Chapter 293 284 Tooth for tooth, eye for eye

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  Chapter 293 284. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

  Unexpectedly, the Death Guard showed an almost cruel indifference.

  Horus looked from the porthole. In the distance, the Death Guard's fleet of capable ships were floating quietly. They kept a certain distance from the Night Lords, like wild wolves following the sheep.

  They presented an orderly formation, forming a certain echoing contrast with the obviously chaotic fleet of the Night Lords.

  Thinking of the previous scene, Horus took a deep breath again.

  He tried to sort out some ideas from the chaotic scene, but the strong emotions always prevented him from going back to that day. He heard Curze's scream, he heard Mortarion's roar, the smell of blood, and the sharp sound. The cabin crew shouted and fled.
  Then there was a Night Lord, Sevatar, Horus knew him. He stood there, his gauntlets covered with blood, silent and trembling, blocking him in front of him.

  Horus took another deep breath and lowered his head. He must have lost his composure at that time. The Wolf God could only remember the screams of his brothers, one furious, the other hoarse.

  Then Horus' memory jolted, and all was quiet.

  The empty corridor became silent again, and Horus could hear the beeping of the cabin's instruments. He heard a muffled sound, which was the sound of people falling or kneeling, and their bones hitting the ground.

  After a brief moment - the

  terrifying, long laughter sounded again, accompanied by screams, like the screams of the dead crawling out of the grave.

  Horus watched helplessly. He looked at the room at the end of the corridor. Sounds and fears accompanied by light spilled out from there and onto the carpet of the corridor.

  He gripped his sword tightly. He wanted to see what happened, but the high pressure in the air told him that if he took one more step forward, he would reach the restricted area of ​​life.

  He just stood there helplessly, waiting, and could only wait -

  when the fearful giant beast dragged its tail back into the room, the Wolf Shepherd rushed out immediately.

  He rushed over, he saw blood, he saw the remains of armor scattered on the ground, he saw he saw.
  Horus paused for a moment.

  He seemed to understand, no, even sympathized with Ruth.

  Brothers and sisters are killing each other, swords are pointing at each other, this... this is unimaginable, the killing intent bursting out in their eyes... no... just a little bit... just a little bit! If he arrives even one millisecond later! No, no no no no!
  Even though Horus did not allow his thoughts to slip towards the abyss, in the dark corner of the Wolf Shepherd God's heart, a certain possibility was opened.

  Before that, this chain was covered by moral sense, family affection, and all kinds of justice and light. He never thought about it, and he never thought about it.

  He still doesn't think about it now, but he has witnessed it, which means some kind of beginning, a new beginning, and now, even the Wolf God himself will not realize this.

  He will only be troubled by the bad situation.

  The astrological message to Terra for instructions has been sent out, but the transmission of the information and the mobilization of ships still take time. The Wolf God does not believe that they can receive assistance from the empire in a short time.

  No doubt, Konrad Curze, his brother, he needs to be tried, or separated from his Legion?

  Horus could not decide the severity of the punishment. He only knew that this was not the first time. Curze had quarreled with many brothers, Dorn, Guilliman, Magnus. Did they fight? Or was it just a quarrel and conflict? Horus did not know the details.

  But this time—it was clear that Coates had crossed a line.

  The Lord of Night had crossed a line, Horus wondered what Curze was doing, what on earth was he doing? But his actions had completely angered the Death Lord, and Horus knew Mortarion would make Curze pay.

  The Shepherd God felt troubled. After all, he was not a cold and ruthless lion, or a Gorgon Banshee who was only known for efficiency and results. To a certain extent, he still retained necessary emotions for some of his brothers.

  So far, both the Death Guard and the Night Lords have communicated individually with Horus - but neither is the legion commander.

  Garro of the Death Guard calmly told Horus that due to the personal circumstances of the legion commander, the Death Guard could not immediately participate in this joint operation.

  At the same time, he hoped that the Luna Wolves and the Death Guard would surround the Night Lords' ships to "prevent them from making irrational actions again".

  This was a reasonable request, and Horus naturally agreed.

  On the other side, Sevatar represented the Night Lords expressionlessly, unilaterally apologizing to the Luna Wolves and Death Guard.

  He also said that the regimental commander is in a bad condition and is currently unable to respond to news from the outside world.

  Both parties said that they needed time to relieve themselves, so Horus returned to the corridor again. He had no other choice. The
  Wolf God began to wait desperately, like a dog trapped in place, unable to stop spinning. beast.


  The Death Guard became quiet again.

  The dark cabin and silent space make people drowsy.

  Mortarion sat in the darkness, his scarred armor still stained with blood.

  He remained silent and refused any Death Guard attempts to communicate or treat him.

  Mortarion sat in the darkness for a day and a night, facing the door of the treatment room, Death holding his scythe, hunched and silent.

  The next day, when the pharmacist who had been providing emergency treatment all day opened the door, he only saw the dried blood on the seat, and the Lord of Death himself had long since left.

  On the third day, Mortarion came out of the apothecary room. His breathing was heavy and panting under the mask of the Lord of Death, and no one could see clearly his eyes under the shadow of his hood.

