Chapter 193 Mudshe Mingshan Demon Gate Demon Land

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  Chapter 193 Mudshe Mingshan Demon Gate Demon Land
  "Then how close should I get to Yan Shixiao in the future?" Li Qingxian asked tentatively.

  Zhou Chunfeng had a complicated look on his face and said, "It's best if we stay together."

  "Okay." Li Qingxian savored it carefully.

  "From now on, the eunuchs in the inner factory will be stationed in the patrol department, the Fourth Road Hall and each room as supervisors. You have to get along well with the eunuchs in your room." "Then simply send Jing

  Guan to station in our room. I will stay with him in the wine room." The cooperation on workshop matters is very good." Li Qingxian said.

  "Is it your family to be the patrol officer?" Zhou Chunfeng asked.

  "Oh." Li Qingxian didn't take it seriously at all.

  Zhou Chunfeng said: "Next, it's the emperor's sixtieth birthday. Factory Supervisor Lu just talked to me that Mingshan will definitely bring trouble to the city of God on the occasion of the emperor's birthday. The top priority for the establishment of our patrol department is to clean up Mingshan. The power of Shendu, the success or failure of this battle, is related to the future of the patrol department. The factory supervisor issued a death order. Therefore, I will be very busy, very busy."

  Li Qingxian cheered up.

  "Then Mingshan is the power of the Lord of the Underworld?"

  Zhou Chunfeng thought for a while and said: "You will know many things soon, so it doesn't hurt to tell you now. After the founding of Daqi, those old and young people from the old dynasty and the small countries that were destroyed The descendants of the "Fan Tian Hui" established a secret society named Fan Tian Hui, specifically to subvert Da Qi. Later, for unknown reasons, Fan Tian Hui split." "One of the factions built their own

  Mingshan. They were more radical than Fan Tian Hui and used various means to destroy Da Qi. Qi, the goal is still to overthrow Da Qi and assassinate the emperor."

  "Another faction established the Mud Society. They seem to have changed. They no longer target the royal family, but instead target the Demon Sect, which is incompatible with the Demon Sect. However, in the eyes of the court, Mudshe and Mingshan are both from the same group, and both are included in the targets of attack. However, there are multiple Mingshan, and Mudshe is neglected." "The

  Demon Sect is different, or in other words, the punishment department controlled by the Demon Sect is different. They have different views on Mingshan and Nishe. The Mu Society also hated them to the core and tried their best to arrest the members of the Mu Mu Society. Last year, they also arrested a Mu Mu Shi and imprisoned him in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment." "

  Mu Mu Shi?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "The leader of the Ni Society is called Mu Jushi, and there are five of them."

  "Then our patrol department will arrest only one of them next, or both?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng said coldly: "In order to practice magic, the Demon Sect has killed countless people and even poisoned a city. There are 'Death Demon Lands' everywhere in the world. Depu, not far from the capital, is such a nice town. Destroyed by the Demon Sect. When you encounter the Mud Society in the future, as long as you are not noticed, help them and do not arrest them. As for the people in Mingshan Mountain, whether you help or not, they will regard you as their mortal enemy and kill them if they encounter you. No need to Show mercy."

  "Uncle Zhou, you seem to be very dissatisfied with the Demon Sect." Li Qingxian said.

  Zhou Chunfeng said: "No one in the world with a conscience as big as a pinhead will like the Demon Sect. You are too young to know what they have done. When you find out, you will hate it deeply. Ye Wei and Xing Bu have always been in trouble. In other words, except for the evil sect, all the major forces are not compatible with the Demon Sect."

  "No wonder you are willing to help Sister Youfei." Li Qingxian said.

  "However, the Demon Sect's methods are cruel. Don't have a head-on conflict. If anything happens, please bear with me. If you want to do it, do it secretly. Don't let anyone catch you." Zhou Chunfeng glanced at Li Qingxian.

  "I, Li Qingxian, am good to others. Since the Demon Sect is so strong, I must stay away. By the way, Uncle Zhou, I heard that the Emperor has conquered the Demon Sect long ago, but why is the Demon Sect still so unscrupulous and unscrupulous?" Zhou Chunfeng stared at Li Qingxian

  . After waiting for a while, he said: "You go and have a rest. In two days, I will give you a position as a 'partial landlord'. From now on, you will be equivalent to a seventh-grade official, so you can do things easily." "Uncle Zhou, what I want to do

  next Take the Qi pulse, please give me some advice." Li Qingxian said.

