Chapter 370 Qingxian exerts too much force

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  Chapter 370 Qingxian used too much force.
  "I've heard of it, but I don't know how to operate it. Please give me some advice from Brother Shen." Li Qingxian was full of curiosity and prepared to study hard.

  "The so-called Yixing change of game is to make temporary changes based on the enemy's fate or other powers, whether it is a life skeleton, a big beast, a demon, other monks or even a great life magician. But there are many prerequisites for Yixing's change of game. , the two most important prerequisites are that one has enough destiny stars, and the other is that one knows one's own destiny well. It took decades of continuous trial and error for the masters of destiny to fully understand one's own destiny. , and then you can achieve the legendary state of doing whatever you want without breaking the rules."

  Li Qingxian was stunned on the spot.

  Shen Xiaoyi smiled and said: "Yes, you are very humble and not pushy. Many middle-level fortune-telling masters have also tried to change the game with Yi Xing, but either they did not understand their fate clearly enough, or their deduction of fate stars was not accurate enough, resulting in Failed again and again."

  Li Qingxian thought to himself, isn't this Yi Xing's change of game something he must do every time he takes a vow? Although it is not rigorous enough and there is no deduction, it seems that I am very good at it.

  "Other than that, is there any other way to deal with the fate?" Li Qingxian started the topic, but he was thinking about Yi Xing's change of game. The reason why it is difficult for other life magicians to change the game of Yi Xing is because they "see" If not, we can only deduce it, but it is difficult to ensure that the deduction is 100% accurate. Only through trial and error over many years can we gradually determine it.

  Shen Xiaoyi said: "There are many methods, such as strong pressure, such as layering of life weapons, such as sacrificing life stars that can be used almost at any time, such as multiple reincarnations..." Shen Xiaoyi explained many methods


  Li Qingxian recorded and analyzed at the same time, and quickly decided on his own method.

  "One for you and one for me?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "Oh? Have you found a way to restrain yourself?" Shen Xiaoyi didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

  "You already knew the countermeasures when you learned that the black flames were coming from the ground, right?" "

  Not bad."

  "Let's make a plan and divide the team into two, with twenty people in each team. You have the experience of watching the battle, can't you let it go? Ku and Brother Song come to my team." Li Qingxian said.

  The team discussed for a while and then split into two.

  Wu Xiu was in front, and the others were in the middle. Li Qingxian and Shen Xiaoyi were at the back of the team.

  The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and cast spells at the same time.

  Li Qingxian wanted to enter the Ming Mansion. The first step was for Yi Xing to change the game.

  I bought and caught some Life Stars before, and after entering Guicheng City, I also harvested many Life Stars. They have not been distributed yet, and they are all in my own Life Mansion.

  One by one, the life stars flew out of the Ming Mansion, and then, one by one, the life stars flew into the Ming Mansion.

  After a while, Yi Xing's game change ended. Li Qingxian saw the whole process clearly, and he knew the relationship between life and death very well, and excluded all the stars that were not conducive to his destiny.

  Finally, four fate stars were suspended in each of the two fate places.

  The young man's destiny is all replaced by Jupiter, and the four types of Jupiter are combined into the destiny "Ten Spring Born".

  All the young people's destiny places were changed to water stars. The four kinds of water stars form a fate of "four currents converging into the sea".

  Exit the Ming Mansion and start the town game.

  First, use wild duck feathers as the life material, and use the life skill "Ask the Spring Bird". You will see a water bird thrown into the life skeleton on the left, landing on the black flames of the life star.

  Then, using the water from the moat outside the city of God as the life material, he used the life skill "Water Convergence", and saw a bright white light connecting Li Qingxian's life mansion and Wen Chunfu.

  Then, Li Qingxian took the fragments of official hats, official seals, official documents and other objects, and used two fortune-telling techniques in succession. First, the mountain-holding technique, and saw a translucent hill falling on the left shoulder of the corpse. Then, the fate of Shi Chunsheng was misty. The light shone on the hill, and countless trees suddenly appeared on the hill.