  He found Vox first and gave his orders.

  Next, he went to Hades' office.

  The previously bustling office was eerily deserted. Mortarion silently glanced at the food Hades placed on the table, and then looked away.

  The Lord of Death opened Hades' government cabinet with ease. He took out the necessary documents, sat in Hades's seat, and began to change and sign them.

  Then he pulled out the blank paper and drafted the document.

  Mortarion completed his work quickly, though the sheer volume of work was evident in the pile of documents that reached the Death Lord's feet and reached his knees.

  Vox came in, and the son of Barbarus put away the documents signed by Mortarion silently and responsibly.

  Mortarion sighed.

  He looked up from his position, staring at the huge Macragge rug, its stupid blue harsh and bright.

  Mortarion skillfully pulled out a light blue-white letter paper from Hades's collection of paper, and the recipient address had already been written on it.

  He scoffed to himself and began to write a letter for his brother Guilliman.

  Some necessary instructions and some foolish hopes, but if Hades believes in Guilliman so much, then he can also
  "My Lord,"

  Vox finally broke the silence,

  "Are you really going to do this?"

  Mortarion's hand paused as he wrote the letter, leaving a small black dot at the end of the letters.

  【You cannot fall. ]

  He said tersely, and
  Vox seemed to shake a little, but that might have been an illusion, for he was still standing firmly in front of Mortarion, holding the document signed by Mortarion.

  He just watched his father quietly, sitting in front of him working.

  Soon, Mortarion finished writing.

  But he still seemed to feel that this was not safe. The Lord of Death thought for a moment, and he recalled the brothers he had come into contact with. Finally, he chose
  Horus again, and he began to write, conceal, distort, deceive, reveal the true feelings, anything he could Make sure text allows the Death Guard to get help after this.

  He completed both letters at a speed he had never expected.

  Now, there are two letters neatly placed on the table, one is blue and the other is white and gold.


  Mortarion thought, it's done, it's time to go.

  He stood up and left without any hesitation. Vox received his instructions and followed him away.

  They went to the armory room, where the soldiers Mortarion had asked Vox to prepare were also waiting for them. There were not many of them -

  they didn't need many people, just one Mortarion was enough.

  They walked through the dark corridor and headed towards the port. The Fourth Knight was already waiting beside the Endurance. The knight on the gray horse, symbolizing death, knelt quietly on the side of the ship, waiting for his master.

  Mortarion stopped and looked forward silently. The light of the sea of ​​stars poured in from the beginning of the corridor, illuminating a dark side and faintly outlining the outline of the armor.

  [Gaara, get out of here. ]

  he said.

  Jialuo was kneeling there on one knee. This battlefield-experienced warrior, he was kneeling without wearing a helmet, and his heavy-duty, edgeless sword lay flat in front of him.

  "Please think twice, Lord Legion Commander."

  Jialuo lowered his head. The battle company commander rarely knelt down.

  [Not anymore,]

  Mortarion said irritably,

  [You are now the acting legion commander, Garro. If Hades doesn't wake up, then it will be you. ]

  Jialuo still lowered his head without any trace of movement,

  "This is unrealistic, sir."

  Jialuo pursed his dry mouth,
  "Please at least consider the unconscious commander, Lord Hades will not be happy to see him. To this scene."

  As soon as Gallo finished speaking, Mortarion let out a dying man's gasp, and he was laughing,

  [I have already considered it, Gallo. ]

  He said softly and sarcastically,
  [Otherwise you will now see the sea of ​​stars engulfed in blazing flames. ]

  The Lord of Death paused, and continued to say in an almost gentle voice that he rarely appeared,

  [Jia Luo, you did a good job, which is why we chose you, you can take on a The Legion, whatever the Legion made you into. ]

  [I appreciate this. I appreciate you very much, Jialuo. ]

  [Now, get out of here, Jialuo. ]

  The Lord of Death watched Garro move with satisfaction. The veteran stood up and picked up the heavy sword lying on the ground -

  then he raised the sword and

  faced Mortarion.

  "Forgive me for being disrespectful, father."

  This was the first time Garro called Mortarion's father.

  The Lord of Death laughed, the laughter under the gas mask was hoarse and low,
  [Enough courage, Garro, I appreciate this.

  【What do you want? Instead of blocking me, I commend you for your courage. ]

  Gallo spoke calmly,
  "Can you become a qualified legion commander?"

  Mortarion's laughter instantly cooled down. He stared at Gallo, his breathing became sharper and sharper,
  and Gallo Still staring at his genetic father calmly, the sword in his hand did not tremble at all.

  But Mortarion finally looked away.

  【I will, I will. ]

  The Lord of Death whispered, and then his voice turned high again,
  [Vox. ]

  he said.

  Vox stepped away from Mortarion, raising his scythe.

  The First Company Commander's combat skills were not as good as those of the Combat Company Commander. In Walkers' past years, his superb combat skills had always been accompanied by Gallo's beatings.

  Until now, Walkers has not defeated Gallo in a real sense.

  Among the entire Death Guard, apart from the original body, there is only one person who can defeat Garro.

