169.Chapter 167 Qingyuan

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  Chapter 167 Qingyuan
  is so direct?

  Jiang Ran looked at the man in front of him and smiled slightly:
  "What does it have to do with you?"

  He had always been kind to others.

  It's just that this has to be based on the other party treating him kindly.

  It can be seen that Feng Wu has his own pride.

  So he could criticize Jiang Ran's decision the first time he saw him.

  But... who in this world is not proud?

  If you want to put your pride above me, that's wrong for me.

  Feng Wu's eyes flashed slightly:
  "Okay, that's the case, I want to see what ability you have to protect this Jiaoweiqin!" After

  saying this, he unfolded his sleeves and rose into the air. , with one movement of his palm, he hit Jiang Ran's chest.

  Jiang Ran was sitting on the stool, but he didn't get up when he saw this man coming menacingly.

  Use one hand to explore and fight with Leng Yuexi.

  This Feng Wu is indeed worthy of being the young master of Qifeng Villa.

  The palm technique is majestic and elegant, with a faint appearance of a phoenix flying to the nine heavens. The opening and closing of the moves are moderate, vigorous and moderate, and majestic without losing the sharpness. It is based on the four words "pressing people with force".

  Jiang Ran uses the Zhengxin Sutra of Creation to activate Lengyue Xi, and his claw skills are absorbed in the changes between the virtual and the real.

  What he followed was the straight and strange path.

  From this, the confrontation between the two people is a match between good and bad, and both have their own strengths.

  It can be seen that Feng Wu was very measured in his actions, not because he wanted to kill Jiang Ran and take the opportunity to snatch Jiao Weiqin.

  Therefore, Jiang Ran did not take any action, which was the ultimate move.

  He never used his inner strength to overwhelm others, but in this fight, he saw the wonder of Qifeng Villa's palm technique.

  In the blink of an eye, the two people had exchanged more than ten moves.

  Jiang Ran still sat still, while Feng Wu leaned over the table, unable to force Jiang Ran to stand up.

  I was a little surprised for a moment.

  Suddenly, his palm posture changed, turning his palm into claws, falling in the air, and struck the 'Fengqi Wutong'.

  This move is taken from Qifeng Villa's secret skill [Nine Chapters of Tianfeng], and it is a killing move in it.

  Jiang Ran's eyes flashed together, his feet moved, and the chairs flew back one after another.

  The hands changed, and layers of afterimages appeared.

  After three consecutive sounds, it was already the change of three postures, but Jiang Ran's arms were alternating between empty and real. Feng Wu only felt his wrists tighten. When he lowered his head, he saw that Jiang Ran's arms were already in Jiang Ran's hands.


  Feng Wu's heart tightened. He knew everything was normal just now, so how could he suddenly fall into a disadvantage?
  But he didn't know that he was hit by Leng Yue's magic, one of the moves in Leng Yue's play, "The Waning Moon is Slightly Cool".

  Since the moon is waning, it is naturally difficult to capture the form.

  The first hit of this move is to destroy the yin-cold internal force of Lengyue Dharma, attack the person's acupoints, block the meridians, and then directly destroy the heart meridians.

  It's just that although Feng Wu is proud, his crime will not lead to death.

  There was no reason for Jiang Ran to form a deadly feud with Qifeng Villa. Now that the outcome was decided, he chuckled and said,
  "I give in."

  After the words fell, his breath was trembling.

  Feng Wu suddenly flew back, feeling frightened and frightened for a moment.

  I just felt that Jiang Ran's internal power was like a torrential river and sea, endless. If he attacked with this internal power as soon as he took action, how could he stop it?
  With this in mind, I almost forgot how to react.

  Fortunately, his back sank, and when he looked back, it was his senior sister Ning Jiuyuan who caught him and placed him safely on the ground.

  "Sure enough, he is good at martial arts."

  Ning Jiuyuan looked at Jiang Ran: "I didn't expect that the Jingshen Sword would have such a method before it was unsheathed. It seems that what Mr. Da said, the Jingshen Sword appeared and life and death were clear. It is not true. An empty talk..."

  Mr. Da was sitting aside.

  Hearing this, he snorted:
  "That's natural. When have I ever said empty words?"

  Ning Jiuyuan then remembered that this person was here, and immediately clasped his fists:

  "It's the junior who said the wrong thing. Please forgive me, Mr. Da." ."

  Mr. Da glanced at her and said,
  "Speaking of which, Miss Ning... No, you should be called Mrs. He.

  "I heard that you married into the He family of Qingliu Village three months ago.

  "She is the wife of Mr. He Er.

