Chapter 636 The reason for Woniu Mountain

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  Chapter 636: The Cause of Woniu Mountain

  Later, someone said: "Master Leng's words are reasonable."

  "I am not qualified for the job due to insufficient practical training."

  Some officials supported Leng Can.

  Some people originally supported Li Qingxian, but when they saw some opposition, they hesitated.

  Practical cultivation is indeed Ye Wei's bottom line.

  Over the years, many people wanted to join the Night Guard to gain qualifications, but they were stuck in the actual practice and had to leave.

  Song Yanxue wanted to speak, but the King of Counsel sighed and said: "Qingxian's cultivation is indeed a little bit behind, but I don't think this is the key. However, since there are colleagues who object, we will shelve the selection of the patrol department." Let’s discuss again. We can’t replace him as soon as Song Sizheng leaves. We can’t let the soldiers on the front line feel cold.”

  “Your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief is right,” Leng Can said.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian, but Li Qingxian remained motionless.

  King Zhou looked around the Sizheng Hall and said, "Have any of you heard about the reason for the conflict between the Nanxing Sect and the Shanming Sect?"

  Song Yanxue said, "The patrol department has found out the reason."

  "Tell me."

  Song Yanxue said, "Then lie down. Niushan was originally an ownerless land, under the jurisdiction of both the Divine Capital and Yanzhou. A few days ago, a team of monks passed by Woniu Mountain. One of the middle-level life magicians from the Shanming Sect vaguely felt that Woniu Mountain was extraordinary, so he went in to investigate. , I found that this is a good Feng Shui treasure land. They also said that this is the legendary "Three Poles Land", which is extremely noble, extremely prosperous, and extremely auspicious. It is just a little short of the Four Poles. You also know that the whole world Under the circumstances, only the imperial mausoleum is the place of the four poles. Although the three poles exist, they are either far away from the divine capital or very small and occupied by some big forces. The life magician of the Shan Ming Sect also discovered that these three poles In the land, there are unexpectedly special treasures such as Tens of Mountains Worshiping the Dragon, Birds Worshiping the Phoenix, Nine Towers Climbing to the Sky, Heavenly Curtains Rolling on the Earth, Sha Hats and Jade Drums, etc. It is the most precious place in the underworld within a radius of thousands of miles." Everyone's eyes lit up

  . , most people don’t believe in ordinary Feng Shui treasure land, but the Feng Shui treasure land discovered by Shanming Sect is completely different.

  Song Yanxue continued: "After the Shanming Sect monk discovered this place, he said goodbye to the others, left in a hurry, returned to the mountain gate, and reported to the sect. There were only six people in the team, four of whom were mediocre warriors. He wanted to place a tomb here in the future, but the other monk was a monk from the Nanxing Sect, and he immediately reported the matter to the Nanxing Sect. As you all know, the evil sect is far better at sneaking into the camp than the fate cultivators, so the Nanxing sect took full action that night to clear the way. The relationship between Shendu and Yanzhou was exhausted, and finally it took only three days to buy the entire Woniu Mountain. The total recorded acquisition cost was about fifty million taels of silver." Everyone looked shocked

  . , actually took out so much money, and this was just the apparent money. It took three days to buy such a big Woniu Mountain, but the actual cost would probably be doubled.

  "The Shanming Sect is not as good at digging into camps as the evil sect. They sent high-ranking elders step by step to investigate carefully. As a result, the people of the Shanming Sect became more and more shocked the more they investigated. Finally, it was determined that this Woniu Mountain has no imperial aura and does not compete with the dragon, but But it is the most treasured land for princes in the world. It was only at this time that Shanming Sect thought of buying this land. However, before they could make a move, people from Nanxing Sect appeared and announced that they would set up a grand formation and seal the mountain for renovation. Shanming Sect When the elders heard that such a good Feng Shui treasure land had been stolen by the Nanxing sect, they were so anxious that they said a few unpleasant words, which led to a conflict and finally a fight. The high-ranking people took action, affecting the middle-class and low-class people, and several people on both sides died. If nothing else, the two factions are afraid of trouble again. Lord Commander of the Guards, please make preparations in advance." Song Yanxue said.

