Chapter 343 Chapter 332 Respect Luo Ke, Respect the World Eater

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  Chapter 343 332. Respect to Rock, respect to the World Eater

  . He has not been completely broken, and his blood is still flowing.


  The former commander of the World Eaters Legion and now the commander of the 1st Company, Rock originally thought that after transforming into a Space Marine, he would no longer have the ability to cry.

  But now the crimson liquid was sliding down his cheeks.

  "Rock, you are our last possibility. Take our father out... or... kill him, don't make him feel so uncomfortable." The

  last surviving think tank, Chief Reciter Vorias said gently He said, his words very softly, as if he was worried about disturbing the unconscious beast that was resting on his shoulder.

  The nails on the beast's head were buzzing, blood flowed from his towering nose, and the huge body was pressed senselessly on Vorias's shoulders, while the chief chanter wrapped his arms around him as much as he could. Their original body.

  The hazy and white spiritual light shrouded Vorias's body. It was the last glimmer of the chief reciter, weak and inviolable.

  Rock opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and blood and voice overflowed from his throat.


  Rock heard a slight laugh, and Vorias might have smiled, but the chief reciter's back was to Rock, and Rock could only see the blood dripping from their father's face.

  A soft but firm white light lit up in front of his eyes, and Rock squinted. It was a scene he had seen countless times. The injury healed, the nightmare no longer occurred, and the frequency of the original body's eyelid twitching began to ease.

  Vorias just stood there quietly. Beside them, the corpses of countless World Eaters were already lying on the ground, including ordinary warriors and think tanks. Their blood soaked the earth.

  Slowly, everything dimmed.

  Vorias reached out with difficulty, trying comically to wipe the blood from his primarch's face, but his hand finally dropped.

  There was a faint scratching sound, and Vorias slowly knelt down. The original body slipped from his shoulders and lay smoothly on the red sand.

  Vorias lowered his head, blood dripping from the face of the Chief Reciter, and then from the primarch's knife-like face.

  Rock was silent. He walked over and shouldered the original body with difficulty. He dragged Angron towards the next room - full of enemies and monsters. The lava rising silently chased them. They could not be in the same area. Stayed too long.

  Vorias knelt there and watched them go.


  How many more battles did they have after that? More than 700 times, or more than 800 times, Rock has lost count.

  Sometimes he dragged Angron, who was unconscious because of the nails, to escape from the rising magma. Sometimes he woke up from a desperate coma and found that the original body was running with him. Seeing that he was not dead, Angron Grinning at him.

  They fought countless crimson and violent monsters, and the time was often just right. When they used chain axes to chop off heads one after another, and just when their legs could continue running, the roar of magma would sound from behind them, and they had no choice but to die. Run to the next room.

  The rest time was very short. At first, Angron would eat the flesh and blood of those scarlet monsters to replenish his physical strength, but those flesh and blood were highly poisonous to the Space Marines, so Angron asked Roark to drink his blood to replenish his physical strength.

  The chain saw cut open the skin, and blood fell from the palms of his hands.

  The blood of his primarch gave him strength, which may be why Roark still stands unsteadily here today.

  Rock nailed his life here and to the other side of life. In a daze, Rock knew that his tenacious life was the last string holding the original body's sanity.

  If he died, and the last World Eater by the Primarch's side died, what would become of Angron? Will he be consumed by rage and despair and transform into the scarlet monsters they fight?
  Rock already had the answer in his mind. As he coughed and vomited blood, Rock would think that death might be a relief for him, but he couldn't die now.

  The giant being who toyed with them seemed to be aware of Rock's obstruction. During the battle, he was on the verge of death again and again, but he pulled himself back again and again with willpower.

  He also thought about killing Angron and freeing their father, just like Vorias asked him to do it, but Roark gradually realized that death in this realm seemed unable to bring true happiness to the original body. of peaceful sleep.

  On the contrary, his...certain essence will be taken away. Death means defeat and compromise, and the winner naturally has the right to execute the loser, whether it is soul or body.

  The living can only choose to fight.

  But Angron became more and more painful, and Rock couldn't detect the psychic energy in the environment, but he could detect some truth from the increasingly violent sound of nails.

  The broken brain tissue replaced the blood and flowed out of Angron's nose. The original body wiped them away indifferently, but after the first gush of brain tissue, Angron stopped eating the monster corpses.

  Rock remained silent.

