Chapter 538 Crazy World

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  Chapter 538: Crazy World

  Ronald immediately understood something.

  Paprol’s previous statement was not alarmist.

  ——This little William Ireland's 'fame' really rivals that of the leader of a cult.

  It's such a simple sentence.

  The expressions of the surrounding casters changed almost at the same time, and some of them subconsciously turned their attention to the multi-masted sailing ship on the sea.

  The significance is self-evident.

  If what Paprol said is true, this is definitely an extremely dangerous thing.

  Just a few seconds passed, and one of the casters surrounding the two people spoke in a bad tone:

  "Paplor, don't talk about this kind of thing!"

  "If you let us know what kind of mess you are doing, You can't even think of walking out alive today!"

  The man who spoke was the oldest among the people around him. While speaking, there was a brooch on his chest that shone with magic light. As long as you sense it for a moment, you will know that his flying spell comes from this.

  Faced with such a response, the cult warlock's attitude remained calm.

  "Malvern, I do have a bad reputation outside."

  "But to be honest, I didn't do anything fraudulent, and I did things seriously in pursuit of my goals." "

  Even taking a step back, you are on board There is nothing worthy of my plotting."


  "What do you mean!"

  "Paplor, are you provocative?"

  Several young spellcasters reacted quite fiercely, with expressions in their eyes The hostility was completely undisguised.

  However, Malvin spoke directly to Baplor.

  His expression turned serious.

  The magician first raised his hand to stop the other young people's impulse, and then said:

  "Everyone, please be patient."

  "After all, this matter is of great importance. You should watch these two guys here first. I'll go down and discuss it with the others."

  After saying that, Malvern immediately flew down and disappeared on the deck of the multi-masted sailboat in the blink of an eye.

  And several others.

  Just as he ordered, he didn't take action out of emotion, he just surrounded Ronald in the center.

  Looking at the situation he was in, Ronald couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

  "Paplor, are you sure about this?"

  The cult warlock shook his head without thinking:
  "Not at all, this guy Malvin is too sneaky. More."


  After receiving such an expected answer, Ronald did not express any emotion.

  He simply turned his attention to the multi-masted sailing ship on the sea, especially Malvern, who had only been locked for a few seconds.

  Prudence and consideration exist in this magician.

  After walking down the deck and going deep inside the ship for a while, Malvin came to several other spellcasters, and then began to negotiate about the news he had just received.

  And then...

  then Ronald suddenly lost sight of his target.

  Some of the other spellcasters who were talking to Malvin suddenly noticed something, and then a spell was thrown out to cover up their status. Maybe this is also a holder of the original scripture, or maybe this spell has certain characteristics.

  Anyway, Ronald lost the reconnaissance of this particular area.


  This is completely expected and acceptable.

  After all, they are a group of guys who still dare to trouble the [Nine Rings Secret Society] after understanding the actual situation. It is natural that they detect Ronald's spell and then protect it.

  But even this phenomenon can be understood.

  Ronald still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

  Maybe this group of people...will take the most radical approach and take action directly when they come up?
  Thinking of this, Ronald whispered:


  "Don't let them escape!"

  Boom -

  If possible, Ronald hoped that his prediction would be wrong this time.

  However, reality always appears indifferently in front of people and brings them the worst results.

  The moment Ronald opened his mouth to prompt.

  There was a loud shout from the multi-masted sailing ship on the sea, followed by powerful fluctuations in magic power.

  With Ronald's excellent perception ability...

  he has been able to distinguish four completely different magic fluctuations, and there is no doubt that they are the intensity of the original spells.

  At least four original code holders have now regarded them as hostile targets!

  The reality is even more than that.

  If you observe it more carefully, you can see that the magic pattern carved on the multi-masted sailboat itself has begun to become active. Some kind of powerful spell that has been prepared on this ship must be ready to be used.

  "Ronald, I'll do it myself."


  At this moment, there is no need to say more about the situation Ronald and Paprol are facing.

  The cultist sorcerer simply asked Ronald to release his hold on the flying spell, and he immediately fell downwards as gravity invited him.

  This move, in the eyes of others, was a signal that Baplor planned to escape.

  Among the casters surrounding the two people, some were still observing Ronald, while others immediately threw out their spells, aiming directly at Baplor, who fell to the sea.

  "Don't let him escape!"

  "Do it!"


  It was unexpected.

  The cult warlock who fell straight down had no intention of defending himself.

  Two magical lights directly hit him, and the next second they were accompanied by a strange sound, and were swallowed up by the dark red robe.

  Plop -

  Baplor's whole body fell into the water, causing a big splash.

  Then, the evil magic power belonging to the holder of the original code broke out instantly, and the originally calm sea directly set off waves in a circle.

  Ronald could not confirm what spell Baplor was currently using.

  But this cult warlock has absolutely no thoughts of escaping at the moment. Instead, he decisively chooses to fight the magicians on the entire ship!

  Looking at the sea below, the reflection of the moon on Shen Riyang also became distorted in the waves.

  To be fair, Ronald will definitely be able to escape in time now.

  Avoid difficult battles and keep yourself safe.

  The people around them were actually the 'friendly forces' who were going to deal with the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  Ronald did not choose to take action now.

  This means that the troubles [Nine Rings Secret Society] will encounter in the future will not be too small.

  "Let's go..."


  Ronald sighed in a low voice. Ronald's thoughts, which were still struggling between selling his 'teammate' or not, suddenly solidified. Because on the multi-masted sailing ship, he suddenly noticed a very powerful malice through the power of 'fury'.

  This kind of malice is not directed at an individual or a specific group.

  But everyone near the surrounding sea!


  Looking at the water below that began to stir, the caster who was doing it, and the new source of evil magic power that appeared.

  Ronald looked strange, and finally shook his head slightly:
  "I am the one who is crazy today."

  "Or is the world crazy..."

  (End of Chapter)

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