Chapter 349 Chapter 338 The War between Gods and Mortals

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  Chapter 349 338. The War between Gods and Mortals
  This is a maelstrom, where the subspace and the real universe are disrupted, which means that those creatures who play with psychic powers can better interfere and better predict the fate of this place.

  They saw more clearly.

  But these are Star Gods, and their existence can beat these old people who use their psychic powers to play precognition.

  So they in the subspace can no longer see so clearly.

  But this does not mean that these psychic beings cannot use their wisdom. Calculation and deduction on the chessboard, and logic will also be their powerful weapons -

  but only if their opponents are also logical.

  Unfortunately, there are people on this battlefield who do not possess this powerful and beautiful quality.

  For example, Angron, the Lord of the Red Sand, suddenly interrupted the battle.

  And Hades's logic is obviously complete and rigorous, although no one except himself would have thought of this scene.

  Those who are angry are angry at themselves, those who are traitorous laugh, those who do nothing look sideways, and those who are greedy are motivated.

  The Emperor frowned slightly in displeasure, and the long-range psychic wrestling caused the golden flames around him to ignite.

  The Lord of Mankind took a deep breath, and then another.

  From the moment he was given the finger bone to Hades, the Emperor never imagined that this ill-fated little finger bone would end up like this. Hades had just kept it intact for a year and one hundred and thirty-seven days. Another four hours and seventeen minutes and five seconds.

  But... the Emperor closed his eyes and frowned as he felt the crumbling body of No. 12. He had just expelled the violent flames for his unfortunate heir.

  What was replaced was not a gentle force, but the violent and unreasonable spiritual power of faith was poured into it.

  The Emperor "looked" at the fragment of the Star God holding a scythe in front of him. The gift that Khorne had chosen was indeed exquisite.

  If only Hades and Angron relied on him, then Hades would have no chance of surviving, and Angron would be taken away by Khorne after Hades's death.

  Even if the Emperor channeled the power of Hades's void dragons, their chances of survival would be slim against the Nightbringers who had a history of feeding on their own kind.

  Maybe Hades had tried his best, even if the Emperor didn't expect it - he didn't expect the situation to be like this.

  The Emperor carefully manipulated the psychic powers, and it was necessary for Number Twelve to remain in a combat-ready state until the battle was over.

  Psionics are inherently incompatible with Hades's dark realm, so the Emperor cannot bless Hades directly.

  This is why the Emperor hopes that Hades keeps the old enemy blade. The broken sword that has been protected by the four gods is enough to allow the Emperor's spiritual energy to exert its full power.

  But in front of the Night Holder, this is not enough.

  The dull man has not yet enlightened.

  The previously set spiritual energy forcibly evoked the resonance of the dull people with the subspace, which consumed a large amount of originally accumulated spiritual energy - the master of the Silent Order finally realized the weak power of the dragon.

  But it's still not enough.

  Destiny was heading towards its established course unhurriedly. The finger bones that consumed a lot of spiritual energy could not support any decent attack, and the distance was too far for the emperor's hand to reach.

  Maybe Hades and Angron will be lost in the maelstrom.

  Realizing this, the Emperor reviewed and approved the document expressionlessly. Before this, the Lord of Mankind had experienced countless failures. He could only do what he could and accept what had happened.

  The phalanges allowed him to sense that there was trouble on Hades' side, but the Emperor was unable to know the details due to Hades himself.

  But just when the emperor's consciousness began to think about how to deal with the failure of the Maelstrom, his body shook violently!
  The flow of the power of faith changes suddenly! The psychic perception became clear and even intense in an instant! The Emperor felt an unimaginable resonance -

  was Angron resonating with his psychic powers? !
  In an instant, the emperor knew what exactly happened on the battlefield of the maelstrom.

  The finger bones can transmit the Emperor's spiritual energy, but next to Hades, the spiritual energy is difficult to exert its initial effect, so Hades simply threw the finger bones directly at Angron - the original body was originally related to the Emperor. Psychic energy has a very high degree of consistency.

  In just a moment of contact, the more compatible psychic powers of the Emperor and Angron expelled the wrath of Khorne!

  Hades...Hades, it's hard for the Emperor to evaluate his behavior. Objectively, it did save Hades's life, but... The Emperor was expressionless. He didn't care about No. 12's mouth and mouth. Esophageal problem, although he understood why Hades wanted to put this finger bone into his stomach. Regardless of Hades' own obsession, Angron at this moment was not suitable for other ways of wearing the finger bone.