  But Vox was not afraid. This man who used to follow Hades or Gallo as a new recruit every day had already honed his sharpness in the Death Guard.

  "I'm sorry, Senior Jialuo."

  The sparks of the clash between the sickle and the heavy sword suddenly lit up in the darkness, and Jialuo let out an angry roar.

  Gallo was entangled by Vox, and Mortarion and his entourage were unimpeded. They boarded the ship and listened quietly to the roar of the engine.

  Mortarion opened the comm.


  Horus received an urgent transmission from the Death Guard.

  The Wolf Shepherd, who had not had a good rest for several days, quickly opened the communication, and Mortarion's pale face instantly appeared from the stinging radio waves.

  "Are you okay, my brother?"

  Mortarion's gaze shifted to the side with dry eyes. He did not answer Horus's question and said to himself,
  "I need to go to the Night Veil to solve the problem. Some personal grudges."

  Horus was obviously stuck,
  "Now? We can wait for the people from the empire to arrive, and they will make a correct and just decision for this unfortunate incident." "

  I swear to you, Kang Radkoz will be punished."

  Horus emphasized his tone. He stretched out his two hands and tried hard to persuade Mortarion,

  "Conrad Curze, he will be punished as he deserves. It's a severe punishment, you don't have to go and talk to him in person."

  Mortarion shook his head,

  "For criminals,"

  he said softly,
  "the cruelest and most horrific punishment must come from the victim. My closest relatives and best friends.”

  "He has committed a crime, and I am his punishment."

  Mortarion stared at Horus. He said the craziest words, but there was a calm death in his eyes.

  "I want him to taste despair, taste Pain, taste, fear."

  "I want him to feel that the pain he caused me will be returned to him a thousand times a hundred times."

  Calmly, like the words spoken by a corpse, it sounded hoarsely, saying the most important thing in human history. , the eternal truth -

  "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye."

  Horus' anxious voice sounded from the other end of the radio wave,
  "But how do you get there? The Night Lords' fleet is still on guard, and they will not allow it. ——”

  “I have arrived,”

  Mortarion said calmly.

  Horus suddenly opened his eyes, and he looked at the Bird Servant. A small dot marked as [Death Guard] suddenly appeared in the cluster of [Midnight Lords].

  "Horus, my brother, this is just a notice."

  Mortarion said,
  "If the Night Lords' fleet tries to escape, or forcibly joins the Nightfall, help me control them, and the Death Guard will assist you. ."


  Mortari paused,
  "Horus, you are a good man. You are the first brother who welcomed me warmly after I entered this empire, but because of my reasons... I am sorry. "

  In you, I saw the possibility of brotherhood for the first time."

  "None of this is your fault. You tried your best to help us, but -" "

  There are always people who don't need redemption."

  The communication was forcibly cut off. Horus was so weak that he collapsed on the chair.

  He silently covered his eyes.

  【Don’t blame yourself. Mortarion's last words still echoed in his ears.


  Mortarion boarded the Nightfall in silence with a cold face.

  The pitifully few Night Lords stood in front of the port to welcome, or rather warn, them.

  Mortarion could recognize it as the Black Guard.

  "Hello, sir."

  Sevatar stood in front of him. He was wearing his helmet, and the wings of the night bat were spread high next to his helmet.

  "If you wish to talk to Lord Curze, I will lead the way for you."

  [Lead the way now. ]

  Mortarion said,
  [Don't play tricks, little bat. ]

  [You keep quiet, then my anger and the death guard's anger will not come on others. ]

  He spoke loudly, making sure those hiding guys could hear him.

  The Night Lords could naturally detect that the Fourth Knight was filled with explosives, enough explosives.

  As long as it is detonated at a key location, an entire Glory Queen can be taken away.

  The special model and engine of the Fourth Knight also ensured that it could accelerate to the extreme in a short period of time. This was the knight who crashed through the main nest of Garaspa.

  Sevatar calmly led him into the dark corridor,

  "We also sincerely hope that you just talk to your father. Sir, this is also our father's will." "The

  Night Vessel has also loaded enough Explosives and fuses are my father's life."

  Mortarion chuckled,
  [But the fact that you let me in, little bat, shows that you think I can't beat him. ]

  Sevatar did not answer Mortarion.

  The smell of blood grew stronger, darkness followed them, and Mortarion felt the malice in the darkness.

  Cowards are all cowards.

  Only the weak will hide in the darkness and use the darkness to show off. They dare not stand up or expose themselves to the enemy.

  They stopped in a dark and empty hall. Mortarion could see the huge torture instruments placed randomly, and the faint light shone on the metal spikes.

  There was a hissing sound in the darkness, and

  Mortarion calmly reached for the alien pistol at his waist.

  Sevita spoke in a neither humble nor condescending manner,
  "Sir, I still—"

  The next moment, the fiery and bright light of the Hades lamp penetrated Sevita's chest.

  The bright light illuminated the figure of Sevatar looking back in disbelief, and also illuminated the desperate expression on Curze's face -

  Mortarion laughed.

   Gone today! This is a three-in-one chapter! Updated 8k today!     Thanks for

    updating on 6/14   (end of this chapter)


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