Chapter 828 The top three are unknown

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  Chapter 828 The first three unknown
  Li Qingxian turned his head, looked at Cui Dianxing, and said with a smile: "Mr. Cui."

  Cui Dianxing looked at Li Qingxian carefully, his eyes flashed quickly, and then he suddenly realized: "That's it, your honor is Mr. Jade Cup Li Qingxian? There are only a handful of such young middle-grade life magicians. That tall guard is Mr. Zhou Henzhou, right? It's a pity that I went to the river guard army too late. If it had been a few years earlier, I wouldn't have failed to recognize Zhou. General."

  The nearby candidates looked here.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said: "It's an inconvenient journey and I'm hiding my identity. I hope Mr. Cui will forgive me."

  Cui Dianxing said: "What's wrong with this? It's normal. It's a pity that I can only see that you are different. I never expected that the dignified Marquis Qiyuan Just like an ordinary monk."

  "Brother Cui, what's wrong?" Cui Dianxing's friend came over and asked.

  Cui Dianxing smiled and talked about what he had seen and heard about Li Qingxian on the road. People nearby gathered to listen to Cui Dianxing talk about what happened along the way.

  After Cui Dianxing finished speaking, one person laughed and said: "Before we met, I thought that Marquis Qiyuan was either a noble son who was extremely proud of the world, or a young and mature scholar who was obsessed with fortune-telling. I didn't expect that he would even visit here to chat and keep talking. Young people have a rare temperament."

  "It's a good idea if you think so, because Qiyuan Hou killed hundreds of thousands of monsters with a snap of his fingers. There are rumors that Qiyuan Hou has a green face and fangs, is three feet tall, and can swallow millions of monsters with one mouth. Clan."

  Everyone laughed.

  After chatting with the people here, Li Qingxian said goodbye to Cui Dianxing and others and headed to the Divine Capital City where the life magicians were.

  "Master Yubei, come here quickly. We are all looking for the hidden points of the last ten positions. We have found eight places, and there are still two places to go." "If you can't find it, let's wait until the list is released tomorrow. As usual, the

  Lord The examiner will select many questions to explain, check for gaps, and let us understand where the mistakes are."

  "Master Yubei, have you found the last ten hidden points?" "

  I did find ten, but I may not be accurate. You guys Listen and see."

  After Li Qingxian finished speaking, he explained the final situation of the ten seats.

  After Li Qingxian finished speaking, everyone nodded, thinking that Li Qingxian had found the right person.

  "With Mr. Yubei's talent, the number of wrong questions should be less than three, and maybe even a perfect score." "With three wrong questions

  in the past, he can already win the first place in the entrance examination, but this year, it's hard to say. Needless to say, that part of the secret, over there I'm afraid Nie Jiu's life may also be perfect." A middle-grade life magician turned in one direction.

  Li Qingxian looked around and saw a handsome young man in a black brocade robe, with a small silver crown on his head and a jade belt around his waist. He was smiling when he spoke. Feeling Li Qingxian's gaze, Nie Jiuming looked over.

  The two sides looked at each other, nodded slightly, and looked away.

  "How about your trick questions? I think they're okay, not particularly difficult." "

  No! What kind of trick questions? They're trick questions. Don't miss a single word!" "

  Okay, then it's a trick question."

  "It's not special. Yes, they are all pretty basic, but there are two things I really don’t know. As for the others... I really don’t know how to do them. By the way, let me ask you..."

  Everyone was unwilling to talk more about the situation, and they all talked about it. Come up with some weird questions.

  Li Qingxian just listened and rarely interrupted, but he was thinking about the second try.

  The first test focuses on basic knowledge and is the main exam paper.

  The second test is a combination of test papers and practical operations, which is said to test all the fortune-telling skills.

  Li Qingxian knew that he had shortcomings when he got started too late. He could not cover everything like the disciples of the big sect. Instead of studying for a test, it was better to specialize in a few areas such as situations, not only to prepare for the lower life lake, but also for the future road to high rank. prepare for.

