Chapter 21 20: The dead guy doesn’t know how to talk

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  Chapter 21 20.
  Barbarus, the dead man who doesn’t know how to talk, southern swamp, Monitor Village.

  The third year after Hades arrived in the south.
  mist rolled in, Mortarion stood holding a scythe, and Hades also stood up holding a scythe three or four meters away from him. The young man was still lying there unconscious.

  The pressure from Mortarion was pressing Hades so hard that Hades even felt his breathing beginning to quicken.

  Damn it, Mortarion's adoptive father Nak'rai, Hades was sure that he had touched Mortarion's reverse scale.

  But if Hades doesn't say anything about this kind of thing, Mortarion will have to face it sooner or later.
  No, he still has to hurry up now! Otherwise, Mortarion will chop Hades into pieces sooner or later!

  Hades shamelessly surrendered to reality once again!
  "I believe, and I also hope that you can successfully kill Nakre."

  "Then why did you say that?"

  "I just want to know. In your heart, which one is more important, the God of Death, revenge, or the people on Barbarus?" More important?"

  Mortarion wore a hood, and his breathing mask covered most of his face, making his expression unclear.

  But the upper half of Mortarion's face was exposed, with some small wrinkles squeezed out around his eyes.

  Hades knew that he was hesitating.

  Mortarion hesitated.

  He just knew it.

  Hades sighed in his heart, it was destined to be like this, this was a trick of fate, this was Mortarion's inner demon, and the source of his corruption.

  Of the twenty-one Primarchs, Mortarion's corruption began when he landed on Barbarus.

  MD, when the time comes, Hades really wants to run away from the Death Guard, and then watch Mortarion and the Death Guard fall together?

  "The people."

  Mortarion added,
  "My adoptive father, Na'klay, was the one who deprived me of everything and denied me everything. The existence I hate the most." "

  And the people of Barbarus."

  "They accepted those who had nothing. Me, they gave me the value and meaning of my existence, and they entrusted themselves to me." "

  They are the value of my existence."

  "To resist all injustice."

  Is this really so? Mortarion?
  Deep in Mortarion's mind, a voice whispered.

  We all have selfish motives. Will you really give up revenge on that tyrant?
  Haven't you always sworn to kill him? Why did you betray your previous self?
  Mortarion hesitated.

  "No," he whispered to himself, "the people chose me, they entrusted me with their trust, and I cannot be the first to betray them." "I cannot

  be the next tyrant."

  He cut off the voice in his heart.

  If Hades could hear Mortarion's inner monologue, his current expression would probably be quite exciting.

  First, there is definitely something ghostly about that voice.

  Second, after all, it was the people who "abandoned" Mortarion first!
  This is an unanswerable question.

  After all, you can't ask humans not to worship the Emperor.

  Mortarion knelt down and gently picked up the young man lying on the ground. Then he stood up again, scythe in one hand.

  "Thank you for your question, Hades."

  Mortarion looked at Hades, his eyes unclear.

  He chose the people, and from beginning to end, he only chose this one.

  Hades stood there, looking back at Mortarion, but in his eyes, Mortarion saw no suspicion or malice.

  Just anxiety and worry.

  Mortarion said,
  "But you shouldn't doubt me."

  "You have changed a lot in the past few years."

  "Go back to the stronghold and stop fighting aliens in the wild."

  Mortarion didn't think so. Hades no longer trusts him. He just has a sense of calmness and maturity. Those feelings that Mortarion was familiar with before have not changed. (
  such as making inappropriate jokes, and still like to do something off-line. Action.)
  The question Hades asked would not come true, and this choice would not arise in reality. It has no other purpose than to make your heart tangled.

  Perhaps Hades is a bit unfounded. Being often alone in dangerous wilds will indeed make people feel that the future is gloomy.

  It's a pity that the people in the stronghold hate Hades because of his physique.

