Chapter 181 White Deer Panda Takes the Advantage

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  Chapter 181 The White Deer Panda takes the lead and

  the flag flags are surrounded by people.

  A Yanzi head inside raised his fists to everyone and said: "I am ordered by my master to preside over this fate play. Once it starts, all the fate play will be determined by the fate play box, and I cannot interfere. After all, this fate play is just a test for the inferiors. As a fortune-teller, there are only three games. Each time you complete a game, you can get a life-spell. The person who wins in the end can get the full French set of my life-seeking sect's "life-seeking method" and is not allowed to teach others. This life-seeking game is New life magicians in the life world are encouraged, and only low-level life magicians are allowed to participate. To be eligible to participate, you need to be recognized by the life drama box. Friends who do not want to participate, please stay back, and friends who want to participate, come close and stand in front of me." Everyone gathered and dispersed

  . , and eventually more than a hundred people stood at the flag banner.

  Li Qingxian stood with Bailu Tou and Parrot Tou.

  The parrot turned its head away from Li Qingxian, but couldn't help but take a peek.

  Guo Xiang's voice message warned: "Since there are three scenes, it is likely to be a series of fate dramas. You have to consider the overall situation..."

  Guo Xiang explained quickly, and Li Qingxian took note of it.

  On the left side of the swallow's head stands a nine-pattern flag, and on the right side is an ordinary yellow wooden table.

  In the middle of the yellow wooden table, there is a mahogany box with a copper lock, the size of a brick.

  The copper lock is dim, with a hint of rusty green, and the box's red paint is mottled, revealing the blackened logs.

  "Is there anyone else?" Yan Zitou asked.

  No one answered, Yan Zitou opened the copper lock and opened the wooden box.

  The mirror inside the lid of the wooden box flickered, and white light erupted, covering everyone in front of it.

  An instant later, white light swept across, more than twenty people stayed in place, and the rest disappeared.

  The twenty beast-headed men looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

  The wooden box mirror flashed with white light again, spraying out white light directly above, interweaving into a curtain of light.

  Everyone looked and saw that in the curtain of light, low-grade life magicians were standing in a school grounds surrounded by walls.

  Li Qingxian looked around curiously, seeing blue sky and white clouds, but no sun.

  The tall black stone walls stand tall on all sides, without any doors or windows.

  The school ground surrounded by high walls is about a hundred feet square, and the bluestone floor is spotless.

  Directly in front, there stood densely packed stone figures, carved from rough stone, their bodies covered in gray, as tall as a man, twenty rows and twenty columns, four hundred in total.

  Many people were talking in low voices, and the parrot head whispered: "He is a gentleman of fortune."

  At this time, the leading stone man walked over stiffly, bowed his head slightly and saluted, and said: "This fortune-telling play is 'The Gentleman of Fortune Observation'. You can choose any fortune-telling gentleman except me, and then watch the fate and fortune-telling, and predict the past, present, and tomorrow events for a quarter of an hour. If successful, you can enter the second game. Each person can get one The 'Universal Jade Tablet' is used to perform life skills in place of life materials. In addition, no life materials are allowed to be used."

  Li Qingxian lowered his head and saw that there was an extra jade pendant around his waist with the word "ten thousand" written on it.

  Only a few life magicians rushed over, randomly selected one and started, while most of the life magicians were observing.

  Li Qingxian knew that every life sect had life gentlemen, who were used by disciples to practice their skills.

  Ordinary fortune-telling gentlemen are just like puppets. The false fortune-telling in their bodies is condensed by magic power and fortune-telling skills. Only the fate of real fortune-telling gentlemen is real.

  Li Qingxian first covered his eyes and then opened the dragon. All the noble men in front of him shone golden light.

  All kinds of visions of the twelve immortals' luck appear above the heads of all the fortune-telling gentlemen.

  Water drops, hats, official seals, and chairs represent the four auspicious signs of longevity, crown, official position, and emperor prosperity respectively.

  Swords, dead bones, graveyards, and nothingness represent the four evils of defeat, death, tomb, and death respectively.

  Old trees, dead leaves, land, and young buds represent Siping's decline, disease, fetus, and nourishment respectively.

