Chapter 6 Talents of the Evil Sect

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  Chapter 6 Talents of the Evil Sect
  "Ouch..." Four sounds of drawing swords sounded.

  "Man Pangda said, please come to the Household Department!"

  The remaining madness in Li Qingxian's eyes has not dissipated. He turned to look at the four night guards and said coldly: "If you four keep beeping, believe it or not, I will be in this house." People in the street yelled that Pang Mingjing was leading the night guards to demolish statues of gods and destroy evil temples!"

  The four night guard soldiers were stunned.

  "I'm almost dead, I'm afraid of you? Ahem... Bah!" Li Qingxian spitted at the black carriage, which stuck to the door curtain and slowly slid down like a crushed snail.

  The four soldiers looked helplessly at the carriage, and there was no sound in the carriage.

  Li Qingxian glanced at the carriage contemptuously, holding the brown paper bag in his hands, in a daze.

  After standing still for a long time, Li Qingxian's mood gradually relaxed and his mind became clearer.

  Regardless of whether the evil sect is evil or not, the opponent's purpose this time is too obvious, either to force himself into Hubu and anger the evil sect's disciples, or to make himself unable to fulfill military orders and expel the night guards as soon as he leaves Hubu Street.

  In this world of civilians, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one blow.

  If one knife can't solve it, then use two.

  Li Qingxian remembered Han Anbo's instructions. The so-called "etiquette comes first" means that he should never violate the evil god's taboo.

  But the two Li Qingxians together knew very few of the evil sect's taboos.

  Li Qingxian narrowed his eyes.

  If the captain and the others dare to contradict Pang Mingjing, they won't do anything to save him. They will probably go to the Yewei Yamen to find reinforcements and contact Mr. Zhou Chunfeng.

  You have to drag yourself until reinforcements come, but you also have to save yourself!

  How to save yourself?

  Li Qingxian sighed. In his two lifetimes, he had never learned the evil god's self-rescue manual.

  Use the qi-gazing technique to look at the seventh rank in a dignified manner? I'm afraid it will cause a backlash and bleed from all the orifices in the street.

  Li Qingxian tried his best to recall everything about the evil sect. The evil sect in Hube was so powerful that there must be useful information.

  The Ministry of Revenue is in charge of the money and food of the entire Daqi.

  The evil sect likes to recruit believers.

  The disciples of the evil sect claim to be the Son of God.

  The cultivation of the sons of gods of evil sects often depends on their worship of gods.

  There are many factors that determine the size of an offering, but one universal offering is money.

  More money allows the evil sect to recruit more believers. Recruiting more believers will make the god more satisfied. The more satisfied the god is, the more divine gifts will be displayed. The more divine gifts you get, the higher your cultivation level will be.

  Thinking of this, Li Qingxian's eyes lit up. Isn't this the ability of money to overcome all difficulties? Understand!

  The gods believed in by the five major evil sects have all performed real miracles.

  The evil god is very fair.

  Since the five evil sects took over the Ministry of Household Affairs, Da Qi's treasury has become increasingly abundant.

  After repeatedly taking stock of his memories, Li Qingxian couldn't believe it. Various signs showed that this group of evil sect seemed to be better at managing money, or amassing money, than the old officials of Qi State.

  When I thought about it, it was true that, throughout the ages and in all countries, the evil sect's ability to make money was their exclusive talent.

  Li Qingxian was in a daze when there was a loud noise.

  Li Qingxian's body trembled and he looked towards the source of the sound.

  At the location of the imperial palace in the center of the divine capital city, a thousand-foot-tall Qi-Blood Waterfall flows upstream on one side, and on the other side, a hundred-foot-tall giant two-horned monster's head hangs high in the sky.

  Above the Qi and Blood Waterfall, a pair of small sun and moon slowly descended, shining brightly on the capital, covering up the sunlight in the sky.

  The sun and moon also fell from the sky on the monster's head, and the strange power dyed half of the blue sky black.

  Half of it is black, and the other half is red and bloody. A strong wind swept across the sky and there was no light on the earth.

  After an instant, a huge hemispherical blue light mask appeared, covering the imperial city, isolating the inside and outside. Li Qingxian's memory became clear again.

