Chapter 180 People are rebelling against thieves everywhere

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  Chapter 180: Rebellious traitors everywhere
  are not old-fashioned. "When you are stable, instead of forcibly opening the destiny, it is better to consolidate the youth destiny. The youth destiny should be based on learning, progress, concentration, diligence, etc.; the youth destiny should be Nobility and modesty are the main ones, while stability, seclusion, and solidity are the main horoscopes in middle-aged people. Of course, a horoscope like Zhao Yishan's, who is said to be learned, diligent, and progressive in all places, is admirable, but it may not be suitable for everyone. People."

  "Can you know Zhao Shoufu's fate?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "He is different from ordinary people. He never hides it. An experienced fortune-teller can guess some of his destiny just by looking at his experiences. However, we dare not look at it. Only the great fortune-teller has seen it, so it is spread Just a few words. It is said that all the fortune-telling magicians who watch Zhao Yishan's fate highly respect him. Even the people of the Tianming Sect who have high eyesight will pay special respect to Zhao Yishan when they see him." "Zhao Yishan's fate

  . Is his personality so strong?"

  Zebra Tou looked at Dog Tou with squinting eyes and said, "What makes Zhao Yishan so strong is not his destiny, but his people. You are just getting started now, so it is difficult to explain. Once you reach the middle level, you will be able to I understand why the emperor said that Zhao Shoufu is 'the clumsiest person in the world and also the wisest person in the world'. Huh? The fateful drama is about to begin, let's go and see." Li Qingxian followed Guo Xiang's gaze

  and In the middle of the Beast Bridge, a flag with a white background and a blue cloud pattern was erected.

  The long flag flag is flat at the top and pointed at the bottom, and is surrounded by blue cloud patterns nine times.

  The flag of a first-grade life magician.

  On a white background surrounded by blue clouds, four large black characters are written

  Li Qingxian blinked, is a first-grade life magician so willful?

  Guo Xiang smiled and said: "This is the banner of Xu Xunzi, the elder of the Xunming Sect. When you accumulate fortune and observe your destiny, you can decide on your own banner. Generally speaking, you should start with 'quantity'. Of course, you can change it to something else." "Yes."

  "Do you have to get the flag?"

  "You don't have to, just wait until your wings are full again."

  The two of them walked towards the flag and streamer, chatting at the same time.

  "Why does the Xunming Sect teach other people's life skills?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "This involves the inheritance dispute at the founding of Da Qi. The imperial court and the Tianming Sect banned the art of destiny. Many sects of the art of destiny opposed it because many great masters of the art of destiny believed that the art of destiny was not the art of one person, but the art of a clan. , any behavior that bans life magic may lead to disaster. In this matter, the great life magician also cited an example that has impressed me to this day." "What kind of example?" "The life sect has the 'Tangu


  ' , this sect of fortune-telling is unique and rarely interacts with others. All fortune-telling arts are used to study ancient things, and then find the secrets of destiny and share them with everyone." "The fortune-teller masters in miscellaneous books all respect this sect

  . Door." Li Qingxian said.

  "This sect once discovered a secret about birds, which was deduced and confirmed by the great fortune-teller. Do you know what the feathers of birds are used for?" "That's no need to ask, they are naturally used for flying

  . "

  But are the feathers of birds used for flying from the beginning?"

  "This... it should be the same. If not for flying, what do birds do with feathers?"

  Guo Xiang smiled and said: "The masters of the Tangu Sect have discovered that in In extremely ancient times, the ancestors of birds only lived on the ground and could not fly. They could thrive on the ground and had enough to eat and drink, so it was impossible for them to grow feathers for flying. However, at that time, they just started to grow feathers. Why do you think they grew feathers at that time?"

  "Maybe it was to keep warm." Li Qingxian said.

  "It has this effect, but it's not just for keeping warm. Doesn't the fur of beasts keep warm? Why does it grow like feathers?" "

  Then I don't know." Li Qingxian shook his head.

  "For the sake of appearance."

  "Huh? Like a peacock and a golden pheasant?"

