Chapter 827 Three Hundred Choices

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  Chapter 827: The Choice of Three Hundred

  A young disciple came over, holding a copper box in the shape of a carved dragon head in his hands.

  Zhao Qingchuan slapped the dragon's head, and white lights flew out and landed on each candidate's desk respectively, turning into ten large octavo books, each one inch thick.

  Many people were prepared for it, but when they saw the one-foot-thick examination paper, they were shocked.

  In addition to the one-foot-thick examination paper, there are also some tools required for the examination such as horoscopes.

  "This exam will last for three days and begins." Zhao Qingchuan's voice echoed in the square.

  In the huge square, the candidates were neatly scattered everywhere, with a distance of three to four feet between every two people.

  Zhao Qingchuan waved his hand, and white light curtains criss-crossed the examination room, cutting the examination room into separate white rooms. Each candidate could only see the sky and not others.

  Li Qingxian opened Paper 1 first. The opening chapter was the exam instructions and read it carefully.

  There are many rules listed above, such as no spells, no cheating, no interference with others, and many other things.

  Li Qingxian read it three times to remember all the rules, and then quickly flipped through the ten test papers. There was no problem.

  It's just that the last exam paper is not an ordinary paper, but a child instrument of the Wanduo Yunshu, a magical weapon.

  Li Qingxian opened the first examination book and began to answer.

  The first book was filled with fill-in-the-blank questions, which were very basic, but Li Qingxian still read it carefully, making sure that every word and sentence meaning of the test questions was reviewed in his mind, and then he searched for the test points and knowledge points of this question in his mind. The final stroke.

  Li Qingxian took his time and answered the questions one stroke at a time.

  After finishing the first paper, I checked it from beginning to end. After making sure that everything was correct, I asked the examiner for instructions, got up, moved my hands and feet, and walked around the room.

  After exercising, open the second volume.

  The second volume is all multiple-choice questions, which seem to be very basic, but some questions are very tricky and it is easy for people to choose the wrong questions.

  It is these tricky methods that can often reveal misunderstandings in thinking.

  After finishing, Li Qingxian started to check, and found that he made three mistakes, all of which were caused by not carefully reviewing the questions.

  Later, I was worried and did a second check. I found another wrong question and corrected it.

  The third volume is purely deductive, and it is full of four pillars and eight characters, densely packed.

  Li Qingxian picked up the Tianming Sect's standard horoscope and began to deduce and calculate. He calculated twice in a row every time. Once he felt something was wrong, he stopped and thought.

  The fourth volume is about pure potential situations.

  From the beginning of this volume, the Conspiracy Questions appeared, and Li Qingxian was extra careful and thought about them repeatedly.

  The Secret Formation was born only a few months ago. As you continue to learn and build the Four Conspiracy Formations, you will always make new discoveries and overturn the old and wrong knowledge. Therefore, you must be more careful.

  What's more, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, but if you, the founder of the Conspiracy Machine and the founder of the Conspiracy Situation, make a mistake, you will inevitably become an eternal joke in the fortune-telling world and give birth to generations of black fans.

  During the fourth volume, Li Qingxian's mood fluctuated slightly, but he quickly suppressed it and worked on the questions seriously.

  Every time a puzzle question appeared, Li Qingxian wrote down the serial number and checked it over and over again after he had finished it.

  You can get wrong on other questions, but not on the puzzle question.

  Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7...

  The next day, Li Qingxian looked at Volume 10, the Book of Clouds.

  After thinking about it, Li Qingxian went to bed first to recuperate his energy.

  After waking up and getting ready, Li Qingxian opened Ziyun's book.

  A white light erupted, covering Li Qingxian's face.

  One of the ten basic situations appeared in front of Li Qingxian's eyes, the long river.

  On the wooden oval board, a bright white river runs through it, flowing endlessly.

  In the blink of an eye, Li Qingxian saw that the entire river was decomposed into nine energy blocks. The energy blocks were then decomposed into qi machine groups, and the qi machine groups were decomposed into qi machine lines of different colors.

  On the situation wall, a line of words appeared: Please find at least seven mistakes in this situation and correct them.

  Li Qingxian was thoughtful. Tianshi Zongben is famous for its situation. Even for the basic entrance examination, the content of situation takes up a lot of space.

  The questions in this tenth volume test the candidates' actual abilities.

  Zhou Xuanshan reminded that in the tenth volume, there are often hidden scores, which are an important indicator of the strength of the candidates.

  Li Qingxian thought about it and realized that there was no need to spend too much time on hiding points, he could just do his best.

  If you can't find hidden problems, it proves that you don't understand the basics of the situation well enough. Being able to recognize them is a good thing.

  Li Qingxian has considered that the chief of the outer sect is very important, but this title is just one of the many beautiful waves in the long river of life.

  In history, there are many great life magicians who have never been the chief of Tianshi Sect's outer sect.

  The important thing is not the chief of the outer sect, but the ability to grasp the situation.

  You cannot put the cart before the horse.

  With his thoughts clear, Li Qingxian happily checked the situation in Changhe.

  After completing the Changhe situation, the second situation city emerged, Linshan.

  After Li Qingxian decomposed it into situation blocks, qi groups and qi machines, he answered carefully... After

  answering ten basic situations in a row, the tenth examination paper was finally completed.

  Li Qingxian let out a long sigh of relief.

  Each of these ten basic situations has a hidden score, you can find them all by yourself.

  Next, Li Qingxian began a major inspection.

  Take the trouble to check over and over again.

  The normal test questions are checked once, and the weird test questions are checked three times at a time.

  As Zhao Qingchuan's voice reminded him that the paper was about to be retracted, Li Qingxian slowly exhaled.

  Finally, two omissions were detected, not in the understanding of fortune-telling, but in reading comprehension.

  In the end, Li Qingxian stacked all ten examination papers together and wrote his name on them.

  On the evening of the third day, the melodious sound of the piano and flute sounded.

  "The entrance test is over. Regardless of whether you have finished answering or not, please stand up and leave the table. Any behavior remaining in your seat will be deemed as abandoning the test." Zhao Qingchuan's slightly cold voice spread throughout the audience.

  Li Qingxian stood up and left his seat.

  The white light curtain that isolated everyone converged, and many candidates appeared in the square.

  The Tianshi Sect disciple handed the copper box with carved dragon heads to Zhao Qingchuan again. Zhao Qingchuan stretched out his hand and patted it. The box shone with light, emitting thousands of rays of light, falling on the candidates' test papers, and then rolled up the test papers and put them in it.

  "Next, the elders of the sect will review it in person, and the results of the entrance examination will be announced tomorrow morning. Only the top three hundred people will be selected for this ranking." After Zhao Qingchuan finished speaking, the chair

  turned, and the candidates in the room were in an uproar.

  "Isn't that too few?"

  "There are more than a thousand candidates here."

  "I have counted, one thousand, three hundred and twenty-four candidates, and they only took three hundred for the entrance exam. Is it too harsh?" "I

  used to take at least five hundred. Sometimes people are not eliminated and everyone is allowed to take the second test." "

  Well, if you fail and travel thousands of miles, wouldn't it become a three-day basic fortune-telling check to fill in the gaps?" "

  It's easy to say other things, but Those Conspiracy Questions are giving people a headache. Some of the content, I'm not sure whether I answered it correctly or not." "

  Yeah, how could anyone study something like Conspiracy..."

  Everyone was chattering, looking around for familiar people. Friends, get together and discuss the test questions.

  Li Qingxian looked at where the divine masters were, and after walking a few steps, someone suddenly said from the side: "Master Xiao Li?"

  (End of Chapter)

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