

  " Qiuci Post was forced to relocate and built a new post station twenty miles away.

  "Since then, no one cares about this place."

  When Tang Huayi heard this, she grabbed the knife in her hand and said to Jiang Ran:
  "In my opinion, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time..."

  Ruan Yuqing nodded repeatedly. :
  "It's exactly what Brother Li said." "..."

  Jiang Ran was speechless for a while: "That happened seven or eight years ago. Come to think of it, even if someone was pretending to be here, they would have gone long ago. . Moreover, doesn’t the old man live well? Don’t scare yourself.

  “There is nothing more dangerous than rushing on a rainy night.

  "Eat first. After eating, have a good night's rest. Please be more alert tonight. Even if there is any problem, I don't think we can do anything about you and me." After hearing what Jiang Ran said, Tang Huayi could only spit out secretly

  . He took a breath and nodded while suppressing fear.

  Feng Wu glanced at her and wondered:

  "Brother, are you, a big man, still afraid of these nonsense?"


  Tang Huayi immediately sneered: "Absurd!"

  Feng Wu also sneered. , but did not continue to provoke, just glanced at Jiang Ran.

  It means "Although your martial arts skills are high, the people around you are not very good".

  Jiang Ran ignored him and invited everyone to eat.

  It's just that the food cooked is not too much, it is enough for Jiang Ran and his party to eat and drink, so it is not a big problem for Dao Wuming and the others to barely have a few bites.

  But if Cheng Tianyang and others were included, it would not be enough.

  Fortunately, Cheng Tianyang and the others had no intention of coming over to eat or drink.

  Even if they are escorting the escort, they should feel free to eat their own food. Moreover, there are many rules for escorting the escort, and they are not allowed to drink alcohol when going out.

  So this meal was very relaxing.

  They didn't even say much to each other. At best, they just introduced Jiang Ran to the escort heads in Tianyang Escort Bureau.

  After finishing the meal, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

  Qiuciyi has not been taken care of for many years, so the room is naturally not very clean.

  Jiang Ran tidied it up a little, and then it was barely habitable.

  After a day of tossing, he put on his clothes and lay down on the couch. The rain outside was more like a hypnotic chapter, making him fall asleep quickly.

  It's just that his merits are performed internally and his spirit is felt externally.

  Even though he is soundly asleep, he can wake up instantly if there is even the slightest movement from the outside world.

  In the blink of an eye, he fell asleep until midnight.

  Jiang Ran suddenly opened his eyes.

  Then he looked at the door.

  He heard the door click, and someone was trying to pry the bolt of his door.

  This man was quick with his hands and feet, and he quickly pried open the door bolt.

  A figure sneaked in sneakily.

  He turned around and closed the door again.

  Then he took small steps and came to Jiang Ran's side.

  When Jiang Ran saw this figure, he knew it was Tang Huayi.

  So he simply closed his eyes and fell asleep, wanting to see what this girl was planning to do.

  As a result, the skin and flesh on her face suddenly fluctuated, and the flesh and blood jumped. When she recovered, she turned into Tang Huayi's delicate little face.

  She glanced at Jiang Ran cautiously:
  "You are my brother-in-law after all. I only pay for one night by your side. Don't you think you will tell my sister?" When

  she said this, her figure seemed to be deflated, and her height It suddenly turned lower, and the clothes that originally fit became much larger.

  Her chest was even more bulging, which made her frown slightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

  He reached out and poked Jiang Ran's arm gently:

  "I'm here, why don't you open your eyes? I don't believe you didn't notice."

  Jiang Ran opened his eyes and glanced at her:
  "It's all in the dark, what's there to see? ? By the way, you are my sister-in-law, and you went to my brother-in-law’s room in the middle of the night to do something wrong... How should I explain to you and your sister when the time comes? "Are you two planning to marry me together
  ? ?

  "I dare to marry, do you dare to marry? " "

  As a little demon sect girl, how could Tang Huayi be defeated by Jiang Ran's mere words? She

  just turned against the guest. She sat down on Jiang Ran's bedside without saying a word, lay down and pushed him in:
  "Brother-in-law, I am afraid.

  "Make some room for me."