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded and carefully explained the cultivation method of Qi Meridian.

  After Zhou Chunfeng finished explaining patiently, Li Qingxian said: "I practice Taoism after all. I will ask sister Youfei for advice in a few days." "

  I'll ask her when she has time. Her four phases are solidified and she is gathering three flowers. You Don't disturb me randomly." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  "Okay. Then I'll ask Uncle Zhou Hen for advice."

  "Go ahead."

  Li Qingxian found Zhou Hen again and sat in the pavilion to learn martial arts cultivators' views on Qi Pulse.

  After asking for advice, Li Qingxian lowered his head and silently walked back to Room Jiajiu.

  The Qi meridians are mainly divided into seven parts: head, chest, abdomen, left arm, right arm, left leg and right leg. Qi meridians are like rivers, so when picking up qi meridians, you need to observe the momentum of the river.

  In the State of Qi, Dahe is the first river and the best place to watch the river.

  Beyond that, someone tried stargazing, which turned out to be useless.

  "Is there a river more powerful than the big river? The galaxy is useless, the long river of time and the long river of history cannot be intuitive..."

  Li Qingxian had not slept well. He had been thinking for a long time, and his mind was full of fate dramas, fate magic, and Qi pulse, and he was confused. Fall asleep.

  Sometimes the Champion City appears in the dream, sometimes the Fate Box appears, sometimes I turn into the Fate Gentleman and use the Great Destruction Star Sword to cut off the mountain, sometimes I dream of the good young master Shen Xiaoyi smiling, sometimes I dream of the young concubine holding me in her slender arms. He came over but suddenly turned into two long, white arms...

  In his dream, Li Qingxian's memories and hallucinations went back and forth.

  Until I dreamed that I was transformed into a yellow dragon, looking down at the world, and everything was flowing.

  Li Qingxian opened his eyes suddenly.

  The river of destiny.

  Li Qingxian didn't care about Han Anbo and Yu Ping beside him. He sat cross-legged on the bed, first covering his eyes and then opening his spiritual eyes.

  God reaches high in the sky and overlooks the world. Everything is like a flow and the world is like a river.

  The whole world seems to be intertwined with countless luck and water systems. The Shendu area is surging, the south is gentle and long, many small countries are undercurrents, the north is fierce and flying, and the monster area farther away is like a tsunami.

  Watch the world and the river.

  Li Qingxian slowly realized the destiny of the world, and vaguely realized that the foundation of his Qi channel would fall here.

  When the moon sets and the sun rises, the Shen Dusi's big sign disappears and is replaced with a new one.

  Patrol Division.

  Animals were sitting and standing inside and outside the patrol department hall.

  Civilian birds have fewer tonics, while military officers and beasts have more tonics.

  Zhou Chunfeng rarely put on the Feiyi official robe of the fourth rank, sat at the main seat with Yan Shixiao, who was also the fourth rank, and issued orders.

  Zhou Chunfeng is still the chief of the patrol department, and four new halls, east, west, south and north, are established. Each hall has two rooms on the left and right. Each room has four departments, each with a hundred people, responsible for combat, investigation and arrest.

  The inner factory dispatched the division supervisor army, the department supervisor army and the house supervisor army. Among them, Yan Shixiao, the right hand commander of the inner factory, served as the patrol department supervisor army.

  The supervisory army is only responsible for conveying orders from the internal factory and is not allowed to interfere with the specific actions of the patrol department.

  The head of the left house on North Road is He Lei, the former head of the street patrol house, and the supervisor of the left house on North Road is Jing Guan, who jointly founded the wine shop with Li Qingxian.

  Because of his great achievements and his status as a fortune-teller, Li Qingxian serves as the head of the left wing of the North Road. He is of the same rank as the seventh grade. He also serves as the head of the Jia Department and the leader of the Jia Jiu Fang.

  Room A and Room No. 9 remain unchanged.

  It took a whole morning to complete all the appointments.

  Two episodes occurred during this period. Li Qingxian found that an acquaintance was transferred to the left room of North Road.

  The soldier and horse captain Zhong Baishan who was eating mutton soup seemed a little pale.

  In addition, Zhou Hen's status has been improved. He was originally a fourth-grade martial arts cultivator and finally qualified for a fourth-grade official position, serving as one of the chief officers of the Patrol Department.

  (End of chapter)

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