Chapter 310 Chapter 301 God Emperor

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  Chapter 310 301. God Emperor
  Hades smiled politely, although there was more helplessness hidden in his smile.

  He originally thought that the Emperor... at least... would maintain a certain distance from him, or rather, a sense of mystery.

  Just like that letter from the past.

  In Hades's expectation, the Emperor would prefer a monarch to...ahem.

  Based on the emperor's series of silky social moves just now, Hades suddenly had an ominous speculation in his mind.

  The Emperor, Neos, seemed to really want to just chat with Hades - on an approximately equal footing (Hades wouldn't dare say it was a complete equal).

  From the time he repeatedly corrected Hades on what he called him, to his proactive request to be honest, the Emperor seemed to be really trying to communicate with Hades.

  Hades blinked heavily. Before that, he still respected and admired the Lord of Mankind - not like he treated the original body.

  But now...

  Hades took a deep breath, and he took the initiative to speak,
  "Nios... I surrender my loyalty and frankness to you, then... I want to ask, why me? Why do you trust me?"

  The emperor revealed. He smiled, as if Hades had finally asked this question,

  "Then why do you trust me?"

  Hades swallowed and decided to test it,
  "We just agreed to be honest, Neos, Due to my own cultural literacy, I cannot well understand rhetorical questions, metaphors, analogies, parallelism, allusions... and a series of other languages ​​that require higher understanding ability." The emperor's smile deepened


  " I appreciate your sense of humor."

  Hades nodded,
  "Thank you for your appreciation, and I think it is unnecessary to change the subject."

  The emperor's smile froze, and he paused, as if he was not used to this, But he still spoke,

  "I chose you because I know you will only choose humans. Just as you know, I will only choose humans." "Except for

  humans and the Empire, we cannot accept anything else, and we cannot tolerate anything else." ."

  Although the matter of entering Warhammer made Hades sad, it was indeed a fact. Hades could only confirm the emperor with silence.

  The Emperor continued, thinking about how not to use metaphors, perhaps as a trivial challenge, meant more words, more explanations.

  "You were not my original main plan, but your growth and ability proved yourself, so I chose to change my plan." Hades stared

  at the emperor and said softly,
  "What was your original main plan? "

  The Webway, the Imperial Truth."

  The Emperor said calmly, his expression becoming serious again,

  "What now?"

  "The Webway, the State Religion."

  Even though Malcador had already made sufficient psychological preparations, But when this middle-aged man, the emperor, personally spoke about the national religion in front of Hades, Hades still felt a chill in his back.

  Hades slowly, carefully considered his words,

  "So...this time when you go to the Perfect City, you hope to...establish a national religion?"

  "Yes and no."

  The emperor said naturally,
  "The national religion has always been among us. was included in the backup plan, but for various reasons, we scrapped it for the time being." "

  Then you activated it again, because of me? Why?"

  The Emperor paused for a moment. He stood up from the end of the conference table and walked to Opposite Hades, and sat down again.

  He stared at Hades keenly, with his hands crossed, and the olive laurel crown sparkling on his black hair,
  "I envy you, foreigner, the rules of physics are the basic laws of the world you live in." "

  But here. , in my hometown, the warp space and the physical universe are mixed together to give birth to life." "The

  Imperial Truth confused you, because it is very similar to your old habits, isn't it?"

  Hades coughed Suddenly, he was transformed so that he could not cough. The emperor was not sure whether it was because he hit Hades's psychology, or because he had just used a rhetorical question against the rules.

  But according to his usual speaking habits, he should continue speaking now instead of pausing.

  "The Great Crusade was accompanied by heavy and huge negative emotions. They continued to tear at the curtain and catalyzed the erosion of the physical world by the Warp." "The implementation

  of the Imperial Truth slowed down this process and gained what was left in the hourglass for the Crusade. of gravel."

  "Do you understand, Hades?"

  Hades did not cough this time, so the emperor classified Hades' cough just now into the first guess, and at the same time classified Hades as not A rigorous kind of person.

  "I understand,"

  Hades's voice was a little low,

  "As long as the Great Crusade collects enough resources and builds a network channel, humans will have room to temporarily avoid the erosion of subspace." "

  But if my memory is true, in On the road to Imperial truth and the Webway, you have failed, Neos."

  The Emperor smiled casually and shook his head. The double-headed eagle emblem on the wall behind him seemed to be more dazzling,

  "You only remembered one The ending? I thought you knew enough routes, and they were all true." "

  Even the path of failure that you firmly believe in, I once held the blade of victory."

