Chapter 637 Nine mountains fall into the ground

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  Chapter 637: Jiushan Enters the Earth
  In the main hall of the Secretary, a group of night guards discussed for a long time, but no result was reached. The king had no choice but to announce the adjournment of the meeting and go to see the elders in person to discuss the matter.

  At noon that day, the Coward King returned to Night Guard in despair, and the news spread in the afternoon.

  In the evening, Li Qingxian handed another snake nail to Han Anbo and asked, "The cabinet is not prepared to take care of this matter?" "

  It is said that the cabinet elders are busy with the affairs of Tan Nan Kingdom and have no time to take care of this matter, leaving it to the night guard." Deal with it." Han Anbo took the snake nail.

  "Hey, how can a night guard resolve the dispute between the two sects?" Li Qingxian shook his head.

  Zhou Hen turned his head and looked out the window, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

  Han Anbo said: "Yes. Sect disputes are not uncommon, but such a large-scale sect dispute near the divine capital is very..."


  The earth shook slightly, and an indescribable loud noise spread throughout the world. It was as if God had punched the ground not far away.

  Han Anbo turned his head and said in surprise: "It's in the direction of Woniu Mountain, could it be..."

  Li Qingxian looked at Zhou Hen. Zhou Hen nodded, jumped on the roof, and took out the magic weapon. White clouds formed under his feet, and his body slowly rose.

  At the same time, people were flying to high altitudes all over the capital, and more powerful first-level forces were spying from high altitudes.

  After a while, Zhou Hen came down.

  "Nine mountains appeared above Woniu Mountain, and then fell one after another, blending into the earth, blocking the entire Woniu Mountain. As expected, they are the nine mountains of Shan Ming Sect, and they set up nine major situations." Zhou Hen said.

  "She's pretty good at it." Li Qingxian said.

  Han Anbo looked at Li Qingxian doubtfully.

  Li Qingxian coughed lightly and said, "It seems that the elders of the Shanming Sect took action. With the help of the Mingshan, they laid out nine general situations in a row. Even the Southern Star Sect has to consider it." As soon as Li Qingxian finished speaking

  , I saw a bloody beam of light falling from the sky in the direction of Woniu Mountain. The blood feathers scattered and penetrated the clouds, hundreds of miles high.

  Then, the light beam converged.

  "What is this?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Han Anbo sighed and said: "I have seen the light of the temple. The Nanxing Sect is really willing to build a temple directly in Wanniu Mountain. No matter how bad Wanniu Mountain is, but it has not been investigated clearly, how can the Nanxing Sect dare to make such a big gamble."

  Li Qingxian said: "In the world of fortune-telling, the National Destiny Sect is the strongest, and the General Situation Tianshi Sect is the strongest, but when it comes to Shan Feng Shui, the Shan Ming Sect ranks first. Even the Shan Ming Sect is optimistic about it, which shows that there is something special there. ."

  "There may be an inside story about this matter. I always feel that something is wrong." Han Anbo said.

  Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen looked at each other and said, "Perhaps there is a heavy treasure in Woniu Mountain?" "It is

  more credible than the previous reason. Woniu Mountain has a strange appearance, and some people have always built yin houses in the mountain. No matter how good the two factions are, there is no difference between them. As for fighting over a pure treasure land of the Yin Mansion." Han Anbo said.

  "Yes. However, it has nothing to do with us."

  After Li Qingxian finished speaking, he picked up the communication talisman.

  Apparently it was from Zhou Xuanshan.

  "Everyone has approved the exchange. However, are you sure you can carry the Dragon Vein and the Nation's Destiny Mountain?" "

  If you can carry it, take it. If you can't, keep it in the Ming Mansion. It will be useful in the future." "

  How many lives do you need in total ? Mountain?" Li Qingxian said slowly: "If there are six mountains, then from bottom to top they are the ordinary sect Mingshan, the Tianzhu sect's Wei Feng Mingshan, the Tianzhu sect's main peak Mingshan, the Dragon Vein Mingshan, and the National Destiny Mingshan. And Dragon Vein National Destiny Mountain. I still lack a Dragon Vein Destiny Mountain." "

  Okay. Add "Zhongyue Destiny Mountain". "

  A Dragon Vein Destiny Mountain cannot be exchanged for "Zhongyue Destiny Mountain". Dragon Vein Destiny Mountain is the world It's rare, but you can still buy it, but you will never find a second copy of "Zhongyue God-Inviting Curse"," Li Qingxian said.