  "You are newly married. If you don't have a good relationship with your husband, why are you here? "

  Ning Jiuyuan felt a headache for a moment.

  Knowing that what she just said was offending Mr. Da, she had no choice but to say:
  "I have grown up in Qifeng Villa since I was a child, and I regard my master and my wife as my biological parents.

  "Now that the three-month period has arrived, I should go back to visit.

  "This is why junior brother came to pick me up just now..."

  "Then why don't you see your husband? Even if it is the day of your return, it should be Mr. He who sends you back, right?
  "If you say that Qingliu Village is a famous family, why don't you understand this?"

  Mr. Da said with a smile.

  Ning Jiuyuan sighed: "Mr. Da, you should know that my husband has never been in good health. Qingliu Villa and Qifeng Villa are too far apart, and it is too difficult for him to travel. "Besides, I am a son of Jianghu

  , I am used to traveling around the world. There is no reason to go back home, so my husband should accompany me. Mr.

  Da smiled and looked at her twice, then shook his head gently:
  "Mrs. He doesn't need to explain. I just asked casually." "

  Ning Jiuyuan breathed out softly.

  She didn't dare to say anything again.

  One wrong word triggered a lot of questions. If she says something wrong later, who knows what else this person will ask.

  This person is senior, The martial arts are high and the background is deep.

  You can't even hit, scold, or kill.

  Otherwise, there will never be peace. When

  Jiang Ran heard this, he looked away from them:

  "Meet each other . We are destined to meet each other. Maybe I haven’t seen you for a long time, why don’t we sit down and catch up on old times?

  "Speaking of which, why are you here, Brother Dao?"

  "...It's not because of your tea and piano appreciation party."

  Dao Wuming sighed: "You know what Xiaosheng does, how can you turn a blind eye to such a big thing? Listen but not hear. When the time comes, there may be some demons and ghosts around you. To be honest, you have a big heart...

  "Why did you suddenly think of this tea tasting and piano appreciation party?"

  "Is Jiaowei really in your hands?"

  "Want to see it?"

  Jiang Ran asked with a smile.

  "...I don't want to!"

  Dao Wuming waved his hands repeatedly: "If you let Xiao Sheng play another song later, will that Xiao Sheng survive?" "There are

  not many sober people in this world like you."

  Jiang Ranqing Shaking his head lightly:

  "Although I may not know what you do, I do know what I do.

  " These monsters and monsters are hard to find on ordinary days. It is a rare opportunity to bring them together. How could I waste this opportunity?

  "Isn't it all in vain?"

  Feng Wu seemed to want to say something else when he heard this.

  But thinking about the fight just now, he was actually defeated.

  Not only did the Tianfeng Jiuzhang passed down from his family never gain any advantage in Jiang Ran's hands, but the internal strength that Jiang Ran showed in the end still frightens me even now when I think about it.

  Moreover, this person takes his sword skills as his nickname. I think the most brilliant thing is his sword skills.

  He was already defeated before his sword was drawn out of its sheath. If he really drew his sword, he would probably lose even more simply.

  At this time, where is the room for oneself to speak?

  So he had no choice but to swallow back the words he wanted to say.

  Gu Shengyan glanced at Jiang Ran curiously and said to Ruan Yuqing,

  "Sister Ruan, why are you with them?"

  "Junior sister Gu doesn't know something."

  Ruan Yuqing did not hide the matter. I told her this and that again.

  Some of these things have actually been spread throughout the world, but more of them still make people feel that they are spreading rumors.

  For example, Jiang Ran rescued Ruan Yuqing in the Sanhe Gang.

  Roushui Sword has become famous in the world very early, but Jiang Ran is unknown. Except for the murder of Li Feiyun, the leader of Feiyun Village, which happened in full view of the public, most of the others are just rumors.

  Now after listening to Ruan Yuqing's own words, I know that the rumors are true.

  Jiang Ran couldn't help but be impressed.

  He looked at Ruan Yuqing again, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:
  "Shaoxia Jiang has world-class martial arts skills, and he has been helpful to you in saving your life. Sister Ruan, couldn't you..."

  Ruan Yuqing was stunned, and with her deep study of calligraphy for many years, Her skills and accumulated rich theories immediately made her understand the meaning of Gu Shengyan's words.

  He immediately shook his head and said,

  "Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Jiang... already has a sweetheart."

  "Oh? Who is it?"

  Gu Shengyan was stunned: "Do I know him?"

  "I probably know him."

  Ruan Yuqing smiled. He said: "It's just that I don't want to talk nonsense about this."

  "Huh? Half-talking is like killing someone with a blunt knife."

