Chapter 192: People’s hearts are uneasy. Chunfengju seeks advice.

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  Chapter 192 People's Heart Is Uneasy Chunfeng Ju Asks for Advice

  "Today at the meeting on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the emperor announced the abolition of the East Factory and the West Factory, and reorganized the Shendu Division and renamed it the Patrol Division. The Patrol Division will consist of the former Shendu Division, Night Guard, and Five City Soldiers and Horses Division. , Beijing Camp, etc. allocate manpower to govern Shendu and the twelve surrounding counties. It is divided into four roads, east, west, north and south, and is responsible for the investigation of imported personnel and special forces. No action is allowed without an internal factory order. If you hold an internal factory order, The Patrol Department has the right to mobilize the Shendu Prefecture, the Patrol Department, the Five Cities Military and Horse Department, the Night Guard and the Beijing Camp outside the city." Han Anbo said slowly.

  Li Qingxian thought carefully and said: "The power has expanded, the power is greater, but the responsibilities are single and the chain is tighter?" "That

  's right.

  " "This means that the Patrol Division is only nominally under the Night Guard?" "

  I'm afraid that's the case. ."

  "In the future, the Night Guard may also completely obey the orders of the inner factory?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "It's almost a consensus, but everyone is used to it. Anyway, they have taken orders from Dongchang before. Everyone said that it won't be long before the entire Night Guard becomes a large patrol department." "The possibility is very high. A department like

  Night Guard, only You can be a sword, but you can't have a brain. The current Night Guard is indeed too big. If nothing goes wrong, in the future, the Prison and Black Lantern Division will be completely separated from the Night Guard and directly under the inner factory." "The Black Lantern Division will not, that

  gang It is impossible for fortune tellers to be subordinates of eunuchs. They are still directly subordinate to the cabinet and the emperor." "

  Oh, this is not letting people live in peace. The name Patrol Division is really too prudent." "

  It is pity that makes people feel at ease."

  Li Qingxian suddenly realized and said: "Your Majesty is using the Patrol Department as a pilot to begin to strengthen control over monks across the country. On the surface, it is an ordinary Patrol Department, but in fact it is a yamen that specializes in arresting monks. The purpose of giving a common name is to avoid backlash?" Han

  Anbo Nod.

  "This... then the real power of our company will probably be no less than what it was back then." Li Qingxian said.

  "As long as the inner factory is well unclogged, our patrol department will become a small night guard, and it will be compared with the night guard back then." Han Anbo said.

  Li Qingxian thought slowly, washed his face briefly, took three pieces of pea yellow and a tea egg from the Qiankun bracelet, ate them, and took Han Anbo and Yu Ping to Chunfeng Residence.

  Zhou Chunfeng has not returned yet, Han Anbo and Yu Ping are guarding outside the house, and Li Qingxian is sitting in the room, about to read the fortune teller's notes, but after thinking about it, he recalled the fate drama last night.

  The summer breeze blew through the window, and the young man sat in the room.

  A slight cough sounded.

  Li Qingxian followed the sound and saw that Zhou Chunfeng had already sat on the chair.

  "What sweet dream are you having?" Zhou Chunfeng asked.

  Li Qingxian said: "I am reviewing yesterday's fateful drama in the way Sister Youfei taught me. Sister Youfei said that after learning something new, you should recall it over and over again, every day, until you understand it thoroughly." "Oh, you

  too Start using the mountain-moving method?"

  "What mountain-moving method?"

  "This is the learning method used by Zhao Yishan, the current chief assistant. He relies on this method to make progress step by step." "

  That's it...Uncle Zhou, the third son of Bingchen Among them, the number one scholar has become the first minister of the country, and all the literary and educational officials are of the first rank. You, the top pick, are a bit... not bad, at least fourth rank. What is the name of the second-ranked scholar?" "Xu Chuxin." Zhou Chunfeng let out a long


  . I rarely hear this name."

  "Champion City was lost, and the north of the river was completely occupied. He couldn't accept it, so he went north to help in the battle. But... he was captured by the demon tribe, ate the Heavenly Insect Pill, and became an insect man. He attacked repeatedly and gave The river defenders caused great losses."

  Li Qingxian looked at Zhou Chunfeng, no wonder he looked sad. "How to deal with the Heavenly Insect Pill? This thing is a bit scary."

