Chapter 130 Dinggu Zhenshi talks about two lives

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  Chapter 130 Dinggu Zhenshi's written talk about two lives
  The sunshine boy said hurriedly: "Mother, don't panic, you and I are connected by blood, and I'm here! If you don't believe me, feel it, are we connected by blood? It's the good luck being who interferes with it, The bad guys are killing me."

  The rattle stopped in response.

  The mother behind the black curtain was stunned for a moment, weeping with joy, and cried: "My son, my son, mother thought you ran away. Let mother take a good look..." As she said that, the six white, fat and soft

  dogs His thick arms were like a giant python protruding from the black curtain, slowly extending, reaching out to the sunshine boy.

  What is different from before is that the surface of each arm is cracked and gray-yellow mist flows.

  The school captain looked at Sunshine Boy, who said: "If Gui doesn't appear in the world, everything is untainted; if Gui appears in the world, he can be hurt in any way. What we see is all true! You can't kill Gui, but you can hurt his appearance in this world." ! Remember, don’t rush into the black curtain.”

  Suddenly, the sunshine boy trembled and shouted: “Mother, I chose Ye Han because of my name, and my destiny is controlled by good luck. Please reduce the luck in my life. , Take back my body. I'm talking nonsense and can't control my body."

  The sunshine boy said, touching the Qiankun ring in his hand, taking away his things, then checking the things inside, and secretly cursed the good luck student, Read the "Dingguzhai Notes" inside and quickly look for useful content.

  The school captain took the lead and said: "Come with me and stop the strange mother!"

  He poured his true energy into the divine pattern flying sword, and a two-foot-long white sword energy came out from the tip of the sword. Using the sword as a sword, he performed the "Slash" technique among the Night Guards. Night Sword Technique".

  The eighth-level martial artist's sword energy flashed, and the six hands were broken at the wrists and fell to the ground.

  The six big white hands turned into gray-yellow liquid, corroding the ground, sizzling and emitting white smoke.

  "My hand..." There was no pain in the voice of the mother, but it was full of anger. Her arms were shaking in the air like six white pythons, slowly giving birth to new big white hands.

  The captain felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. When he lowered his head, he saw that the blood lotus had grown in size. The wooden talisman in his arms had a broken leg, and a leaf of mugwort was withered and yellow.

  He turned his head and glanced at the unconscious Lucky Boy, then at the Sunshine Boy who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. He took a deep breath and shouted: "The arms of this evil mother are unorganized. She is not a monk, but contains evil power. Everyone avoids the blood. In addition, hurting it will aggravate the evil. The matter has come to this, the only way to move forward! I will cut off four arms by myself, and you will divide the remaining two arms equally!" The other four night guards combined, and those who listened to the

  book The foodie deals with one arm, the double swordsman deals with the gun wielder with the last arm.

  The six arms had grown, and the foodie was about to swing the wrought copper stick to hit him. The listener reached out to stop him, grabbed a 10% mana thunder talisman presented by the sunshine boy, wrapped it around the black iron dart, and threw it out violently.

  The thunder talisman fell on Dabai's hand, exploded with a bang, crackled and went up his arm, burning half of his arm.

  The rest brandished their weapons and cut off the white hands.

  "Give me back my son..." The mother-in-law seemed not to feel the slightest pain, her arms continued to squirm, and five new hands grew out.

  The hand that was scorched by the thunder talisman was still squirming, and its recovery was far slower than the other hands.

  "Is there any more?" the captain was overjoyed.

  "A lot!" The listener immediately distributed the thunder talisman to others, and the others followed suit, using darts or close range to slap the thunder talisman on the arm of the mother.

  The sunshine boy suddenly took out a large stack of thunder talismans and placed them on the ground. At the same time, he exclaimed: "Damn it, Lucky Guy, you are controlling my body again. You are not allowed to take these thunder talismans!" The listeners took them away without mercy and gave them to others

  . people.

  "You bastards, mother, be careful." The sunshine boy said with concern, while he was distracted from reading the destiny book.

  "Don't worry, my son, they can't hurt mom. Mom just...can you kill that lucky guy?" The

  sunshine boy said helplessly: "My body is controlled by him. Once I have murderous intentions, I won't be able to survive."

