Chapter 131 A cup of blood burns life and urges Ye Han

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  Chapter 131 Cup of Blood Burns Life Urging Ye

  Hanye The guards used thunder talismans to attack one after another. The mother of ghosts only kept waving her six arms, using more power to fight against the Good Luck Life Mansion.

  The sunshine boy glanced at the lucky boy, the blood on the corner of his mouth dried up, and he lay motionless on the ground.

  The sunshine boy touched his Qiankun ring and took out a piece of golden gold foil, the size of a human face, with a text written in twisted black characters.

  "God help me..."

  The sunshine boy pressed his right thumb on the lower left corner, then walked over, grabbed the lucky boy's right thumb and pressed it on the lower right corner.

  The contract is completed.

  The black gold foil burned and disappeared.

  Sunshine Boy means Shouming Mansion.

  The sunshine boy took a closer look and found that the secret passage was not good.

  In the sky above the Ming Mansion, there were a large number of tiny pieces of fat floating around the mother, like an asteroid belt surrounding the stars, blocking the golden light of the Ming Mansion for good luck students.

  Surrounded by small pieces of fat, the originally large fat was healing.

  The sunshine boy glanced at the Great Zhanli Sword, left the Ming Mansion, took out a short sword from the Qiankun Ring, and walked to the good luck student.

  With a wave of his left hand, ten spiritual enlightenment talismans emerged, and with a burst of mana, the yellow talisman paper was folded into a paper cup and suspended in the air.

  The sunshine boy grabbed the lucky boy's left wrist with his left hand, and holding a short knife in his right hand, he slashed across the main artery of the lucky boy's wrist.


  blood spurted into the yellow paper cup.

  The sunshine boy seemed to be grabbing a wine bottle, filling ten yellow talisman wine glasses in one breath, and the mana in his left hand surged to seal the wound.

  The blood of the lucky man was sprinkled all over the floor as if it was free of money.

  The other five night guards occasionally turned around and looked at the Sunshine Boy with more panic than they looked at the Trick Mother.

  The sunshine boy waved his left hand, and the Qiankun Ring took away the five yellow paper cups, while the other five were still floating in the air.

  Then, the sunshine boy cut his fingertips and put a drop of blood into each of the five yellow paper cups.

  Be careful and waste nothing.

  Sunshine Boy suddenly said loudly: "Mom, be careful, the lucky guy is using my hands to harm you again. I will risk my life to remind you!" After shouting,

  Sunshine Boy cast the simplest life magic, which is also the most energy-consuming. One of the fortune-telling techniques.

  Life-burning technique.

  "My blood leads to the star of destiny and turns it into the fire of destiny. The fire burns Ye Han's life and activates the star of Ye Han. It leads to the sun and the moon to rise to eternity!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the blood in a yellow

  talisman paper cup emerging. The sun and moon rise to the eternal life star. .

  The paper cup exploded.

  Green light shot into the sky and strong winds blew.

  Under the thunder sea, a small sun and a small full moon suddenly appeared.

  The pair of sun and moon shook slightly, then turned into shooting stars, instantly passing through the roof, passing through the black curtains, and landing on the silhouette of the human figure sitting cross-legged behind.


  The ear-piercing scream of the Demon Mother resounded throughout the sky.

  The sunshine boy breathed a sigh of relief. This life-burning technique was used for offense and defense, and it could indeed hurt the mother.

  "Two words are ground into a weapon!"

  The paper cup exploded and golden light shot into the sky.

  Translucent golden sledgehammers all over the sky descended from the sky, hammering the mother of evil crazily.

  "Three Leads to the Hidden Dragon in the Poison Pond!"

  The third paper cup exploded, and a huge poisonous dragon that almost exploded the thunder sea appeared in the sky. The poisonous dragon took a deep look at the sunshine boy, rushed down, and crashed into the mother. .

  The house was unscathed, and even all the treasures on the rosewood table were untouched.

  Each night guard could see nothing and only heard the screams of the mother.

  But the sunshine boy saw that the magnificent collision between heaven and earth exploded in front of him, and the flames rose up, causing the sun to shake in the sea of ​​thunder.

