Chapter 456 The destiny star builds the altar of truth

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  Chapter 456: Destiny Star Builds the Altar of Truth

  "What is his strength?"

  "Naturally, the first one is middle-grade strength, and he is born to be better than you. However, he had no one to guide him back then, or something went wrong, and he did not use his life to build the altar of truth. ', you still have a chance." Gai Fengyou said.

  "The Tianming Sect seems to have this method. I'm not sure. Please tell me." Li Qingxian's eyes moved slightly.

  Gai Fengyou immediately said: "The sixth level can build a true altar, which stands in the Dantian you have cultivated and carries the source of true energy. There are six corners in total. Each corner can build a true spirit. The so-called true spirit is to use the inner spirit Spiritual energy objects are mainly made of the flesh, blood or bones of demonic beasts. At the worst, they can also be made from animals. After being purified with true energy, they can be used to create true spirits. True spirits can not only help with cultivation, but can also be temporarily stimulated to enhance strength."

  "I've heard of some." Li Qingxian said.

  Gai Fengyou continued: "Even ancient fortune-tellers followed this path. However, in recent years, some fortune-tellers have figured out how to use fortune-telling objects instead of ordinary spiritual materials to build true spirits. For example, Mingshan , destiny stars, destiny weapons, etc. Those who successfully use their lives to build a true altar have far better cultivation than their peers. However, the things required to build a true altar with their lives are very expensive, so only geniuses from the sect can have it. Opportunity."

  "The easiest one is the Life Star True Altar, right?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Gai Fengyou glanced at Li Qingxian in surprise and said: "The easiest one is the True Altar of Life Weapon, the second is the True Altar of Life Star, and the most difficult and most expensive one is the True Altar of Life Mountain. However, the True Altar of Life Mountain is just an expectation. , no one made it, it’s not precious, but no one’s true altar can withstand six Mingshan. One Mingshan can support a big sect, and six Mingshan can enter the true altar. Think about it, it’s impossible. So, this The best fortune-telling magicians in the past few decades have used fate stars to build the true altar, while the worse ones have used fate weapons to build the true altar." "After the

  fate star builds the true altar, it doesn't seem to improve the magic power much?" Li Qing Xian asked.

  "Yes. The true spirit will originally enhance the magic power of the life magician, but the life star true spirit will neither enhance the magic power nor temporarily stimulate and enhance martial arts skills like other martial arts practitioners. In short, the life magician cannot be allowed to Any improvement in combat. However, the true spirit of the Life Star has the ability to 'strengthen life'. It is equivalent to a person having the power of six additional Life Stars, but these six Life Stars can only work alone and cannot form a situation. , let alone condensed into the god of destiny. According to the deduction of the great destiny magician, the true spirit of the destiny star may play an unimaginable role when it is in the first level. Unfortunately, the true destiny star altar started too late, and it is only twenty or thirty years ago, and it has not yet A person enters the first level."

  "Even if the six life stars work alone, they are strong enough." Li Qingxian said.


  "For a large sect, it is not difficult to spend six life stars to train disciples, right?" "It

  is not difficult. But ordinary life stars are different from the good ones. Those elders are all looking at the good ones. How can a disciple get a life star? As far as I know, in the past few decades, most of the life star altars only use ordinary life stars, and those who can use six good life stars are less than 20 people. Either The talent is extremely terrifying. For example, Zhao Qingchuan, who is known as the 'Ten Breaths', is rumored to be able to see what happens within ten breaths. He is already a top-level life magician at the age of twenty-one. For example, Nie Jiu Ming, who is known as the 'Ten Thousand Blessings Body', has more than nine lives. Every time someone is in trouble, he must be reborn. Or he has an unusual origin. For example, Duan Tianji, the grandson of the previous generation of the leader of the Destiny Sect, was fully trained by the Destiny Sect since he was a child, and then became a monster. Legend has it that for unknown reasons, he refined many treasures of the Destiny Sect. After transforming into the body, not only is his fortune skills unique, but his spell cultivation is also comparable to those of the same level. In short, any fortune master who uses good fortune stars to build a true altar is limitless." Li Qingxian nodded lightly


  Gai Fengyou sighed and said: "Your talent is only a sliver lower than those of those people. You had the opportunity to build a true altar with your life star, but it's a pity that you don't have a famous teacher and you are not willing to join the sect. It's just that you have been destroyed." I advise you to give up the life stars to build the true altar, because you can only get ordinary life stars, and using ordinary life stars to build the true altar is not as good as adding some mana to you." "I'll think about it again

  . Consider it," Li Qingxian said.

  "I know you are not willing to give in, but the real life star altar requires not only a good life star, but also a strong ability. Of course, if you... have other powers or talents, you can try it." Gai Feng realized halfway through his lobbying. , this is the clone of Emperor Huangquan in the human world. Although Emperor Huangquan does not understand fortune-telling, he can still cultivate this clone. Li Qingxian glanced at Gai Fengyou suspiciously and said, "Since that great gentleman is not a major cultivator, there is still a chance of winning. How high a rank is he?"

  Gai Fengyou recalled, "Back then, he was a fifth rank, but later he changed from rank 5 to rank 5. I have bought some life-saving materials and medicinal materials here, which are very rare. One of the life-saving materials is called 'Nine Worlds Good Bones', you should have heard of it." "This thing is rare and expensive, and not many people are willing to use it, unless it is to harm the common people

  . He encountered divine punishment and used this to resolve it."

  "Yes! He must have done a big evil thing, so he used this thing to resolve it. Moreover, some of the life-material medicines he bought before were for fifth-grade cultivation, but later he bought six-grade drugs. I didn't buy the rest at all. I was curious and did some research. It was the problem that occurred when he established the Shensheng Sect." "What do

  you mean..." Li Qingxian looked at Gai Fengyou.

  Gai Fengyou smiled slightly and said: "There may be many, either worshiping the wrong evil god and being severely injured by the evil god; or offering sacrifices to cultivate one's abilities and gaining something; or... dividing flesh and blood and becoming an evil god." Li Qingxian nodded heavily

  . , I didn’t expect that the matter was more serious than I thought.

  "If I share life and death with him, will the consequences be very serious?"

  Gai Fengyou was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself, what do you have to fear if you have Emperor Huangquan? Then he said: "It also depends on the situation. We will naturally provoke those powerful evil gods. I can't afford it. But the weakest of those messy evil gods are only top-level ones, so you don't have to be afraid. Of course, there may be accidents, but the possibility of him having accidents is very small." Li Qingxian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about Ming Xing Zhu

  . Real altar thing.

  After a while, Gai Fengyou said again: "He contacted me again, as if he was worried that you would not agree to do something and was secretly obstructing him, so he said that the two of you were playing fate. Last time it was him who decided the fate. This time, You decide how to compete.”

  Li Qingxian thought to himself that it seemed that the gentleman was too embarrassed to say that not only his life was completely defeated, but his life slave was also taken away.

  Li Qingxian said: "Have you seen the fortune of Qiyuan City? How is it?"

  Gai Fengyou asked doubtfully: "It's nothing special, it's just chaotic. Many cities in the north are like this. You didn't go to the city where the river guard army is located. It's more dangerous than this."

  Li Qingxian nodded, but there were some things he couldn't tell Gaifeng Youming, and said, "If I want to force Mr. Da to leave Kaiyuan City, what's your best plan?" (End of Chapter


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