  "The Lake of Ming is so magical. It is transformed from strange things in the world, a blend of reality and illusion..." Li Qingxian recalled Zhou Xuanshan's words.

  At night, everyone had a meal in the Tianshi Sect's cafeteria and then stayed in the disciples' dormitory to rest.

  Li Qingxian still read until late at night and then went to bed.

  Early the next morning, everyone had a lively breakfast and walked to the square.

  On the left side of the square, the morning light and red silk cloth covered the notice board.

  Li Qingxian looked around, seeing a crowd of thousands of people crowded together. Whether it was Duan Tianji, Nie Jiuming, himself, or those among them, there was no difference between them.

  Everyone raised their necks and looked at the list.

  After waiting for a while, no one from Tianshi Sect came, and everyone started talking. "Who do you think will be the first in this entrance exam?"

  "Normally speaking, Duan Tianji must be right. However, it would be interesting if Nie Jiu Ming or Mr. Yubei are also right." "

  Yes, they have been in the past years . Many of them were all correct, and then they won the first place in the second and third trials. In the end, there were two outer sect chiefs, which is a good story." "After all, for the disciples of the big sect, the questions are relatively simple." In front of


  . Amidst the discussion, the voice of the drum master came, and Zhao Qingchuan, dressed in green clothes, walked to the bottom of the list with a smile on his face.

  Everyone stopped talking.

  Zhao Qingchuan's crisp voice sounded: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. If I say too much, it will be offensive. Now, let's release the list."

  Zhao Qingchuan gave an order, and the Tianshi Sect disciples stepped forward and pulled off the red silk cloth.

  There are a total of three hundred names listed on the large white paper list.

  Behind everyone's name is a number.

  The first three names are Duan Tianji, Nie Jiuming and Ma Fuxing. Behind each name, there is a word.


  It means there is no wrong question.

  Then there are four names, each with the word "一" written after it.

  It means that each of these four people got one question wrong.

  Li Qingxian's name is one of the four.

  Even though Li Qingxian had been prepared, he felt a little empty in his heart, and a hint of regret arose.

  After a moment, Li Qingxian smiled, dispelled the regret in his heart, and began to think about which question he got wrong. This meant that there was a flaw in his understanding of the basics of fortune-telling.

  Finding loopholes and making up for them is more important than ranking in the entry exam.

  "What a pity! There's only one gap left."

  "Who would have thought that if you met three monsters this year, if it were a normal exam, you would definitely win the first prize in one fell swoop." "

  Master Yubei, don't be discouraged, there are still two more."

  "Young Master Yubei only has two. If I need comfort even if I make a mistake, then why don’t I need the whole world’s persuasion if I fail every year?”

  Everyone laughed.

  Li Qingxian smiled and said, "It's a little regretful, but now that the winner has been decided, I feel more at ease."

  Seeing Li Qingxian's free and easy attitude, everyone felt relieved and began to search for their names on it.

  "I passed." Someone whispered.

  "Oh, it's the third year. It's a pity..."

  There were more than 1,000 people, but only 300 people were on the list.

  Most people were silent and looked at the people on the list.

  A few people on the list were very happy, and most of the people on the list were similar to Li Qingxian, with an indifferent attitude. However, there was a hint of joy in their eyebrows and at the corners of their mouths.

  After a while, everyone became quiet.

  Zhao Qingchuan leaned back on his chair and said: "For this exam, the ranking may be more important, but for the future path of fortune-teller, why we made mistakes and try to be correct as much as possible is more important. Therefore, every At the end of the exam, as usual, the examiner will pick out some typical questions for analysis to let everyone understand where the mistakes were. I know that some people will say it is negligence, carelessness, or carelessness, but in Tianshi Sect, there is no negligence. , There is no carelessness, no carelessness, only poor academic skills."

  Everyone looked solemn.

  Several people who were on the list but made many wrong questions looked embarrassed.

  (End of chapter)

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