Chapter 455: The best player in the world

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  Chapter 455: Top Rank Yi Tianxia

  Li Qingxian looked at the musical dial and waited quietly.

  Soon, Gai Fengyou replied.

  "He is just my customer. Compared with the relationship between you and me, he is far inferior or even incomparable. Furthermore, this person founded the 'Shensheng Sect' by himself. He is obviously a life magician, but he follows the path of the evil sect. , it is said that I am also on good terms with the Demon Sect. Although my Fengming Sect is a small sect, I know everything clearly and know what to do and what not to do. I, Gai Fengyou, have always been cautious in doing things, and seeking skin from a tiger is not something I like."

  Li Qingxian did not reply, but thought about the authenticity of Gai Fengyou.

  After a while, Gai Fengyou said again: "Mr. Da found me again and said that if I could find out the identity of the life magician, he would give me a generous reward. He also said that if you are unwilling to reveal your identity, you can retreat. Secondly, let me be your guarantee and you two can talk."

  "What does he want to talk about?"

  "He didn't say anything."

  Li Qingxian thought quietly.

  After a while, Gai Fengyou said again: "His purpose is to turn war with you into friendship. It's best for you to stay away from Kaiyuan City. If not, I hope you won't interfere with his affairs. If we can't reach an agreement, he can only do this with you." Just one more time."

  Li Qingxian did not reply.

  Na Gai Fengyou said again: "That Mr. Da's whereabouts are secretive and he never reveals his true identity. According to my observation, there may be a lot of power behind him. At the same time, he has inherited the ancient Ming Sect's life skills, including the Life Master Sect's life skills. Techniques and treasures. To me, this kind of person is a thunder and fire talisman that may explode at any time. The farther away, the better. As for you, behind you are half the world's scholars, the new number one scholar, and a powerful destiny. His talent in martial arts has even won the favor of Zhao Shoufu, and he is preparing a poem for you, the great scholar who will be the number one scholar. No matter what, I cannot favor him. If you really ask me to be your guarantee, I will definitely sign a yin-yang contract with you first."

  Li Qingxian listened to it three times in a row, puzzled.

  This Gai Fengyou speaks too straightforwardly and seems sincere, but it feels too unreal.

  Give jade seals to small countries first, then don’t care about big customers.

  Believe it or not, it always feels like pie in the sky.

  Believe it or not, the Yin-Yang contract is very binding, unless Gai Fengyou doesn't care about cultivation and destiny.

  Moreover, I have asked many people before, and even investigated Gai Fengyou through Night Guard channels. This person is indeed greedy for money, but he rarely offends people. He once accidentally offended several people he couldn't afford to offend, and his remedy was very simple. He came to the door to apologize, completely shameless, and tried hard and tough. In the end, those people had no choice but to give up revenge, and two of them even became friends with him. friends.

  No matter how he looked at it, there was no need for him to offend himself for a fortune-teller who followed the path of the evil sect.

  Because once the matter is exposed, the entire Fengming Sect will be destroyed.

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said, "Let's meet and talk."


  Next, Li Qingxian continued to cast spells, all of which were used to judge good or bad luck, detect whether the opponent was hostile, and used the destiny talisman to carry a famous destiny of the Destiny Sect. The fortune-telling technique "Engrave the Heart" was the most effective, and even ten fish of luck were injected into it.

  The sun is high in the sky, bringing a touch of warmth to Qiyuan City in early winter, and pedestrians on the street no longer shrink their heads.

  The Qifeng Restaurant in East District City is one of the few large restaurants in the entire Qiyuan City, and is a well-known property of the Qingshan Gang.

  Qifeng Restaurant was full at noon. In the Baishan Pavilion on the second floor near the inner courtyard, the tables were filled with delicacies. Two people sat opposite each other and one person stood.

  Zhou Hen stood at the door, seemingly looking straight ahead.

  The disguised Li Qingxian sat on the east side, facing Feng Youxian Feng Daogu, with beard and hair as snow, face as thin as a baby, and a smile on his face.

  Li Qingxian secretly activated one destiny talisman after another, including the Mind Engraving Technique, but there was no response. This means that the possibility of Gai Fengyou being hostile to him is extremely slim.

  The two of them first ate and drank, occasionally chatting about world affairs and Northland customs.

  After three drinks and five dishes, Li Qingxian said: "Master Gai, why did you come to the north?"

  Gai Fengyou took a sip of his drink, put it down and said, "Sun Maoxian, the magistrate of Tongyang Prefecture, was in bad luck and was repeatedly ostracized by his colleagues. He tried all means to no avail, so he asked me to help him resolve or transfer the situation."

  " How much does it cost to accumulate luck at this level?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Gai Fengyou smiled and said: "Three years of clearing the prefecture, and one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. This person is better. It is not a problem to save seven or eighty thousand taels over the years. I have always been kind to others, not to mention that it is deduced that this person is expected to be of high rank and form a good relationship. Only ten thousand taels."

  "It's better to accumulate luck and make money." Li Qingxian said.

  "That's what I say, but if his enemy knows about it, he will definitely be dissatisfied with me. Before I agreed to him, I deduced that his enemy would not dare to take action unless his luck was stable. What's more, he helped me back then and pushed things along. Return a favor."

  Li Qingxian nodded.

  Gai Fengyou said again: "However, you are different from me. My background is not good, and I have to do this as a last resort. You try to avoid taking the path of accumulating luck, and you have to go up." Gai Fengyou pointed at the sky


  "The lower grade predicts destiny, the middle grade discusses the situation, and the upper grade controls the world. I also know this very well, so I will not make random deductions for others unless necessary, and I rarely try to accumulate luck and make money." Li Qingxian said.

  Gai Fengyou looked around and lowered his voice: "There are undercurrents surging in the capital right now. Don't go back until the situation becomes clearer. It's not too late to go back. I left the capital this time to avoid disaster." "Because Zhou Butian entered the palace

  . ?"

  Gai Fengyou nodded and said: "When Zhou Butian entered the palace, there was nothing on the surface, but the clan kings started to move early. Those dragon sons have blatantly attracted people. I received seven invitations in just three days. How can I How many people are vying for that seat? I thought about it over and over again, and made repeated deductions, but I still couldn't figure out the truth, so I used this matter to leave the capital and go north." "Is this already the case in the capital?"

  Li Qingxian frowned.

  "When the late emperor was critically ill, things were even more chaotic than now. Now there are many talents. Wen has Zhao Shou to assist with Dinghaishenzhen, and Wu has King Wu... Forget about King Wu, that one has a bad temper, but he can suppress the problem. In short, as long as nothing happens, It will be chaotic for two or three years at most.”

  "Two or three years?"

  "There was chaos for more than ten years, and there are still

  repercussions to this day." Li Qingxian nodded and said, "The capital is on the horizon, and it has little to do with me now. I want to deal with Mr. Da now."

  So. Li Qingxian said, Gai Fengyou wrote about it, and then Gai Fengyou sent a message to Mr. Da.

  After a while, Gai Fengyou said: "I followed what you said and said that I have contacted you with other friends. He asked me to tell you your identity. How could I, Gai Fengyou, be moved by that little money? I insisted that I didn't know you, but Point out that you have a strong background and make him afraid."

  Li Qingxian nodded.

  "Afterwards, he saw that the negotiation was ineffective and wanted me to act as guarantee and have a match with you." "Do

  you think he would be willing to lose?"

  "He somehow judged that you were just a low-class person, so he probably didn't think about it. If you do, you will lose. From what I know about him, he is not completely sure that he will not come to you."

  (End of this chapter)

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