  " Alas, my poor son..."

  The sunshine boy wanted to Shouming Mansion again.

  The destiny of the strange mother in the sky turned out to be like chopped fat pieces, white and scattered, slowly squirming and condensing towards the center.

  That chain of light still exists, and the fates of the Mother and the Infant are still connected. On the other side, the iron-armored Talisman stood on the edge of the Good Luck Life Mansion. Endless golden light erupted from the Good Luck Life Mansion, illuminating the Cunning Mother's Fate and cutting off the fat pieces formed by the Cunning Mother's Fate.

  Suddenly, the Qi Luck Bridge shook slightly, its surface cracked rapidly, and it could collapse at any time.

  The sunshine boy stretched out his hand, and a luck fish jumped out, reinforcing the long bridge of luck.

  Then, Sunshine Boy had an idea and recited the Fate Hunting Technique.

  "Life, death, longevity is called destiny, ups and downs, poverty is called luck..."

  After reciting the first time, the fishing rod of destiny flew up, and the hook kept passing over the white fat flesh, and each time it passed, it could tear a little bit of fat.

  After reciting it for the second time, the measuring ruler flew up, ignoring the big fat meat, and violently slapped the small fat meat, smashing it even more.

  After reciting it for the third time, the destiny scale will fly up, the weights will fly and smash the little fat meat.

  The smallest pieces of fat slowly melted and disappeared under the golden light of the Good Luck Life Mansion.

  The sunshine boy glanced at the Great Zhanli Sword on Mingxing Mountain, ordered the three life weapons to attack continuously, exited the Ming Mansion, and continued to read the book of fate.

  "Notes of Dingguzhai" was written by Dinggu Zhenshi, an abandoned disciple of Tianming Sect. The content is scattered but profound.

  Dinggu Zhenshi once encountered a strange mother, but it was not this strange mother. Everything he could remember was recorded in it.

  It's just that Master Dinggu was not a puzzle solver at the time. After solving the puzzle, part of his memory was eroded by the force of trickery. He could only remember part of the process, and many of the contents were his inferences.

  The Sunshine Boy quickly read the content related to the Trick Mother once, and then read it carefully the second time.

  Except for a few details, most of them are the same as what the good luck student said. Dinggu Zhenshi deduced two ways to solve the mystery.

  As a fortune-teller and a twice-trickster, Sunshine Boy could see at a glance that the Dinggu Master had completely forgotten the specific details.

  This Qiankun Ring is extremely magical, like a search artifact. As long as you think about it, the books inside can be opened to relevant pages.

  Soon, the sunshine boy found a detail that the lucky boy didn't tell, which happened to involve the Great Zanli Sword.

  As he continued to learn about the Great Zanli Sword, the sunshine boy sighed in his heart. Even if the lucky boy shared this note one day in advance, the journey of solving the mystery would be much smoother.

  Unfortunately, it was too late. There were three techniques to enhance the Great Slashing Sword, and he had no time to practice them, let alone use them.

  Dinggu Zhenshi in the notes said that the Tianming Sect believed that no one could completely kill Jui. The so-called annihilation of Jui by the Great Zhanli Sword was just to kill Jui's "present world", and the root of Jui was in "the world of Jui". The Tianming Sect believes that the weirdness of the world is eternal and immortal.

  All the monsters that were killed can no longer enter the real world, which is equivalent to being wiped out.

  Big tricks are mysterious, abnormal, and unpredictable, but ordinary tricks always have traces to follow, and some will pin their power on some kind of mundane object.

  Therefore, finding the objects in the world and eliminating the connection between the objects in the world and the objects in the world is also a way to solve the mystery.

  In this content, Master Dinggu added that he guessed that the best way to solve the trick of the Mother of Tricks was probably to kill the objects in the world to solve the trick.

  Seeing these contents, the sunshine boy breathed a sigh of relief.

  Finally found it.

  When he was in the Western Courtyard of the Prison, some people also talked about this method to solve the mystery, but it was not suitable for the underworld at that time.

  The sunshine boy raised his head and glanced ahead.

  (End of chapter)

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