Chapter 10 9. Dalang, it’s time to take medicine

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  Chapter 10 9. Dalang, it’s time to take medicine.

  Mortarion was originally very angry.

  This was originally a foolproof annihilation battle, but because he underestimated the enemy, the lord used psychic teleportation to escape.

  Damn it, teleportation is a very rare and advanced witchcraft, and Mortarion didn't expect that the lords on Barbarus could actually do it.

  Even his adoptive father, the most powerful wizard on Barbarus, couldn't teleport, but this alien wizard could? ? ?
  But this was his dereliction of duty. He did not expect that this sudden teleportation would allow Lazar, who was unable to escape, to slip away from his knife.

  Mortarion stood among the wreckage of the battle with Lord Lazar, angrily thinking about where this cunning guy might have teleported to, and he realized that the less experienced Death Guard rebels below the mountain might be his. Target.

  Damn it! ! !

  While cursing in his heart, he directed and led the rebels on the mountain to quickly go down the mountain from the main road.

  However - a rebel guarding the path suddenly ran up and told him that Lazar had suddenly teleported to the path.

  How can it be? Why did the cunning Lord Lazar teleport to that place? There is no good defensive position there, and it is not very far from Mortarion's position.

  What was Lazar doing in a place like that? Is it possible that his witchcraft can only achieve this level of transmission?

  Or is it that this rebel has been manipulated by the alien using witchcraft and is deceiving him?

  Mortarion looked at Herrera. He knew her. This little girl was the only one willing to team up with his friend Hades.

  Tears almost filled her eyes, and her frantic running forced her to breathe heavily. It was obvious that her respirator could not bear it, and she seemed to have inhaled some poisonous gas.

  But there was nothing depraved about witchcraft about her.

  That seems to be most likely true.

  Mortarion asked Typhon to continue marching along the road with his elite troops, while he followed Herrera on the path.

  If what Herrera said is true...

  then Hades is most likely already...

  Mortarion suppressed his uneasy thoughts. He should believe his friend.

  But he ran faster and faster, faster and faster——————


  they saw Hades flying in the air, swinging the scythe to fill the full moon, and cutting off the alien lord’s ugly head!
  What! ! !
  Mortarion's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Blood and heads swirled, and blood spurted out from the exploding alien body. Hades accurately landed in the center of the blood fountain. His whole body was covered in blood, both his own and the alien's.

  The whole path scene looked like a crayon drawing made by a child with plasma scribbles.

  Hades stood in the center of the picture, hanging his sickle like an old farmer who had just harvested rice. The plasma on the blade of the sickle was weed leaves stuck to it.

  Hades became aware of them. He turned his head and gave them a forced smile through his gas mask.

  At this moment, all the light of Barbarus seemed to be gathered around Hades.

  ——Then his figure swayed, swayed, and slowly fell down.

  At the same time, the guy's extremely vital voice began to cry,
  "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Ahhhhh!!!"

  This guy will definitely not die. Not only will he not die, Mortarion also bets that this guy will be fine.

  A guy who deserves a beating.

  Although he thought so, Mortarion and Herrera quickly ran to Hades's side. He carefully inspected Hades's wounds. Except for the heavy bleeding and serious poisoning, there was really nothing wrong with this guy. .

  ——Different from the usual feeling of being careless, Hades was extremely thoughtful during the battle.

  - He defends very well.

  However, Hades was still howling like a ghost. Mortarion reluctantly dragged this guy off the alien's body and threw it to Herrera, who was also crying like a tearful person.

  This guy's cries of ghosts and howls instantly turned into a low hum.

  A guy who deserves a beating.

  Mortarion thought again.

  Unlike his friend Typhon, Mortarion respects and trusts Typhon, and Hades...Mortarion also trusts him, but this guy's sometimes off-line behavior really gives Mortarion a headache.

  For example, the Death Guard he led believed in fighting and marching silently, and would never make a sound even if they were injured and died.

  And Hades, an outlier...

  Hades didn't participate in large-scale battles anyway, and he wouldn't disturb the morale of the army, so Mortarion acquiesced to Hades's sometimes convulsive behavior, just like he allowed Typhon to The same as the bad words.

  Realizing that Hades was not in danger of losing his life or being disabled, Mortarion stopped talking to him.

  He pulled the dagger he had just thrown from the corpse.

  Then, while inspecting the body of the alien lord, Mortarion believed that even though Hades was only fourteen years old, his combat prowess was among the best among the Death Guard.

  But that doesn't mean he can kill a lord skilled in the use of psychic powers alone.

  As someone who had fought against Lord Lazar, Mortarion knew very well how powerful this guy's psychic witchcraft was. Except for him, most mortals could not resist the next blow.

  Then he saw it, the stone broken in two.

  He picked it up, and the disgusting, evil wizard aura on it had completely disappeared.

  Mortarion was deeply impressed by this stone. During the battle with Lord Lazar, many of Lazar's witchcraft were initiated with the help of this stone.

  And he couldn't remember any signs of damage to the stone when Lazar escaped at the end - even if he tried to attack it, he would always be bounced off by the powerful subspace distortion above.

  He knew that this stone was obtained by Lazar after sacrificing countless villagers, but Lazar himself did not contribute his soul - which meant that this stone had nothing to do with Lazar's own life and death.

  In other words, it was not Lazar's death that caused the stone to crack.

  This stone was shattered by other attacks.

  Is Hades also a hidden psychic wizard?

  No, it's impossible, and a psychic wizard can't do this. If he uses witchcraft to attack the stone, an evil aura will be left on it.

  But now there is nothing on this stone, literally, no breath can be sensed.

  Mortarion frowned as he packed up the two cracked stones.

  Then he carried Hades on his back, letting Herrera hold the alien lord's head, and together they joined the rebels at the foot of the mountain.

  The only thing that comforted him was that Hades passed out due to the battle and blood loss, and finally closed his mouth.

  Hades is now lying happily on the bed, enjoying the feeding from Herrera...

  The girl's soft body is half leaning against Hades, and her long eyelashes are watching her gently. Hades trembled slightly, her eyes were so soft that she could pull out silk threads.

  There are some small freckles dotting Xiaojiabiyu's nose. Although her lips corroded by Barbarus' poisonous gas are abnormally pale, they are also small and exquisite.

  Hades swore that he even smelled a faint scent of soap, even though soap was horribly scarce on Barbarus.
  ...wait, that Hades really happy instead of miserable?

  The girl held a bowl of indescribable purple liquid in her hand. Yellow grease floated thickly on top of the soup. As Herrera stirred it with a spoon, some pulpy lumps floated up.

  She shook up a spoonful of the unknown object and gently handed it to Hades. The pungent smell instantly covered the girl's soapy scent.

  Hades swore that he used all his strength to swallow back the stomach acid that came back up.

  He used all the control in his body, which was comparable to the perseverance he used when he raised the knife to chop Lazar. Hades forced a smile and looked at Herrera.

  Herrera looked back at him shyly,
  "Hades, it's time to eat~"

  Dalang, it's time to take medicine~
  Help! ! ! !
   Hades: In my previous life, I was a master magician
    and Mortarion was really good to the Death Guard.

    In "Lords of Silence", Mortarion "gently" lifts up Death Guard Walker.

    And in a novel that I forgot which one, Mortarion pulled the Death Guard who were unable to fight anymore from the enemy's siege and put them in a safe rear.

    A loving father would definitely like this.

  (End of chapter)

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