  It was Li Qingxian's first time playing a fate game. He remembered Guo Xiang's instructions, blinked his eyes, and blocked out all the four evils and four levels of luck.

  An instant later, out of the four hundred stone men, only about fifty were left showing their luck.

  "Although Diwang is good, it probably represents a transition from prosperity to decline. If it is only for one game, choose Diwang. However, if the overall situation is considered, Diwang should be eliminated." In the end, only the thirty-two stone men were left with the luck of immortality. , crown belt and official status.

  Then, he recited the fortune-watching method, and magic power surged in his eyes.

  At the same time, I saw the light shining in the life magician, and all kinds of rays of light leaping.

  The life weapon turns into light.

  Some are like pinballs, constantly jumping over the heads of various stone figures.

  Some are like the sun, shining on each stone figure in the sky.

  Some life magicians' eyes flashed.

  Some life magicians unveiled a large disk behind them and floated it in front of them, with each layer rotating and golden light shining.

  Li Qingxian glanced at the white deer head next to him. The white deer head raised his right hand, and a white light flew out, turning into a round glass in front of him, and he looked forward through the glass.

  People nearby looked at the white deer-headed man with envy.

  It is the famous but rare telescope, one of the best fortune tellers.

  Then, everyone watched in amazement as streams of light flew out from Bailutou's side, including six life weapons.

  Li Qingxian pretended to use the fortune rule, and a white light flew around in the sky, and no one else could see what it was.

  After reading about fortune, Li Qingxian, like everyone else, began to silently recite his own fortune-telling mantra.

  After finishing the fate-watching technique, Li Qingxian looked up and saw the Ming Mansion emerging on the heads of three hundred and ninety-nine stone figures.

  Li Qingxian blinked, and all the ordinary wooden houses, stone houses and other shabby mansions disappeared.

  In the end, there were only thirty-seven Mingfu left, emitting a glimmer of light.

  Among them, the four Ming Palaces are the most special. They have red walls and black tiles, are resplendent with carved beams and painted pillars, and have cornices and brackets. Although they are far inferior to Ye Han's Golden Palace, they still look like the Palace of the Prince of Hou Men.

  Li Qingxian walked forward slowly, thinking about which one of the four stone figures to choose.

  The gates of these four princes' Ming Mansion are tightly closed. If you want to watch your luck, you must consume the luck fish.

  Just as Li Qingxian was thinking about it, he saw the white deer head striding forward, rushing in front of a stone man with a big destiny, and choosing him as his destiny.

  In front of the stone man, a screen of mist appears, on which the results of the fortune prediction must be filled in.

  Bai Lutou put away four destiny weapons, and then flew out three new destiny weapons. Some of the five destiny weapons appeared, and some turned into light, helping him deduce his destiny.

  "This man..." Li Qingxian glanced at the white deer head, and without further ado, walked forward while observing the remaining three stone men with big fates.

  The birth date and birth date of each stone figure are engraved on the chest.

  Li Qingxian made some calculations and gave up on the recent stone man with a big destiny, because this stone man's destiny was so evil that it was not suitable for him even if he didn't look at the destiny star.

  Li Qingxian looked at the other two and saw a smiling panda who neither watched his destiny nor used his destiny weapon. He walked straight to one of the big destiny stone men and chose directly.

  There was only one left for Li Qingxian.

  "A person who doesn't rely on fortune-telling and only relies on luck, is he a lucky person?" Li Qingxian remembered the panda head and went straight to the only remaining stone man with a big destiny. He didn't care what the destiny star was inside. He stretched out his hand and patted it, and it appeared in front of him. White fog light curtain.

  Li Qingxian first used fortune telling to predict his fate.

  This gentleman's destiny is powerful and protects the destiny stars. In the end, it is only concluded that he has two destiny stars, one is a smooth destiny star, and the other is a studious destiny star. At the same time, it can only be inferred that he encountered a flood when he was a child. Nothing else.

  Li Qingxian glanced at the white deer head and was writing on the stone man's light screen. He had already calculated the result with the help of six life weapons.

  Looking at the rest of the people, most of them have already made their choices and begun to predict their fate. Only a few people are still waiting and watching.

  (End of chapter)

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