Chapter 7 Jiangxiang Technology

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  Chapter 7 Jiangxiang Technology
  The two of them surpassed Li Qingxian. The man in official uniform turned his head and glanced at Li Qingxian, looked at the brown paper bag, his eyes passed over the deer and crane pattern jade pendant around his waist, passed over the back of his white hands, and then looked at He looked at the hairpin on his head and suddenly stopped.

  "You are brave enough to come to Hubu Street to do business without wearing a hat. However, if you bump into an important official while standing on the avenue, it will be troublesome. If you go to any Yamen to do business, I will take you in if you are on your way." Slightly sharp. The sound sounded.

  Li Qingxian woke up immediately and looked at the person who spoke.

  This man is tall and thin, with a fair face and no beard. He is around thirty years old. He has a black mole as big as a grain of rice on the left corner of his mouth. He has a round nose and drooped eyes. He looks a bit fierce but has a gentle smile.

  Gold-edged oriole patchwork, genuine eighth grade, but this man's sleeves, collar, hem and other edges are sewn with a finger-wide blood-gold brocade, which is similar to the blood-gold paint on the black wall of the household.

  An official from the Ministry of Household Affairs, a believer in the evil god.

  Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment, as if his brain was electrocuted, and a key point that he had not thought through was instantly opened.

  Li Qingxian immediately saluted, and then lowered his voice and said: "My subordinate Night Guard Li Qingxian, under the order of Zhengzhou Chunfeng from the Night Guard Divine Capital Division, negotiated a big deal with the Ministry of Household and the evil sect. However, because of the obstruction of the Finance Secretary, he still I hope you can take a step to speak."

  The two of them were stunned for a moment, glanced at the black carriage, and then looked at Li Qingxian.

  The eighth-grade official smiled and asked: "How big a deal is it?"

  Li Qingxian slowly straightened his chest, stared at the seventh-grade civil servant Huang Libuzi, and lowered his voice: "If you talk about a few hundred thousand taels a year, you can at least make the adults The road to the third rank is unobstructed."

  The strong man with the sword sank, but the eighth-rank officer looked Li Qingxian up and down again with interest and said with a smile: "Let's talk in detail."

  "Sir..." his guard said softly. .

  The eighth-rank official seemed to have heard nothing, and said as he walked: "My surname is Luo, and my name is just a tic-tac-toe. I am an eighth-rank minor official, and he is nothing in the household department. However, it is easy to deceive me, but it is difficult to deceive the gods. This household Bu Street is easy to get in but not easy to get out.”

  Li Qingxian immediately followed and said: "Everything I said is true, and there is absolutely no lie."

  Luo Jing smiled and said nothing.

  The strong man with the sword said coldly: "You dare to boast so much at such a young age. Do you really think that my son of God is easy to talk to? There is still a chance of survival here. If you dare to talk nonsense after entering the Yamen, watch your head!"

  Li As Qingxian walked, he said casually: "My father discovered this business, and it took me many days to verify that it was successful. Of course I am nothing but a child, but my father is a dignified fourth-grade literary scholar and a fifth-grade censor, so he will not brag about it. Haikou."

  The strong man with the sword looked stiff.

  Luo Jing said: "No wonder I think you are kind-hearted. Among the five imperial censors in Yushitai, there was a man named Li. He died after hitting a court pillar half a year ago. The world is called a model of Confucianism and a monument of literati. I never thought that today would actually happen. I met the son of Mr. Gang Feng by chance."

  The strong man with the sword flushed, his mouth moved slightly, he walked a few steps and said in a low voice: "Mr. Gang Feng is a great sage in this world and a hero of the human race. A villain should not chew his tongue. Mr. Li forgives me."

  "I don't blame those who don't know." Li Qingxian said.

  "While we were walking, we were talking about how Shendusi plans to cooperate, what business it will do specifically, and how much worship it can bring to our god?" Luo Jing said.

  Li Qingxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally caught the two characteristics of Hu Bu.

  First, these believers really believe in God and are really willing to worship.

  Second, they really need money. Then you can use high technology to carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

  Li Qingxian took a deep breath and said: "My father cares about the emperor's favor and the court. He works diligently as an official and is very thrifty. However, he is relaxed and likes to have a drink to relieve fatigue. He found that the higher the rank, the stronger the strength. The less likely a person is to get drunk, his friends also want to drink strong liquor. However, the alcohol consumes too much food and my father can't bear it, so he doesn't plan to make strong liquor, but just talks to me. I want to solve my father's problems, so Studying the method of strong liquor has yielded a small gain now."

  Li Qingxian is confident that if Maoxiang Technology can outshine Blue Star, it will definitely shine here.

  Luo Jing smiled and said, "I heard that Mr. Gang Feng's son is neither a man nor a warrior, and he is not on good terms with his father." "

  Okay, I admit, I just want to make more money." Li Qingxian said helplessly.

  "How sure are you of your strong liquor technique?" Luo Jing asked.

  "Ten percent!"

  "What's the profit?"

  Li Qingxian was thinking and talking nonsense: "Nowadays, the wine on the market is pressed and filtered. Ordinary rice wine costs about ten yuan per pound, but those Yuhuachun, Qiulubai, Huahua Famous liquors such as Haidaniang cost from 500 to several thousand yuan per kilogram. As for spirits, they are all made using local methods. The production is very small and the cost is very high, often reaching nearly a thousand yuan. Our spirits, even if they only sell for 2 yuan, One hundred wen per catty, after deducting the cost, one can earn one hundred and fifty wen. Daqi has a vast territory and a large population, and needs more than one million spirits a year. I made a rough calculation and found that the net profit from this spirit is one hundred and fifty wen. The young man can be as young as two hundred thousand taels, and as many as one million taels."

  Luo Jing couldn't help but laugh and said: "You are ignorant and talking nonsense. The internal transportation warehouse only earns more than one million taels a year. Your annual income can support it. An internal transportation warehouse?"

  Li Qingxian said: "Yes, spirits may not make that much money now, but in the future more and more people will drink them, and the demand will inevitably increase greatly. What's more, I found that spirits have other effects , is being studied, and its value is huge."

  Li Qingxian calculated in his mind that spirits are only used to make money, but the real function of distilled wine is to prepare 75-degree medical alcohol for disinfection.

  Alcohol that is too low will have poor disinfection and sterilization effects, but alcohol that is too high will reduce the sterilization effect anyway... Li Qingxian thought about it for a moment, but didn't remember.

  75 degrees is the best. I remember this number clearly because I used alcohol with this degree during that period.

  Although I don’t know how to measure alcohol at all, I have seen a short video before that mentioned that when the alcohol content is about 95%, an azeotropic phenomenon will form.

  This also means that once you find a way to make wine and water azeotrope, the alcohol content can be determined to be about 95%. How much water should be added to dilute 95% alcohol to 75%? For a modern person, it is just a simple matter. Mathematics problems can be easily solved by just mental arithmetic...

  Hmm... let's go back and find pen and paper.

  The important thing is that it does not need to be exactly 75 degrees. Between 70 and 80 degrees, there will be a strong disinfection and sterilization effect.

  Li Qingxian's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he looked at Luo Jing, who had stopped thinking.

  The strong man with the sword whispered in a low voice: "Mr. Gang Feng's children should not lie to others."

  "Of course!" Li Qingxian spoke sternly.

  Li Qingxian didn't expect that his father not only left him half a political opponent in the court, but also left a little useful legacy.

   "Life Hunter" is updated every day at 5:20 pm.

  (End of chapter)

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