  Not only the entire Fangyuan Village, but also the entire Guangtong Mansion was enveloped by the flames of the poisonous dragon's attack.

  However, the figure of Wei Mother still sits cross-legged, and the black curtain with purple grape pattern still exists.

  "Mother, be careful! You are causing disaster!" As

  soon as the last four words came out, the world fell silent. The sunshine boy was shocked to find that the world seemed to have stopped.

  The sunshine boy's back felt cold, and the hair on his body exploded. In his thoughts, an unimaginable giant appeared behind him.

  It felt like a huge sun suddenly descended behind you and destroyed the world in an instant.

  Sunshine Boy remained motionless.

  Suddenly, a gray divine light struck from behind and fell on the black curtain.

  The black curtain was like a vertical sea surface, swaying gently, shattering and exploding, with water splashing everywhere.

  The giant shadow behind the black curtain screamed, fell back heavily, and crashed into the wall with a bang.

  The roof collapsed and dust flew everywhere.

  The light of the sun hanging over the sea of ​​thunder illuminated the hall.

  A natural disaster occurs, the two worlds are united, and the strange mother enters the world.

  The sunshine boy hesitated for a moment, put away the last paper cup, and looked at the strange mother in front of him.

  The strange mother is fat and white, embedded in the broken wall, sitting in a cross-legged posture, about one foot tall.

  She was wearing a phoenix crown and a bright red dress covering her whole body. Her belly was swollen high, her sleeves were empty and hanging down, and there were no arms under her shoulders.

  Six round white hills sprouted from her chest, and the peaks of the hills disappeared, replaced by huge holes.

  From the hole, six soft and chubby white arms emerged.

  Everyone was stunned.

  The phoenix crown that the mother wears when the bride is getting married is extremely huge, more than half a person tall.

  The phoenix crown is dark and covered with pearl flowers. Each pearl flower surrounds a black hole, and there are hundreds or even thousands of black holes.

  Embedded in each black hole is a crumpled baby body, several inches tall, completely black, shaped like a large shriveled pea.

  Densely packed.

  One eye of each baby occupies half of the body, and the black eyes all look over.


  Above the phoenix crown, the babies kicked their legs and cried, and the harsh and weird crying echoed in everyone's ears.

  Everyone's hair stood on end and their whole bodies were trembling.

  The white cloth of the phoenix crown hangs down, covering the face.

  Behind the white curtain that covers her face, her long hair hangs back, blocking her face.

  In the gaps between the hair, something black and shiny could be faintly seen flowing, as if countless black bright eyes were moving around.

  There is a rattle suspended on the left shoulder of the mother of the gods. The drum head is like a human white belly, rising high.

  Two white skulls hang down quietly, acting as leather straps.

  The sunshine boy glanced at the rattle and shook his head slightly.

  Mother Wei's clothes were torn all over except her abdomen, and her skin was white, tender and plump, but cracked everywhere, like cracked porcelain.

  From the crack, a faint grayish-yellow mist escapes.

  Strips of gray-yellow mist were like blood streams, flowing slowly over her body and accumulating underneath her.

  "My son, come to mother quickly. Let's leave this dark world and go home and live a good life..." The

  mother-in-law was obviously talking, but the black hair and white curtain covering her face were not trembling.

  "Oh, I was controlled by Lucky Man again..."

  The sunshine boy once again looked at the Ming Mansion and looked at the sky above the Ming Mansion.

  The armored rune man's body cracked, and the white fat chunks high in the sky rejoined.

  The originally tall, white and greasy figure was now only about a foot tall, with cracks all over her body, just like her outside body, like cracked porcelain.

  The sunshine boy exited the Ming Mansion and looked at the strange mother who was still calling her son.

  The six arms of the strange mother stretched out desperately towards the sunshine boy, trying to hold the child away.

  "My son, why don't you go with your mother? My son..." Mother Wei sat in the broken wall, her voice filled with tears.

  The six night guards once again used thunder talismans to blow off the six arms of the mother. They saw the mother retract one of her arms, and a new hand emerged from the fracture, holding the wooden handle of the rattle.

  (End of chapter)

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