  ...Hades could have moved on to a more normal, more acceptable behavior.

  The Lord of Mankind took a deep breath, hoping to calm down.

  The suddenly cracked desk obviously disagreed with him.

  On the other side, in the middle of the maelstrom whose destiny has been shattered into shape, under the gaze of the gods - in the cold wind,

  among the ruins where Hades originally fell, black mist began to fill the air, and green flashing thunderbolts began to fill the air. In the meantime.

  The constraints have been removed.

  The next moment, the shadow of the dragon rose up.


  This is the battle of the gods.

  Countless flames fell from the sky with rolling blood clouds. Even the giant knights on the battlefield were just toys for beginners. Only Titans and spaceships willing to swoop into the earth from orbit could barely add to this battle. A touch of smoke.

  In the center of the shaky sight, the red-gold God of War was roaring with an ax raised. Each ax was filled with heaven-shattering fury. He slashed at the enemy violently. Even though the wounds were split open, the blood was so barren that it could no longer drip.

  The red-gold giant is fighting with the darkness, and another darkness is closely following the battle, constantly interfering with the Night Holder's plan to try to go elsewhere. The metal twists and pierces into the darkness of the Night Holder, and the binary language spreads layer by layer. The empire's The war machine roared into the fight, using its huge body and explosions to add weight to the victory in this battle of demigods.

  They died without regrets, just because Messiah Ohm has returned to the world!

  The explosion caused the ground to tremble continuously, and it was difficult for everyone to stand still. Facing the Ohm Messiah, the sage simply knelt down and kowtowed, and then stood up decisively. He began to run forward, towards the center of the death vortex. run.

  Faint green arcs of electricity leaped around the sage, and he stumbled.

  The ground shook, and he almost jumped up. A huge shadow enveloped him behind him. The Titan ran over his head, rushing slowly and heavily towards death. The sparks splashed from the barrel of the divine machine ignited on the tattered red robe. Potholes.

  The language that is far more divine and more beautiful than simple binary sounds in the sage's thinking engine. This is far beyond the maximum power of his engine, but the irrelevant parts in his body begin to dissolve, and the flowing metal slowly flows into the thinking engine, forcing Make him understand.

  His thinking engines throbbed.

  Another airship misled by the distorted space exploded next to the sage. The huge shock wave directly knocked him away. His tattered body was flying in the air. He saw the vast metal graveyard under him, countless alien corpses and The corpses of the Adeptus Mechanicus were piled densely.

  He rolled and landed, hitting the ground hard, but he managed to enter a more central battlefield, and black metal fragments were suspended unconsciously at his feet.

  "Oh Messiah!"

  He shouted and ran forward again. Green lightning suddenly lit up around him. His world briefly went dark. When he regained his senses, the sage found that his lower body had disappeared. There was a huge hole behind him, and the entire ground seemed to have been dug out with a spoon.

  He was discovered, attacked, and Om Messiah saved his life! Because the gods still need him!

  The sage struggled to crawl forward, and the flowing metal accumulated into a stream beside his prostrate body. They tried to heal him, but as the main body was still fighting fiercely, and the two sides were competing for authority and territory, they were obviously unable to show the true nature. It was a miracle, so I could only help him block the gurgling engine oil and blood.

  The sage crawled over countless corpses, some from foreign races and some from sages. The corpses of all sages maintained a posture of moving forward like a pilgrim before death.

  He felt that his whole body was cold, but his thinking engine was burning. He saw the technological creations of alien races. The sage knew - knew how to operate it, and the Ohm Messiah gave him authority!

  He pushed away the heavy corpse holding a scarlet scythe in front of him. The sage struggled to reach the console, but after several struggles, his chest rested on the black stone and he slowly slid down.

  The indicator light came on a few times and then went out.

  The silver-white liquid metal surrounded him feebly, like the cold tears of the Ohm Messiah.

  Five seconds later, another sage roughly pushed his body away and smashed his hand on the console.

  The Nightbringer, who was fighting fiercely, let out a shrill scream.

   There are a lot of things to do today, no more... I’ll make up for it more tomorrow... vomiting my soul
  (end of this chapter)

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