  Hades blinked, he was indeed there Thinking, but now it seems rather boring to think about the old path, because they all know that now the Empire has found a new, completely different path.

  "Nios, since you know that the original plan can also win, why do you want to change it?"

  The emperor stared at Hades's dark pupils with golden flames burning in his black eyes,

  "This path has a greater success rate. ."

  The Emperor said,
  "That's all, Hades."

  Hades understood why Malcador and others were willing to follow the Emperor. On topics involving the Empire and mankind, the Emperor had amazing, Radiant confidence - he sounds truly determined to succeed.

  If coupled with that sparkling psychic aura... Hades couldn't think of a human being who could reject the Emperor.

  But the good news is that Hades is immune to the Emperor's psychic aura... At the same time, he feels that these words are very similar to the pie his bankrupt boss drew for him before running away.

  Now Hades has updated the image of the emperor into a boss who squeezes the subway.

  Hades thought for a while, if he continued like this, he would have to listen to a speech. He was very familiar with this, and he was still the kind of person who painted a big pie, so he decisively changed his questioning method and asked from the details.

  "I seem to understand, Neos, but I still want to know why you chose to burn the Perfect City in your master plan and at the same time... didn't talk to your descendant Luojia?" Hades said happily

  . Seeing that the MLM-like passion in the Emperor had faded away, and he refused to make verbal comments, starting from you and him,
  "The Word Bearers..."

  the Emperor paused,
  "They gain power through thoughts and beliefs, but their beliefs It's also counterattacking."

  Hades pondered, knowing what the Emperor was referring to.

  "Their faith twisted you, Neos? They thought you were majestic and ruthless, and so you really started to become cold? Faith gave you strength, but at the same time made you no longer yourself?" The

  Emperor He nodded lightly,
  "Not only that,"

  he said,

  "The beliefs of the many mortals under the Word Bearers also distorted Luojia and the Word Bearers. They began to forget the mission of the legion and instead became obsessed with themselves. In the religious world."

  "As a concrete representative of faith, the Perfect City needs to be burned, otherwise the Word Bearers who are distorted by faith will eventually be removed." Hades blinked, and he said in a low voice while

  uncertainly ,

  "Why not just remove the Word Bearers?"

  On the emotional side, if Hades is the decision-maker, then he will firmly believe that all rebel factions should take a shot before the great rebellion. .

  ...Although this will most likely lead to a replacement of the rebel faction.

  The Emperor was silent, but he finally broke the silence,

  "I created No. 17. He was the Primarch who was most obedient to me. He was the candidate prepared for the state religion. In that hypothesis that no longer exists, I think he With the ability to change himself, he will be reborn from the ashes, laying the foundation for the establishment of the national religion in the future." "

  I know that every primarch has the possibility of falling into the abyss. I can see the turmoil in the future, but I never thought They will choose my most docile descendant as the first one. From a strategic level, the Word Bearers and Lorgar were not the best choices for the four gods at that time. I thought they would choose..." The emperor's

  voice Lowered,
  "Now it seems that this is just a naked ridicule."

  The emperor said lightly. Even without the psychic perspective, he could feel that Hades was in deep contemplation, so he He remained silent until Hades' somewhat relaxed voice sounded, but Hades's opening was more to ease the atmosphere than to finally end his thinking, "I didn't expect that you
  had... so much for the original body." Emotions?"

  The Emperor looked at Hades calmly. He obviously disagreed with Hades' statement,
  "I created the original body, first of all, to ensure the smooth progress of the Great Crusade, and secondly, I allowed them to call me father."

  "No. 17, Lorgar, the Word Bearers, as long as they have not fallen into the abyss, then I am happy to use them, even if they need to be warned." Hades pondered, if we

  follow the emperor's logic... now The route is the Webway and the Ecclesiarchy, which means -

  "The Perfect City will not be burned, Neos?"


  the Emperor shook his head,

  "They still need to be corrected, if the seventeenth still can't See clearly, then I will send the First Legion, and Ryan will faithfully perform his duties." "

  I will show you the empire's current plan, Hades, and you will not have too many questions." "

  No. One step,"

  the emperor looked away. He lowered his eyes and stared at his reflection on the desk. His black hair hung down and he saw the reflection of an ordinary middle-aged man.

  "I will tell No. 17 on the ashes of the Perfect City that I am a god."

  Hades took a breath.

   md, the conversation with the emperor involves the core plot. We talked for a long time and still haven’t finished it. Why the hell did you talk so much? There’s nothing left
  (end of this chapter)

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