  "Yes. There are multiple categories of bird ancestors. One type of bird ancestors try their best to make themselves as colorful as possible in order to court mates and reproduce. The feathers are just for good looks. But these feathers, which are only for good looks, grow long. , slowly grew into feathers that could fly, and slowly helped the ancestors of this type of birds to become birds. But, here comes the more interesting thing." "Tan Gu Zong found that just at the time when birds appeared, Earthquake disaster. Those birds that could fly, especially the smaller ones that were originally weak, survived, but the ancestors of other birds that were the overlords of the earth at that time were all extinct." Li Qing was quiet

  . Meditate quietly.

  Guo Xiang asked: "The ancestors of birds were originally beautiful and long feathers, but they finally saved the bird family. Do you think it's strange? Those ancestors of other birds, who were the overlords of the earth, suddenly became extinct, and the weak little beasts The bird survived, do you think it's strange?"

  Li Qingxian said: "I understand, that is to say, many fortune-telling masters believe that the Tianming Sect and the imperial court's ban on fortune-telling is equivalent to plucking out the bird's feathers and using them for a short period of time. From a human perspective, it is right to let birds hunt honestly, walk on the ground, and be obedient. However, in the long run, this interrupts the possibility of letting birds fly. In other words, the fortune tellers assume that humans are very Like the ancestors of birds, we may encounter a catastrophe. We don't know what that disaster is, and we must make various preparations. Then, the Destiny Sect and the imperial court ban the life technique, which is equivalent to banning a "possibility of saving the human race" . One kind of ban is okay, but banning this and that, and banning too many, may very well lead to the fact that the human race is clearly able to create the power to fight disasters, but in the end it is interrupted by the ban, leading to the extinction of mankind." "Great good. So, some

  lives The magicians will spread the fortune-telling skills under the guise of testing the younger generations." Guo Xiang said.

  "Why do the Tianming Sect and the imperial court ban the art of destiny? Don't they, many of their masters, understand this truth? Don't they understand that letting a hundred flowers bloom will make it more likely to fight against unknown disasters?" "What if they think they are right

  ? What if they think their approach can bring long-term peace and stability to the human race?" A person next to him suddenly said.

  Li Qingxian and Guo Xiang looked at the speaker, a white deer-headed man with two tender yellow antlers protruding from the antlers, making the deer's head look delicate and petite. He was wearing a green men's robe, followed by a green parrot-headed man wearing a women's robe. Style green shirt.

  The voice of the white deer-headed man is soft and sounds like a woman and a man.

  "This possibility is not impossible, but I believe that people in high positions must have a long-term vision. Especially today, there is an unparalleled sage and a peerless wise king." Li Qingxian said.

  "Tsk..." The white deer-headed man laughed, "Your words are funnier than your head." "

  I'm serious!" The slant-eyed dog-head looked serious.

  "Hahahaha... Master, I'm sorry, I can't help it anymore. This dog head is so funny..." The parrot-headed woman bent over and laughed, covering her stomach.

  Li Qingxian rolled his eyes at Parrot Head, who laughed even harder.

  Bailutou said: "Have you not noticed that almost all wise kings become dim when they get old? Almost all families will gradually lose; almost all countries will gradually decline." "That's true.

  " Li Qingxian said.

  "Do you know why this is the case?"

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said, "How do I know?"

  "Because the human race is changing, but they remain unchanged. They remain unchanged, which is not a problem in the first place, but they prevent the human race from changing and try to destroy the human race. Pull back and pluck out the bird feathers one by one, that is the cancer of the human race!" Bai Lutou said.

  "Brother, you are so evil. Let's not talk about this topic. Let's watch the fate show." The squinting dog head decisively chose to save his life.

  "Are you ready to participate in this fateful drama?" Bailu looked Li Qingxian up and down.

  "Just have fun." Li Qingxian said.

  "You have a good understanding." After Bai Lutou said, he raised his chest and raised his head to leave.

  The man in green parrot covered his mouth with his hands, looked at Li Qingxian, and followed him with a smile.

  Li Qingxian whispered: "I suspect he is a rebel!"

  Guo Xiang rolled his eyes at Li Qingxian and said: "The life magicians on the bridge are all rebels." "

  Alas, the world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be..." Li Qingxian said in a low voice: Lift your legs and walk away leisurely.

  (End of chapter)

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