  Faced with the Butcher's Nail on the head of the original body, only the Think Tank among the World Eaters had in-depth research on this. They used spiritual energy to stun Angron's gradually out-of-control will, so that Angron could gain a moment of peace in his soul. A chance to breathe.

  But this means that the nails will dig deeper, and before coming here, the Librarians would never use this easily, even if Angron asked them to.

  After they were trapped here, compared with the violent psychic environment here, the psychic energy of the think tank has been called mild, and they can even slow down the stimulation of the Butcher's Nail by the surrounding environment.

  Before Vorias died, he unleashed the moves of the Librarians on the original body. The eldest Librarian of the World Eaters left behind his spiritual energy before his death to protect Angron and slow down Angron as much as possible. Long pain.

  But as the blood flowed out and dried up again and again, Vorias was getting farther and farther away from them.

  Angron couldn't hold on any longer. Even if the war and fighting didn't take him away, the nails buzzing in his head would end his life. Rock thought painfully more than once, what if the Legion had arrived earlier? What if he could even take the pain of his primarch?

  But now it was too late, all options were erased and they could only fight.


  The last time.

  He is going to die.

  Rock struggled to pull himself onto the ship of the living, but all he could hear was the desperate sound of his fingernails scraping against the hull.

  【Rock! Rock! ]

  He heard the voice of the original body calling him on the water. Rock tried to open his eyes hard, but his eyes were still dim.

  He seems to be dead, or his consciousness will stay in the body for a while before death, but he must act as if he is dead.

  Because Rock felt Angron put him down, the original body stood up, roaring, roaring, blood mixed with saliva splashing on the ground,

  [Every time! every time! !

  Angron shouted desperately, and he swung his ax in the air angrily, as if he was fighting an invisible monster to the death.

  [Fucking damn nails! ! ! The person it deserves to kill the most is me! Not my teacher! My heir! My comrade! ! !

  【Fuck! ! Why? ! Why! ! ! ]

  Incredibly, for the first time, the Son of the Mountain took the initiative to throw down his axe, and the bloody ax hit the ground with two muffled sounds.

  Angron roared in pain, he put his hands into the thick braid-like nails on his head, and then -

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ]

  The original body let out a high-pitched scream, and the severe pain caused Angron to kneel on the ground. The nails wriggled between Angron's fingers like living insects, and blood and bone residue spattered from the original body's head.

  Angron's whole body was twitching uncontrollably, like a corpse that had been electrocuted, but his hands did not release any force. He clung to his unfair fate and wrestled with it. .

  No... no... father... no...

  Roark half-opened his eyes, and he heard the almost explosive buzz of the nails, no... don't do this to yourself, Angron.

  We are voluntary...

  His mouth wriggled slightly twice, but except for a weak exhalation sound, Rock didn't come out with anything.

  Angron's blood splashed around him, like a sacrifice, and the flames suddenly ignited. They heard the words and the devil's language.

  Rock began to struggle. He cursed his broken willpower. He felt furious. He realized that everything was a scam, and their father was the one who was hurt the most. No, how dare they? How dare you fool the World Eaters and Angron like this? !

  But he still lay on the ground, unable to utter even the faintest cry.

  The ground in front of Angron began to melt, hot bloody axes poured out from hell, and the eye sockets of eight skulls were staring at Angron.

  +Hold me. +
  it says.

  +I grant you liberation, heads, and blood. +
  But does the original body, which has been crazily driven into the brain by nails, still have any sanity that can communicate? Angron ignored the axe. He roared and struggled with the nails on his head.

  As if aware of Angron's state, the ground began to tremble, and the scarlet beast stepped out, aiming its giant horn at Rock, eager to attack.

  +Hold me, Angron, or your children will be insulted. +
  Angron gasped for breath, and the original body suddenly raised his head and saw the blasphemous creature eager to attack.

  【no no! ! !

  Angron took his hand off his head tremblingly. He stood up slowly, saliva and minced meat dripping from his mouth, no! No! no way! He stared closely at the monster and reached out to hold the nearest ax in front of him -

  Angron lowered his head suddenly, and the touch on his hand was wrong.

  He saw a pair of hands, a pair of hands wearing white helmets, holding the battle axe-no, rather than holding it, it was more like blocking Angron from picking up the battle axe.

  [Ro...Roque? ]

  Angron whimpered in pain, and what he responded to was the figure of his descendant surrounded by blood and flames.

   Maybe there is, maybe not; don’t wait

    to push the book!

    For Fulgrim, the author said that if you think the first chapter is slow, you can go directly to the second chapter (><)
  (End of this chapter)

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