Chapter 539 Above the Sea

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  Chapter 539 Above the Sea
  "This guy is also holding a book!"

  "Be careful!"

  Staying in the air, Ronald faced the gaze of everyone else.

  Although not everyone present could recognize his identity, some casters immediately spoke to remind their companions.

  In order to fulfill the most basic obligations, but also to serve one's own moral bottom line.

  Ronald said one last thing before taking action:
  "Let me tell you in advance, I am here just to deal with little William."


  "Be careful, this guy may use language to seduce you!"

  As expected, this group of spellcasters He has no intention of listening to others.

  Just such a reminder, no matter how serious Ronald negotiates, it is no longer feasible, and what he will face next is a simple and rough battle.

  Brush -

  Suddenly, someone behind Ronald's blind spot suddenly rushed forward.

  The dagger wrapped in magic power in his hand stabbed Ronald in the back of the heart.

  A normal level of spellcaster fighting.

  This is already considered a good raid.

  Whether it is the concealment of magic power fluctuations or the suppression of the sound during action, it can be called qualified.

  Unfortunately, the person he attacked was Ronald.

  The power of 'Rage' detected the movement of the person behind him. Ronald simply used his high mobility to turn sideways, and this attack missed him.

  And at the moment when the two figures crossed each other.

  At a speed that the man couldn't react at all, Ronald's palm was on the opponent's wrist holding the dagger.

  "Ah ah ah -"

  the scream suddenly sounded.

  The force that can break metal hinges is not a force that flesh and blood can withstand.

  Just like this, the attacker couldn't hold the dagger and fell down.

  I immediately fell into extreme pain.


  Looking at the pitiful appearance of the other party, Ronald glanced around with the corner of his eye.

  The other people had no thoughts of feeling sorry for their companions.

  In such a moment of fighting, these spellcasters also began to prepare their own spells, looking at their postures, they were aiming to evaporate Ronald from the world.


  Ronald sighed softly, and forcefully pulled the man in his hand to raise his position again.

  As he distanced himself from the others, he held the Sword of Santa Caterina wrapped in a strip of cloth in his hand.

  There is no mercy in battle.

  Ronald simply stabbed the man in his hand with his sword, and at the same time declared 'the victory of this battle'.

  Buzz -

  the powerful magic power of the saint's legacy swept across instantly.

  Since Ronald met the characteristic requirements of the Sword of Saint Caterina, the power of this saint's legacy began to take effect at the same time. Some of the people in the air closest to Ronald even had time to complete the spell, and their eyes became empty and lifeless.


  "Mind control!"

  "He... what kind of spell is he?"

  Those who can barely escape the influence of the Sword of Santa Catalina have a hard time.

  The two people who were still sane maintained their shaky defensive spells, and looked at Ronald with nothing but fear.

  So, Ronald snapped his fingers lightly.

  "Obey, stop fighting."


  The power of the [Angel of Dominance]'s orders poured out instantly.

  The defensive spells that the two of them had managed to maintain were shattered the moment the magic came into contact. It was at this moment that the attack they had just barely launched came to Ronald.

  A throwing knife.

  A shock wave formed by a mass of magic power.

  Ronald dodged easily and maintained his balance.

  The Sword of Santa Caterina has a huge range of influence.

  After the effect he had just used, the multi-masted sailing ships on the sea were enveloped within the scope of influence. As the holder of the saint's legacy, Ronald is certain that more than ten people have lost their ability to fight under his influence.

  But the price was the violent reaction of the casters on the ship.

  Not to mention the person who originally prepared the spell, other casters who were still thinking of doing nothing also realized the danger, and fluctuations in magic power appeared one after another, just like fishing nets spread out on the sea.

  "Does this count as clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers at once, leaving only the elite?"

  Ronald held the Sword of Santa Catalina tightly.

  His eyes were completely in a fighting state.


  But at this moment, unprecedented huge waves rolled up from below.

  With the moonlight in the sky, Ronald could see a huge blurry shadow under the sea level, and something huge was extending between the water waves.

  Soon the waves subsided and Ronald could clearly see the situation on the sea.

  Several huge pink tentacles lurked among the waves and rolled directly onto the multi-masted sailboat!
  This is...Baprol's spell...

  This is Pablo himself!
  Through his own magic, this cult warlock transformed himself into some kind of huge and terrifying monster, and then directly attacked the ship.

  At his current size.

  This large multi-masted sailboat can only be said to be a slightly larger toy.

  At this moment, Ronald remembered his experience in Berenwich.

  At that time, the cult warlock he met in the manor outside the city finally resorted to merging the flesh and blood of himself and his subordinates, and then turned into a huge monster.

  And Baplor's spell at the moment.

  There is no doubt that this is the most advanced type of spell.

  Even...maybe this is the complete technique of the original code in his hand?
  From the air, Ronald could safely observe the battle.

  On the sea, the 'passengers' on the multi-masted sailing ship have no such leisure.

  Facing the attack of the giant tentacles, failure to respond will result in defeat.

  So among the four large-scale spells prepared before, someone immediately increased their magic power expenditure and instantly intensified the composition of their spells.


  The constructed spell was completed on the multi-masted sailing ship, and the strong cold air immediately began to spread to the surrounding sea. As the place where the two sides fought, the sea level of Shenriyang could not withstand this level of magic.

  The seawater without magic froze instantly.

  The continuous glaciers can even spread to the beach a hundred meters away!
  Bang bang bang -

  at this time, the tentacles blocked by the glacier naturally began to twist and break through the ice, and the huge body wreaked havoc in the ice, creating a scene even more exaggerated than those shot in monster movies.

  "That's not right!"

  Faced with this situation, Ronald immediately became excited.

  Snapping his fingers and typing almost subconsciously.

  ——Ronald thought of the unlucky guy who was controlled by him.

  Originally, these guys lost their ability to control themselves and fell into the sea. Of course, there was no problem.

  It's ice down there now!
  If he fell down like that, the picture would definitely not look good.

  ——Fortunately, Ronald's response was very timely.

  The snap of fingers activated the [Arch Angel], and the figures of these unlucky ghosts suddenly pulled when they were about to land, and then began to slide like ice skates.

  All the way to a safe area on the coast.

  This was the end of their uncomfortable journey tonight.

  (End of chapter)

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