Chapter 369: Catastrophe in the Old Country

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  Chapter 369: The Cataclysm of Fate in the Old Country.
  Shen Xiaoyi said: "Other low-level life magicians dare not say this, but when you encounter a middle-grade life, you have a great chance of winning." "How do you say that?

  " Li Qingxian asked.

  "No matter how strong the life skeleton is, it is essentially a puppet catalyzed by the life star. We only need to determine the life star of the life skeleton, and then determine the power of the big life skeleton behind him, and then use life magic to suppress it, which will definitely weaken it. Tang Enli and the others The reason why they gave up was that the life magician in their team couldn't figure out what the life star of the life skeleton was. Of course, it's also possible that the life skeleton they encountered was too strong." "Middle-grade life skeletons are so easy to deal with?" Li

  Qingxian Thinking of the super-grade life corpses I encountered on the road, I didn't dare to look down upon them.

  "As long as we can deduce it clearly, life bones are actually not difficult for life magicians. Of course, the premise is that the levels are not much different. However, I am afraid that the life bones behind them are too strong." Wang Buku said

  : "Those middle-grade life bones depend on high-grade life bones or super-grade life bones. Therefore, the middle-grade life bones are naturally assisted by the life stars of the high-grade life bones. I don't know much life magic, but I am in the Black Lantern Department I have learned how to hunt for dead bodies."

  Li Qingxian looked at Shen Xiaoyi and Wang Buku, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, we have you two, otherwise, we would probably have lost sight of each other." Wang Buku pointed at Song Baige

  , Said: "You still need the righteousness of a seventh-grade literary cultivator. Because all life corpses contain the power of evil spirits, evil spirits, devil insects, devilish energy, etc., only Confucian Haoran's righteousness can completely overcome them." "Finally, I don't have to follow the life magician for free

  . , where are the martial arts cultivators?" Song Baige's words made everyone dumbfounded.

  Wang Buku said: "Martial arts cultivators are really useful. They are responsible for protecting life magicians and literary cultivators."

  Everyone walked forward and discussed countermeasures. Shen Xiaoyi and Wang Buku explained life skills and fighting methods. Li Qingxian recalled what he had learned before. , and gradually deepen the understanding.

  Everyone passed by the Yuqing Palace where the Prince of the East Palace lived, and beyond that was the Xiefang Palace area.

  The nearby area centered on Xiefang Hall, commonly known as Nansansuo, is located between the outer court and the inner court and is where the princes and princesses live.

  Along the way, there was not a single tree in sight, all were red walls and green fields. Finally, we stopped outside the gate of Xiefang Hall. The nearby red walls and green tiles were more lively than elsewhere.

  A guard in silver armor stood at the door, handed out a temporary waist badge, and everyone entered.

  More than 20 people entered the door, but before they even got down the steps, they all stood still with dull expressions on their faces.

  I saw two little giants one foot tall walking slowly in the yard.

  The giant was wearing thick steel armor, his whole body was stained with rust, and the gaps in the armor were covered with green moss.

  The two corpses were extremely thick, their arms were like human legs, and their legs were like two courtyard pillars, but the sound of their footsteps falling to the ground was very soft.

  In the dark night, everyone squinted their eyes and looked carefully, and saw two giants carrying two weapons behind them.

  A curved broadsword, a large crossbow, and a vague green triangle pattern engraved on the chest.

  Their eyes glowed with a faint green light, and they walked aimlessly like puppets.

  Shen Xiaoyi said: "This is a typical middle-grade life corpse. As long as we don't get close, the other party will not attack. You and I are watching the weather to determine the fate of the two people. You are on the left and I am on the right. "

  Li Qingxian nodded and looked at the corpse on the left.

  First, I used the qi-gazing technique, but I couldn't see any luck. Then I looked at the fate, and I couldn't see the fate palace either. I could only see a faint white candlelight at the head of the corpse.