  The sun and moon are hanging in the sky, this is the vision of a third-level master.

  Ever since the gods and demons entered the imperial court, Da Qi's court meetings have become a legend in the world, because the major forces have deep grievances, often hundreds or thousands of years of feuding, and the top-level masters are all unruly.

  There are big fights, three sixty-nine fights, and small fights every day.

  Emperor Taining built the Golden Palace three times a month, draining the inner treasury.

  Li Qingxian blinked.

  If a bunch of monsters, monsters, and monsters dressed in court uniforms were arguing in the Jinluan Palace, and then got into a fight over a disagreement, it would seem... a bit interesting to see it.

  After a while, the sky glowed with golden light.

  A small mountain-sized golden and white jade seal soars straight into the sky. On top of the jade seal, nine dragons look like living creatures. Even with their eyes closed, they still exude surging pressure, spreading like a sea.

  A ring of golden light exploded from the jade seal, swinging high in the sky, covering hundreds of miles, overwhelming the two pairs of sun and moon, dispersing the two colors of the sky, returning to azure blue.

  A night guard soldier beside the carriage said coldly: "No matter what monsters and monsters are, they are no bigger than the emperor in this divine capital!"

  Li Qingxian looked at the gradually shrinking jade seal, as if he had some realization.

  The night guards roamed the divine capital with only one word from Emperor Taining.

  When Emperor Taining didn't speak, the night guard was like a rat crossing the street.

  It seems that if the royal family was not strong, it would have been swallowed up by all the major forces.

  "How long do you want to stay?" Pang Mingjing raised the curtain and looked over.

  Li Qingxian knew that there was no chance of death, so his fear of Pang Mingjing was mostly gone, and he sneered: "I can stay as long as I want, and I care about heaven and earth, but also care about people's shit and farts? Say it again, I If you don't bring all the sons of God here, I write the character '李' upside down! Come on!"

  Pang Mingjing stared blankly at the crazy Li Qingxian, his throat rolled, he cursed "madman", and let go of the curtains. Retract the carriage.

  The four soldiers looked at each other, lowered their heads, and looked for ants on the ground.

  Li Qingxian snorted coldly and continued to think hard.

  You can brag when you need it, and you can protect your life when it's time. Don't delay either.

  Slowly, Li Qingxian discovered his advantages.

  I am engaged in the self-media industry. I usually spend a lot of time reading articles, watching videos and collecting materials. I have gone through rounds of Internet baptism, from knowledge payment to advertising marketing, from UC shock department to clickbait party, from short video to live broadcast to promote goods. From the food crisis to epidemic prevention and control, from refuting rumors to refuting rumors, apart from flirting with girls, there is nothing I don't understand.

  If the level of political affairs can also be judged by rank, I would be at least a first-rank official, and might be expected to surpass him.

  After a while, the carriage drove away slowly and stopped more than ten feet away.

  The spacious Hubu Street is enough for thirty horses to ride parallel. A strip of gray and white stone road divides the Hubu Street into the north and south courtyards.

  The north courtyard is dedicated to worshiping gods, while the south courtyard is for office work.

  There were not many people on the huge street, and the walls were as black as ink. There was a strip of blood-gold paint on the top and bottom of the wall, like two straps binding all the large household walls.

  Rumor has it that it is a mixture of sheep blood and pure gold powder, which is the famous blood gold paint of the evil sect.

  The gates of the two courtyards of Hubu are not lions, but four two-foot-tall monsters. They are obviously humanoid, but they have green faces, fangs, and multiple hands and legs.

  The area near Yewei Yamen is surrounded by green trees. There is no grass growing here, and not a single tree can be seen as far as the eye can see.

  Li Qingxian was thinking when two people approached.

  One person is wearing green clothes, with an oriole embroidered on the gold-rimmed patch on his chest, a black gauze hat on his head, and a copper fish bag hanging on a leather belt around his waist, revealing a light green ribbon for official seal.

  The other man was wearing black clothes and carrying a sword. He was a stout man and was one step behind.

  The two of them looked at the black carriage first. The four night guard soldiers beside the carriage quickly backed away and saluted respectfully.

  (End of chapter)

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