  "We want the complete "Five Mountains God-Inviting Curse", please set a price."

  Li Qingxian smiled and did not answer immediately.

  Once Shan Ming Sect is given a complete spell, the strength of Shan Ming Sect's upper class will skyrocket, and it will immediately rise to the top level, becoming a major sect second only to Tian Ming Sect and Tian Shi Sect.

  "The heroes ordered me to exchange for a complete set of the "Five Mountains God-Inviting Curse"." Li Qingxian said.

  "The Order of the Heroes? You have lofty aspirations."

  The Order of the Heroes is the highest order in the martial arts world. One call can be answered by hundreds of people, and the world can follow it.

  "You are overthinking. I just think that the Order of Heroes is very powerful. If you cannot defeat someone in a fight in the future, you can take out this thing. I don't ask anyone to help me, I just ask others not to help the enemy." Li Qingxian said.

  "For Zhou Chunfeng, or something else?" Zhou Xuanshan asked.

  Li Qingxian did not answer.

  "One of the Orders of Heroes is in Ancient Xuan Mountain, one is in the hands of King Wu, and the third one cannot appear in the world." "

  What do you mean?" "

  Once the third one appears in the world, there will be chaos in the world and the situation of heroes vying for the throne. King Wu is The martial arts person, who is also the king of martial arts in the imperial court, holds a Order of Heroes, which represents the martial arts world's willingness to cooperate with the imperial court. There is also another one in the hands of Gu Xuan Shan. Gu Xuan Shan is the largest sect in martial arts. It has produced superb products for generations, but never interferes. The imperial court does not even place personnel in the army, and its status is aloof. Guxuan Mountain will not take action until the martial arts world is destroyed. In terms of actual value, the Order of Heroes is not as good as the "Five Mountains Inviting God Curse", but the Order of Heroes is of great significance and is not the order of our mountain. Zong Yi Zong's Mountain Order can't be compared. Once the Heroes Order appears, all martial arts sects will send troops to help even if they are reluctant, and many Taoist sects, academies, etc. will also join in to help the Heroes Order. At that time, even Even in the army, people will listen to the orders of the heroes instead of the imperial edict. I say all this to let you understand that the meaning of the orders of the heroes is far beyond your imagination." Li Qingxian carefully

  considered Zhou Xuanshan's words and vaguely figured out the meaning.

  Li Qingxian said: "Let me give you an analogy, just an analogy. For example, if a person accidentally offends a very ordinary tenth-grade outer disciple of Hua Mo Mountain, how will he deal with Hua Mo Mountain?" After a while

  , Zhou Xuanshan said: "Let's talk about the Order of Heroes."

  Li Qingxian said: "In addition to Mingxiu, other sects also hope to get Mingshan, right?"

  "Of course. Mingshan is attached to the general situation and guards luck. For example, Guxuan Mountain, although it is a martial arts sect, there are hundreds of Mingshan in it, which is comparable to some second- and third-rate Mingsong. The reason why your mountain, Lingming Mountain The reason why the price is so high is because all sects can use it. Ordinary small sects are just that. Which sect doesn’t hope that after hundreds or thousands of years of inheritance, the mountain spirit will become a god and protect the sect for thousands of years?" "I canonize it

  . Isn't it too much to exchange a mountain god for a sect token once?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "I knew you were going to do this. You can exchange for ordinary sect tokens, but for the Tianzhu sect, such as Guxuan Mountain, it is not possible to canonize the mountain gods at one time, let alone three at least. It has nothing to do with money, but the sect tokens are too important. Once used by the opponent, it will be broken at first, or completely destroyed at worst."

  "Your Shanming Sect is well-known for being good at defending but not attacking. With you here, they will definitely be willing to trade." Li Qingxian said.


  Li Qingxian said again: "The martial arts community all respects the order of the heroes, the Taoist sects all respect the order of the ancient heaven, the literary cultivators all respect the saint's pen, and the puppet cultivators all respect the order of the King of Hell. What do we, the cultivators, respect?" Zhou Xuanshan said

  slowly : "It really does exist."


  "Heavenly Marrow Star."

  (End of this chapter)

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