  Using the "Fire Suppressing Technique" again, a carp-patterned water basin landed on the right shoulder of the life skeleton. The four streams of the life bureau converged and released water, illuminating the carp-patterned water basin.

  In the carp-patterned water basin, vast expanse of blue water and huge waves surged instantly.

  Then, the stars struck.

  Li Qingxian cast the spell again, and saw that all the Jupiter and Water stars in the Ming Mansion gathered into two groups, emitting two rays of white light from the sky, shining on the black flames of the Ming Star.

  After that, Li Qingxian released multiple life weapons, and each life weapon released a ray of light. The ray of light cut away the power of a layer of black flames surging from the ground. Finally, Li Qingxian used the curse technique, and all kinds of filthy life materials such as dog blood and blood cloth came out, intertwined into seven dirty curses, and fell on the black flames on the ground.

  After completing the five steps of Yi Xing Changing Game, Town Game, Stars Pressing Life, Life Weapon Leveling and Life Dirty Curse, Li Qingxian looked at Shen Xiaoyi.

  Shen Xiaoyi only used the Life Weapon Layer Cutting, cutting it to a full thirty-sixth level, and was looking at Li Qingxian in confusion.

  But it was inconvenient to speak at the moment, so Shen Xiaoyi nodded, indicating that he could start.

  Li Qingxian also nodded, then stretched out three fingers, rolled up one, and then put away another.

  When they put away the last finger, the two of them activated all their life skills at the same time.

  Li Qingxian plus a lucky fish.


  The two of them formed swords with their fingers, pointing at the corpse they were facing.

  Everyone's hearts were in their throats when they saw the bodies of the two corpses shaking.

  The man on the right turned his head suddenly, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and slowly walked towards Shen Xiaoyi.

  The skeleton on the left tilted its head, and with a snap, its neck broke, and its head banged on the ground, its bones rolling.

  The headless body decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Like a sand man blown by the wind, it turned into sand and dust and slowly fell and drifted away.

  The head rolled a few times, collapsed, and slowly turned into sand.

  Everyone on Li Qingxian's side was confused.

  This is a middle-grade life skeleton, full of evil power. Let alone attack, even if you get close, your life will be in danger.

  Why did he die like that?
  What did Li Qingxian do?
  Li Qingxian was also a little confused. He soon woke up and realized that he had exerted too much force. In fact, he didn't need luck to catch the fish.

  "This life skeleton is too weak, so you don't have to worry about it. It's the one who helps Xiaoyi."

  "Oh!" Everyone hurriedly attacked the slow-moving corpse.

  Shen Xiaoyi stared at Li Qingxian and asked again and again with curiosity: "What did you do? I can clearly see your life spell just now. First, suppress the situation, then suppress the life, then cut the life weapon layer by layer, and finally curse the life. In total, Four steps. What do you want to do? What do you use to suppress your life?"

  Li Qingxian said calmly: "Can't you guess why I was able to deduce the life star of the life skeleton before?"

  Shen Xiaoyi thought for a moment and said: " Obelisk Life Mountain?"

  "Yes. It is based on this thing."

  "My intuition tells me that you are hiding it from me." Shen Xiaoyi also ignored that his teammates were fighting with the Life Bone.

  "Of course I added some unique secret techniques. Unfortunately, they can't be passed on to others. However, I think the most important thing is my luck." "Nonsense." "Hurry up and take action. It will be bad if your teammates are injured by the


  . "Li Qingxian raised his chin towards the standing corpse.

  Shen Xiaoyi glanced at Li Qingxian doubtfully, and then cast spells one after another.

  Thirty-six life weapons were seen hanging high in the sky, as if intertwined into a magic circle, continuously emitting white light and falling on the body of the life body.

  The life skeleton was originally suppressed by the life weapon and the obelisk life mountain. Coupled with Wang Buku's command, Wen Xiu continued to attack with awe-inspiring righteousness. After a while, the middle-grade life skeleton fell.

  (End of chapter)

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