  He should pay more attention to his friends, but he should wait until after killing Nacre.
  to Typhon, his loyal partner who often speaks out and gives advice, Hades is more like a less serious friend-like existence to Mortarion - for example,

  he often pulls Mortarion to talk. Hell, even though Mortarion himself was unfamiliar with this method of killing time.
It was almost time for
  the young man to wake up, and Mortarion had to take him to a safe village before he woke up.

  Mortarion was about to leave. He turned sideways to face Hades and motioned for Hades to end his conversation.

  Hades was a little shocked.

  Was Mortarion caring about him just now? !
  Damn it, brother, you just put a knife to my neck! ?
  Well, now there is only one possibility - that is - Hades has increased enough of Mortarion's favorability!
  Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! ! !

  Hades wanted to throw away the scythe on the spot, raise his arms high, and shout "I did it! I have gained enough favorability!"

  Before, when he was still young, before Mortarion became the commander of the stronghold. , those persistent feedings, those experiences of fighting together, and those cold humors from time to time.
  Finally, they were enough to increase Mortarion's favorability.

  In addition, Hades also wanted to kneel down and beat him wildly, shouting "Oh, shit!"

  - after all, the number of people who cared about Hades, the dead man, in his previous life and this life, can be counted on one hand! ! !

  Ahem, these are all imagined by Hades's brain in the area responsible for irregularities.

  The areas of the brain responsible for normal life are still thinking intensely.

  It was obvious that the conversation had ended, and Hades was not sure how far Mortarion had thought about his problem.

  But his original purpose had been achieved, which was to give Mortarion an early warning.

  But he didn't know if Mortarion could understand Hades' true intentions on his own.

  After all, the plot of a macho man descending from the sky in the original work is indeed a bit beyond human imagination.

  As for Mortarion's final decision?
  That's something Hades can't do anything about.

  Alas, other time travelers either used cheats to kill randomly, or they used the system to cheat randomly.

  Only Hades himself doesn't even know the plot and can't think too much about it. He usually just kills fish and other things. In the setting, he can't win even with a named person.

  Thank you, this fucking world of Warhammer.

  Hades shrugged and walked slowly to the edge of the road.

  "Goodbye, God of Death, I will. When I finish cleaning up, I will go back."

  Mortarion nodded,
  "Go back to the north. The war in the south is almost over."

  Hades scratched his head and laughed,
  "Okay. I will go back! Help you fight Naklay!!!"

  Hades gave way and watched Mortarion leave with Vox.
  Mortarion walked to the guarded area of ​​​​the village, the aura of Hades behind him suddenly disappeared.

  [In the subspace]
  The Nurglings stood on His fat flesh with a smile and jumped. The large pieces of rotten and suppurating fleshy tumors were the favorite paradise of the Nurglings.

  At the limit of the endless garden, at the edge where the flowers of flesh and blood gradually wither and the rotten grass flies no longer fly, at the other side where life and death feel too far at the same time - the screams of the hoarse songbirds burst out, crossing time and space,

  delineating After life and death, the infinitely changing wind breaks open and creates eternal stagnant waves.

  He raised the spoon that he was still stirring, raised his short arm, and waved it in that direction, and the thick fluid dripped reluctantly into the boiling endless soup pot.

  "Get started! Get started! He's mine!!! He's here with me!!"

  The birdsong echoed unwillingly and lingered for a long time.

  "Annoying guy,"

  He muttered.

   Damn it, Mortarion, please change your gender, please.

    Oh, by the way, there is no heroine in this article, I don’t do Slaanesh’s stuff.

    Also, don’t expect too much from this book. I’m a noob (;Д`). It’s a good thing that everyone cares so much about this book, but the author is very panicked (;Д`). In essence, the protagonist still has a little bit of Long Ao. Damn it, and this book is different from the current mainstream Warhammer fan fiction. Do you think any serious Hammer novel has a protagonist with funny attributes_(:з」∠)_(Pointing.jpg) (End of this chapter


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