  Gu Shengyan immediately pulled Ruan Yuqing's sleeve: "Good sister, just tell me.

  " It is not easy to extinguish the flames of Bagua.

  The two women were having a show and immediately found a place to chat. Ruan Yuqing couldn't say it directly, but he went round and round and revealed a little bit of the content, but not enough for Gu Shengyan to guess.

  Although Tang Huayi was also very curious, she wanted to go over and listen to what they had to say.

  But after all, with Li Tianxin's face in his face, he couldn't do such a thing as burying himself in a crowd of women.

  I had no choice but to endure it.

  Finally, the little Taoist priest from Qingyuan chuckled:
  "Young Master Jiang is famous, and I have heard about it in my daily life.

  "I have wanted to get to know you for a long time, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to meet. "

  Oh?" Jiang

  Ran smiled: "If you're not lying to me, little Taoist priest, maybe someone is talking bad about me behind my back, right?" "

  When he said this, he glanced at Dao Wuming.

  Dao Wuming quickly waved his hand:
  "Is Xiaosheng the one who gossips behind his back?

  "I didn't tell you anything. Why are you anxious? " Could it be that there is something wrong with you? "

  Jiang Ran seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but then he remembered something and suddenly said to Dao Wuming:

  "I haven't encountered him before, so let's forget about it.

  "Now that we're meeting, there's just one thing I want to ask you."

  "...What's the matter?"

  Dao Wuming couldn't help but be slightly startled when he saw Jiang Ran's seriousness.

  "Have you ever met a person? This person is sitting in a sedan chair. The four sedan bearers are all masters. He can step on the void and walk three inches above the ground."

  Jiang Ran spoke slowly.

  However, as soon as these words came out, Feng Wu frowned:
  "Walking three inches off the ground? Brother, are you kidding?
  " Although there are many experts in the world today, it is unheard of to be able to walk three inches off the ground. .

  "Besides, who has such skills and can be a sedan bearer for others?"

  Jiang Ran ignored Feng Wu.

  Although this man is the young master of Qifeng Villa, he looks like a fool.

  Kong has an arrogant body, but his own vision and ability are far behind.

  He mainly focused on Dao Wuming and Na Qingyuan.

  Sure enough, he found that just after he finished speaking, the expressions of Dao Wuming and Qingyuan changed.

  The two looked at each other and heard Qing Yuan ask:

  "Where did Brother Jiang see this person?"

  "Near the Hongfeng Mountain."

  Jiang Ran smiled and said, "This person took Shi Ping away from me. Chapter."

  "I see."

  Qingyuan breathed out softly:

  "Thank you, Brother Jiang, for informing me. This matter is of great importance...Senior Dao, I'm afraid I can't follow you to Sunset Ping.

  "Since that person took him away I am afraid that the reason for releasing Pingzhang is to leave the country.

  "This matter cannot be rushed. I have to go to the sect to report it first."


  Dao Wuming said simply: "Then you should be careful along the way."

  Qingyuan stood up and saluted Jiang Ran with a cupped fist:
  "Although with Brother Jiang It's just a one-time relationship, but for some reason, I always feel that Brother Jiang is close to me.

  "Today's gathering is short, I just hope that I can get closer and closer to Brother Jiang in the future. "

  After he said this, he thought again and took out a small button from his sleeve:
  "We are leaving soon. Qingyuan has nothing to offer. This button was given by the sect master as a token.

  "If Brother Jiang encounters any difficulties in the future, if there are disciples of our Taoist sect around, you can show this thing... I think you can get some help. "Brother Jiang, please don't refuse

  . "

  When Jiang Ran heard this, he felt that what this man just said about feeling close to each other as soon as they met was not just empty talk. But

  Jiang Ran shook his head:

  "You and I first met, and we only talked for two or three words. Well deserved. "

  "The friendship is in the heart but not in words. It's true that Qingyuan sees Brother Jiang as if he were an elder brother. He just wishes he couldn't stay longer. Please accept Brother Jiang's feelings. "

  Qingyuan's tone was solemn, and there was a real sense of reluctance in his words. His eyes were slightly red.

  Jiang Ran has never seen such a person in the world.

  He is usually very cunning and cunning. Among all people, I have seen so many things. I felt like an old friend once I saw him. I wished I could sworn sworn friends with him, but he was still the first one. I didn’t know

  how to deal with it for a moment.