  "Others can't solve it, but it's very simple for you life magicians. Use the life star as a bait to trap the heavenly insects inside without being affected, making it difficult for the monsters. Distinguish the true from the false."

  "That's it. I also encountered the Heavenly Insect Pill in the fate drama." Li Qingxian said.

  Zhou Chunfeng looked over with a smile and said with great interest: "I heard that a new squint-eyed dog-headed fortune-teller appeared in Beast Bridge. He won the first place in the show and became famous in the fortune-teller circles of the gods. Who is that dog-headed one?"

  Li Qingxian rolled his eyes at Zhou Chunfeng and said, "Just pretend, you've guessed it was me a long time ago. Guo Xiang didn't tell you?"

  Zhou Chunfeng smiled and said, "As expected, it's you. But Guo Xiang won't tell you about this. He will rot in his stomach unless you admit it yourself, otherwise even if the emperor issues an imperial edict, he will not say anything." "It's okay,

  this person can handle it." Li Qingxian said.

  "Tell me about the fate play process. This time the fate play seems to be very different." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  Li Qingxian briefly discussed the life-playing process and the review process in detail.

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded frequently, praising Li Qingxian's correct choice, and finally said: "However, some life magicians are right. Sometimes if you seek stability too much, you may lose opportunities. For example, when choosing 'Mountain Crossing' and ' When Shi Feng Ting Xiu's, it's better to spend all-purpose jade pendants to choose Shi Feng Ting Xiu and choose the latter. Because, if that good young master is more cautious, you may not be his opponent." "Uncle Zhou is right about this

  . I thought about it over and over afterwards, and the destiny star is different from others. If you can choose, you must choose the best one. The key is that destiny drama is fake, but life is real, and the ten peaks are better than the mountains." Li Qingxian said.

  "Okay. Are you here because of the patrol department?" Zhou Chunfeng asked.

  "Yes. What should I do next?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng took a deep look at Li Qingxian and said, "Take root in the Night Guard." "

  However, the Night Guard is under the control of the inner factory and cannot use it effectively." Li Qingxian said.

  "It's not too late to consider a new world when you can no longer use it. As long as the monks in the world are not under jurisdiction, the Night Guard will always be a small cabinet. No matter how powerful the inner factory is, they dare not overstep. They can only issue orders and supervise specific actions, Night guards always have autonomy."

  Li Qingxian thought about it carefully and realized that the essence of eunuch politics was that the emperor delegated unlimited power to fight against the civil servant group.

  Taining Emperor Qiangang was arbitrary and could not give unlimited power to the eunuchs. The East Factory cut off a bunch of eunuchs, and the West Factory cut off a bunch of eunuchs. In the end, the Inner Factory could not escape. The Inner Factory and the Night Guard were subordinates, but they must interact with each other. Checks and balances, the internal factory will never dare to dominate.

  "That's it. The night guard is the knife, and the inner blade is the handle. If the handle shows its edge, the person wearing the knife will be the first to change the handle." Li Qingxian said.

  "Not long after, Master Yan Shixiao came to the Patrol Department and worked with me to designate four halls, and appointed new department heads and new heads of each department. Which path are you going to go to?" Zhou Chunfeng asked.

  "Which way is easy?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng snorted and said, "No."

  "Then let's take care of the north of the city. My home is in the north of the city."

  "Then we'll transfer all the people from the old street patrol room to the North Road Office. As for the others, we'll disrupt them all." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  "Uncle Zhou, will Master Yan take care of us from now on?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "Due to his meritorious service in the inner treasury, Mr. Yan Shixiao was officially transferred to the inner factory and served as the right hand envoy. The factory supervisor is the head of the inner factory and has commanders under him. Among them, the factory supervisor is served by the eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor. In fact, he only conveys the emperor's will. , the daily affairs are in charge of the inner factory commander. Under the commander, there are left and right punishment envoys. The left punishment envoy is responsible for the punishment and prison, and he may take over the imperial edict in the future. The right punishment envoy is currently in charge of our patrol department, and I am afraid he will be in charge of the imperial edict in the future. The entire Night Guard." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  "Regarded as the fourth person in the factory?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded and said: "Yan Shixiao is the godson recognized by the director of the road factory. The director of the road factory is an old man from Qiandi and has followed the emperor since he was a child." (End of this chapter


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