  Jiang Ran was speechless for a while: "Who is he..."

  "Your sister-in-law."

  "Don't tell me, it's quite exciting to hear you say that." "

  Man ...Bah."

  Tang Huayi snorted: "Why would I have come here if I was too scared?" "

  Then you go find Ruan Yuqing."

  "I will go find Li Tianxin in front of him. Her? Have you lost your mind?"

  "Then go find Luo Qingyi."

  "But I am a girl after all, so you are not afraid that he will take advantage of me?"

  "What advantage do you have that others should take advantage of? "

  Jiang Ran laughed mercilessly.

  "What do you think!?"

  Tang Huayi proudly raised her chest.

  "...It hasn't even grown yet, so just calm down."

  "Who are you talking about!?"

  Tang Huayi was furious: "Have you ever seen someone as good as me?"

  This question puzzled Jiang for a while. Of course.

  He had naturally seen it before traveling here.

  After all, there are still a lot of teaching materials stored in the computer, although now they have probably become the murder weapon for him.

  But after all, he is well-informed...

  But after time travel, he really hasn't seen much.

  However, if the loser does not lose the battle, how can Jiang Ran be defeated like this?

  He immediately sneered:
  "I'm afraid you don't understand me. I've seen a lot. Is there anything I haven't seen?"

  "Is it Ye Jingshuang?"

  "...Don't talk nonsense, she and I are innocent."

  "I've given you all the tokens of love, so I'm still innocent. Go ahead and lie to a man's mouth."

  Tang Huayi curled her lips: "If that's not Ye Jingshuang, who else could it be?"

  When she said this, she suddenly wanted to laugh. :

  "It can't be that old courtesan who is more than thirty years older than you, with a gorgeous face and a face as white as a wall, right?" "...

  Is the old drunkard crazy? Are you even telling you such details?"

  Jiang Ran stared wide-eyed. eyes.

  "That's natural. Ever since you were a child, what has he not told us clearly about anything?

  "Nothing is too small or too small, and everything has always been taken care of.

  "So, you may be extremely strange to us, but we are... the most familiar with you."

  Jiang Ran was silent for a moment. It is precisely because of this unequal familiarity that makes people feel uneasy.

  He sighed softly and added:
  "That old courtesan is probably twenty years older than me. Thirty is an exaggeration." "

  So, do you really think she is better than me?"

  Tang Huayi was surprised.

  "As a sister-in-law, lying on the same bed with my brother-in-law, discussing this kind of issue...

  "Tang Huayi, do you still have any sense of shame? "

  Jiang Ran was a little angry.


  Tang Huayi suddenly laughed:
  "Brother-in-law, you seem to be afraid of me.

  "Are you nervous? I am a demon witch, how can I have any sense of shame? Brother-in-law, if you want to, I can't do it." "...If you keep talking nonsense, I will throw you out and see

  . Who is more afraid?"

  As he spoke, he grabbed Tang Huayi's neck collar and was about to throw her off the bed.

  Tang Huayi was surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Ran to be so ignorant of compassion.

  A beauty like him climbed onto his bed, but he was so cruel that he pushed her down.

  Immediately, she grabbed him tightly and said,
  "Don't, don't, don't. I was wrong. I was wrong. Isn't that okay? Brother-in-law... you, just spare me once... you can't bear to see your beautiful sister-in-law being raped." Did the headless ghost take off his head?

  "That's too ugly..."

  When she said this, she suddenly felt Jiang Ran's strength disappear. She

  thought her words had moved him.

  She immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

  "Still Hello brother-in-law..."

  "Silence. "

  Jiang Ran looked solemn and looked at the window with furrowed brows.

  Tang Huayi saw his expression was different and couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat:
  "What's wrong? The headless ghost is out? "

  It's coming out, but...it has a head. " "

  Jiang Ran stood up, holding the hopeless Tang Huayi in one hand, and came to the window. He

  gently pushed open a gap and saw a figure running wildly in the rainy night:

  "It's Feng Wu. ?



  ps: On the last day of this month, please ask for monthly tickets.

  I feel so uncomfortable. I really feel like the sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread... I hope I will be healthy tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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