  Just looking at him like this, I couldn’t help it. Feeling a little bit unbearable, he sighed and said,
  "That's it, I'll just accept it. It's a pity that you don't have much, and I don't have much... Well, that's right. "

  He reached into his bag and grabbed a few banknotes, which he felt were probably several hundred taels:
  "When you go out, you always have to have some money with you. You are a monk and want to live in peace with the situation. You won't take these yellow and white things too seriously. However, having money can make it a lot more convenient.

  "Don't blame me for being so full of copper odor that I can only return this gift."

  "Thank you, Brother Jiang."

  Qingyuan did not dislike it, took it with both hands, carefully put it into his sleeves, and said in a low voice:

  "The Sunset Ping Tea and Piano Appreciation Conference must be There are many crises, so Brother Jiang is extremely careful.

  "If you need any instructions, you can ask Senior for help.

  "His indifference to Taoism is extraordinary. He has many connections in Changqing Mansion, which can facilitate your actions.

  " Brother Jiang, please take care of yourself and Qingyuan takes his leave. "

  After saying this, he gave a deep salute, turned around and left.

  He is young but has high martial arts skills.

  With one step, he has already arrived outside the post, and with another step, he has disappeared.

  "Tao Yizong's How about the extremely light kung fu [shrinking the ground into an inch]? Dao

  Wuming looked at Jiang Ran and said with a smile:

  "The martial arts practiced by Qing Yuan are extraordinary. It is the [Tian Yan Qing Xin Jue] of the Dao Sect."

  "Cultivation of the state of mind is always the most important thing.

  "He feels that you are close, it must be from the heart.

  "You don't have to doubt this."

  "Tian Yan Qing Xin Jue..."

  Jiang Ran was thoughtful, but he didn't know how it related to his own Creation Zhengxin Sutra?
  Qingyuan felt close to him as soon as he saw him. Could it be that he was influenced by the Zhengxin Sutra of Creation?
  He had also self-examined himself with the Good Fortune Sutra just now, and confirmed that what he felt just now was not caused by external forces.

  That's hard to say, because these two martial arts come from the same source.

  That's why I had this feeling.

  He shook his head slightly and played with the small button in his hand.

  This button is very delicate, I don’t know what kind of metal it is made of.

  There are two small characters on it, 'asking' is written on the front, and 'Qingyuan' is written on the back. There is a small string of tassels hanging under the button, which is obviously not an ordinary product.

  Dao Wuming glanced at it and said,
  "This is the Dao Dao Buckle of Dao Yizong. It is regarded as a token among the disciples.

  "You can wear it with you or give it to a friend.

  "When you meet someone from the Taoist Sect, if you show this thing, you will see the owner of the Taoist Bucket, and you will have a friendship with each other.

  "It is true that you can get a lot of help, especially since Qingyuan has a different identity.

  "He is the direct disciple of the current leader of the Daoist Sect, that is, the Daozi of the Daoist Sect.

  "His Taoist buckle is even more important than the Daozi Order.

  "Seeing Kuan is like seeing Daozi. It can be said that he responded to everything at once.

  "Tell me, Xiaosheng has known him for so long, why didn't he give this thing to Xiaosheng? Did he give it to you instead? "

  Jiang Ran thought for a moment and said,
  "Probably I feel that you, Fang Zhi, have seen too much and are not suitable for this thing. "


  Dao Wuming suddenly became sad: "What I read is really a serious local chronicle!" !

  "Well, I believe it. " "

  Jiang Ran curled his lips and sat back again.

  He then asked why Wuming was with Feng Wu, Ning Jiuyuan and the others.

  Before Dao Wuming could answer, he heard the sound of footsteps.

  Li Tianyu held a hand in his hand. A large tray brought the food.

  Followed closely was Luo Qingyi, who, like Li Tianyu, also carried a large tray and walked over with his head held high. The

  last one followed was the rickety old man.

  He still had a He was holding an oil lamp, and the dim light illuminated one of his eyes, like an evil ghost spying on all things in the darkness.

  Gu Shengyan, who was talking in a low voice with Ruan Yuqing, looked up and saw such honor. He

  couldn't help but Her hands trembled with fright, and she almost drew her sword to kill Xie.

  Fortunately, Ruan Yuqing caught her in time.

  The old man was a little puzzled:

  "Why is there another person? Where are you from? Dao

  Wuming gave the old man a strange look, then looked at Jiang Ran:

  "Who is this person?" "

  Jiang Ran shook his head slightly and was about to speak when he suddenly heard the sound of thunder. The

  rain that had been brewing for a long time finally fell.

  And while the heavy rain was pouring down, there were repeated sounds of footsteps. Then, another group of people took advantage of the darkness to arrive at the Qiuci Station, which had been abandoned for who knows how many years.

  (End of this chapter)

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