  The timid king's brows condensed into a knot.

  Everyone present said nothing.

  If the opponent was just from a small sect, Ye Wei would directly press forward with his men without saying a word.

  However, both the Nanxing Sect and the Shanming Sect are top sects.

  If it were an ordinary large sect, even if there was a master at the command, Night Guard would not be afraid at all. However, the Southern Star Sect has a super-level person in charge, and there is an evil god behind it.

  There is no super grade in the Shanming Sect, but a first-grade great life magician has the same status as a super grade.

  What's more, offending martial arts cultivators, literary cultivators, and Tao cultivators is just a head-on confrontation, but offending life cultivators may lead to inexplicable death.

  A high-ranking martial arts cultivator once complained that life cultivators are the most deceitful among people.

  The timid king sighed softly and said: "I will report this matter to the cabinet to see how the cabinet resolves it. However, don't have high expectations. The cabinet will never directly intervene in such matters unless it causes a worse impact. . Tell me, what should I do? Zhang Fugui, you have a lot of crooked ideas, tell me."

  Zhang Fugui shrugged and said, "My crooked ideas can be used to solve small things, but when it comes to big things like this, it's hard to tell. . Think about it, everyone, the Woniu Mountain was bought by the Nanxing sect for 50 million taels of silver. If they didn't earn 500 million taels of silver, I would write the word "Zhang" backwards. Five hundred million taels of silver, such a big piece of fat. , who is not jealous? To persuade peace? Ye Wei has such a big face? Not to mention Ye Wei, in the whole world... except the emperor, who has such a big face? The point is, that is not an ordinary Feng Shui treasure land, tut tut..." Everyone started to

  say nod.

  "Commander Zhang's words are not rude," Leng Can said with a frown, "If it is an ordinary dispute, we night guards can still mediate it. It is difficult for such a big matter." Everyone shook their heads, not daring to say a word

  . explain.

  "Qingxian, tell me. You are also a clever person." The coward said.

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "Master Commander of the Guards, I am only a sixth-grade person. How can I solve such a big problem? You think too highly of me." The coward said: "Look,

  Master Leng just said a few words ." It’s just a sentence, why are you so lazy? Furthermore, your ambition does not depend on your age, your rank is low, but your strength is not weak. Wei Yong, you are fifth rank, what are your chances of winning against Qingxian?"

  Wei Yong said helplessly: "The lower officials rarely fight in actual combat, and Deputy Commander Li's thunder talisman is well known to everyone, and there are countless magical weapons. In terms of strength, Deputy Commander Li is by no means inferior to any fifth-level officer. Everyone, don't forget. Well, Deputy Commander Li won the first place in the eighth and seventh ranks that year. Who among you can do it? Anyway, I can't do it."

  Song Yanxue looked at Li Qingxian and secretly transmitted a message: "I know you have been hiding your strength. , now there is no room for loss in the battle for Inspector General. Do you dare to compete with Jian Yuancang?"

  Li Qingxian almost rolled his eyes and said: "I am a sixth-ranker, Jian Yuancang is a fourth-ranker, how can I risk my life to compete with him? "

  "I know very well Jian Yuancang. He was promoted to the fourth level with elixirs, and he has just been promoted for less than two years. He has not perfected the fourth level martial arts. If you use various fortune skills, you will definitely have a chance.

  " Sister Xue, you have more confidence in me than I do myself. Let’s discuss it again.”

  Li Qingxian glanced at Song Yanxue helplessly.

  Song Yanxue sighed softly and nodded. Indeed, Li Qingxian was only a sixth-grade person after all, and there was a huge gap between him and Jian Yuancang, a fourth-grade person.

  (End of chapter)

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