  Li Qingxian took out his life chart and began to predict his fortune, without consuming the luck fish.

  Not long after, the vague result was deduced, it was earth, and the destiny star was different from the ordinary destiny star, and seemed to be slightly mutated. Other than that, no information can be deduced.

  After a while, Shen Xiaoyi sighed and said: "Sure enough, it is not difficult to solve the fate of the corpse, but the difficulty is to predict the fate. I can only deduce that the other party is a local fate, carrying evil energy, and seems to have a 'blood-stained' mutation, and other , it won't work. What about you?" "I'm about the same." "

  Go on, take your time, and you will definitely get results."

  When the others heard what the two said, their hearts froze.

  Wang Buku explained to everyone: "Although the life skeleton only has one life star, it is ultimately a middle-grade life skeleton. It is just like a low-grade life magician deducing a middle-grade master. If the middle-grade life magician does not agree, it will be difficult for the low-grade life magician. To deduce the exact destiny star, we can only deduce the approximate one." "

  If you can't deduce the specific destiny star, you can only use your previous tactics and test them one by one?" "This is the

  only way, and the same is true for the Black Lantern Division. So, everyone Be prepared, next, we may have to constantly test the power of the life skeletons, so that the life magic can determine their fate stars."

  Li Qingxian couldn't deduce it, and was about to use the luck fish when he glanced at the two life skeletons. With a thought in his heart, he sent the Obelisk Life Mountain to activate his power and cover the left body of life.

  In an instant, Li Qingxian saw the light of the life star on the left side of the body dissipate, revealing a life star with red blood streaks on its surface.

  Li Qingxian's heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he had seen such a destiny star.

  The ordinary life star is as translucent as a glass shell, while the inside of the strange life star is filled with gray-yellow mist. This life star is actually covered with bloodshot threads like spider webs, which is slightly scary.

  Through the blood-threaded net, Li Qingxian looked inside.

  He saw the earth cracking open in the Fate Star, black fire bursting out from it, and black smoke rising, covering the heaven and earth.

  In the center of the earth, a big tree was scorched black, its surface scorched and cracked.


  After a little deduction, Li Qingxian calculated that the fate star of this corpse was originally a very good one, named 'thick soil and tall trees', which meant that this person grew up in a very superior environment. Both the geographical environment and the social environment are far beyond ordinary, and its country is very powerful.

  However, this destiny star has undergone three changes.

  One was a national upheaval that caused the earth to crack. We can't deduce what caused it, we can only deduce that a huge man-made disaster occurred in the country where the body was located.

  Then came natural disasters. Man-made disasters and natural disasters interacted with each other, and finally triggered the second national upheaval, causing this person's destiny to completely change.

  Life Star: Black flames surge from the ground, which is bad luck.

  Li Qingxian looked at the corpse on the right again. Just like this one, they were all black flames. Both of them had experienced huge catastrophes that ordinary people could not imagine.

  After Li Qingxian was sure, he slowly said: "Earth's black flames are both."

  "You are indeed extraordinary..." Shen Xiaoyi then said, "It should be these two destiny stars. It seems that these two people have different fates in life. He lived until the end of the death world, and finally died and was awakened by the powerful life skeleton. However, this life star is a bit difficult." Li Qingxian nodded and said: "It stands to reason that wood overcomes earth, but black fire overcomes wood

  . Water can overcome fire, but earth can overcome water. No wonder the previous candidates left. Even if they had vague calculations, they didn't dare to mess with it. What's more, according to you, even the power of this kind of life star's body has been reduced. The fate star is assimilated, and once it is attacked, it will probably be a fire attack, and it will be the most difficult to deal with. How did the seniors you watched hunt for the fate bones?" Shen Xiaoyi smiled slightly and said: "Some of their experiences can be said, and some can be said

  . It's useless. For example, have you ever heard of the legendary 'Yi Xing Game Change' that can only be mastered by great life magicians?"

  (End of Chapter)

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